Member Reviews

This book is about finding yourself, meditation, life realizations, feeling alive, reaching your inner strength, appreciating simple things, taking control of your fear, and leaving a mark in the world.

I like poetry but I've not read one (this good) for so long since I feel like they don't really speak to me a lot. I love poetic poetry with engaging and unique logic and this one does! I've never heard of this author yet but I'm glad I requested this! The metaphors are deep and I love how the author knits words together to make sense of something. It's actually a magical experience!The only sad thing is that it ends!

Overall this is a delightful read! I would love to have a physical copy of this book and reread it every time I feel like life is not as good as it is. I recommend this to everyone who thinks deeply about what it is to be alive. Thank you to NetGalley and Central Avenue Publishing for the advance reading copy.

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3.5 stars
Self love is a commitment. Like every commitment, there will be mistakes, fights, repetition, simplicity, complications, moments where you wonder if it’s worth it. Leigh touches on all these moments when bringing her poetry to light. There are plenty of beautiful little nuggets here that I want to write out to think on. I’ll be sharing some of these lovely lines with my sister in times when her anxiety rises. The first half of the beginning poem felt like a reading from my own journal. I found so many similarities with “repeat after me” as well. Really needed to hear “there is no right age to finalize your life.” How sad— and yet how comforting to know that there is another human feeling the same way. My journey with weight loss and pcos held hands with the segment of Soil: growth & guidance. It was probably written with completely different motivations behind the words–but that is the beauty of poetry. It can apply to several aspects of life. My mother relates to “anti-aging” as she is always fond of telling me that she’s proud to show off her earned silver hairs. I felt a bond with the women in my life through Leigh’s poems. There were some moments when the writing felt young, you can tell the author hasn't lived to a ripe old age yet, but that doesn't slack her truth. To be honest, I haven’t read poetry in awhile, so this was a nice warm welcome back into the style.

Thank you Netgalley and Central Avenue Publishing for the arc, it was lovely.

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Shelby Leigh’s new poetry book "From Sand To Stars" features three long-form prose poems about healing from past hurts and one’s place in the larger universe. The poetry contains metaphors surrounding nature, including sand, gardens, and stars, all relating to a strained relationship between a speaker and an unknown second person, as well as the speaker with themselves. The poems give a sense of peace while also hinting at bigger things in the future, reading like a type of “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” There are a few pleasant images, including the idea of a person being like an atm, kindly accepting coins and regurgitating acts of love. While many of the musings in the poetry are so generalized as to feel impersonal, this may make it easy for many people to relate with what is being said. However, the effect for me was that it was hard to connect with the speaker.

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From Sand to Stars by Shelby Leigh is a collection of poems that are very relatable to everyday life. The book is divided into three sections: Sand, Soil, and Stars.

Sand, time and tension, slips through your fingers. Time tends to cause worry and overthinking. "I don't know how to be alone without feeling alone. I used to know how to be happy, or at least content, on my own. but lately when I'm by myself, all I do is overthink, spend hours staring at the ceiling while my mind replays moments I thought I left behind."

Soil, growth and guidance, is representative of the happiness in our lives when we choose to look for it. "if you are feeling empty, bare your roots to the sky and let the rain plant you like a seed, reborn into a new flower. you may not be perfect, but then again, who wouldn't want a beautiful flower just because it had a missing petal, a bent stem?"

Last, Stars, hope and healing, provides the perfect ending. "we are growing, blooming, healing, wishing, hoping, breathing, being," "a reminder to slow down. a reminder to breathe. a reminder that you are exactly where you need to be."

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I devoured each poem, then skipped back to the beginning and began again. So beautifully written, tender and moving.
This is the first book I've read by Shelby Leigh, I'll be reading the others asap.

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ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

from sand to stars put tears in my eyes. The poems comforted me in the most beautiful and painful way. A self-reflection that every heartbreak is part of your journey for you to be resilient. Most of the poems are relatable to what I’m currently going through.

Overall, poetry collection felt like your “shoulder to cry on”. It’s exactly how my soul sister talks to me. I love it so much because everyone is worthy of love in every aspect.

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This was a beautifully written collection of poetry that I’m glad I got to read. Each poem managed to capture such raw emotion that I found easy to relate to. I very much enjoyed this book.

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This was unlike any poetry book I read before. I read another book by the author before which I enjoyed so I had to pick this one up! This was quite the unique experience and I would recommend this to everyone who is looking for a poetry book that is a little different.

