Member Reviews

3 1/2 stars!!!
Her Secret Revenge was full of betrayal, revenge, scheming, cheating, lies, betrayal, suspense, near death experiences, death, consequences, drama, greed, lies, twists and more. If readers are looking for a story that doesn't have one minute of calmness, this is it. I think the only calm moment was at the end when Anna got her HEA. Anna, Paul, Marianne and Cameron's story is one that is that I think can be relatable in ways, but this story and these characters stressed me out. I knew this story would be full of suspense, but I never expected it to last the whole story. The drama and suspense within the story left me with a headache by the time I finished it and it's not a short story. There was a moment that made me laugh out loud and I was grateful for it as I needed that. This wasn't a bad story, but I think it just had too much going on for me with the non-stop drama. However, I would recommend readers giving this story a try themselves to see if this story is the one for them. Like I stated, it wasn't a bad story at all, it was just a bit much for me.

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A revenge thriller with many twists! This was my first by Cole Baxter and I enjoyed it.

The main characters of the story are Paul, one of the most narcissistic characters I've ever seen, and his wife Anna who is out for revenge and to make sure she gets what she feels entitled to financially.

When Anna learns of Paul's latest fling she decides enough is enough and decides to divorce him. When unexpected circumstances occur and Paul is set to inherit an estate from his late uncle, Anna realizes she must suck it up and stay a little longer to ensure she receives half of the estate in the divorce. Not about to sit idle when she learns Paul is trying to move his mistress into the estate she goes to visit the husband of the mistress. This unleashes a tsunami of chaos and has them fearing for their lives.

This domestic thriller is packed with action and is a fast paced read. I highly recommend this

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for an ARC of this book

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Her Secret Revenge by Cole Baxter
Rating ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️
Release date July 23,2024

My first book from this author. I was pleasantly surprised. The character Paul was possibly the most infuriating, selfish narcissist! Author did a great job building his character. I also enjoyed the dual POV. I loved the twists, although some were a bit predictable. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Take one dysfunctional family, a mistress, a crazed husband, an inheritance and throw in a knowledge of poisons and you have a fun and addictive page turning thriller. Don’t start this one close to bedtime. I thank Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Anna is married to Paul, a man who lies, cheats, steals, is lazy and a terrible husband. They are miserable together, and when Annie hires a private investigator and finds out Paul is sleeping with a woman named Marianne, she decided once and for all to divorce him. As she was thinking about how and when to end the marriage, circumstances changed with the death of Paul’s uncle, James.

James was a very wealthy man, and he left his entire estate, including a massive mansion, to Paul. This changes everything for Anna - Paul is always taking money from their joint account, but Anna is the one who makes most of that money. If she can stay married long enough for the house to be sold, she’ll get half of that inheritance and get back some of the money Paul has taken over the years.

Paul isn’t the smartest man, but he knows he wants Anna gone, and he wants all the money and the mansion for himself and Marianne. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t realize that Anna knows all about his plans, and she has no intention of letting him get away with everything. She just has to wait it out a little longer…and maybe give things a little nudge by telling Marianne’s husband what’s been going on behind his back. Cameron is abusive, an ex-military man and someone who isn’t afraid of a fight. Paul may have made a huge mistake…or did Anna?

This story had a lot of typical thriller things in it: a couple heading for divorce because of infidelity, a wealthy relative with a will, police and private investigators, and murders. The difference is that the story itself still felt very original and suspenseful. There is a lot of sneaking around in this book, and a lot to unpack. The ending was slightly abrupt, but that’s my only complaint - this is definitely a page-turner! 4.5 stars.

(Thank you to Bookouture for adding me to this book’s tour! The book is slated to be released on July 23, 2024.)

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This thriller was even more remarkable than his others I have read in the past. It offered numerous stunning twists and turns and kept me fully engaged due to its elaborate plot. The writing is very good, presenting a good storyline and well-developed characters with many surprises. I highly recommend this book to all psychological thriller lovers.

Thank you to Bookouture, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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This book hooked me in almost immediately and I absolutely raced through it, I couldn't wait to see how things would turn out.
I realise Paul was supposed to be unlikeable, but he was almost a caricature at times. I felt like some of his thoughts when reading his POV went a little beyond believability. Anna was an alright main character, but sometimes I struggled to sympathise with her. It might've been nice to see a bit of the start of their relationship to make the whole situation more understandable.
Nevertheless, the plot entertained me and overall I enjoyed this book, and really liked Cole Baxter's writing.

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I loved the setting that was in this place and how there was a muderous man chasing them down. The cliffhanger was perfect and thoroughly enjoyable. It just goes to show how far your family and loved ones that will go to protect you, regardless of the costs and consequences.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of Her Secret Revenge by Cole Baxter due to be published July 23, 2024.
Cole Baxter is one of my favorite authors – I have read five of his books so was thrilled to read this one!
Paul and Anna are headed for a divorce – especially since Anna found out Paul had a mistress, Marianne, who is trying to take over her life as well as her husband. Throw in Marianne’s husband, Cameron, who is trying to kill Paul and a squatter in a house that Paul recently inherited from his uncle – who will survive?
I’m not sure I’ve read too many characters I despised as much as Paul – misogynistic, selfish, self-absorbed, rude – need I go on? Still, the book had me hooked as I had to see how this love triangle ended and if anyone died in the process. Another great read by Cole Baxter!
#NetGalley #ColeBaxter #Bookouture #HerSecretRevenge

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Took me a bit longer than usual to get into this storyline but I thoroughly enjoyed it. A twisty read full of lies and suspense, good characters but not all likeable.

