Member Reviews

My William Warwick reading journey only started with the last book, Traitors Gate, so I do not have knowledge of the history that has formed between characters throughout the series. I do look forward to going back to the very beginning and correcting this in the near future. An Eye for an Eye is another thoroughly enjoyable read and once again I absolutely love the way in which Mr. Archer has penned it.

It may have taken me a little time for the storyline to fully grab my attention and then hold it. However, once that happened I was hooked! I absolutely love how the author weaves many different subplots together – each scene timely placed throughout the narrative. I found the storyline to be fast paced, thrilling and intricate. The twists and turns kept me guessing (and often incorrectly) until the very end. Talking about the ending, I am now left desperate for more!

I may be more of a romance reader these days; however, I am enjoying rewinding the last 30 years and reading Jeffrey Archer’s words once again. A storyline based on international politics, murder and subterfuge gives me something different to imagine and consider. It has made a refreshing change and I am so pleased I chose after all those years to go back to my younger days and read what I enjoyed back then.

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I have read several books in this series, all written in the Jeffrey Archer style. This one has the previous characters and so is a continuation of the story. This is a fast paced story which races along and made me want to pick it up again.
I felt it was a hugely entertaining read and i thoroughly enjoyed it!
Recommended for Archer fans but for anyone who wants a happy holiday read.

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Jeffrey Archer has done it again, but this time with a corker of a cliffhanger. I can't wait for the next instalment!

The novel has it all - rounded characters, dastardly villains who deserve their comeuppances - but will they get them, great plot twists, and then the cliffhanger. A perfect novel. Highly recommended to everyone.

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins for an ARC.

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How can this end on such a cliff hanger????

So, first off this is the first Jeffrey Archer book that i have read, i normally listen to the audio books and i'm a big fan of the narrator(s) so i was a little nervous about actually reading this one, but i needn't have worried, i was hooked from the first page.

William Warwick is as loveable and charming as ever. There are some real witty moments that made me audibly laugh. And i love the sneak peek into government even if it is hugely exaggerated, makes you wonder where Mr Archer gets these ideas from!!

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Aargh, left on a cliffhanger. Now we have to wait a whole year for the finale.
Simon Hartley sent to Saudi to win an arms deal, but it goes horribly wrong.
Miles Faulkner, released from prison, is determined to ruin William and Beth for good.
I love how Archer manages to weave the plots together. Just when you think Miles has the upper hand, in comes William, and this is how it goes on.
The writing is so intricate. I don't know how he does it. Such a great storyteller.
Lovely to see Christina, Miles' ex happily settled at last.
That ending, though.
I'm really looking forward to reading the final one next year and pray that finally, Miles will get what he deserves.
Thanks to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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As usual in my reviews, I will not rehash the publisher's blurb or the plot...

A fast-paced page turning thriller from Jeffrey Archer. Enjoyed this very much - it made a great "staycation" read during the recent glorious weather!

This is book 7 in the "William Warwick" series, and I now realise I haven't read all the books in this series - so am busy remedying that fact.

Looking forward to the next book - which I understand will be the final one in this series. Let's hope Miles finally gets his just desserts...

This would make a great holiday read!

My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC. All opinions my own.

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Another winner of a book! Can't believe this is the 7th Warwick novel and the next onw will be the last - Noooo!

Yet again Miles Faulkner and William Warwick are pitted against each other but there is more at stake and lives too! The book involves a multi million dollar arms deal in Saudi Arabia, who will win the deal, Britain or France, as always where money is involved, corruption lies and those will stop at nothing to win.
Who wins and will Miles Faulkner be foiled again, but at what cost??

Another triumph of a read, devoured in a couple of sittings. Bring on the next one - the last, please no but if so, who will be your next series? Whatever, whoever, I'll be reading!

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Why is it necessary to review a book by Jeffrey Archer? He is a master storyteller who never disappoints and I have enjoyed every page of this series and can’t wait until the next one despite it being a while away. If you have not read the series, then start at book one. You will be hooked.

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Normally I get bored with books that are in a series. However, with each book that Jeffrey Archer brings to the table I am finding myself more and more invested in the characters. William Warwick is back at his best. This time the story center's around a billion dollar deal for the British Government. Aman dead and a British citizen framed for his number.
Mean while back in the UK an old man is dead. His widow needing money has to sell the family heirlooms which have great historical value. Enter Miles Faulkner and his scheming pals,
Follow as we discover how the two are connected and we journey with the character's.
A fast paced read and thoroughly enjoyable

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Another romp through the William Warwick chronicles. MIles Faulkner returns after a three year stint in prison, which seemingly has not reformed his character in any way, and has in fact made him even more determined for revenge.

The usual characters are also there with their larger than life personalities - Ross, Beth, William's children, the Hawk.

There are the twists and turns you would expect from a Jeffrey Archer, it's all good fun, but this particular series is now coming to the end of it's natural life. At the end of the novel it says there will be one last book in this series. I'm looking forward to reaching the end and hoping that Faulkner finally gets his just desserts!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The usual fast-paced, twisty tale from the master story-teller that is Jeffrey Archer; at times I could feel my heart start to beat faster as the tension built up! There's a lot of interesting history adding an extra dimension to the various plots which dovetail together beautifully.

