Member Reviews

This is book 2 of DI Sheridan Holler series. The book is set in Liverpool about 2007. DI Sheridan Holler and DS Anna Markinson are called in the office of their new boss, DCI Hill Knowles. She hands them the file of the murder of Daniel Park. This review is to determine whether his father, Ronald Park should be brought to trial after winning a not guilty verdict the first time around. The introduces us to the Park Family - Ronald, Dad, Rita, Mum, Daniel and his younger sister, Jennifer. Daniel and Jennifer live in a cottage in their parent's extensive grounds and they own a bookshop. Shortly after, Sheridan begins the new investigation, there are unexplained deaths of three bodies . How are they connected to Daniel's murder? Will Sheridan and the team manage to make the connections before more crimes are committed? I love the dynamic of Sheridan and Anna and I see how persistent they are in solving the cold case of Daniel's murder as well the present day deaths. Alongside this, Sheridan is still dealing the unexplained murder of her brother, Matthew age 12, 30 years ago. The main case is full of deceits, lies and twists and turns that I couldn't stop reading till the final page!

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I was thrilled to have early access to the second DI Sheridan Holler book, This Ends Now, having loved the earlier Long Time Dead.

The book starts with a few seemingly separate story strands. Holler’s team are asked to re-look at a murder case, where a surprise not guilty verdict was delivered. While their colleagues in MIT start a murder investigation after a grim discovery on Crosby Beach, a desperate woman commits a very public suicide.
Very quickly, the links between all these apparently separate incidents become clear, and a murky tale ensues.

The book moves at a pace, no-one could accuse the author, TM Payne, of having written a slow burn. The writing flows so well, and the storyline is gripping; the short chapters draw you hungrily into the ‘one more chapter’ mentality. I found myself turning the pages quickly, finishing the book in under 48 hours. My apologies to the author for devouring, what I’m sure was a year of work, so quickly, but you made it impossible for me not to inhale the book.

I adore a police procedural series, and I loved getting reacquainted with the central characters, and all their quirks. Bizarrely I’m sure for non readers, the characters start to feel like friends, and I look forward to reading the next instalment in their lives. It’s Anna I’m most concerned for as I close the last page of This Ends Now. Hill is an intriguing new edition too, I look forward to learning more of her, including solving the mystery of her name. It’s good to see Maud is as irrepressible and unapologetic as ever, just as you would hope.

I have to mention how lovely the acknowledgments are, I always make a point of reading them. The mix of humour and tenderness says so much about the author, and knowing how much someone else vehemently dislikes beetroot, is a real source of comfort to me.

I thoroughly enjoyed This Ends Now, and I hope that the author is well under way with a plan, or maybe even a few thousand written words, for book 3.
5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC in audiobook format.

Patricia Gibney’s Her Last Walk Home is yet another gripping addition to the STELLAR Detective Lottie Parker series, delivering a compelling narrative sure to keep readers hooked.

As the 14th book in the series, it continues to showcase Gibney’s talent for crafting intricate plots and well-developed characters and her ability to consistently deliver top-quality additions to this series.

This story begins when the chilling discovery of a young woman’s body, Laura Nolan, is found on a patch of wet grass in the early hours of the morning. Detective Lottie Parker is immediately drawn into the case, heavily empathetic for the woman's family. As Lottie and her team delve into Laura’s last moments, they uncover a web of secrets and connections that complicate the investigation. The tension, and the responsibility weighing heavily on Lottie's shoulders (and those of her team members) builds as yet another young woman is reported as missing.

Gibney excels in creating believable and relatable characters. Lottie Parker, with her determination and empathy, remains a standout protagonist we are proud to cheer for. Her personal struggles and professional challenges add depth to her character, making her journey all the more engaging. The supporting characters, including Lottie’s team, are equally well-drawn, contributing to the story’s richness.

The author’s writing style is engaging and suspenseful. Gibney masterfully builds a sense of menace from the start, maintaining a fast pace that keeps us turning pages.

Her Last Walk Home explores themes of loss, justice, and the impact of crime on families and communities. Gibney’s portrayal of the emotional toll on the victims’ families is particularly poignant, adding a layer of depth to the thriller.

Her Last Walk Home is a must-read for fans of crime and mystery thrillers. Patricia Gibney delivers a well-crafted, heart-racing story that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment in the Detective Lottie Parker series.

If you prefer the audiobook format, the narrator does an equally excellent job giving the characters a voice.

The Lottie Parker series is one I regularly seek out, it is "comfort food" for police procedural lovers.

I greatly enjoy the characters and the plot development. I have yet to find even ONE book in this series as less than stellar, and reading a new entry is like returning to the company of a beloved friend.

If you haven't yet read Patricia Gibney's Lottie Parker series, you can easily jump in any time (this book would be a fine place to start). I can almost guarantee you will return for more!

