Member Reviews

My Review: Oh My Word what a journey this book takes you on. It’s written in two perspectives; we see Paul and Anna’s view. Paul is just horrid, with no redeeming features. He is written in a way that makes you think he has some kind of personality disorder. Thinking himself to be an incredible human being and artist. He loves his mother Noreen and has a best friend who goes through all kinds for and with him.Anna loves her bakery and has good friends, she knows Paul is a self-orientated twerp, and wants to find her way out of the marriage. Hiring a PI she uncovers his infidelity with Marianne, who comes with an abusive husband she is desperate to get away from.Paul’s uncle dies and leaves all his fortunes to him. Now, this gets messy and complicated, some bad stuff happens to Paul and I have to say I laughed out loud so much I almost gave myself a six pack. I was also left wondering if that made me heartless and cold but no, he really is that horrid. Bodies start appearing and it gets very edgy, the ending slows things down but will Paul pay the price for how he treats those around him? You’ll have to read to find out.

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Prepare yourself for liftoff into the next dimension with this one! Good grief. I do not think I have ever disliked a main character as much as I disliked Paul.

Anna is married to Paul, and her income basically supports them. She has always been faithful to him, but she is tired of his excessive spending. She also has a sneaky suspicion that he is having an affair. She wants to divorce him. However, when she finds out he inherited a large home that can be sold, she decides to hold off on divorce so that she can get a little more money from him.

In the meantime, she hires a PI who finds her husband's side piece. She makes a grave error after receiving this information that puts everyone around her in danger.

This was an explosive thriller with one mystery upon another mystery. You will be shaking your head wondering what is coming next. Paul is a complete narcissistic pig who only thinks with his nether regions. I really wanted to choke him myself. I really enjoyed the latter pages of this book as I watched him squirm. Anna's character was interesting, and I felt such empathy for her. However, I quickly realized this woman was not a withering flower. She had brains and intelligence. She could stand her own ground. Paul's mother was another subject matter altogether. Let's just say she is a surprising part of the storyline. You will be burning the midnight oil reading this one. Hang on tight for a wild ride.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Her Secret Revenge is a well-written and intriguing story that pulls you in from the start. It's full of secrets, lies, and twists that just don't stop, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. Don't pass on this one!

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A marriage that is not as it seems and a woman set on getting everything that is owed to her (and more).
I didn't find this book at all "thrilling", but more of a character study between a married couple who really weren't happy with each other in their lives.
What I did find interesting is that Baxter writes the two characters as if not one of them is perfect (yes one does more moral things wrong than the other, but the couple is not perfect by any means). Paul, though, was such a winy person and failed to see everything he did wrong as his fault (red flag much?). It was a rather slow book and rather struggled to get to the action, but once there, the book flew!
I might have wanted more of the book, like giving us more secret glimpses of Anna's life, and having the reader also know the secrets she's privy to, instead, we are just told that she might have done something to avoid losing her part of the money once the divorce is settled.
The writing was short, simple and to the point. Some of the chapters were lengthier than others, but it did end in a manner that made me go "Oh, I want to know more". Some of the repetition from the characters was unnecessary, but a good read nonetheless.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for sending me an ARC for my honest review.

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My first book by Cole Baxter and a very enjoyable read.

Anna has been married to Paul for 12 years. In the beginning their marriage was perfect and she was in love but over the years Anna has become disillusioned with Paul and her love for him has diminished to the point that Anna is seriously considering divorcing him. She knows this will devastate Paul’s mum Noreen, who she loves and respects but refuses to carry on in a loveless marriage especially considering she has suspicions that Paul is cheating on her. Before she can act on the divorce though Noreen’s wealthy brother dies and leaves all his money and estate to Paul and therefore Paul is about to become a very rich man. Anna feels she deserves half the money for putting up with Paul for the last few years and for also dealing with his infidelity. Paul, however, has different ideas, he wants rid of Anna so he can set up home with his mistress Marianne, there’s only one catch, Marianne’s violent and unstable husband Cameron. When Anna decides to hire a private detective to dig up dirt on Paul thus providing leverage during the divorce and ensuring her half of his inheritance, she isn’t surprised to learn about Paul cheating on her with Marianne. Despite her private investigators reticence, she decides to visit Cameron and enlighten him as to Marianne’s cheating with Paul which Cameron (understandably) doesn’t take well. Cameron now has Paul in his sights, things start to get out of control and people begin dying. Will Anna manage to get her half of Paul’s inheritance, or has she put a bullseye on both her and Pauls and Noreen’s backs that they can’t escape?!