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From sand to stars is a great collection of accessible poems that reads like a transformation. The poems are entry level but deep in their d’épicurien of emotion.

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Shelby Leigh's *From Sand to Stars* is a stunning collection of poetry that deeply resonated with me. Each poem beautifully captures the raw emotions of anxiety and being in a dark place, yet gently guides the reader through the process of healing and growth. Leigh's words offer solace and a reminder that with time, there is light and hope. This book is a must-read for anyone who has ever felt lost or overwhelmed—it's a comforting companion on the journey toward finding peace and strength.

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"Remember that rest is productive, too. a day on the couch is a day well spent if your body and mind have asked you for it."

From Sand to Stars is a poetry collection by Shelby Leigh that explores themes of self-discovery, living in the moment and many more. The collection is developed in a timeline way that allows you to move forward with her.

"We try so hard to forget the ugly parts of life, but without them, how would we know what is beautiful?"

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A beautiful collection of poetry that will leave you with hope and wanting more. I love it when a poem makes me pause, re read, and pause again to let it sink in, and this happened several times throughout From Sand to Stars!

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Shelby Leigh's writing is so beautiful and honest. This book has so much to say on things like growth, anxiety, self love, grief, loneliness, and healing. I think this would be a really good book to read when you're going through some kind of hard time, especially mental health wise. I'm really glad I got to read it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Central Avenue Publishing for the chance to read and review this ARC!

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I liked this collection! I couldn’t tell if it was just the format of the arc or if this collection will be physically published this way, but all of the poems were crammed together and it read more like a run on sentence rather than individual poems. I’m more of a fan of individual poems on a page, so the layout definitely negatively affected my reading experience. It also felt pretty repetitive, being told the same message over and over in a slightly different way. I really enjoyed the authors note though and the imagery that this collection invoked. It has a lot themes about self love, which is always nice to read. I think this would be a great collection for someone new to the genre!

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Rating: 4.5

Shelby Leigh remains an icon in the contemporary poetry scene. Her poems are easy to follow (increasing inclusivity), and relatable. This poetry collection focuses on growth, and turning to the future. The collection is developed in a timeline way that allows you to grow with her. There were a fair amount of poems that felt added on or incomplete, which is something I haven't noticed in her other collections. But overall, if you are looking for poems on mental health, personal development, or want a soothing read, this will not disappoint.

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I love Shelby's previous poetry collection Girl Made of Glass, but this book unfortunately didn't hit me in the same way. I found a strong lack of depth, feeling and imagery. While there are hidden gems within this poetry, a lot of it feels surface level and like rewrites of generic quotes anyone can find online. It feels rushed and as if it's lacking creativity.

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Reading "From Sand to Stars" by Shelby Leigh was like receiving the warmest hug! Her poetry beautifully captures the ups and downs of life, making me feel completely seen and understood. Each poem is a gentle reminder that even our broken and insecure parts can find light and hope. Shelby's words are encouraging, uplifting, truthful, and sometimes challenging, urging us to embrace every part of ourselves.

This collection resonated deeply with my own experiences, and I found solace in her reflections on love and growth. It's a heartfelt journey that reminds us we're all worthy of love and capable of blooming even in our darkest moments.

If you're in need of a big hug and a boost of self-love, "From Sand to Stars" is a must-read. Shelby Leigh's poetic brilliance will leave you feeling inspired and cherished. 💖✨

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"We try so hard to forget the ugly parts of life, but without them, how would we know what is beautiful?"

A book about learning how to live in the present moment, nurturing yourself, feeling lost, but also trying to find yourself and have confidence (on yourself and regarding the future). This is yet another pretty honest and personal poem collection that spoke volumes to me. Will definitely read more from the author. :)

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A thoughtful collection of poems that will make you feel so much in a single sitting. Would definitely read more from the writer now that I’ve read this one!

(Thank you, Central Avenue Publishing and NetGalley, for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.)

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Before I managed to get stuck into this poetry, I found myself worried that this wouldn’t really be for me and it would take me a while to get through.
However, I was wrong!

This was written so beautifully and it was quite thought provoking. I particularly resonated with the first chapter ‘Sand’ and a quote that stays with me is “it feels like centuries since I’ve felt worthy of taking up space”.
I feel like that all the time, and sometimes the enormity of that feeling is quite isolating. To know that someone else can communicate that feeling so beautifully reassures me that we are not all quite alone as we lead ourselves to believe.

The rest of the book is amazing too but that is a part that stays with me the most :)

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