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This Ends Now is a gruesome story of exploitation of the vulnerable when they should be held dearly and protected. Sheridan and her team relentless work to find the truth and when everything finally comes to light it's incredibly heartbreaking! The deaths were planned and the victims never saw it coming, there were so many twists and turns that the more I read the more I was hoping that the culprits would be able to somehow be free. The story also touches on how disturbing home violence can be and it can reach anyone, it doesn't matter even if you are a police officer. The story although being about a difficult theme is well written and in many parts it also has a good dose of humor. Highly recommended!
I thank the author, her publisher, and NetGalley for this ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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Clever, amazing and mind blowing this book is all of those things and more and I absolutely loved it! This is the second book of the series featuring Detective Sheridan Holler the first one being ‘Long Time Dead’ and can be read as a stand alone but I would really recommend reading the first book as that one is too good to miss in my opinion.
It’s not often that you read a book that you just can’t fault but this really is one of those for me , the writing is spot on, the plot line perfect and clever, the wonderful humour throughout and of course the amazing characters and how we begin to find out more about them …..but one thing I am desperately wanting to know is what the hell is Hills real name !!
So now after finishing the book I’m desperately looking forward to the next and hope it won’t be too long in coming, I only just finished this book and miss being a part of it already, many, many thanks to T. M. Payne for a superb read …. wow girl you rock !
My thanks also to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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T.M. Payne gives a prologue to the book that is so amazing that you can't wait to keep reading to figure it all out. It's full of suspense and jaw-dropping action.

This suspenseful tale addresses dark topics such us a suicide, rape, and child abuse. It was an easy read that was captivating, even though at times it became a little too intense. Still, the plot was coherent and kept me guessing till the finish.

The characters were compelling, convincing, and well-written. I enjoyed that the individuals' private lives and relationships were included. The novel also contains sporadic humorous moments that are just the right amount of lightheartedness.

It may be read as a stand-alone, although this is the second book in the series (I really need to read the first one). I will very certainly be reading more of this author's writing in the future. If you don't become easily triggered, I highly suggest this book to people who enjoy suspenseful police criminals.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book and could not put it down. It kept me enthralled all the way through. Great characters. Fantastic storyline. Plenty of twists to keep me guessing. Look forward to the next offering. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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Thank you, Thomas & Mercer for the copy of This Ends Now by T. M. Payne. I don’t read many crime/detective novels, but I really enjoyed this one. Detective Sheridan and her comrades were fun to read about and the dialogue between them was realistic and believable. I loved the short, snappy chapters. The story was darker than I expected, but I guess the prologue should have tipped me off because talk about starting with an unexpected shock! If you’re looking for a well-written and complexly plotted read that will keep you reading to the satisfying end, this is for you. I’m totally hooked on this series now so I’m going to buy the first book immediately! 4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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T. M. Payne follows up the first book in the Detective Sheridan Holler with This Ends Now, proving that the first book wasn't a one-off as she presents a non-stop, twisty thriller that keeps you reading anxiously to the end.
Payne starts with a cold case reminiscent of the one her main character Det. Holler is acutely effected by because of her own, personal cold case, and progresses with two bizarre murders, suspects that don't act the way they should, and an every evolving storyline. Sidelines involving characters surrounding Holler promise further drama in future books.
The layers revealed during the solving of the murders will leave many readers stunned, and they help cement Payne's position as one of today's finest thriller writers. The book is absolutely brilliant!
Thank you for the ARC of #ThisEndsNowDetectiveSheridanHollerBand2 to #NetGalley.

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Only the second book in the series and I love them already. Sheridan Holler is a DI who has suffered her own family tragedy so has plenty of empathy for the victims in her cases.
In this novel she is asked by her new new DCI to investigate the cold case of Daniel Parks death. His father was accused but not convicted by the courts. Information comes in about a suicide at a rooftop bar and there appear to be links with Sheridans case.
The author draws her her valued experiences working in the criminal justice system and this shows. I love the camaraderie between the characters and colleagues, there is some appropriate humour to help them deal with the horrific scenes they encounter.
I love how, in the epilogue, all strands of the novel are brought together but also give a little indication of what we may see in the next installment. I, for one, cannot wait. A new go to author for me

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Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for this opportunity. This arc will be available wide on 10/15/24!

A British crime thriller that has more twists and turns than a rollercoaster. Whilst I did eventually dig the book I found myself struggling with the dry prose. I think the twists were the only saving grace of the book for me.

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Outstanding! Simply loved this book. Clever and original. Already eagerly waiting for the next installment! Highly recommend!

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced digital copy in return for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 15th Oct. This is the 2nd book in the series and it was as gripping as the first book. The book had all the elements of a strong female lead, excellent police work and a team that works together tirelessly for the best outcome. This book deals with a range of issues such as child abuse, rape and suicide.

I felt like characters were well-written and intriguing. This book was brilliantly written and beautifully told, keeping the suspense from start till the very unexpected end, I read the whole book, cover to cover in one sitting. I’d highly recommend this book and the series, 5 stars all around! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I really enjoyed T. M. Payne’s first novel, but this one fell short for me. The topic is disturbing although an unfortunate truth in real life. The main character’s search for her brother’s killer continues, but it’s not necessary to read her books in order.
Thanks to Net Galley and Thomas and Mercer publishers for this e arc.

