Member Reviews

Another fantastic read by Jeffrey Archer. His book do not disappoint if you haven't read anything by him previously start now!

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Every book in the William Warwick series is a little bit better than the last (as were the Clifton Chronicles), even when I think they couldn’t possibly get any better! Another truly wonderful read featuring a lot of twists and turns, a lot of familiar friends and foes, and a plot full of red herrings and near misses. It was only whilst reading the Acknowledgements that I realised this time one of the key characters is based on a real life character with a similarly colourful background, and some further reading shows an unlikely friendship between Billy Mumford, the Met and Jeffrey Archer.

Brilliant as always, but I’m now gutted that I have to wait another year for the conclusion of the story - what a place to end!

With thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I love Jeffrey Archers writing and was really looking forward to reading this book the 7th in the William Warwick series.

I was not disappointed. A great read.

This could easily be read as a standalone if needed as it is an easy book to follow if you’ve not read the previous.

Jeffrey has a way with story telling and his plots are exciting with lots of twists and turns.

Loved it

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As my mother and auntie love Jeffrey Archer’s books, notably the William Warwick series, I knew I had to give An Eye for An Eye a chance - they have read every instalment and have been adamant I pick them up.

This was a really interesting book. Jeffrey effortlessly manages to take smaller strands of plot lines and weave them together into a fascinating story with twists and turn. I was so close to whipping out a cork board and some red string and really piecing it together.

We meet a myriad of characters throughout who all felt integral to the overall journey we are taken on. There are characters who are based on real figures in history, both British and American, and I felt oddly proud for recognising them.

There were a few parts I felt were a little rushed but all in all this book was a delight to read.

Although this book is part of a larger series, it can be read as a standalone. All important plot pieces are explained throughout the book, in conversations and nod backs to pivotal moments, so you don’t feel completely at a loss on how we have gotten to this part of the story.

I will definitely be picking up the final book and going back to read the others in the series.

A special thanks to HarperCollins UK and NetGalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Storyteller extraordinaire Jeffrey Archer is back with this, the seventh book in the excellent William Warwick series; another slick, fast-paced cops and robbers yarn that entertains from start to finish.

Once again, William finds himself up against his old nemesis, Miles Faulkner, who, newly released from prison, is hell bent on exacting revenge from the man who put him there.

The perfect opportunity arises, when two seemingly unrelated deaths take place thousands of miles apart; one in the Saudi capital Riyadh and the other in the English countryside. But each has consequences for the other, and Faulkner is in there like a rat down a drainpipe to turn things to his advantage.

With a flurry of subplots — ranging from an arms deal gone wrong to the false imprisonment of an English peer, and from political shenanigans and bribery to United States’ history — there’s a heck of a lot going on in this book. But credit where credit’s due. Archer somehow manages to keep it simple; his storytelling such that you never lose track of the plot.

The narrative flows at breakneck speed, but it’s an easy, engrossing romp of a read, elevated above the ordinary by the trademark bells and whistles that make Archer’s writing so unique. Witty, clever, and almost dizzying in its many twists and turns, it delivers a punchline that leaves you gasping for the next book.

Much of what makes Archer’s writing stand apart is the detail he weaves in about the British establishment and the historical references he pulls up to add color to his storytelling. In this instance, I was fascinated to learn about Thomas Jefferson’s proposed amendments to the US Declaration of Independence, notably the abolition of slavery.

I absolutely love the cast of characters that Archer has created for this series, and I so enjoy seeing them being further fleshed out with every book. In this instalment, it’s William’s right-hand man, Inspector Ross Hogan, who finds himself in the thick of the action.

Disconcertingly, it is also Ross who finds himself hanging off a metaphorical cliff at the end of the book. And we readers, who have to wait a frustrating twelve months to find out his fate.

Although this can easily be read as a standalone, I highly recommend starting at the beginning of the series in order to enjoy it in all its glory.

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What an absolute page turner! This penultimate William Warwick novel packs all of the brilliant punches we’ve come to expect from this series. Right from the very beginning the action comes thick and fast involving all of the important characters in Warwick’s life from his wife Beth, to his children, to his colleagues and best friend Ross, and of course his arch nemesis Faulkner. A thrilling national storyline of arms deals and corruption, subterfuge at the Fitzmolean, and an invaluable piece of long lost American history all come together in this roller coaster read. I can’t wait for the final instalment next year!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for a review.

