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Review of Confident AI by Andy Pardoe

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)

Confident AI by Andy Pardoe presents a thorough exploration of the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI). The book is structured into several parts, each delving into different aspects of AI, ranging from the myths surrounding AI, its applications across various industries, and a future perspective on where AI is headed. The final section, the conclusion, ties together the themes of the book, providing a reflective and somewhat optimistic outlook on the future of AI.

One of the strengths of Confident AI is its comprehensive coverage of AI-related topics. Pardoe takes readers through a journey that starts with understanding why one might choose a career in AI, demystifying common myths, and eventually moving on to more technical discussions around AI technology and its implementation. This makes the book particularly valuable for those new to the field or looking to expand their understanding of AI’s broader context.

However, while the book covers a wide range of topics, it sometimes lacks depth in its exploration of complex subjects. For example, the sections on AI myths and future trends provide a good overview but don’t always delve into the nuances that more advanced readers might expect. Additionally, the narrative style, while accessible, can at times feel overly simplistic, which may not satisfy those looking for a more rigorous academic analysis.

The conclusion of the book, which is optimistic about the future of AI, is one of its highlights. Pardoe emphasizes the importance of understanding both the technical and ethical aspects of AI, which is crucial in navigating the challenges that lie ahead. His call for a balanced approach to AI adoption—one that considers both its potential and its risks—is a thoughtful way to close the book.

Overall, Confident AI is a solid introduction to the field of AI, especially suited for readers who are at the beginning of their AI journey. While it may not fully satisfy those with a more technical background or deeper knowledge of the subject, it serves as a good starting point for understanding the broader landscape of AI. With a rating of 3 out of 5, it’s a book that offers valuable insights but leaves room for more detailed exploration.

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This book does a great job of introducing AI and it does so in a good amount of detail, not just the fluffy buzzwords you would know anyway.

It traces the progress and current promise of AI with neural networks, cloud, data, computing, deep learning & reinforcement learning coming together. The author notes that there have been spurts of progress and promise earlier as well, followed by long “AI Winters” with disillusionment and limited breakthroughs. The current time does feel different, especially since there is a lot of investment going into AI from big tech companies, startups, businesses and even individuals. The promise of AI for everyone has excited people with chatgpt setting a record for maximum signups in the first week itself. There is good content explaining the various components and different approaches. The author discusses the impact AI will have on jobs, and thankfully, the discussion is constructive rather than giving in to excessive diffidence & fear mongering (otherwise now rampant). That there will be a lot of change is a given though and much of it is still evolving. After all, despite the excitement, AI should still be considered to be in its infancy. As he notes for example, will the newly talked about job definition “Prompt Engineer” stay for the longer term is difficult to say. Also, included is a systematic approach to pursuing an AI strategy. Quantum computing will provide a further impetus to AI, with speculation that we will have commercial quantum computers before 2030. There will continue to be issues around data trust, copyright and other legal implications; Eg: what if AI is used to invent a new product.

Conceptually, this book is very good and much recommended. The main issue though is that the book has very few case studies/business stories, with none being deep enough.

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This is a great resource for people interested in learning more about artificial intelligence and its effect on society.

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Andy Pardoe's "Confident AI" aims to demystify artificial intelligence for readers seeking to understand and engage with this ubiquitous technology. Drawing from his extensive experience in the AI industry, Pardoe provides a guide to navigating the AI landscape, covering fundamentals and exploring career opportunities in the field.

While the book offers a broad overview of AI, it falls short in several areas. The writing style is dry and repetitive, which will challenge readers looking for a more engaging narrative. It disappoints in its lack of pragmatic discussion about AI applications in business contexts. I was hoping for practical insights on integrating AI into business operations and I found the focus on different careers and roles less useful. The best chapter was on governance, ethics, and safety in AI, addressing crucial aspects often overlooked in technical discussions.

Despite its shortcomings, the book provides a comprehensive look at the AI industry, which may benefit those new to the field. It could serve as a starting point for readers looking to enter the AI space, though those seeking a more engaging or practical guide to AI implementation should plan to look elsewhere.

A big thank you to Kogan Page and NetGalley for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A quick and fast read that provides a good overview of working in AI. A quick and easy read, nothing really stands out in this book as being a great addition, but the whole book feels solid. 3.5/5

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Informative and well researched. A good book if you have to start working with tools powered by AI
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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The book provides an overview on artificial intelligence. The beginning of the book sets the scene and discusses why AI is now so important, provides brief history in AI and reflects on why we should consider a career in AI. Then we dive into the essential areas that are tightly connected to AI and collaboration with it: the Technology, the Process and the People. These are key areas to understand when working in AI, as it’s not just about the technology and covers broader aspects. There is a good discussion about different career types within AI industry and also some myths around AI with author's comments. Overall this book can provide a strong understanding of AI: what this tool does, how to apply it in different industries and how to deal with it.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Kogan Page for a digital ARC in exchange for a review.

This is a well-written overview of the development of AI and its implications on businesses and organisations, as well as our personal lives. Chapters are well organised with clear intentions for each, making it easy to browse the book. Books of this kind can have a tendency to overuse visual aids or use confusing diagrams which do nothing to illustrate their intended point; this book uses them sparingly, in places where it would make sense. This would be a great choice for someone with a basic knowledge of information systems who wanted to deepen their knowledge of AI, as it grows in relevance; I am very likely to pick up a physical copy for myself.

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I found this book to have a good explanation of how AI can be used. I am a bit leery of AI so I am trying to become more knowledgeable about AI and how it can help, so I am very grateful for this book I will most likely be purchasing it in the near future.

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