Member Reviews

I thought this book sounded interesting. I even liked the 1st chapter but man, it was awful. Paul seemed like the biggest loser ever. His chapters and thoughts were so repetitive and he sounded like an idiot. Anna’s chapters were good and were much easier to read. The plot was just SO unrealistic. Cameron going to all those extreme over an affair?? And what was the point of them inheriting the uncle’s property and Carlos? None of that seemed relevant. And Thompson is just ok with raising someone else’s baby??? What in the world! This book was not good.

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Anna has sacrificed a lot for her husband. The chance to be a mother, being the most important thing. Her childish, chauvinistic, Mama’s boy, mistake of a husband. Desperate to divorce him, but not so desperate to leave before she gets her hands on half of his inheritance, Anna starts to plan her escape. But when the ex husband of one of Paul’s side chicks comes after him, and bodies start turning up, the two of them find themselves hunkering down and having to live together while they both fear for their lives.

Ooh what a cast of unlikeable people! Everyone had their own bit of deceit going on. I liked the way it all unravelled and there are some good twists and suspenseful scenes, (the car chase being my personal favourite).

I enjoyed the dual perspectives, I think Paul’s part was written particularly well. I hated him!

I wish we’d known more about why the sheriff was so standoffish though - what was his relationship to Carlos and what did uncle James do so wrong? Carlos seemed like he could have been so much more integral than he was.

A solid 4 stars from me.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for my advanced copy.

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Wow! This book had a lot of different twists that seemed to keep popping up when you didn't expect them. Thanks to NetGallery for the ARC of this book.

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First and foremost, special thanks to Bookouture (via NetGalley) for offering me the opportunity to be among the first to discover this story and write an honest review.

I have to admit that everything was very carefully constructed, the narrative thread was woven with numerous plots that added gravity to the climax at the end of the book.

Looking back, the way in which the new information, that clearly increased the tension of the action, was served to us little by little, is somewhat similar to the trail made by Hansel and Gretel in the forest. From 85% onwards I couldn't tear myself away from the story... it's written in such a way that it doesn't let you go and keeps you on your toes, considering that you don't know if the ending will be a classic one in which the antagonist is stopped on time or not.

I'm not a fan of clichés, so the fact that Thornton is portrayed as exactly the man Paul is not and probably never will be didn't attract me, but I stayed for the plot.
What surprised me the most, although I had a vague suspicion in the corner of my mind, was the secret shared by Anna and Noreen that I learned about in the last pages. I actually saw the moment in my head, the lines unfolding behind my eyes in slow motion and the past events unfolding like in a movie.

It's only now, at the end of the book, that I understand whose point of view it is in the prologue, but that's a secret I'll never tell, so be on the lookout and get your detective skills ready when you start this book because you have a tumultuous journey ahead.

Honorable mentions to Noreen (BIG SLAY).

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This is the second book I have read by this author and I will continue to read more from him.

Anna is married to Paul, a poor excuse for a man who is egotistical, selfish and narcissistic, everything is about him and his wants and desires. A man that does not care who he hurts along the way as long he is gets what he wants. He is unfaithful, spends money with no concern as to how Anna will feel, they continually argue and Anna is miserable, who would not be living with this kind of man. Paul then receives an inheritance and instead of improving their life things go from bad to worse for Anna. Also Paul's mother Noreen believes the world is a better place with her son in it, believing he can do no wrong and this is also difficult for Anna, she really is in a very bad place. She then hires a PI to try and find out more of her husbands secrets but will this make life better for her and does she really wish to know the full extent of her husbands activities?

As the book progresses we soon realise that eventually things are going to implode in a very big way and that they do. Baxter provides lots of twists and turns that keep the story moving forward and even though you think you may know where this is all leading you may be surprised. I have to say that I really could not feel anything for any of the characters, Anna who continues to fight through all the sordid events that are occurring and Paul who is just an absolute creep. So will Paul be brought down and will Anna survive and finally receive some piece as this story resolves?

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions expressed are my own.

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I found this book to be a very exciting and entertaining read! There are lots of twists and turns and suspenseful moments throughout the book. There’s lots of family drama, which helps to keep the plot line extra engaging! I also like that there are a few unsuspecting twists at the very end too! This is a fast read and I enjoy the authors writing style.

Thank you to NetGalley for an arc copy of this great book!

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Anna and Paul do not have a happy marriage- and they both offer their POVs. He's pretty shallow which Anna knew but now thanks to her PI, she knows there's more than meets the eye. This is enlivened when Paul gets an inheritance, thus raising the stakes. This isn't as twisty as I'd hoped but it did keep me turning the pages. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Thank you to Cole Baxter, Bookouture, and NetGalley for an arc of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion.
I loved Baxter's previous two books, but this one wasn't my favorite. I found it to be rather slow for the first half of the and it wasn't as shocking as some of his other stories. I think he did a great job at developing the predominant characters in the book- Anna, Paul, Noreen, Cameron, and major players of the police force. There were some "twists" that I found quite predictable and it left me wanting more suspense, red herrings, and thrill. However it does have betrayal, revenge, murder, deceit and subplots that delve into a cat and mouse game of hide and seek in multiple relationships. Once secrets come to all really starts to spiral out of control. The ending left no loose ends and was satisfying. This book publishes 7/23/24.