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This Ends Now by T.M. Payne starts off with a bang. In Liverpool, a woman inexplicably leaps to her death. The following morning, two bodies are found on nearby Crosby Beach: a woman tied to a statue and a man buried up to his neck and left to drown.

When a nine-month-old murder case is reopened, DI Sheridan Holler is shocked to uncover family connections between the victim, Daniel Parks, and the three unexplained deaths. With Daniel’s body still missing and the number-one suspect cleared of the crime, Holler’s cold case suddenly becomes a major murder investigation.

This book is full of great characters and shocking revelations. It had me fooled until the end. The characters were well-written, intriguing, and believable, and the way the author wrote the characters had me liking some that were later revealed as sinister! The plot made sense and kept me guessing until the end.

I would recommend this book, and I will check out more from this author. A good and satisfying read.

#ThisEndsNowDetectiveSheridanHollerBand2 #NetGalley @AmazonPub

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Thank you very much I now have a new favourite author to add to my list, in my favourite category. I loved this book, I didn't read the first book in the series, although I may well remedy that and buy it now, but I was still able to jump straight into this one and it clicked with me straight away. I loved the characters in the police team, really good and interesting, funny as well. and I look forward to seeing them in future books. The story was excellent, not for the feint hearted but plenty of twists and turns and kept me guessing ,although I did manage to guess one detail correctly, but I do read a lot of thrillers, no spoilers, you will have to see if you can work it out for yourself, and it is not obvious. It was a a cracking read and one that I am very happy to recommend.

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This was my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it. Full of twists and turns. While I had my suspicions, some twists were a shock. This is the second book the Detective Sheridan Holler series.

The story starts off with a bang! A woman jumps off a building falling to her death.

Detective Holler is assigned a high profile case. A man went missing some time ago. He is presumed dead after intriguing evidence. The man accused of his death, the father, gets off. Then two bodies are found that just might be connected to the case, the parents of the man presumed dead.

This was unputdownable! I blew through this sucker so fast that my neck hurt! Very enjoyable and entertaining read that I highly recommend.
Thanks to Thomas & Mercer, T.M. Payne and NetGalley for the opportunity.
Publication October 15, 2024
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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4.5* Book 1 was good, but omg, this knocks it out of the park.

Despite the lack of anything even vaguely Scouse - like in book 1 - other than the rooftop restaurant (that had me going as the scene of a crime but for COMPLETELY other reasons than what we shockingly see in just a couple of pages) that may be modelled on the real life Panoramic 34, this was an excellent, if really unpalatable with the reveals, tale of love, loyalty and justified revenge. I honestly didn't see the reveals coming, and had to admire the sang froid of a certain character who it turned out wasn't who they (using this neutral pronoun so as not to spoiler) seemed. Frankly, that person could have had a career on the stage/in film, had the circumstances been different. And, ugh, the planning that'd gone into the vengeance was to be admired, as were the reasons for it, despite the 'eye for an eye' ethos/feel. I wouldn't advocate it, but omg, was it deserved by those individuals that perpetrated unspeakable wrongdoings. There perhaps needs to be a word of warning, because some of the reveals may trigger readers, but at the same time, doing so would lose this tale its crux, so...

The tale works perfectly with the locale that is brought vividly to life. The revenge is executed with pure Machiavellian style and tbh, you had to feel for the victims, as well as admire their fortitude, cunning plan - no pun intended - and execution. I only started to see things that'd been present in plain sight once the reveals came, and in this book, and mine - again, no pun intended - the victims did right by doing wrong. I had immense sympathy with both, and admiration for how they took back control and exacted their revenge.

The investigations were very plausible and that the cops were mostly taken in, were too. I think there are certain crimes where law enforcement has sympathy and empathy for perpetrators, and this is one of them, so that the cops didn't prevent things from happening, wasn't a bad thing. I could totally see this book on the small screen, it's so vividly played by the ones seeking revenge. And, the tale was certainly one of 'revenge is a dish best served cold'. Stone cold, actually.

The red herring involving DS Sheridan's girlfriend was a tad overdone and out of the blue to make it more of a neon-bright herring, i.e. very obviously trying to throw readers off track, and took me out of the tale long enough for it to deserve a mention and lose it a 0.5*. But, it's still a great book, refreshingly set in the UK, with a believability and visual'ness that I think gets glossed over in US-set books/films/TV shows. I can't wait for book 3.

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer, for my reading pleasure.

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This is a book that leaves you blinking, thinking just Wow! The mystery of the missing man, his later murdered parents, followed by the suicide of a close friend of the family is so wonderfully and intricately crafted. Just when you think you have an idea of what is going on .... you are blown away again. Sheridan may be the focal person as the lead investigator, but she is surrounded by a full cast of well developed characters that you come to feel you know. The investigation is peppered with the activities and challenges in the lives of those involved. As you uncover each clue that builds this case, the question of culpability flits from one suspect to another. The end really blew me away! It left me questioning who was really to blame and the efficacy of our justice system. I was quickly engrossed in this mystery, and I'm still thinking about it days later! This is an author I will be following!

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