Member Reviews

An Eye for an Eye by Jeffrey Archer is a classic Archer tale: well-crafted, entertaining, but ultimately lacking the depth and grit of a truly great novel.

Archer’s storytelling abilities are undeniable. He spins a captivating yarn that keeps the reader engaged, and his characters, while somewhat stereotypical, are still enjoyable to follow. However, the plot feels a bit lightweight and reminiscent of the privileged upper middle class police mysteries of the 50s and 60s. The story lacks the realism and grit that would elevate it to a memorable work.

While “An Eye for an Eye” is certainly worth a read for Archer fans, it’s not his best.

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Absolutely love this series and was thrilled to be given an advanced copy of the book. I wait patiently for September to come around for the next instalment!

The main plot concerns the negotiation of an arms deal with Saudi Arabia which is complicated when the man negotiation the deal for the UK is arrested for murder. Throw in the Declaration of Independence, the usual evil machinations of the perennial thorn in the Warwick’s side Miles Faulkner, and family drama, and you have an excellent instalment to the Warwick series.

I always finish his books really quickly because the books are fast-paced and superbly written. It’s very hard to put down as the book jumps so easily and deftly from one plot point to another.

Only downside was that there wasn’t as much of the personal lives as I would have liked. It felt like these had to take a back seat to resolve the multiple plot threads.

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Once again William Warwick is tangling with Miles Faulkner, who is about to leave prison and is seeking revenge against Warwick and his wife.

However, a man is imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for murder, one he did not commit, as forces plan to stop Britain getting a lucrative arms contract and he is the negotiator. His fate becomes linked to Faulkner's revengee and the sale of a valuable American document.

Warwick is rather sidelined in this story and his colleague DI Ross Hogan steps more into the spotlight, which is fun.

The story is, as usual, rather implausible in parts (could Simon Hartley's mother really be that simplee or devious? can a policeman's child be exonerated from blame so easily?) but the author tells a tale well and the reader is bowled along, excited to read what will happen next.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK for allowing me access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Although this is part of a series of books, I was easily able to enjoy it as a stand alone novel although I now need to read the next one!

A typical Jeffrey Archer novel: fast paced and set around the worlds of policing and politics. An enjoyable read.

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Yes this is the 7th in the series and it can be read as a stand alone but I highly recommend reading them in order. It just gives you more understanding about the characters. This book is full of great twists and turns. As Jeffrey Archers style. And leaves you with a bigger cliffhanger then you probably want

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Classic Jeffrey Archer. Very well written as usual, with a complex plot, all very personal to Chief Superintendent Warwick and his family. It centres around Faulkner, and his passion to seek revenge. It is well written, and be warned very difficult to put aside once started. It is the latest in a series but can equally be read as a stand alone, although I would recommend any new reader to start with the first one in the series to enjoy it fully.

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An Eye for an Eye is classic Jeffrey Archer - politics, dastardly people, art, rags to riches tales, - it's got it all with possibly a record number of twists and turns. Archer hit on a winning formula along with his readable prose with Not A Penny More Not A Penny Less in 1976 and almost fifty years later is still writing cracking yarns, As ever, I get irritated with his smug phrases and style of writing but I still read them along with millions of others.

An Eye for an Eye is the seventh in Archer's William Warwick series where the Met's Chief Superintendent Warwick goes head to head with his arch nemesis Miles Faulkner who has recently been released from a three year jail sentence that he claims innocence about. Meanwhile there is an arms deal afoot with the Saudis and 'our man in Saudi' witnesses a murder. The plot plunges into crossing and double crossing until you could be quite exhausted as a reader just keeping up. The end was quite a cliffhanger leading into what Archer promises will the the last in this series.

I have read a few in the series before and, while I don't think you need to have done so, it might help to read the series in order as the later books will give significant spoilers about the earlier ones.

As ever, I had to suspend belief at various points such as when a character whose life was in serious danger from Saudi assassins decides to go and stay with their mother in Putney. Or the time an educated lady of a manor decides to engage a lawyer, who she has only just met at a funeral. Oh, and then throws in a bunch of original handwritten letters by the third US President to an art sale for no good reason. The letters having been in her family for centuries. This is on the same occasion as she accepts a cheque for said work of art and lets the newly met purchaser leave with it without ensuring the cheque does not bounce. I could go on....

Having said all that you know what you are getting with a Jeffrey Archer book and this had it in spades. With thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Jeffrey Archer can always be relied upon to deliver a cracking good read. Eye for an Eye is the 7th thriller in the William Warwick series. The action moves between London, Saudi Arabia and America and the intricate plot includes arms deals, murder, fraud and corruption. All the different strands are skilfully woven together to form a dramatic conclusion.
A gripping page-turner from a master storyteller.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Part of a series featuring William Warwick his colleagues and his family. An enjoyable read,unexpected,disappointing end.

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An Eye for an Eye Jeffrey Archer

5 stars

A other great story involving William Warwick and his nemesis Miles Faulkner

I have read all the William Warwick series and loved them all. This time the action revolves around a potential arms deal between Great Britain and Saudi Arabia and the corruption involved in such a deal. Simon Hartley is sent to Saudi Arabia to try and complete the deal but is set up for a murder and imprisoned. The actual murderer is the nephew of The Minister of Defence who bribes everyone to say that Simon had been the culprit. The only one who refuses to agree with the story is Avril, his mistress. Her real name is Jenny Prescott and when she is smuggled back to the UK, William Warwick becomes involved in her protection.

