Member Reviews

As soon as I saw this on Netgalley, I knew I HAD to request it. The Watchers was one of my favourite reads so far this year and I didn't think a sequel could possibly top it... but here we are. As much as I enjoyed The Watchers, I liked Stay in the Light even more!

It was a little slow in the beginning but that didn't really bother me because I feel like that was on purpose. We were being shown how both Mina and Ciara were dealing with life outside the coop, which was obviously very traumatic for them, so rushing it would have felt disrespectful.

And once the action kicked off, it REALLY kicked off. I don't wanna spoil anything but let's just say a lot of lingering questions that I had after reading The Watchers were answered, Sean Kilmartin is absolutely his father's son, and that twist at the end? I did not see that coming!

The wait for the next book — because there BETTER be another one after that ending — is going to be excruciating!

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I didn’t enjoy this as much as I enjoyed the first one, felt like it went very … mythical? At the end ?? Not sure if this is the word I want but …. Yeah….. very dull at times too (mainly the Kilmartin chapters) but was a quick-ish read

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An exciting sequel to The Watchers! I was thrilled to read the advanced copy.

The story delivers. It's rich in Irish folklore horror. It's suspenseful, mysterious, dangerous, and enigmatic. We get some pivotal new characters and some alarming twists. We also get thrilling scares and claustrophobic cave exploration. The sense of the unseen and of being hunted drives the horrors forward. And the hint towards a third in the series is exciting!

Highly recommended and I'm definitely keen for The Watchers movie just released!.

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'Nothing good ever came from beneath the earth.'

Stay In The Light picks up over a month after the events of The Watchers. Mina has fled to the coast with the golden one to stay hidden from the watchers. She keeps in contact with Ciara & waits on Madeline to get in contact & let her know she's safe. But the events of the coop & the woodland still haunt Mina & she may not be as safe or hidden as she hoped.
We also get the perspective from a new character - Sean Kilmartin. He is following in his fathers footsteps in regards to myths & legends. He has cultivated a team to help investigate into a cavern that may hold the answers to what his father started. But Sean will find out that your should always heed the warnings.

I love that we got more of this world & to see how Mina was dealing with her new reality. Love that she still has the golden one & even though he can't talk back, we still get this great relationship between the two.
A.M. Shine knows how to do tension. Like with The Watchers there were so many moments I was on the edge of my seat of holding my breath with fear for the characters & what was about to happen. Theres more expansion on the mythology & history of the watchers, look forward to where this is going. There were a few moments I found slowed the story down, but I was so engrossed with where this story was heading. It ends in a way to indicate may get a third book & really excited & hope we do. Feels like there is still so much more of the world left to be explored. It is best to have read The Watchers.

"If not being dead was the silver lining, how dark must the clouds have been?'

Thank you to A.M. Shine, Head of Zeus & Netgalley for the opportunity to read & review Stay In The Light.

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I read an eARC of this book on NetGalley so thank you to the author and publisher.

This was an excellent sequel to The Watchers which was already a fantastically tense and scary book. We maintain the horrible sense of malicious observation in this book and the feeling of danger never lets up! In this book we learn more of the local folklore and history and also how the watchers came to be as they are. This was absolutely fascinating and I loved this element of this sequel.

We do get some new characters in this book. Some in particular whose actions will lead to devastating consequences. There are themes of hubris, of digging into things that should be left alone.

This book sets up for a third one so well and I can’t wait to see what happens next! It’s going to be completely action packed I imagine! This was a great second book, fast paced with non stop tension!

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The watchers was my favourite book from the year 2021 and as soon as i saw there was going to be a sequel i knew it was going to be amazing. Stay In The Light was full of tension, suspense and the right amount of creepiness exactly like it had in the first book.

Following Mina, we see how distrustful she is of everybody around her, her time spent in the forest has haunted her and soon people she encounters start to disappear. Is this caused by the watchers and further along she finds her sanity being questioned. She tries to tell people about the watchers but it falls on deaf ears. Regardless i really enjoyed reading alongside Mina as well as the characters from the previous book and we also get new characters in the sequel who are interesting.

