Member Reviews

The two narrators in this book were well chosen, their voices convey the dramatisation of the situations whilst also instilling a calmness throughout even the most dramatic of scenes. I very much enjoyed listening to the narrators, who added to my enjoyment.

With Linwood Barclay books, you know you are guaranteed a thrilling ride, this one is no exception.

Richard Boyle faces his share of troubles and turmoil throughout this book as the reader is taken on the rollercoaster of this ride alongside him. His world is turned upside down with problems coming at him from every direction. No sooner than one gets solved than another comes around the corner. Life as a teacher is always lived on a knife edge of ‘what if’s’ and Richard is certainly getting his fair share of cuts here!

Running alongside this seems to be another completely separate story, with a whole new set of characters and circumstances, a different world. I couldn’t see how they would come together as one story but of course Linwood Barclay can make that happen!

The characterisation is quite strong, particularly with Richard, his wife Rachel and sister-in-law Marta. Great to see strong women holding their own!

There is not much more that can be said without spoiling the plot, a pacy book.

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A Teacher's act of heroism puts him in the crosshairs of a diabolical blackmailer who is determined to get what he wants no matter the cost! I Will Ruin You grabbed my attention from the very first page with the harrowing scene and had me wondering how thing were going to work out as the plot morphed into something that I did not see coming.

Richard Boyle is a high school English teacher who stepped in and stopped a former student who had a bomb strapped to his chest from causing a major catastrophe at the school. Little does Richard know that the attention he receives from his heroic actions that day will have a very negative effect on his life. A vengeful blackmailer is determined to settle a score and Richard finds himself in the middle of accusations, lies, secrets, drugs, and danger!

This book started strongly and then slowed down a bit. There were times where I had no clue where things were going and how everything was going to be tied together. There is a lot going on within the pages of this book. There were also times where I wasn't even sure that I liked this book mainly because there were a few things thrown in that didn't seem to help the plot. I stayed with it, and I was impressed with how Linwood Barclay brought everything together in the end! There were a few 'aha' moments when everything became clear.

This book is told through the POV's of many characters which was a nice touch. I enjoyed getting to know their motivations and thoughts. As Richard tried to clear his name and get to the truth, I could feel his desperation and frustration. I also enjoyed the tension, sense of unease and the mounting danger which are woven nicely into the book.

As I mentioned, Linwood Barclay pulled everything nicely together in the end. I saw one reveal coming but overall was impressed by how everything came together. While I didn't enjoy this one as much as I have his other books, I still found this book to be enjoyable, well thought out, and wonderfully written.

*I listened to the audiobook and thought the narration was wonderful. Very nicely done.

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It’s a while since I read or listened to a Barclay book and I’d forgotten just how good he is. Skilled at complex plotting, he draws together so many threads in a way that keeps the suspense high and this is a real thriller. The opening section is superb as a suicide bomber enters a packed high school and is approached by Richard, one of the teachers. Bravely, he attempts to talk him out of detonating and from then on, the pace doesn’t let up.

The narrative moves through various viewpoints as other characters are introduced and their stories are told in parallel with the fallout from the bombing attack. All is not as it seems and there are grudges, secrets and double deals which affect numerous lives. The chapters are short and snappy; just one more, just one more and suddenly another hour has gone by, totally immersed in the events. Great characters, make and female. Really clever plotting exploring themes of revenge and more. My only negative; I finished this so quickly! Gripping stuff from a pan outstanding storyteller. Narration throughout is superb.

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This book will ruin your plans...

A multi-layered, domino effect story, that will keep you on tenterhooks as you try and figure out where this thrill ride is going. Linwood Barclay doing what he does best!

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Thanks Netgalley for my copy.

This was an okay novel. It was interesting enough to get through and I didn't mind how the story went and the twist but it was a little dull in places. I think perhaps it was the length of the book more than anything. It feels like it would be much better if it was condensed a little.

Read one by Barclay years ago and I enjoyed it at the time but I feel - now I've honed my personal preferences more - it would be much the same situation if I reread the other.

Anyway, overall an okay plot written well.

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When high-school English teacher Richard Boyle stops a former student from detonating a bomb in the school corridors, he unwittingly becomes a local hero. But far from being praised for his incredible bravery, this event sparks unwanted attention and Richard finds himself facing a terrible conundrum when an ex-pupil steps forward accusing him of inappropriate behaviour and threatens to blackmail him. As Richard seeks to clear his name, he's dragged into a series of ever escalating events. Can he keep his head above the water and keep his family safe at the same time?

This is a really taught and enjoyable thrill-ride of a book. The opening packs a real punch as the reader is thrown in alongside Richard as he attempts to talk down the would-be bomber and the action never lets up from this point onwards. The audiobook narrators were really gripping and with all the twists and turn it whips along at a real pace.

Overall a very satisfying thriller. Good characters, very plotty, fast moving, all threads nicely wrapped up. Not re-inventing the wheel but just very good at what it does!

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Good storyline I enjoyed this Audio book plenty of twists and turns typical Linwood Barclay I listened to this in a couple of days

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Richard Boyle has a good life. He is a popular teacher at his school, affectionately known as Mr B; happily married, with a beautiful daughter.
An ex-pupil, hell bent on destruction. comes to the school one morning, to settle old grudges. Mr B’s actions in the face of huge personal danger, further cement his reputation in the community. It also brings the unwanted attentions of a desperate man, someone who is determined to bring this hero, down to a zero.

The story starts at a good pace, and keeps this up throughout.
I was rooting for Richard, hoping his work and home life would not end in tatters. Though some of his decision making left me shaking my head, and wanting to have a quiet word with him. There is a lot going on, it is a very busy book. Richard barely gets the chance to draw breath, before the next potential disaster hits him.