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William Warwick is back and so is his arch nemesis Miles Faulkner , so let the games of cat and mouse begin!
The story is compelling and I had high hopes that Faulkner would get his comeuppance.
The writing is fast paced with plenty of twists and turns and is littered with details about politics, the law and the art world which means there is plenty to keep the readers interest .
Jeffrey Archer writes a clever and entertaining story and it has left me chomping at the bit for the next in the series .
Thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK.

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I have been enjoying the series following the criminal activities of Miles Faulkner and the efforts of DI Warwick to capture him once and for all! As usual, Archer writes a really good novel and I understand the next book is to be the grande finale. I can’t wait! I would thoroughly recommend this book although it would be better if you read the previous novels involving these characters first to understand the relationships with wives/ex-wives, work partners, etc.

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This is the seventh William Warwick book and as I hadn't read the previous books in the series I was unsure of how easy it would be for me to pick up the story. However as the background is given I found this to be no issue and believe this book can be read as a standalone book.

This was a great tale of deceit and lies travelling from London to Saudi Arabia and New York with multiple main characters.

There are twists and turns throughout this book that is great for fans of political thrillers.

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for providing me with an advance copy.

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I miss old Jeffrey Archer. This book is far from his best stories. There were no deep characters, no unexpected storyline twists-from the very beginning I knew how the book will finish.

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The first few pages into this book, I was convinced I would hate it. The characters were thoroughly dislikeable: a murderous Saudi prince, an upper-class English arms dealer (well, negotiator), a smarmy lawyer, a callous criminal mastermind preying on harmless old ladies and plotting the downfall of an officer of the law and his art-loving wife. Need I continue?

The settings were equally disagreeable: Riyadh’s decadent clubs populated by shady characters, prostitutes and dodgy fixers; Her Majesty’s prison, the windy corridors of the Foreign Office and White Hall.

Snobbery. Ambition. Manipulation. Entitlement. Power. Greed. Revenge.

Case closed.

But not quite, because all of the above is exactly what makes for an enthralling reading. The characters may be unpleasant but they are alive. The less than cosy settings ring true. The author has walked those windy corridors of power and… punishment. You will believe that those characters have their prototypes in real life and that those place look exactly as you see them on page.

And then there is the galloping plot. A whole lot of galloping plots. They cross paths, run alongside and against each other, collide, overtake, get ahead and put up a chase. You will be in for a ride, and not any odd ride. You will be riding the shotgun!

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Another brilliant story in the William Warwick series. Really ingenious interwoven plot lines, full of suspense and with lots of detail about art, politics, crime and the life of the wealthy. I can't wait till next year for the sequel that will round off the series to be released.

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The penultimate exciting instalment of the William Warwick Series. Returning to the next book in a series is always a comforting feeling, rejoining established characters like William, Beth, Ross, the Hawk, the irrepressible Miles Faulkner and the corrupt, greedy Booth Watson to name just a few. The reader is also reminded of the passing of time as the children, Artemisia and Peter, have become quite independent and feisty.

Starting with an issue at the Fitzmoleon Museum, the reader sees Miles Faulkner’s imagination hard at work, determined to finally seek revenge against William and his family.

There is also a tense political situation arising in Riyhad, Saudi which holds the promise of tension and a really dark, intriguing tale.

In this book the settings, depicted so clearly, vary from the streets of London, to the heat and tensions in Riyadh, the quaint English countryside and finally to the hubbub of New York.

So many parallel stories, keeping the team on their toes, chasing to stay ahead of the game. Jeffrey Archer is a master at cleverly plotting his books, with a cast of totally believable characters, making the action both palpable and thrilling. Clearly, using his life experiences adds a richness and quality to this thriller.

I raced through, eager to finish, whilst at the same time not wanting to. Another great read.

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Another stunning addition to this thrilling series!