At times i wasn't able to sit still, once i started i was engrossed. Stay in the light is filled will so much gothic creepiness and horror elements. The twists and turns come at you full force. At the ending i was thinking and hoping there will be a third book. I am and still am hooked with this series. Would definitely recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers and Head of Zeus for the copy of this arc in exchange of my full honest review.

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*Huge thanks to A.M. Shine and Head of Zeus for the digital ARC of this one!*

Three years after Shine’s debut, ‘The Watchers,’ (my review of which you can read HERE) rampaged across an unsuspecting horror world, we get a sequel, ‘Stay in the Light,’ which was both unexpected and wholly expected.

I say unexpected, as Shine had written and released a very bleak and unnerving novel, ‘The Creeper,’ (my review of which you can read HERE) and how things were left in ‘The Watchers’ signaled that it very well could’ve been one and done. BUT. But, with how things were left, there was more to unravel and reveal AND of course, there is the fact that ‘The Watchers’ was made into a movie with the Shyamalan name all over it. So, there was the expectation that more would come and, frankly, I was super excited to see that a sequel was releasing later this year!

Now, if you’ve not read the first one, you’ll want to stay far away from this review as unfortunately, there will be some spoilers. In this rare case, they’re unavoidable, because of the events that take place in book one. If you’ve read book one, this review will be spoiler-free for you!

What I liked: In book one, we ended with Mina having escaped with her parrot from the concrete bunker in the woods and making it back to the city. There, she notices the watchers that are watching her, them with their odd faces mimicking humans and long, lean bodies.

‘Stay in the Light’ picks up not long after those events. Mina has fled to the coast, heeding Madeline’s warnings that she needs to get away, and while there, she’s befriended an older couple, who let her live in their daughter’s place, while she’s away. Mina follows the rules, keeps a vigilant eye out, and calls Ciara frequently.

Shine does a great job of completely adjusting the tone in storytelling here. Whereas ‘The Watchers’ was completely claustrophobic and unnerving, this one spends the first fifty percent focused on whether Mina is in the midst of a complete mental breakdown. Did the events of book one happen? Or was it something Mina made up? Her twin sister would suggest Mina’s gone off the deep end, now an alcoholic who believes monsters exist. But Mina, against all odds, trusts that these things happen, even as she waits for Madeline to find her.

The second storyline that we get is Sean, the son of a key figure from book one, who believes he’s made a wondrous discovery at a well-known historical landmark. He assembles a team who’ll get inside and prove that his father was right. But he doesn’t know what awaits below, and Shine is ready to reveal all.

It’s these archaeological moments where we learn the truth about who the watchers are and what is about to happen, and I have to say, I was so happy that it wasn’t a standard trope, or a well-trodden ‘good versus evil’ battle. This was uniquely based on Ireland and Ireland’s history, and it was such a revelation and refreshing.

The ending was spot on and not only answered some lingering questions from book one but also sets up the potential for a third book. I’d be fine if it ended here, but I’d also be completely on board seeing how all of this wraps up and what Shine has planned.

What I didn’t like: This was a rare case where I wish the book was another hundred pages longer, simply because I wanted more of Sean’s scenes and more revelations as the team went further below ground. Shine has such a way with his prose and the descriptions he gives us are immaculate, which made me want that much more of the subterranean scares.

Additionally, I would’ve loved a quick recap at the start about where things had left off and who was who, as I forgot Ciara completely until her backstory was shared again.

Why you should buy this: If you loved ‘The Watchers’ as much as I did, then you’ll be all over this one. I haven’t managed to watch the movie yet, but I’d also imagine that if you didn’t read book one but watched the movie, then you’ll want to learn more. Shine’s writing is stellar and once again, this world is brought alive through that wonderful writing, and the amazing characters and is highlighted by Mina and Madeline’s odd connection, a connection that should not be, but is, and used perfectly to pull the readers along.

