Member Reviews

This was so useful and enjoyable!
I so appreciate all of NetGalley's book kits.
My bookclub and I enjoyed the conversation this kit helped us have and look forward to the next NetGalley book kit.

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Really enjoyed this book club kit and especially the printable bookmarks that were included, really added to the experience of reading the book!

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The author interviews were great,I loved the printable bookmarks they are super cute! I think this will be very useful for book clubs reading the book!

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Such a cute book club kit, thank you for sharing this! I am super excited to have these resources when my club and I decide to read it.

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This was lovely with all the author interviews and the discussion questions! I also cannot wait to try the recipes included..yayyyy!!!!!

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I have to say I was a little underwhelmed by the Book Club kit. It wasn't really what I was expecting, but I'm sure there are book clubs out there that will find this packet useful.

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Loved the suggestions, this is a great resource for book clubs as well. I’ve enjoyed many Christina Lauren books and excited to get started on Tangled up in you!

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This is super cute!! This book club kit is a great way to energize a book club with fun drink ideas, great conversation starting questions and an interview with the author. It even includes a printable bookmark so everyone has something to take home (besides a copy of this book).

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Fantastic kit for use in book club meetings. We struggle with discussing the book (we usually say a few worked about it and then start chatting about anything in general) and this will help us to stay on track.

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This is such a useful book club kit with fantastic book recommendations. I love the interview and particularly the discussion questions and can’t wait to use it during my Bookclub discussion this month.. Overall, it’s a very engaging and well thought through kit and I love the fact that it includes printable bookmarks!

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Thank you! Can't wait to discuss the book with my reading buddies. The recipes look yummy, will certainly try them.

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I can't wait to use this... those bookmarks!!! This is such a great idea. I love it.

Thank you Netgalley

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This kit is a fantastic resource for book club hosts. The author interview is a fun way to get to know the authors and the story behind this reimagining of Tangled/Rapunzel. The questions are great discussion prompts. I loved the printable bookmarks as a fun takeaway for club readers, and the recipes. The additional reading recommendations were a great bonus too.

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Extremely useful book club kit with fantastic book recommendations. I loved the interview and particularly the discussion questions as my book club thoroughly enjoyed discussing the book. Overall, it was very engaging and well thought through and I loved the fact that it included printable bookmarks!

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I really loved this Book Club Kit! I thought the inclusion of the bookmarks and fun things would be great to print out ahead of time for everyone in my book club. I also didn’t realize this was a collection with other authors and loved the inclusion of that as well!

The questions were good, I haven’t read the book yet (dying to!!) but I could see how they would drive and facilitate discussion. They were open ended enough, but still had enough specificity.

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this was super cute, I especially loved the bookmarks that were included !! book club kits make book club reads that much more fun and special and this one had so many cute activities and questions such as how to make a flower crown and cocktail recipes that are themed to the book. 5 stars ! so so fun and sweet

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Can't wait to use this with my book club! Thank you We Are Bookish and #NetGalley for the free resource!

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This book club kit for Tangled Up in You is so well thought out and detailed! It has so many great aspects to keep a book club discussion from dragging and to make it into a whole event, with food, drink, and activity ideas, as well. I always love an author interview and getting some insight into the writing process. The similar book suggestions at the end were helpful for picking the group’s next book, too. There was nothing extra I could have wanted from this kit!

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This was a cute kit that went perfect with the book. Had questions to guide the group, and cute bookmarks that match!

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Such a fun kit to use in a book club! I love the discussion questions, “this or that” game, and the bookmarks. Thanks to the authors for creating this resource.

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