Member Reviews

Stay In The Light is the perfect follow up to The Watchers.
Mina, Ciara and Madeline may be out of the coop but they aren’t out of the woods yet. The Watchers are still lurking in the cities and towns Mina runs to, and no matter how she disguises herself they can see her.
Meanwhile Sean Kilmartin has stumbled on to the archaeological find of the century, but who knows what is still lurking under the earth.

A. M. Shine is a master of combining folklore, history and paranormal horror together. I was a huge fan of The Watchers and The Creeper, and Stay In The Light is just as thrilling. The plot has a really good balance, with a partial focus on Mina’s story (the poor girl cannot get a break) which although a little slow in some areas, really builds a huge amount of suspense with some really chilling moments. The other focus for the story is the new character of Sean Kilmartin, carrying on his father’s work with the find of a large tomb-like cavern that may just prove the existence of changelings…this story was fast paced, packed with folklore and history, and had some incredibly creepy scenes. I was really drawn to this story in particular, it was so well written I could picture every moment, and it paved the way for a brilliant third instalment.
The mix of the two stories really lets the reader see every single angle and answers some questions from the first book. The change of pacing and cliffhanger moments where the story shifts perspective keeps you on the edge of your seat for the whole book. I was really captivated from start to finish.

I can’t wait to see this take the horror world by storm and am already looking forward to a third book!

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I have read both A.M Shine's books, The Watchers and The Creeper and I was a big fan of both. I love horror books but in particular I love how they're Irish horror books. Having grown up hearing stories on Irish folklore I loved The Watchers and Stay in the Light, I wish more horror books were set in Ireland around folklore as it is so old and beautiful and interesting. I wondered if a sequel to The Watchers could hold up but it did and I loved it, this book was a perfect continuation. The writing is lovely and keeps you hooked as you don't even realise you're turning the pages, I had to pace myself from reading it all in one night.

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thank you to NetGalley and Aria & Aries for allowing me to read “stay in the light” early

Overall I gave the book 4.5 stars.

What a sequel to the first book 👏🏻 absolutely loving the fact that there’s more to mina, ciara & Madeline’s story, the love I have for Madeline is insane and this book only made my love for her grow more!

Following on from the first book I was scared because how can you top a masterpiece? But the introduction to Sean & Ash was the perfect way to do it! I was so indulged in the story I didn’t want it to end.

I’m very excited to see where else this story continues and I need a physical copy of this book ASAP!!

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I was very excited by this sequel to The Watchers and it did not disappoint! We once again join Mina, Madeleine and the others and I won’t say anything else as I don’t want to give anything away! The writing is beautiful and flows, and it’s a real page turner. Fingers crossed there’ll be a third book!

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Follow ups to successful horror books rarely pan out however Shine has done it again with this one. Every bit as spooky and gripping as book one. Recommended.

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me with this ARC of Stay in the Light by EM Shine. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have read it and give feedback.

So far, this is the only sequel ARC I have requested. When my request was approved I began reading straight away!

This book met all of my expectations. It was a great sequel, a great horror, and another great look into Irish mythology. It’s a different vibe to The Watchers, but it doesn’t try to be the same. Characters have a lot of trauma from their experience in the coop and the forest, and part of this book is about how they’re coping (or not coping). The rest… well, I think that should be a surprise.

The characters were great. The majority of this book follows Mina as well as a well-developed new character. We also have snippets from side characters that enhance the story, and the Watchers were even creepier than they were before.

My one gripe is (and it’s not a big deal) is the way the new character describes women. This isn’t a romance, I don’t need to know his gaze is lingering on the curve of her body. There was a similar problem in another book of Shine’s, and I 100% could have done without it.

All in all, I’m very glad I enjoyed this book. The Watcher and Stay in the Light were both wonderful reads, to the point where I’m going to buy physical copies of them. It seems to set up a sequel, so I’ll eagerly await that. Shine’s 2022 book The Creeper could have been great, but was ruined by one of the worst endings I’ve ever experienced. I’ll give this book a solid 4/5.

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Stay in the Light is a decent follow-up to The Watchers. The story picks up right where the first book left off, with Mina having become a paranoid wreck while living in hiding. In alternate chapters we follow Sean, the son of Professor Kilmartin, who is determined to finish his father’s work.

It’s Sean’s storyline that stole the show for me. He’s convinced that proof of the changelings existence lies in an underground cavern and the explorations of this space are delightfully creepy. By comparison, I found Mina’s chapters a bit boring (until the end of the novel when things do eventually pick up!). I almost wish that this story had only been about Sean and his team.

I still love the eerie descriptions of the changelings themselves, but the start of this book was just a bit too slow for me.

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"Stay in the Light" is a brilliant follow-up to "The Watchers", continuing the story of Mina and her friends as they run from the changelings that now exist in our world.

I was nervous about this sequel, wondering how on earth it could stand up to the first book.

I shouldn't have worried!

It's fast paced, a bit more action packed, but still builds a world rich in fascinating characters, deep folklore, and creepy Irish settings.

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AM Shine has written some cracking books in recent years, "Stay in the Light" is the sequel to "The Watchers" (turned into a film). It's brilliant. It already has a cinematic feel (why would you not take a chance that this one could be optioned too) and it is full of atmosphere. It takes up the story after "The Watchers" has finished and we follow Mina in her new life. It goes beyond the Coop and expands on what the Watchers are, Changelings. Jam-packed with Irish folklore with a horror twist, we also have a very dark Indiana Jones style thread. Wouldn't it be nice if this was a trilogy?

