Member Reviews

Unfortunately I was not notified that this had been sent to me. I will get hold of a copy and update a review when I can .

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‘The Sectet of Golden Island is an amazing middle-grade adventure story, perfect for fans of Fleur Hitchcock, Struan Murray and Nizrana Farouk. The main characters, Skylar and Yakov have both had a hard time at home and school. When the opportunity arises to win nearby Golden Island, it represents a new start and healing for both of them. A compelling adventure beautifully written, it is perfect for children in years 5 and above.

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If you're looking for an old fashioned adventure story with a modern day twist, this is one for you. The two main characters, Yakov and Skylar, are both struggling with life events. Yakov has fled war in his county, leaving his sister and mother behind. Skylar's grandpa is recovering from a stroke, which happened when he was out on his boat. Skylar feels guilty because she was meant to be there with him that day but she had chosen to go shopping with some girls from school in an attempt to make friends. She wonders if she had been with him, whether she could have gotten him help more quickly. Both children head to the beach to escape their worries and that is where they bump into each other. While there, they see a sign on the nearby Golden Island announcing a competition to win ownership of the island. Yakov is convinced that if he wins the island, his mum and sister will be safe and they will be able to build a new home there. Skylar is sure that she would be able to take Grandpa there and he would get better. The two decide to team up and try to win the island. This leads them on an exciting adventure full of rocky sea voyages, hidden caves and secret tunnels. But what should have been a safe and friendly competition takes a dangerous turn when some dangerous men decides they also want to win the island. Can Skylar and Yakov's budding friendship help them crack the clues and make sure the Island doesn't fall into the wrong hands?

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This is a really fantastic story about two children in the same class school who are not friends but who through circumstance For a strong bond and go on an amazing adventure together. There is subterfuge and lying to parents in the hope of winning an island.
This is Brilliantly told And the whole time I wasn’t reading it I was wondering what would happen next As a 58-year-old adult, I really love this novel. I will be recommending it to adventurous children and adults for fun exciting read.
Thanks to #NetGalley for the opportunity to have read this ahead of publication and exchange honest review. I loved it

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The Secret of Golden Island is the most wonderful empathy-fuelled adventure overflowing with determination and hope. Skylar and Yakov are classmates – each with their own story of heartbreak. Their paths have been incredibly different, hardly noticing each other at school, until they are thrown together with a common goal.

Yakov lives with his aunt and uncle but feels incredibly alone. A refugee from a country torn apart by war, he traveled to the UK on his own, leaving his older sister and mum behind. He measures his life in days – how many days since war began, how many days since they were forced to hide in the cellar, how many days since he had to say good-bye.

Skylar has grown up in Broademouth, near the sea. She learned to skipper the Zephyr with her grandpa and navigate the harbour. It was a mostly happy life until the day she’ll never forget. Her grandpa had a stroke and will never be the same. Skylar can’t forgive herself for not being there that day. She’s angry and horrible comments from a nasty girl at school only make things worse.

All her life, Grandpa has told Skylar stories about Golden Island – its magic, its secrets and its incredible beauty. Yakov also realises it’s a special place. He hears the island calling to him – a song on the wind, a magic he can’t ignore. When a competition to win the island is advertised, the pair can’t resist. They have to try.

Yakov and Skylar come together in an unlikely but powerful friendship. Based on truth and their ability to really listen to each other, they model what it means to look out for another person and truly care. They respect each other’s heartache, not trying to solve the problem but quietly understanding and supporting. Through absolute trust, they are able to challenge each other and do things they could never attempt alone. With heart and determination, they believe they can do better than even the most experienced adults who have money, fame and knowledge on their side.

Golden Island provides a breathtaking setting for a classic adventure. The power of the waves, sheer cliff faces, dark caves and vibrant greenery draw Skylar and Yakov in, inspiring them to press on through puzzles and peril to strive for the ultimate prize.

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Gorgeous, heartwarming story that deals with many difficult issues that can be experienced by children and will hopefully help children to have empathy with others experiencing similar issues. However, it doesn't dwell on these issues, they are dealt with whilst also allowing children to experience excitement at the adventures of Skylar and Yakov. The book demonstrates the importance of hope, love, ambition, determination and resilience.

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My ten year old loved this. Old school adventure, mystery, brilliantly paced, friendship and really charming gorgeous writing ( I read sections of it with her). She is going to buy copies for two of her friends for upcoming birthdays and will recommend far and wide, she loved it.

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The Secret of Golden Island by Natasha Farrant was published earlier this week and it’s definitely one of my favourite middle grade reads of the summer so far - her stories are always filled with such interesting characters and well thought through plots.

Yakov has escaped from the war leaving his sister and mother behind while Skylar is struggling after her Grandad has had a stroke. Neither fits in well at school so when they find out about a competition to win a local island they are determined to team up and win it.

Their competitors aren’t the nicest of people and they have to complete some interesting challenges to try to win - it was a really fun adventure with lots keep you gripped.

Natasha Farrant definitely writes brilliant adventure stories - they read like classics like Enid Blyton but with far more modern and exciting characters. A great holiday read (and the sprayed edge edition of the book is even better!)