Well, this was a strange albeit intriguing story! I instantly disliked Paul from the very beginning and as the story went on this didn’t get better, I used many words to describe him as I read such as, “manchild”, “whining and petulant” and “huge hypocrite!”. Although I did want to like Anna, I found it difficult as I felt, in part, she let Paul treat her the way he did. I did, however, really like Noreen, straight talking and brave as anything, I loved her! Great writing from Cole Baxter to invoke such emotions in me about the three main characters! It was a little slow start, but I became fully invested in the story at about 16% in and I really had no idea who the culprit was, which is always a good thing when reading a psychological thriller.

Ultimately a good psychological thriller which kept me turning pages and I will be looking out for more books by Cole Baxter. Solid 4 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley, Cole Baxter and Bookouture for my advanced reading copy. Out now.

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This is a twisty book, you think one thing and then find out something else that's completely different to what you thought! Paul is a man baby, a big child who has no cop on about how to behave like a grown up. HIs mother still babies him but his wife has had enough. She wants out of the marriage but he has taken so much of their savings and blown it all in vegas, that she has to come up with some sort of a plan so she is not left penniless.....and that's where she plots and plans how to one up Paul and get revenge. Quite a good read.

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Her Secret Revenge by Cole Baxter was a deliciously thrilling story.
I was thoroughly engaged throughout this book and I didn't want to put it down! The author captured my attention from the get go.
The character building was strong and the storyline was one that kept me turning the pages.

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This my first book by this author! I was intriged by the prologue and the rest of the book held my attention. There were a few places that were repetitive, but as a whole it wasn't too bad. I felt like there was a lot of build up for the ending but then the ending went too fast. There was a lot of information in the end. There were several twists I wasn't expecting! I will read more books by this author! A big thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Her Secret Revenge was everything I thought it was going to be, twisty and anxiety producing and I loved it! I’m willing to bet any low reviews on here are because of the arrogant husband I wanted to punch in the face most of the book. Although he was a piece of work I felt like his misogynist ways added to the plot of the story. Very good read!
Anna and her husband have fallen out of love and she knows Paul is cheating on her. She is ready to leave when she finds out Paul is set to inherit his Uncles estate and a good sum of money. What better revenge then to put his affair and take him for half of his new wealth.
Anna hires a PI to catch Paul in the act and then goes to his mistresses husband to inform him of what’s going on. Cameron is ex military and crazy and she knows he’ll take matters into his own hands. That’s what she wants right? The hard part will be acting the supportive wife role until the estate can be sold, but that proving to be difficult because Paul is causing more problems and Cameron is closing in.
If she can stay focused on the prize she soon will get her sweet revenge.

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The story was slow-paced, making it hard to get into initially. Even when I got into it, it didn’t have that unputdownable feel. The book uses dual perspectives from Paul and Anna. Unfortunately, the different viewpoints felt repetitive rather than adding depth. There are some twists, but none that made me gasp. I kept waiting for a jaw-dropping moment that never came.

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Anna is married to Paul, a man who lies, cheats, steals, is lazy and basically a terrible person and husband. The two are miserable. Annie hires a private investigator and finds out Paul is sleeping with a woman named Marianne, so she decides to divorce him. Everything changes after Paul’s wealthy uncle James dies leaving him his estate.

Paul has been recklessly spending money from their joint account, so Anna feels If she can stay married long enough for the house to be sold, she’ll get half of that inheritance and get back some of the money Paul has taken over the years. .

Paul isn’t the the brightest guy, but he knows he wants Anna gone, and he wants all the money and the mansion for himself and his lover Marianne. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t realize that Anna knows all about his plans, and she has no intention of letting him get away with it. Anna decides to escalate things by telling Marianne’s husband what’s been going on behind his back. Marianne’s husband, Cameron is abusive, an ex-military man and someone who isn’t afraid of a fight.

There wasn’t anything unique about this book and it moved painfully slow. About 64% into the book, I figured out who the killer was, 
Still it was worth the read even though there were no like able characters involved, I found the ending a bit abrupt and a little too feel good,

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I did enjoy this book, but felt that it dragged on a bit. I kept thinking, this must be the end now, but it kept going. It had interesting characters - Paul, who is a narcissist and a sorry excuse for a human and Anna, who is only in the relationship now to get her share of the money. But there are other threats around to both Paul and Anna and will they end up being happy in the end? You’ll just have to read it to find out. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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As with all Cole Baxter books this one gripped me right away and had me hooked throughout with the quick pace and tension.