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Shine by name, Shine by nature…

When I read The Watchers a couple of years ago, I was completely hooked: there was something about Shine’s writing that scratched all of my folk horror itches. This happened again with The Creeper and I knew that I’d found a new favourite in the genre!

With Stay in the Light, A.M. Shine continues the story that was started in The Watchers and manages to add another rich and terrifying layer to the mythos - extra emphasis on terrifying.

Shine has the ability to make your skin crawl with ease: there are moments here that were full of dread as you witness some pretty heart-stopping revelations, one of which involved a voice being ‘tried out’ and I think some of the accompanying imagery will haunt me.

As previously mentioned, where The Watchers started the world building, this really amplifies it and takes it to another level. It was nice to have more settings and perspectives to explore and I honestly struggled to put the book down for long. The mix of likeable and unlikeable characters made this a very exciting read.

There's a real sense of foreboding and tension as long-forgotten secrets fight to be rediscovered.

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Ok sorry to spam the world with book reviews - but they are GOOD books I'm reviewing! Stay in the Light is a sequel to The Watchers (which incidentally is a movie out at the time of writing this review, one I will only be watching once the kids are all tucked up in bed and I am feeling particularly brave). I confess I haven't actually read the OG book, but first things first, Stay in the Light is still good and totally follawable if you find yourself in the same shoes (I will be hunting down The Watchers to read at some point).

This book is absolutely drenched in atmosphere - in fact, its a master class in horror. I feel that Shine is channelling "The Passage" vibes with this series (except producing a much tighter, better paced overall story). There are all the right elements for a good torturous spook - slow burn uneasiness, the occasional visceral threat, scares without melodrama. It's great!

It's quite a strange storyline, almost quaint, set in isolated Irish locales which fits the mood perfectly. It gives a sense of plausibility to whats happening, even as the story ramps up and starts spreading beyond the torment of poor Mina. Something that is done quite well is Shine crafts different sorts of horror scenes to keep the story fresh - its not just our MCs running from situation to situation from the monster-of-the-week.

Maybe one tiny beef - not only is this book a sequel but very apparently going to have a sequel. While I thoroughly enjoyed the book overall it really could have done with a bit more juice to the plot to make it feel less like an instalment in a larger story - I mean I will still be picking up (begging Netgalley hopefully) for the next one and eagerly reading it...

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I adored The Watchers and this is the perfect sequel.

Picking up where The Watchers left off (so you really do have to have read it first), it's a fast-paced, totally engrossing continuation of Mina's story. New characters are introduced that build out this world that A.M. Shine is creating and the mythology and origin of the changelings is further fleshed out (no pun intended!).

Everything that I loved about The Watchers is back - that exquisite intermingling of ancient Irish folklore in a modern day setting, fascinating characters that you just want to know more about, and that sense of horror that comes more from the unseen and the implied rather than from graphic, gory description. I devoured it in a single day and now just really want to know what happens next! I do so hope book 3 is in the planning already.

After being slightly disappointed by The Creeper, this is just story-telling perfection and I loved it.

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(I received this book from the editor and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)
Let’s start by stating that I’m a huge fan of The Watchers and The Creeper and that I consider A.M. Shine to be one of my favourite horror authors at the moment. I haven’t seen the Watchers’ movie but I am really looking forward to it.
I had no idea there was a Watchers’ sequel in the making until I saw the cover in Netgalley. The quickest request of the West, let me tell you.
Now, to the novel itself: I read the Watchers when it came out (2022) and had not read it since, but I was immediately in the atmosphere two pages on. Hello, Mina, long time no see, let’s hope you have a more relaxed… oh, never mind.
If the sensation of being constantly watched, observed, monitored, was huge in The Watchers, it is multiplied by one million in Stay in the Light. The author is indescribably amazing when writing horror scenes, when there is something in the shadows and it is going to jump and try to kill you; the character knows it, you know it, the author is very possibly grinning. I know there is a gif that perfectly summarizes what I am saying.
And then there are some chapters from the point of view of Sean. A Kilmartin. Yes, that Kilmartin. And I must say that at the beginning I was not sure whether I enjoyed his point of view or not, too much information, too much explanation, but there were many amazing horror highlights, most of them towards the end.
Because that is what this is, a story that starts kind slow, almost predictably, accompanied by some information that kind of breaks the spell of what The Watcher was… and then all hell breaks loose, and there are not enough pages to tell the story. We must wait and see.

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A sequel that doesn’t disappoint!

We pick up after the events of The Watchers with Ciara living a life of pretence, Mina hiding away in fear, and Madeline hovering doing we aren’t sure what.
Meanwhile it transpires Kilmartin had a son- Sean- who shares the same obsession of Changelings as his father, and is beginning the excavation of a tunnel that goes a long long way down.

A thrilling read, which sets up for a third book. This makes me very happy!

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A great continuation from The Watchers. Was a little slow to start with, but the tension definitely ramped up towards the end - I even jumped when there was a random noise in the house whilst reading!

I don't know for definite if there is a 3rd book, but I feel it has been set up for a trilogy. Can't wait to find out how the story wraps up!

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I enjoyed The Watchers. This sequel was okay. It was like most horror sequels, trying to continue the momentum of the first and not quite hitting its stride. It was enjoyable enough, though rather predictable.

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Possible spoilers

3.5 ⭐

Very much the follow up to The Watchers, I'd say don't read this unless you've read the first.
Whilst it doesn't have the feeling of dread throughout that the previous book had, it certainly has its moments of tension, especially towards the end, as it builds up to the finale.
I feel there's an epic third book coming, if not, there should be.
Good to revisit the characters, and see how they're moving forward, how they view life now.
Some nice surprises and great ending.
All good .

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