A stellar sequel and one that will make many readers very happy!

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Being a big fan of The Watchers this was a sequel we were waiting for. Your never sure how a sequel is going to measure up but I'm glad to say this measured up. This is the kind of sequel a book like The Watchers deserves!

It picks up where The Watchers left off and hits the ground running, with a well written increasing crescendo of tension leading to a climax that left us a little breathless.

The characters are well written and have continued to evolve, including the Golden Conjure!

The only negative thing we have to say regarding this, is how long do we have to wait for another one? Because make no mistake, you will want more!

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I received this ARC from Netgalley for a review.

I loved this book. I have made no qualms about the fact that despite only having released three books A M Shine is an automatic buy for me.
This book follows on from the events in The Watchers and I loved every second. The same slow creeping horror that I fell in love with in the first book is present in this one. I loved the exploration of the dark and the horror of something that can mimic a loved one to such an extent that you only getting an inkling that something is wrong with them.
The characters in this book were good but I think I would have liked to have seen more exploration in the troubles that some of the characters had with the present world and some more of the horror of someone that you love being mimicked by the Changlings. All that being said I am still hoping for more from this world and these characters and will still have to study people in my life more closely for the next little while.

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Note: This review will contain spoilers for The Watchers, but other than general plot details, it is spoiler-free for Stay In The Light.

Fresh on the heels of the movie adaptation of The Watchers comes Stay In The Light, the sequel to the 2021 A.M. Shine novel. The events of that novel have left Mina paranoid and isolated, Ciara distraught and mourning her husband, and Madeline out there, watching—and not alone. Knowing that nobody would believe her story of the events in the woods, Mina is trying to remain vigilant, closely inspecting everybody she encounters for signs of mimicry while moving as far from large populations as she can. However, an expedition team's discovery threatens to reveal the truth of the watchers, as well as pulling Mina back into the nightmare she has been trying to find escape from in the bottom of a bottle. 

Stay In The Light Is not a simple retread of the horror that made The Watchers so popular. The single location and the core group of characters are gone, with Shine expanding the scope of the story to more locations and introducing new characters. The pacing is slower at first as well, partly because the book takes its time acquainting us with Mina's new reality and how she is coping with it—or isn't coping, as the case may be. This is also because of our introduction to Sean.

I won't discuss his relationship to certain characters from the first book here, but Sean has an interest in the watchers and a desire to prove their existence to the world. Upon discovering an underground hollow, he mounts an expedition to try and enter it and to see what evidence of them may be found there. This storyline runs concurrently with Mina's and again starts a little slowly. These two plot threads combine to make the pacing feel a lot more methodical to begin with, and less patient readers may struggle waiting for the proverbial to hit the fan.

Once that happens, however, it's full steam ahead through the second half of the book. There are creepy moments where you don't know if a character is trapped with a disguised watcher or not—as well as times when you know that they are—and there's other sequences that are action-packed and full of destruction. The payoff for those who stick with the story is huge.

The other part of the book that may well be divisive is the ending. While I feel like it's an earned and effective climax to the story, it is clear that this isn't the end of things, and Shine has—at least—one more book planned. A potential third book has the opportunity to be very different from the other two, and I'll personally be first in the queue to read it, but I can see some readers finishing Stay In The Light with more frustration than I did.

Overall, I thought this was a very strong follow-up to the original book, and there should be plenty here for fans of The Watchers while taking the series in a different direction. I have no doubt that Shine will have another hit on his hands with this novel, and I'll be hoping for a shorter wait until the next installment.

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Stay in the Light is the second instalment in The Watchers series and it is absolutely fantastic.
A.M. Shine is incredible at creating terror and intrigue, drawing you in and keeping you fascinated throughout.
He has such a beautiful way with words, even when creating nightmare fuel such as these. This book is so much fun and made my heart race! I personally found it even more enjoyable than the first, which is saying something because I adored The Watchers. We continue to experience the terror with Mina, revisit Madeline and Ciara, and meet a new man named Sean who throws a giant wrench in the works.
Without spoilers, I will say this is completely worth the read, and it leaves a wide opening for a third instalment which I need A.M. to write immediately!
This series is a phenomenal introduction to Irish folklore and I am so grateful to have received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley for my advance copy.