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I really enjoyed this. I felt like the writing was very engaging and kept me wanting to read more. I also really enjoyed the development of the characters. At times I felt like I hated them and then I also loved them.

There were the perfect amount of twist and turns and I felt like this book was what I needed.

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Her Secret Revenge was such a fun read, it had the right amount of suspense and twists and turns that tick all the boxes for me.

Told in two perspectives we meet the unhappy married couple Anna and Paul. Paul is the epitome of a man child and i was desperately hoping he would grow up and do the right thing whilst Anna is wanting a divorce and wants to get on with her work and move forward but before any of this can happen a death occurs in the family and from here on out anna is going to get what she feels is rightfully entitled to her after all she has put up with Paul's ways for so long.

The storyline was written very well as it constantly kept me engrossed and smiling with how things were progressing. The characters were well developed and you felt for them and at times really couldn't stand them. I was entertained all throughout as there is always some twists and clever moments that you don't see coming. I enjoyed this book a lot and would definitely recommend. Another great read by Cole Baxter.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the copy of this arc in exchange of my full honest review.

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I really enjoyed her secret revenge by Cole Baxter I loved how the story just flowed throughout and how well developed the characters were written. It was a thriller with a bit of everything betrayal, revenge, cheating, lies, betrayal, suspense and so much more. I really enjoyed how the store is told from two different perspectives it helped build up the drama. I was gripped from start to finish and can’t wait to recommend this everyone. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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This is the first book I’ve read by Cole. I was super excited to read it. It sounded so interesting. After a few chapters, I found myself very bored with the book. Anna and Paul are clearly not happy together. Anna hires a PI so she can find out what Paul’s doing. She needs all the evidence she can get in order to leave him. I didn’t care for the characters at all. Paul was the worst and his mother babying him, definitely didn’t help. I found this book to be painfully slow. I just wanted it to get better and it never did. I just couldn’t wait to be done with it. This book wasn’t for me but I’m definitely going to check out more books by Cole and hopefully I’ll enjoy those. Thank you NetGalley, Cole and Bookouture for the ARC!

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First of all, thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC. I was excited to read this book from an author I hadn’t read before. However, for me, the plot felt like it was dragging and I found myself skimming paragraphs. I kept waiting for a jaw dropping twist that didn’t come. I do enjoy stories written from multiple perspectives, and the different chapters highlighted views from Paul and Anna. I’ve got to say, Paul was such a huge narcissist that I never felt any sympathy for him. I could get behind Anna, but even her selfishness showed. I imagine the author wrote them like that to level the playing field for the events of the story. I really wanted to know more about Thornton! Overall, it was a quick read. I would definitely read another book by this author because I’ve heard great things about his books.

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I really enjoyed this book, it kept me turning the pages and had plenty of twists and turns. Great ending too!

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I had the chance to receive an advanced copy of "Her Secret Revenge" by Cole Baxter, thanks to NetGalley. Initially, I was quite excited about the book. It features a dual narrative, alternating between two main characters who each recount their perspectives on the same events. However, the repetitive nature of the storytelling soon became a drawback, as it felt like I was revisiting the same scenes multiple times without new insight.

Regarding character development, I struggled to connect with the main character, Paul. His actions and personality made it difficult for me to sympathize with him. On the other hand, the character of Noreen, his mother, initially annoyed me but gradually gained my respect as her role in the story evolved.

Anna, the other protagonist, was by far my favorite character. I found her perspective more compelling and would have preferred if the story were told solely from her viewpoint rather than including Paul's first-person account. This was my first experience reading Cole Baxter's work, and while this particular book didn't quite meet my expectations, I am open to exploring more of his future writings.

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This title missed the mark for me. I kept waiting for it to improve but nothing about this one really got me excited. I persevered to the end but was overall disappointed. Kudos, though, for creating absolutely horrible, self absorbed, egocentric characters.
I previously enjoyed The Anniversary by Cole Baxter so I was anxious to read Her Secret Revenge but found it lacked intrigue.
Thank You to NetGalley, Bookouture, and Cole Baxter for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Anna and Paul are miserable. Paul is a lying, stealing, selfish and of course cheating husband. Anna decides to hire a PI and finds out that her husband is cheating and decides to divorce him. Circumstances change with the death of Paul’s Uncle James. He’s left everything to Paul Things get exciting at this point. Anna needs to stay around long enough to get half of the inheritance but Paul wants her gone.

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Good domestic thriller that builds as the characters grow in depth through the story. Ending may not be what was expected.

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I really enjoyed this book! Both Cole and Theo have such an easy writing style that you can just sit back, read and enjoy the ride! There was a lot of action and plotting in this book! I read it in a day! Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This book is not a roller coaster but more like a calm winding country road.

Anna and Paul DO NOT have the perfect marriage both are trying to figure out the best way to divorce each other. Until Paul’s uncle dies and money is involved.

This book is a great cleanser as it’s not dark and it won’t send you for a wild ride until the very end. The last bit of the book took a turn and threw you for a ride.

If you like to get into the middle of a marriage that is about to explode. This is the book for you.

Genre: Thriller
APK: Ebook
Pages: 349
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Series or Standalone: Stand-alone

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