I found this thriller an easy, enjoyable read, which kept me engaged to the last page. I really enjoyed the audio narration by George Newburn and Jonathan McClain, which helped add to the tension.
4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me.

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I usually like a Linwood Barclay book, but I found this book to be really slow compared to their other novels.
It started with a bang, but then kind of fizzled off and didn't grip me back.

I will try reading the book - maybe it was the audio book that I didn't enjoy. (Narrator sounded slightly annoying)

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Thank you to Netgalley for the audiobook. I have read a few of this author's other books and always enjoy them. This was another enjoyable story. This is a bit of a caper tbh and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I laughed out loud a few times. Easy read. The narration was great.

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Richard is an English teacher, getting on with life and doing his job to the best of his abilities when he averts a serious incident. Once his face is splashed all over the news as a hero, he finds himself getting blackmail letters that could jeopardise his job and his life. Everything is escalating and he finds himself at the centre of something bigger than he imagined. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC/audiobook and the charming narrative.

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I have read a lot of this authors work in the past and really enjoyed them but sadly this one for me isn’t one of my favourites. It started out well and I was really engaged but it lost its way then. It’s told from several points of view which always works well. I didn’t find the storyline anything in the way of different to many others. It felt like it went off in too many different directions with some being unnecessary and I lost interest. The characters were ok enough. The narrator did a good job. Overall it was an enjoyable enough listen just not one of my favourites.

Thanks to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK Audio for the opportunity to listen to and review #IWillRuinYou

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Another excellent story from Linwood Barclay.The characters and plot line keep guessing right till the end.The narrator was perfect for the book. Well Linwood Barclay.

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Linwood Barclay is not an author I have read before but I thought I will ruin you was a good story but a bit predictable, it starts of well with english teacher Richard Boyle savings his school from being blown up by a former pupil, from that moment on his life spirals out of control and this is where I found it frustrating because you would think a intelligent teacher would not do so many daft things, but then I suppose there wouldn't be any story left to tell.
As an audiobook it was a easy listen and the narrators George Newburn and Johnathan McClain did a good job with keeping the story entertaining.

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Oh my goodness! How does Linwood Barclay come up with so many very different and diverse ideas for book themes and make them all so good?

This is the fourth book I've read by this author and have to say I have loved every one of them and will definitely be reading more and recommending them to everyone. What a thrill ride.

All of his books could easily be made into movies especially "I will ruin you" which is probably every teacher's worst nightmare.

Richard Boyle an English teacher spots an ex pupil on the school grounds with a bomb strapped to his chest. He somehow manages to jump into action and avoid a catastrophe to become the hero, but now all eyes are on him and someone starts to blackmail him, putting his whole livelihood at risk. What would you do?

I part read and part listened to this book and was easily able to pick up where I left off due to the great narration by George Newburn and Johnathan McClain, two American actors, who do a fantastic job.

Great characters, great twisty story, great book and a big thank you to Harper Collins UK Audio/HQ for giving me the chance to read and review an advance copy of this Linwood's latest hit.

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The book opens with English teacher Richard Boyle mid lesson, he notices a figure outside, when he realises ex pupil Mark Ledrew is approaching the school vested up with explosives he ditches procedure, shouts to his class to barricade and call 911. He talks to Ledrew who mentions incidents that happened to him when he was at the school, The lawn mower man abused him. He talks Ledrew down, but as he makes his way outside he trips his shoelace and lets go of the button only killing himself, he’s shaken, his wife Bonnie is mad that he put himself in the line of fire like that and his daughter Rachel is as proud as punch.

Boyle is rightfully hailed a local hero, but ex pupil Billy Finster sees the news footage and he’s out to earn some money from Boyle in order to keep his mouth shut about what Richard done to him. Finster is working as a baggage handler, taking extra packages of drugs in along the way and earning cash that he keeps hidden from his wife.

Richard is paying up, but he knows he didn’t abuse the boy, so who did and how will the story end up?

The opening is brilliant, it sets the tone of anticipation for the rest of the book, and while I solved the puzzle less than half way in. I still enjoyed the rest of the story.

The dual narration by George George Newbury and Jonathan McClain was excellent for the most part, but one of them made Billy’s wife sound like a bobs burger character and I had to keep reminding myself to be serious.

Huge thanks to HarperCollins U.K. audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to this audio arc.

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I’m a Linwood Barclay fan so I knew before I started that this was going to be a good listen. Really enjoyed the premise and the narrator was well suited to the story. The story kept me listening with twists and I finished over just 3 days. I didn’t guess the ending which is always a plus (although I try hard every time haha) Can’t wait for more from this author

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3.5 stars

I was a bit slow to get into this, sometimes it happens, but when I did, it was a VERY entertaining ride.
A small mistake gets blown out of all proportions and what follows can be thrilling, scary and actually quite fun.
As soon as everything started falling into place, I did not put this down.
Made my early morning walk to work seem almost pleasant.

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I am a big fan of Linwood Barclay books. He has a way of putting every day people into extraordinary situations and seeing just how messed up their lives can become, This is what happens to English teacher, Richard Boyle.

This teacher finds himself trying to talk down a former student who turns up at the school with a bomb strapped to him, He manages to talk him down, but it is the start of an absolute nightmare for the teacher. If it can go wrong it will, and he finds himself in some seriously dangerous situations. I don’t want to spoil anything so you just need to read this to believe it. It is a wild story and highly entertaining. Just go with it, it is fun and shocking at the same time.

The narrator George Newburn was just brilliant. Made me believe that there was a whole cast narration. I will definitely like to listen to more from him.

Thanks so much to Harper Collins UK Audio for my advanced copy to listen to. Out on August 1st.

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