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Excellent follow up in the series, I was totally hooked from the first word to the final Cliff hanger. What a way to end a book!! Can’t wait for the final instalment to see how this all ends and hopefully the right people get their comeuppance…or will they, you never know with this brilliant author!

Thank you to Netgalley the author and publishers for an arc in exchange for an honest review

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An eye for an eye by Jeffrey Archer due for publication 24/09/24

Another rollicking good read from Jeffrey Archer. He really knows how to tell a tale in this unputdownable thriller.

We follow William Warwick, Ros Hogan and the team again trying to foil Miles Faulkner's dastardly plans to make millions amongst a Saudi arms deal, the wrongful arrest of a wealthy businessman, murder and fraud. There are no limits to what Miles and Booth Watson (although even he could not believe the measures Miles would go to this time) will go to to make money and get revenge on William and Beth. The plot jets across London, America and Saudi Arabia in an attempt to put an end to Miles plans and race against time to rescue Simon from death in a Saudi Jail..

It was great to see Christina settle for a change and not have to play off her friendship with Beth to make sure her expensive lifestyle continued.

Once again a fab read and cannot wait for the conclusion although I wish Jeffrey had not left us on the edge of our seat at the end of this one.

Thank you to Netgalley for a preview copy.

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Jeffrey Archer delivers another page turner with a smashing and unexpected ending.

The latest instalment of the Inspector William Warwick series sees criminal mastermind Miles Faulkner released from prison, who has his sights set on taking revenge on William Warwick and his family. But when his lawyer, Booth Watson QC comes up with an opportunity for Faulkner to make fast money, he eagerly exploits it.
This sets in motion a series of events, that have Scotland Yard and the FBI racing against time to recover a priceless document and ensure the safe return to its rightful owner.
All the while, William Warwick also tries to solve a diplomatic crisis involving a government employee unjustly imprisoned and facing the death penalty in a foreign country.

Highly recommended! Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed William Warwick’s adventures and I am looking forward to reading the final book in the series.
I really liked the fast pace, the intricate plot as well as the country hopping and international collaboration between Scotland Yard and the FBI. The historic accuracy was definitely a bonus. And things are finally looking up for Christina Faulkner, after having suffered so much in the past few books.

Thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins, and Jeffrey Archer for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I always enjoy this author's books but this series has a special place for me. The quick pace ensures the well written characters help turn the pages quickly and the plot is always exemplary, I'm already looking forward to the next book

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Very disappointed that this is just a two chapter excerpt. Nowhere does it say that it’s not the whole book this time. I won’t be reading it and therefore no review.

A full text was provided and it’s another well written story. I am, however, getting a bit tired of Miles Faulkner and his rackets but the other story strand was interesting and the interweaving very well done. As one expects from Mr Archer.

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Another excellent read from Mr Archer. William Warwick is most definitely one of my favourite detectives, he's a proper "honest copper".

All the old favourites are back, Booth-Watson even struggling with some of Miles Faulkner's requests.

I have to say though, I'm glad there's only one more book in this series. I think the whole cat and mouse routine between Miles and William needs to come to a (satisfactory!) conclusion in the season finale. Perhaps we can go on and have a new series about Ross Hogan :o)

Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book, it didn't disappoint.

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Jeffrey Archer never disappoints and this latest book is no exception. The familiar, rounded characters return to carry another cleverly-crafted story through to an end neatly lined-up for the series finale. An absorbing tale that effortlessly keeps the reader in a state of anticipation of unexpected yet totally believable outcomes for each and every plot twist.

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A Sunday spent with William Warwick and the team was a day well spent. Another excellent read from the master storyteller. This time Miles Faulkner is being released from prison three years after the last book ended. Of course he's still up to his old tricks and forever trying to get revenge on William and Beth. Even his loyal corrupt lawyer, Booth Watson is shocked by the lengths he will go to. It's difficult to avoid spoilers so in summary this book involves Government Arms Deals, corrupt Saudi officials, wrongful imprisonment, death sentences, murder and fraud. And plenty of heroics from William Warwick and DI Ross Hogan. I know this is the seventh in the series, but I can't believe it ended with a countdown to the final book in the series! Lots to get your teeth into and another darn good read. #netgalley #AnEyeForAnEye

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I was really excited to get an e-ARC of Jeffrey Archer’s latest book, An Eye for Eye. It’s the latest instalment in the cat and mouse thriller revolving around the criminal mastermind Miles Faulkner and Scotland Yard's William Warwick.

I’ve read all the books so far in this series and this book does not disappoint. It’s fast-paced and interesting. The book weaves together arms deals in Saudi Arabia, the art world, museums and forgeries.

All the usual supporting characters including Booth Watson, Ross Hogan make appearances.

Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, HarperCollins, for making this e-ARC for making this available to me in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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