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Thank you Bookouture for a copy on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
My first book by Cole Baxter and this steady paced thriller was a good read in my eyes.
Her Secret Revenge is a satisfactory and agreeable narrative.
A book with revenge in the title is already a book I want to read.
Married couple Anna and Paul want to divorce without the other knowing.
Money, power and influence are the main factors.
Add in a handsome private investigator, a deranged man, a dominant mother in law, a sneaky homeless person, a best friend, a tattooed mistress, a dead wealthy uncle and lots of secrets, lies, betrayal and deception and you have this devilish read.
The book overall was a decent storyline with a knockout ending.
I found the final pages quite compelling, fast moving and impressive.
The chapters are told from the two lead perspectives, giving the storyline the same level of detail from two pints of view, which in my opinion let it down a little.
Besides that it was a reasonable read.
The plot was tempting with a selection of a misfit cast among a mysterious manor.
I will definitely give the author’s next book a go.

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I absolutely loved this book. He really has a way of making me hate the The mother in law in this one is actually loving though, which is a nice change of pace. It has a lot of suspense and will keep your attention till the end. I truly enjoyed it and would recommend it to others!

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Her Secret Revenge by Cole Baxter, when the book starts we meet Ann and Paul they’re married and are arguing because once again Paul has thought only of his self and use the money Ann was saving to fix up her bakery on a trip to Las Vegas. Paul is the type of guy Who is a male chauvinist, narcissistic and he believes nothing is ever his fault and unfortunately his mother Noreen agrees with him. This time however Ann is really done with Paul but she wants to go about it in a smart way. This is why she hires a private investigator who learns he is sleeping with a tattoo artist name Marianne. Before she starts divorce proceedings however Paul’s uncle James his dad‘s brother passes away and leaves his entire estate to him. So Anne decides she will stay with him long enough to sell his uncles palatial estate that way she will get her money back for her bakery and exact revenge on Paul at the same time. Unfortunately she also thinks it’s a great idea to go and tell MaryAnn‘s violent husband Cameron that Paul is sleeping with his wife this is how Paul and Dean almost died when Cameron set the car they were in on fire after chasing them down the highway. While all this is happening Ann is falling in love with the PI Thorton and he with her but this is just the beginning of a very twisty very complex story because when they flee to upstate New York to stay at his uncles mansion to try and escape Cameron it isn’t long before Marianne is found dead but she is just the first before you think you know what happened trust me when I say you have no idea! This is a multi-layerd story told from Paul and Ann‘s point of view unlike his previous books these characters are written like real people with different sides to them and they’re not just OneNote personalities. I do believe this is Cole Baxter‘s best I have noticed in the past month or so he and his brothers books are getting so much better and this one is the best yet. This was such a great book I love an authentic twist in this book definitely has those in droves. I believe anyone who loved a well put together thriller with a believable plot will definitely enjoy this complex well written story. I absolutely enjoyed it and as I said I believe it is Cole Baxter‘s best so far. #Bookoucher, #NetGalley, #ColeBaxter, #HerSecretRevenge,

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This had so many twists and turns, I didn't know which way was up! A bit of a slow burn woth some very unlikeable characters lol. I did struggle because I have a visceral reaction to men who behave like that but I always think the sign of good writing is making the reader actively dislike someone who doesn't even exist! Granted some parts are far fetched but that's why it's a fiction book. Really enjoyed it, dual povs, kept me guessing, very character based and the amazing ending is worth the slow start

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I've read a couple books from the author Cole Baxter and I love his books ! I spent the whole book hating on a character, wanting to scream at him and wanting to even kill him haha. Just to show that the author knows how to play with my emotions haha.. I loved the plot, the twists, the ending. It was an amazing read.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I really like dual-perspective stories, especially for this type of psychological thriller. This one was OK and I really didn't like Paul's character, so I think that's why it's a 3-star for me. He was really selfish and childish. Anna was a strong character. In the end, some of the scenarios in the book were really far-fetched. But overall, it's a fast-paced thriller.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this eARC.

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Her Secret Revenge tells the story of Anna and Paul who are in an unhappy marriage, both trying to find the best way to divorce each other without the other knowing. Based on the description of the plot, I was excited to read this book however I found it underwhelming.

It was very slow paced in my opinion, therefore taking me a while to get into it and even when I did, I never felt desperate to read on. The author uses a dual narrative to tell the story which I am usually a huge fan of, however in this book I felt that the different perspectives didn’t provide any different information and just re-told previous chapters, which I felt made for a boring and repetitive read.

There are a few twists and turns throughout the book however there were no major page turners. I really wanted to love this book based on the description and positive reviews, however I felt it was just an ok read and probably wouldn’t recommend it to family and friends. Despite this, I would definitely read other books by this author as I’ve heard very positive things about his books.

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