Member Reviews

Everything I've read by Jesse Sutanto I've loved and this is no exception this had me gripped from the first page and I read it in a day. This is dripping with toxicity between the friendships and romances and showed that you never truly know a person. I highly recommend.

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I read an eARC of this book so thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley.

This was the fifth book I’ve read by this author. I’ve previously only read her comedy crime novels so this was my first of her pure thrillers. She did not disappoint.

This book went in directions I just hadn’t anticipated and I was hooked! The author masterfully got me to care about what happened to characters who I thought were quite awful people in a way that just fascinated me! I was often disgusted by the behaviour of characters and yet was completely invested in what happened to them!

I am reluctant to discuss plot because the twists and turns this book took were so fantastic and shocking that I don’t want to give anything away. This is a book about social media influencers and a friendship that sours, it’s about obsession and jealously and it’s brilliant.

Such a clever book from an author who is now auto-buy for me!

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What is not to love about this book! Set in Los Angeles and the world of Momfluencers, it is a story of greed, jealously, toxic friendships and so much more. How far would you go to get more followers?

Aspen and Meredith are BFF’s and social media darlings.. until they are not. A big fight, revenge is sort and it all ends so badly!! It was so dark and yet so much fun. I couldn’t stop reading it! neithe rof our main protagonists were at all likeable and I wanted them both to get their just desserts. There are plenty of twists and shocks to keep you in your toes.

Highly recommend!! It was a fast read and one that you won’t forget in a hurry.

Thanks so much to HQ for my advanced copy to read. Publishes on August 29th.

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What a good read

I flew through this and read in a couple of hours

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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A quick read but omg did it give you everything you could want in that time! The toxic characters, the lies and secrets and drama and I just loved it. Influencers and social media are a part of our lives these days and I love thrillers set in that world since its just so relevant and I always get completely drawn into that world. This was well written, had some jaw droppingly good twists and was just a delight to read

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This book is so good but I was so angry at the ending it lost some of my 5 star glow.

In the world of influencers, what's real? and what's fake? We follow Aspen & Meredith, BFFs, twin souls, ride or dies - until social media follower counts blow the friendship apart. We follow in the aftermath and then get pulled into a tragedy.

Definitely worth a read but the ending really annoyed me., it felt rushed and frustrated me

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Like it or not, social influencers are here to stay, Reality TV contestants, Tik Toker’s, mumfluencer’s, all have their place in modern society. Don’t get me wrong, I spend many an evening watching Youtube videos, as I can chose the subject matter and channels that I like.
The trouble of chasing subscribers, is that there is an awful lot of pressure, fame and recognition comes from nowhere and nobody teaches you how to cope with it.
Jesse Sutanto has put together a novel that I actually found quite thought provoking. I struggled with it early on, the subject matter made me raise my eyebrows and I didn’t like any of the characters. In hindsight, maybe this was the point.
There, almost inevitably, is a serious crime and once this comes to light, the book really took off for me. I was fascinated to see what evidence would come to light, how the influencer would adapt and would it all backfire on her?
There was a twist at the end that I never saw coming and the final paragraph is sheer genius.
This is not the normal, gentle humour that you get with this author, it was considerably dark.
A book that grew on my enormously, rose from 2 stars to my final mark of 4 and came close to hitting the 5.
Now, how to coax a few more subscribers to my channel…….
Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for providing me with an Advance Reader's Copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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I am definitely a sucker for unlikeable characters, toxic friendships and obsession and this book had all of these! It was a quick read and I did enjoy it but I would definitely say it’s more drama than thriller. The ending was a little abrupt but still enjoyed the overall story, 3.5.

Thank you to netgalley for providing an ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really was hoping Aspen would get what was coming for her, but overall I still very much enjoyed reading this!
When the plot lines come together, it is a very satisfying and nerving read!

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Best friends Meredith and Aspen are inseparable soul mates - until it all goes wrong. Set in Los Angeles, the two main characters are internet influencers, competing for followers. The story plunges the reader into their world of fakeness, hypocrisy and insincerity. None of the characters are likeable, and yet the reader is drawn into the story of their lives.
This is an entertaining and quick read. There are plenty of surprises along the way as the characters manipulate their way to increasing their social media exposure and watching their follower numbers increase.

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I was eager to read this after seeing all the praise for Jesse Sutanto’s other books.

Meet Aspen and Meredith, two best friends, both rising social media stars, ‘momfluencers’ with cute kids and millions following their perfect parenting tips. While one’s star continues to rise the other’s fades way, resulting in bitter jealousy, stalking and dreams of revenge.

I really enjoyed it! I’m a little hesitant with social media themed thrillers, I’m over podcast thrillers, but this is fresh and funny. The social media aspects and the alien world of millions of followers and big sponsorship deals are well used and add to story.

I enjoyed the feuding friends, and the dramatic escalation as one friend plots sabotage while the other sees her life crumbling, more than what follows after. One friend goes too far and it moves into a ‘Will she get away with it?’ plot.

Recommended, and definitely one of the better influencer thrillers that I’ve read.

Thanks to Netgalley and HQ

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Meredith and Aspen are mumfluencers, showing their daily lives on Tiktok, Instagram etc. But as Aspen grows faster thanks to Meredith tips, their friendship takes a turn for the worst.
One day Meredith goes missing .
Are their lives really perfect?

Wow what a page Turner with a Brilliant twist. My jaw is on the floor! I really enjoyed this book! The characters are well written and the book is easy to read. I thought a few different things would happen but then it changed direction and I was kept on the edge of my seat.
Thank you

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Another triumph for this talented author with this wholly gripping, character driven psychological suspense. Following on the heels of “I’m Not Done With You Yet” and in a much similar vein, this current offering gives the reader an insight into a deep friendship which turns toxic and deadly dangerous under the catastrophic glare of social media professions and the most ridiculous of aspirations. The twists, when they come, are wholly unexpected and entirely shocking, tensions escalate and characters are so well formed that they jump from the page - leading the reader to a most satisfying denouement. Tremendous and, perhaps, this authors best yet.

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Bit of a slow mover for me but did gradually get going.
Well written characters and an ok storyline.
Not much else i can say as i was expecting a thriller not a drama.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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Meredith helps Aspen when she starts her career as an influencer and from there they are best friends until Aspen overtakes Meredith and they argue…

I found this a slow going novel but when it got to a twist it sped up and was much more enjoyable.

There are issues in this book, namely the unforgivable depiction of T1 diabetes and I hope the publisher looks in to this before it does go on general sale.

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review which this is.

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