Member Reviews

Couldn’t finish the book. No connection between the main characters and wasn’t invested in their story.

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We meet Dylan who is a busker. One day whilst busking, Scarlett throws some coins into his hat. Dylan is immediately smitten, and he knows only two things. One is to make it big with his singing, and two is to make Scarlett fall in love with him. Scarlett is an air stewardess for a private airline. She spends her life pampering to her wealthy passengers every needs. She isn’t really in the right place for a relationship, even if it is charming busker Dylan! But…she keeps getting drawn to him, despite her attempts not to.

This was my first Jackie Ledbury book. A delightful story of love and friendship. It’s a really unseasonal read for this time of year, but to be honest it was lovely to forget the cold and the snow for some sun!

The characters are all likeable and you just fall in love with Dylan right from the beginning. You know they both carry secrets and baggage but you just hope that they can get over all of it because you know that they are just perfect for each other.

A heartwarming, romantic read, with a touch of humour thrown in! A great read, not only perfect for a summer read sitting around the pool or on the beach but also for grabbing a blanket and a hot chocolate and losing yourself for a few hours on a cold winter’s day.

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This was an ok book, I wanted to know how it ended so I finished it. It was cute but not something I would read again. Thank you for allowing me to read and review this ARC

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I DNF'd this one at 75% after trying to read for over two weeks 😭

I have a hard time with insta-love stories and I found Scarlett quite insufferable in her back and forth attitude and the way she consistently jumped to conclusions without giving Dylan an opportunity to explain himself. I think there was a lack in back story and true character development with some timeline jumping that I found myself skimming through pages to find a substantial event to happen. I just didn't connect with any of the characters which made this difficult to get through.

Would love to give Jackie Ladbury another chance on another read!

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I really wanted to love this. Scarlett was a difficult character for me to “invest” in and the story just never picked up enough to draw me in.

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loved this romance and her mom wants her to date this guy she has these amazing friends who are all dealing with different relationship issues . loved that she found her way in the job and found love

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I really wanted to like this but there was just something lacking that I just couldn’t finish it. I liked the 2 main characters separately but they just didn’t seem like a good mash up as a couple. Granted, they both had their own things they needed to work through, I saw them more as friends. Ultimately, what I think it boils down to is tension and backstory. I feel like if there was a bit more of the build up before had it would have grasped my attention.
I’m not a big insta love person even if it is one sided. It just seemed like he liked her solely based on appearance. There was nothing he knew about other than she liked his music before chasing her down and asking her out. We love a golden retriever but it just gave a bit too much of love sick puppy.

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A cute, quick and easy read. It is a closed door romance.

Dylan Willis is an aspiring musician, he's a busker on the streets of London.

Scarlett is an air hostess who has sworn off men entirely, that is until she begins to fall for Dylan.

Dylan first saw Scarlett when he was busking, she walked past with her friends and he knew right then that she'd be his.

**Personal Review**

Thank you to netgalley for providing me with an advanced reader copy, this is my honest review.

There were some good things about this book! I enjoyed the writing style and learning about the side characters, there was good detail in the book. There were some quite funny moments, and I enjoyed the ending.

I personally wasn't a big fan of either of the main characters; I understand why Scarlett had sworn off men, but I don't understand why she felt entitled to be so rude. Dylan was a lovable character though, he did have his own issues.

I didn't feel chemistry between the main characters, nor did I enjoy the banter between them, It felt repetitive.

Another big issue was how quickly Dylan became famous; that wasn't realistic, it's very hard to make it as a musician - even Scarlett mentioned this at one point.

Overall it was a decent read, I would recommend it if you're looking for a quick and sweet romance.

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Celebrity romances. Something that I have to learn isn't my cup of tea. Same with this one. I just have to give up on this genre, because I feel same thing when I'm reading them all the time, they are just to shallow and superficial. This didn't work for me....

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a wonderful book. I really enjoyed it!

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This book was soo adorable! & what really made me interested in reading this book was definitely the cover! I was immediately captivated by it & i'm so happy it caught my eye because I loved this book!

The writing was great & it is written in third person, which I’m so used to first person or multiple POVs, so it took a little more time to for me to get into it but once I did I couldn’t put the book down!!

The characters were incredibly likeable and the chapters were short!! ( I LOVE SHORT CHAPTERS) which made it so easy to binge read! If you are interested in a easy fast paced, contemporary romance definitely check this one out!

This can definitely be read as a stand alone as I didn’t even realise that this was the second book in the series!

Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/ 5

Spice 🌶️/ 5

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I was not a fan of this one. There was alot of hot and cold from Scarlett and not in a good way. I hoped the story would pick up as I continued to read but it did not. In my opinion this book was a bit disappointing.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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I did enjoy this book but found it a little difficult to get into, I hadn't realised it was a complete rework of a previous novel.

Overall, I loved the airline setting, and the character dynamic was great. I absolutely loved Dylan's character. To me, he is the typical cheeky chappy, regular busker on the streets with dreams of stardom, who happens to fall for Scarlett who is an air hostess determined that she shouldn't be dating.

I really enjoyed the interactions between Dylan and Scarlett, and really completely sure how the book would end although I did have a couple of theories.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The book was entertaining, though I felt both main characters brought some toxic behavior to the relationship. They both made assumptions, lacked in communication, and were all over the place. Dylan put Scarlett on a pedestal, then freaked out when she wasn't perfect, and did/said some things I felt were cruel. Scarlett blew hot and cold, and expected Dylan to read her mind, as well as assigning baggage from previous relationships to Dylan. Overall it was worth reading.

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I feel guilty because I always try to finish books but after reading 10 chapters I just could not get into this book! I liked the premise but I didn’t connect to the characters.

Dylan, a street busker, sees Scalrett one day and its love at first sight for him. Scarlett has sworn off men and when Dylan asks her out, she turns him down but they keep bumping into each other around town.

There was no flirting or buildup. Scarlet was cold and hard to read with no sense of humor. Their conversations seemed awkward. She came off abrasive and he seemed clueless but I think he was meant to be aloof. This book was just not for me.

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I am not a fan of insta love stories, which this is one. Furthermore, I did not connect with either of the main characters and I found them both to be rather unlikeable.

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First and foremost I appreciate the opportunity to have read this book. I enjoyed some parts but I did struggle with staying focused. I'm not sure if it is because I'm a mood reader but I couldn't get into it. Probably once the book is released I'll give it another shot. All in all the story was okay and maybe someone else might like it more than me.

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Thank you to Jackie Ladbury, Joffe, ChocLit, and Netgalley for the free book in exchange for my honest review.

Sadly, I had to DNF this book. It just wasn’t holding my attention, and I wasn’t bought into the story. Dylan and Scarlett, to me, were just kind of blah. There wasn’t any tension, or very much character development.

A lot of narration, very little banter.

I also feel like maybe I missed something by not having read Book 1 in this series.

Overall, I can see potential in this story, if it had been a little more developed.

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It was cute kinda some slow parts in the book but overall would recommend to my book club, cute rom com

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