Member Reviews

As an immigrant teller of small fortunes, Tao lives a solitary life, always on the road, never staying more than a few days at the same place. She has her mule to keep her company, but longs for human connection, deep in her bones, to feel like belonging. As she travelled, she meets two travelers, an retired mercenary and semi retired thieve, both looking for the mercenary's daughter, lost six months ago. They decide to travel with Tao, and are soon joinded by a baker and a cat.

'The teller of small fortunes' a a sweet, cosy fantasy while still keeping depth of characters and pain. But rather than focusing on the pain and making the book about it, it strive for a tale of healing and finding your home among friends and connections, aknowledging your hurts without becoming a person defined by them.

It was a quick, easy, soft read, with fun characters, well enough crafted setting. I can't say I was strongly moved by it, or that it will stay in my mind for a long time, but it is definitely a book managing to give a sense of respite in your life and all its challenges. As such, I consider it a success and a great debut.

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The Teller of Small Fortunes By Julie Leong
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 5 November 2024

Tao, an immigrant fortune teller, leads a solitary life traveling between villages with her mule. She sticks to "small" fortunes, aware of the consequences that come with bigger predictions. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she is recruited by a (semi) reformed thief and an ex-mercenary to help find a lost child. Joined by a baker and a slightly magical cat, Tao embarks on a new path filled with companions as big-hearted as her fortunes are small. But as she opens up to her newfound family, the shadows of her past threaten to engulf her, forcing her to decide whether to risk everything to protect the family she never thought she could have.

"Teller of Small Fortunes" is a bright and brilliant tale filled with philosophising trolls, charming little magics, and delectable baked goods. The cast of characters, including the unforgettable found family dynamics, adds to the story's charm. For those seeking lovely ace/aro-spec representation, this book is a treasure trove.

Reading this heartwarming, funny, and thought-provoking book is an act of great kindness to oneself. It leaves you feeling more whole and serves as a reminder that amidst life's imperfections, there are still good things to be found if one dares to reach out and hold onto them.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Hodder & Stoughton, and the author, Julie Leong, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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