I’m a huge fan of the first book in this series. The sequel does not disappoint. It’s very much a middle chapter in a trilogy, but that’s not to take anything away from it. This was a very atmospheric and creepy continuation of the story. It was dark, suspenseful, and full of tension.

Mina’s character development kept me interested as we see her adjust to her new life in fear of the changelings that can appear as anyone. There were a few particularly tense moments involving the creatures hiding in plain sight and Mina’s attempts to evade them.

Meanwhile Sean Kilmartin, the son of the professor from the first book has stumbled on to an elaborate network of caves that could be the archaeological find of the century. Mina is racing to stop them while keeping herself safe from the dangers all around her.

A strong, creepy horror tale, I’m just as keen to read the finale and see where all this is going.

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Stay in the light is the sequel to one of my favorite horror books – The watchers. I was very nerves to get into the second book because how can this be better than the first one? It’s simply not possible.
But still, the writing in this one is immaculate. I love Ireland and reading about its nature and the fairy lore was very enjoyable to me. As in the first book there are some twists and the intrigue is there till the end, there are discoveries that you think you know about, but it turns to be something different. Some negatives would be that I found Mina’s chapters at the beginning pretty boring because I was mostly invested in the Sean’s discoveries at the Burren. I wanted there to be more “on screen” horror, but I wasn’t scared at all even in the scenes that were supposed to be sinister. The ending is not that satisfying but there will be a third book for sure. My overall rating is 3.5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for providing me the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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Thank you so so much to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for the opportunity to read this ARC. This book was the reason I signed up to NetGalley, so it was an honour to read!

Stay in the Light, where do I even begin?

I loved the world A.M Shine created with the first book, and I would take any opportunity to dive back into it, so this sequel was much welcomed. With an entirely new setting, fortunately it doesn’t feel repetitive, everything has changed from the first book. Mina, the watchers, and every character in between, everyone has been affected from their time in the forest.

The watchers are such terrifying opponents, even more so in this book where it’s clear they’ve honed their craft. Virtually indistinguishable from the humans they seek to copy- what could be more terrifying?

I love how A.M Shine writes his twists and turns, they’re so hard to see coming and trust me, these books have plenty! He does an incredible job at slowly building to the big reveal before ripping the bandaid off and stunning you with the surprise.

I love Mina as a character, she’s enjoyable to read about as a main character and the way she’s written shows she’s been deeply affected by her time spent in the forest. Sometimes books lose track of who the character is, Shine perfectly represents Mina’s strong character the whole way through.

I live close to where the watchers are, since reading the first book it still feels like they could be outside my bedroom window, waiting for me to leave the light.

Since the first book was made into a movie, I’m praying the second one will be too, I need to consume as much of ‘the watchers’ as possible!

There were multiple points in the last chapter that felt like a hint to a 3rd book 👀 Please please please, I need it! It can’t end like that, a third book would perfectly tie everything together!

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The first book in this story, The Watchers, was on my TBR for the longest time and with the film adaption coming out, I decided to finally pick it up and I'm so glad I did. Having finished this first book, I was so glad to see that the sequel was available on NetGalley.

Having gone from a dark, lonely setting in part one to a busier setting in book 2, it was really interesting to see the characters and themes adapt to this new dynamic. Understandably, after the trauma in book one, that our main character, Mina, would be mistrustful of the world and people around her.

I loved the dual perspective in this book, and found it a great way to introduce new characters and lore to the story. My only question is, having read the ending, what happens next??