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Yakov and Skylar form an unlikely friendship. He is living with his aunt, having escaped a war (presumably Ukraine although it is not mentioned by name) and she is suspended from school for hitting another student who made fun of her grandfather. They both need a friend and circumstance brings them together.

I loved the start of the book, as the author reveals their backstory and brings the characters together. However it then goes downhill. The island just off the coast is being given away & the present owner has launched a competition to choose the new owner. It feels a bit Charlie & the Chocolate Factory like in this regard.

There are a number of challenges the would be owners have to face, the final one being to spend a night on the island whilst searching for a secret. I didn’t think this part of the story was executed very well and it was a predictable and somewhat disappointing ending.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Natasha Farrant’s upcoming book The Secret of Golden Island tells a captivating story that combines the magic of a children’s adventure with modern day themes. The narrative revolves around Skylar and Yakov, two kids from very different backgrounds who discover comfort and companionship in each other amidst their own personal struggles. As they embark on a quest to win an island (who wouldn't love that?) their journey is filled with thrills, chills, and some super heartwarming moments.
Farrant’s storytelling is masterful in capturing the essence of friendship and resilience. The themes of war, separation and family illness are approached with a lot of sensitivity, making each character authentic and relatable. I especially adored Jasper and Bruno and I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing more of them in future stories (?!).
Beyond being an adventure tale, The Secret of Golden Island delves into the theme of overcoming obstacles and discovering hope. With its fast-paced plot and gripping narrative, this book is a must read for both 9-12-year-olds and big kids alike, and a wonderful addition to any bookshelf. I'm so excited for everyone to read this wonderful story by the award-winning author of Voyage of the Sparrowhawk.

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I really enjoyed this book. Lovely story of friendship, as the 2 main characters find ways to cope with difficult situations (fleeing from war and family illness). Just a warning that there are some mature themes and dark plot-lines (including peril and a possible murder) so this book is not suitable for younger or more sensitive readers. That being said, it’s a great action-packed story with some twists and turns.

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The children got very overexcited when I told them that we had been gifted the new Natasha Farrant book. Just like me they just knew it would be very good and an almost instant classic. We ordered the real paper book on Amazon before we read it we were so confident it needed a place on our carefully curated bookcase. AND WE LOVED IT !

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The two protagonists were wonderful, and relatable by being lovely kids but with flaws to overcome. The family challenges that they had to work through were poignant and dealt with beautifully.
On the downside, I couldn't relate to the plot. The basic premise of a competition to win an island seemed overly fabricated, so I struggled to get invested in their adventures.

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The Secret of Golden Island is an absolute peach of a book. While at its heart this is a classic adventure story of friendship, daring and bravery it is also so much more. The subject of war, separation and illness are handled with sensitivity and empathy. I read this book with a thumping heart, racing through yet at the same time hardly daring to turn the pages. When the climax came it was huge and satisfying and the ending full of hope. I absolutely adored it and will be buying a copy the second it publishes.

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Skylar: 'I'm not crying.'
Yakov: 'I know.'
These are the first words the two children ever exchange. It doesn't seem like much but, somehow they lead them to a friendship like no other, and a quest very definitely like no other.
Both children are grieving - Skylar for the grandfather she had before his stroke, Yakov for his home, ravaged by war. When an island just off the coast is up to be won, they both feel its call and their slavation. But how can two children can, in secret from their families, win an actual island? How can they compete with adults? How can they keep each other safe...

Being a big fan of Natasha Farrant's writing, when the Netgalley link to The Secret of Golden Island dropped in my inbox I could not have clicked it fast enough! And I devoured the book in a day. Once again, the author gives us a place of magic - nothing supernatural but rather the magic of her words, evoking the feeling that you're in the presence of something special. Her writing is exquisite, authentic, without affectation. Her characters - drawn with authenticity and tenderness - are going through some extremely difficult situations but where the story could be at times really sad, there is always hope shining close by.
And most of all, The Secret of Golden Island, is an incredubly exciting adventure! With legends, secret tunnels, some very bad people (d0n't want to reveal too much) but some very good ones too. It's a book that sweeps you off with wonder and makes you root absolutely for its heroes to succeed. One I will read again for sure.

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A new Natasha Farrant story is always something to look forward to; her stories have a wonderful charm about them mixing a traditional children’s adventure tale whilst giving a nod to life in current times and this new book is no exception

Skylar is struggling with the recent stroke of her grandfather and after a school bullying finds herself suspended ; Yakov has had to leave his family in a war torn country and stay with relatives - finding himself struggling to fit in and deal with being away from those he loves.

Through family friendships, the two children’s paths cross as they find comfort from the sea and in particular The Golden Island which they discover is to be given away in a competition.

And so begins their adventure as they compete against an array of characters to win the island- there is a race against time, dark deeds at night and a quest to solve.

This is a wonderfully bighearted book that explores friendship and the desire to make a change for the better sensitively acknowledging the plight of many in war zones.

Fast- paced, gripping and ideal read for any 9-12 year old

Highly recommended as a book to escape into or a great KS2 class read
Another winner 😊

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