The death of a British peer, on it's own, would be bad enough and his will supplies more questions than answers but there is another death, on another continent, unconnected on the surface but together these are creating tremors through the establishment. William Warwick is one of the few given all the details - will it be possible to thwart the ambitions of a criminal mastermind?

I've been a fan of Jeffrey Archer's ever since his first novel and while his stand-alone books are superb, the series he writes are awesome. They have it all: work, family, thrills, spills and a thread of humour. William Warwick was a figment of a character's imagination in his last series, The Clifton Chronicles, and he has come to life in this series. So much going on! The writing, as always, is tip-top and I can barely contain myself to wait for the next instalment. Thoroughly enjoyed, highly recommended and easily commanding all five glowing stars.

My thanks to the publisher for my copy via NetGalley; this is - as always - my honest, original and unbiased review.

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I got a bit bored of the previous book, but I liked this one a lot better. I liked the story line and Miles didn't get on my nerves as much.

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This is the seventh, and penultimate, book featuring William Warwick so, if you haven't already, it's a great opportunity to start from book one, read in order, then you will be ready for the series finale next year! TBH it's all a little convoluted and interconnected and with series arcs aplenty so...
Anyway, if you recall, Miles is finally in prison but, at the start of this episode, he is on the cusp of being released. His hatred for William etc has expanded exponentially both towards William and indeed those he loves and cares for and, in this book, initially anyway, it's Beth on his radar and he is plotting some shenanigans around a sketch she is currently trying to purchase for the Fitzmolean.
Meanwhile, we also follow the antics of the Hartley family, with Lord Hartley on his deathbed, and son Simon on Government duty in Saudi, things get dicey for Lady Hartley, especially when the will is read, and Simon gets arrested for murder...
And so continues another rather convoluted and interconnected episode which, bottom line, has Miles once again pitting wits against William and Ross as they clash again and again. With BW firmly at the centre of things. If you have read the series. you'll know what you are letting yourself in for. Even Christina features and, for once, the plot gods are nice to her!
The plotting is, as usual, sublime and expert in its execution. All the rest of the usual cast feature and all play their respective parts well. I am especially loving watching William's children growing up.
If I have one criticism, it's a blooming cliffhanger at the end. Now usually that'd be me screaming and kicking in a right tantrum and knocking off a star. But, and this is important... The next book is the final one, and then it's over. Finished. So, it's really a no brainer that I will be chomping at the bit to read it as soon as I can get my grubby mitts on it. SO... In this case, the author is wholly forgiven... just!
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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I’ve not read any books by Jeffrey Archer previously and had not realized this was part of a series, but this does not effect the reading of this book as it can easily be read as a standalone novel. Overall a good read, but it did take awhile for me to get into it.

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Lots to get your teeth into with this book. Murder, arms deals and personal vendettas to name just three. Plenty of action and personal moments as well. Archer is a master storyteller and this book is no exception, the pace never drops and keeps the reader fully engaged throughout.
I have read a couple of the earlier books but not all and that did not spoil my enjoyment as it is easy enough to pick up on the characters.
Overall a good read

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Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for this eCopy to review

An Eye for an Eye by Jeffrey Archer is the seventh book in the William Warwick series. I was hooked from the start. The story begins with Warwick's archenemy Miles Faulkner being released from prison and he is out for revenge. Next a billion-dollar deal going horribly wrong in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s most luxurious cities, leading to a murder that plunges the British government into crisis. Meanwhile, in the quiet Berkshire countryside, Lord Hartley’s death triggers an explosive inheritance with far-reaching consequences.

What I found most compelling was the intricate plot that Archer weaves. The way he connects two seemingly unrelated deaths across continents into a master criminal’s revenge plot is nothing short of brilliant. The suspense and the numerous twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat. I particularly enjoyed how Chief Superintendent William Warwick navigates through the corruption, lies, and forgery to uncover the truth.

However, I did feel that some parts of the story were a bit predictable, and repetitive from other books in the series

Overall, it’s a gripping tale of intrigue and suspense that showcases Archer’s storytelling prowess.

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Another great William Warwick novel from the master storyteller! The usual characters do not disappoint and the plot has lots of twists and turns, linking to real events of the time.
Bring on the next one!

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