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I absolutely loved "The Watchers," so when I had the chance to read this advance reader copy (ARC), I was beyond excited. I have to admit that the book started off a bit slow, but as the story unfolded, the pace picked up and had me completely engrossed. Mina, Ciara, and Madelein were wonderful characters, and I found myself really connecting with them. The introduction of new characters added even more depth to the story, making it a truly captivating read for me. I want to extend a huge thank you to Aria & Aries for granting me access to this ARC. It was a brilliantly eerie and atmospheric read that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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"Stay in the Light" is the much-anticipated sequel to "The Watchers" by A.M. Shine and I have been desperately looking forward to reading this.

We return to Mina who is attempting to adjust to life following her narrow escape in the previous book. She is haunted by her time in the woods and lives in fear that something has followed her. We are also introduced to Sean Kilmartin, son of the Professor, who is determined to claim his legacy. Sean has brought a team to excavate a system of tunnels leading beneath the Burren, not knowing what ancient horrors lurk within...

This sequel is just as gripping and beautifully written as the first novel. The descriptions took me right there to the Irish coast and set the tone for this modern gothic tale. Things start off at a slow burn before ramping up the pace and racing towards a devastating ending. It was great to return to some familiar characters and also learn more about the folklore; I am hooked on this series!

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A.M Shine's highly anticipated follow up to The Watchers (which I rated 5 stars) "Stay in the Light" can be summed up in a simple mathematical equation; it was leaner, and it was longer.

The first 25% felt unnervingly vacant of plot as we caught up with the lives and whereabouts of the surviving cast of characters. The book relies heavily on the reader's previously formed relationship's with these comeback characters, there are no new insights or revelations. It feels like a missed opportunity. However, the book is built out with plenty of new material and doesn't rely on it's previous foundations falling back on continuous flashbacks to the coop. It's leaner, but not lazy.

We are introduced to what I refer to as the secondary cast, and this is where I have a real dichotomy of thinking. My emotional investment in this story is wholly in the original characters from book one. I have no real connection or care for the new crew. However, from an interest perspective, there really isn't a plot which can sustain a whole second book without the introduction of the storyline of the second cast. The two casts and their respective storylines never really marry together, and the connecting link is tenuous.

So who is the new guy, and why don't I rate him? Sean Kilmartin, son of Professor David Kilmartin. Only, as we know from book one, and verified in this book, there are no official records of Professor David Kilmartin ever having children. Do not fall down a Burren of conspiracy theories regarding Sean Kilmartin, I believe him to be nothing more than a square peg made to fit in a round hole, and for this reason, as a reader my trust was lost.

This book is obviously not The Watchers. Even The Watchers are not The Watchers anymore they seem to be "faery folk" or simply "monsters". It could not imitate the same locked-in claustrophobic coop vibes from book one, it's a totally different animal, but it was those vibes that I vibe with. There's a creeping slow burn anxiety from the midpoint when you start to expect that defining event to happen. Oh, and it happens, and you won't be disappointed, but you have to wait until the final 8% to be rewarded. Remember, leaner and longer.

I gave this 3.75 stars, and in my opinion this is not a sequel but more of a reckoning.
I would like to thank #NetGalley for the opportunity to read #StayInTheLight as an #Arc in exchange for my honest review.

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My reading habits typically allow for just a couple of hours a day, at most, to engage with my current book. A.M. Shine has perfected the formula, firmly establishing a 'books-first' mindset in me. Some of you might relate to the feeling of being in your first major relationship and not wanting to spend a minute apart from your partner—that's the effect Shine's books have on me.

"The Watchers" was brilliant. Initially, I was uncertain how Shine would continue the story, given its potential to take various directions. However, the execution is impressive. "Stay in the Light" successfully builds on the foundation of "The Watchers" without succumbing to repetition. The landscape has changed, and nowhere is safe. Additionally, I found the subplot involving the excavation to be particularly engaging.

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Having escaped the woods and then fled the city, Mina remains on high alert.

When people around her start to be replaced, she can’t convince the authorities to believe her.

Meanwhile, Professor Kilmartin’s son is working on a dig which might unleash something even worse than the Watchers.

A creepy gothic tale influenced by the most terrifying aspects of Irish folklore.

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