The ending was good and it certainly kept me entertained from the beginning until the end.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC which I can thoroughly recommend.

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Her Secret Revenge by Cole Baxter
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 23 July 2024

"Her Secret Revenge" delves into the tumultuous life of Anna, a woman trapped in a deteriorating marriage to Paul. For years, Anna has endured Paul's infidelities and his reckless squandering of their hard-earned savings. This betrayal chips away at her trust and patience, pushing her closer to her breaking point. Just as Anna is on the verge of giving up, Paul inherits a significant fortune, including a luxurious mansion, dramatically shifting their marital dynamic. This newfound wealth rekindles Anna's determination to claim her fair share as compensation for her years of dedication and sacrifice.

The characters in the novel are deeply compelling, each contributing to the intricate tapestry of the story. Paul is particularly loathsome, embodying a self-centredness that blinds him to his own faults and the pain he inflicts on others. His actions are those of a man who believes the world revolves around him, creating a character readers love to hate. In stark contrast, Anna is portrayed as a resilient and determined woman. Her journey from a long-suffering wife to a woman who stands up for herself is both inspiring and heart-wrenching.

The conflict between Anna and Paul is intense and unrelenting. Despite the common belief that opposites attract, in their case, it only leads to constant strife. Their personalities clash in every conceivable way, resulting in frequent, heated arguments. Adding fuel to the fire is Paul's mother, Noreen, who is incessantly interfering in their lives. Her unwavering support for Paul, no matter how wrong he is, only deepens the rift between the couple.

The book is a masterful blend of drama and suspense. Baxter skilfully weaves multiple subplots into the main narrative, creating a rich, layered story that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Each twist and turn in the plot is meticulously crafted, adding depth and intrigue to the story. The interplay between the characters and the evolving dynamics keep the reader hooked from beginning to end.

Overall, "Her Secret Revenge" is a thought-provoking and riveting read. Baxter's ability to create such vivid, believable characters and to intertwine their stories so seamlessly is commendable. The novel explores themes of betrayal, resilience, and justice, leaving a lasting impact on its readers. It's a book that lingers in the mind long after the final page is turned, a testament to its powerful storytelling and complex characters.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Bookouture, and the author, Cole Baxter, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Her Secret Revenge was a complicated vengeance thriller that was pretty satisfying! Anna is married to man baby Paul, a scrub who thinks everything is everyone else’s fault and pays Anna back for supporting him for over a decade by cheating on her and spending their savings. Anna is this close to finally filing for a divorce when Paul inherits his Uncle’s mansion and some cash. Determined to get her due for supporting him for years Anna sticks it out, but also puts a revenge plot in motion that has an unstable war veteran after Paul.

Anna is no victim and while she’s someone you can get behind she’s not faultless. That said, this revenge plot goes deeper and my only advice is to keep an eye on Paul’s mother, Noreen, who redefines loving mother. This wasn’t at all realistic but it sure was a lot of fun!

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Her secret revenge blew me away. I was blown away by all the secrets and twists that kept coming… The ending completely blew me away. I raced through the pages as fast as I could.
It's brilliant. It is well written, with a good plot and the characters are credible with plenty of twists and turns

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Thanks to NetGalley for the arc!
I have read several of books written by Cole Baxter and they are always entertaining. This was the same - a quick, easy and interesting read. While it wasn’t terribly hard to figure out the overall plot, it was still entertaining.

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A cheating husband...secrets...lies...the other woman...seeking herrings...unlikable characters...this is the recipe for a story of intrigue and mysterious happenings. Is revenge possible? What will happen next? Can this family go back to the way it was before? All of these questions are answered in this novel. Written by a talented author, this story is a page turner. Don't miss it. Enjoy. Thanks Netgalley.

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If I’m honest I struggled to like any of the characters in this book but maybe that was the point. It opened up around a wife finding out her husband was having an affair but had also been on a business trip which was actually a boys weekend in Vegas and he used their savings to fund it. At this point most of us world kick him to the curb but she is determined to get even and determined to not let him get her money. When he comes into an inheritance the anti is upped and as she plans to benefit from that as well he is planning a new life with his mistress. As both sides try to get their own way a deadlier story pans out which crashes towards a dark conclusion for everyone. No one in this story has clean hands.

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My second book by this author and I have to say that I was hooked from the moment I opened it.

I loved the characters the author created. There is Paul, who is the most selfish person I earth I think. He only thinks about his own importance and pleasure, being convinced whatever he does has to be accepted. Second, there is his mother Noreen, who most of the time supports him in everything he says or does and of course that is perfect for his ego. She also is a spirited old lady who does not throw in the towel. There is Anna, Paul's wife who has a totally different view on life and money. I guess it's pretty clear the couple often clashes. They both have their own agenda, each trying to gain as much as possible... Throw in the mix Paul's mistress and her Rambo styled husband and you know this can only bring disaster.

The author mixed in some funny lines that had me smiling and I always like that in a book. 

I had a really good time devouring this book. The countdown can start again. 5 stars

Thank you

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Unputdownable like the rest of Cole Baxter's books. Don't start this book at night unless you are prepared to stay awake all night. Plenty of suspense and a surprise ending.

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This thriller was fantastic and unfolded with plenty of twists and turns. I couldn’t put it down and read the entire book in a few hours.
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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