Miles Faulkner, Williams long term nemesis has just been released from prison but is still determined to do everything in his power to bring down not only Warwick but also his wife Beth who is a director of the Fitzmolean Museum.

Simon's family have long held an authentic document of the American Constitution and once Miles hears about this he is determined to get his hands on it, All these threads get drawn together and, as usual, with the master storyteller, I couldn't put this book down as I so wanted to know how it ended.

I really like the way Jeffrey Archer intersperses his books with reference to real people and I always wonder how much of his writing is actually based on real facts.

Just as I thought the book had finished a totally unexpected event occurs and the book finishes on a cliffhanger. The next and last book in this series will be published in 2025 and I cannot wait to read it although feeling sad that this will be the last in the series.

Karen Deborah
Reviewer for Net Galley

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I was VERY very excited to read this book, and as with all Archers, I was torn between reading it fast because I was gripped by the story, and pacing myself to make it last as long as possible!
It was lovely to be surrounded by characters I’ve grown to know and love, from Ross and William to the twins and Beth and everyone in between. I was fascinated by the Saudi weapons deal, not least because a family member had just returned from a Saudi trip and you could just imagine the scenario playing out and feeling so helpless.
The Jefferson element of the book was also fascinating and interesting to read about. I find it incredible that such different threads of a story can come together so beautifully and provide great entertainment along the way. I enjoyed every moment and can’t wait for the next!

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I’ve read all the books in the William Warwick series and as usual this was great. It was fast paced and the twists and turns were thrilling but the book ended on a cliffhanger and now I really want to read the next book to find out what happens. I love the characters and how they’ve developed throughout the series. Overall a fantastic read and I’m definitely looking forward to the next one.
Thank you HarperCollins and Netgalley for an advanced copy of this ebook and giving me a chance to review it.

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Another brilliant book in the William Warwick series. I thoroughly enjoyed this next instalment. I didn‘t expect the ending which is a bonus as I normally figure out the plot. As always the events of all the usual main characters flow well throughout the book and keep you hooked with intriguing chapter endings. Can‘t wait for the next one!

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The penultimate book in the William Warwick series is the perfect lead into what promises to be a spectacular ending.

In this book William is once again pitted against his old nemesis Miles Faulkner and on the trail of the sale of a Constance and a rare series of letters which may be part of American history. In the midst of this a UK citizen has been wrongly accused of murder and while seeking to free him the link between him and the letters becomes apparent.

Brilliantly written and the characters which have grown since the beginning of the series are like welcoming back old friends. I love the character development of William’s children who are very much growing into their own people and take a larger part in this book. I can’t wait to read the final book but am
saddened that this will be the end of a great series. One definitely worth recommending and rereading.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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An Eye for an Eye is the 7th in the William Warwick series, but reads well as a stand alone.

A multi faceted and clever jigsaw puzzle of government corruption, lies and forgery. I thought it was a believable and interesting story that was well paced and action packed with numerous jaw dropping moments. Full of suspense, it held my attention throughout and kept me turning those pages. I could see this adapting well to screen.

Loved it! Can’t wait for the next one.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for my advanced copy.

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A book that holds your attention from start to finish.
Political names from the past pop up in the ever turning book.
From British and Saudi royalty to bent judicial gentlemen and their involvement with criminals keeps you guessing, who is a genuine character.
New Scotland Yard figure throughout the pages trying to solve crime, where bribery and corruption figure highly, as well their role guarding the Royal Family.

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This is my first Jeffrey Archer book, chosen because I remember my grandpa really enjoying his books. It is full of strong male characters, the sheer number of which did cause me some confusion. However, the book is full of double crossing, lying and saving one’s own skin in order to gain ridiculous amounts of money and / or get justice. A highly recommended read.

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An Eye for an Eye by Jeffrey Archer is the 7th book in the William Warwick series. The story pulls you in from the start, with all the trademark elements—sharp dialogue, intricate plots, and characters you love to hate.

The tension between William Warwick and Miles Faulkner reaches new heights here, and I found myself racing through the pages, eager to see how it all plays out. Archer is a master at pacing, and this book is no exception. The twists and turns kept me hooked, and I couldn’t wait to see how everything would be resolved.

But—and here’s the catch—I thought this was going to be the final showdown. Just when you think you’re getting the grand finale, you realize there’s one more book coming in 2025. I have to admit, I was a bit annoyed by that! I was all set for the big wrap-up, and now I’m left waiting for another year.

Even with that little frustration, this was a fantastic read that I highly recommend. The wait for the final book is going to be tough, but if it’s anything like this one, it’ll be well worth it.

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Jeffrey Archer is a master storyteller and this book in the Warwick and Hogan series is another example of that.

The main characters are again at play in this latest tale. Archer weaves all of the plot lines together with ease to create a very enjoyable read.

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Another spellbinding book in the William Warwick series. The characters leap off the page to continue this tussle between William Warwick and his colleagues against their duplicitous adversary Mikes Faulkner.. The inclusion of real life events and individuals adds to the authentic feel alongside the tried and tested main characters . Duplicity is heaped upon duplicity in trying to outwit all sides and it makes for compelling reading

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