Member Reviews

The Patient was the first book I read of Terry's, so I had high hopes for The Step Daughter's Lie. It didn't disappoint and fast surpassed The Patient becoming my favourite book by Terry to date.

It's a fast paced read, the premise of which had me hooked immediately. I couldn't flip the kindle pages fast enough.

Lies, deceit and deception are always the prelude to a brilliant thriller and boy did this one deliver!

The characters are credible and I couldn't fault them. The plot is solid and it's such an immersive, engaging read.

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From the first sentence to the last, I was fully immersed in The Step Daughter’s Lie by Teri Terry. This is the first book I have read by @teriterrywrites and she might just be my favourite new-to-me author. Terry writes in a way that draws the reader in wanting for more. I could not put this book down and read it in one sitting. I love a psychological thriller with a twist, dual points of view, unreliable narrators and a nail-biting pace. The Step Daughter’s Lie had all of the above. I loved that the two main characters perceptions were polar opposite’s, leading the reader to question who is telling the truth. I’ll tell ya, I was utterly shocked by the end of the book.

Thank you @bookouture for my arc of The Step Daughter’s Lie and for introducing me to the fabulous writing of @teriterrywrites ! She is absolutely brilliant. Now excuse me while I go hunt down her backlist.

Pub date: July 24, 2024
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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4.5 rounded up to 5 stars for NetGalley.

There is tension and frustration running throughout this story! It doesn't matter if you do work out some twists, of which there are many, the developments and changing relationships will keep you fixated on this book.

I could see how things had evolved between Ellie and Rowan - there was definitely confirmation bias going on. I loved how each had their own issues and secrets and I was hoping they'd actually share with each other. The addition of modern technology to events was a great touch.

I wanted a bit more detail about some past events and felt there was one addition that I'd have preferred left out. However, I enjoyed learning more about Grace...

Overall, this was such a gripping story with great character development. The relationship between daughter and stepmother is scarily believable.

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Amazing. A stunner of a book. Packed full of twists you don't see coming. Thrilling from start to finish. Loved this one!

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A fantastic psychological thriller about lies, deceptions and intrigue. A real page turner, hard to put down. I did guess who was behind the schemes and dangers that was happening to Roman, but nevertheless was hooked to the end.

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Rowan is happily married to a rich guy but the stepdaughter wants to make her life hell. Then Rowan finds out instead of being menopausal that she is pregant (not really a spoiler)

Secrets are supposed to be coming out like crazy in the book but really? You see each thing coming ten miles away.
I'm kinda mad I finished this one.

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.

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"The Stepdaughter's Lie" captivated me with its intricate plot and multitude of deceptions. The brief chapters and swift narrative pace were compelling; I found myself saying 'just one more chapter' until I realised it was well past my bedtime. It's a book I'd strongly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my ARC.

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When Rowan finds out she is pregnant, she's surprised- but happy. This is what she and her husband, Theo, wanted; isn't it? The biggest concern is how her stepdaughter, Ellie, will react to the news; she has already made it clear she does not like Rowan. After the news breaks, Ellie takes her "pranks" on Rowan to a new level, but surely she wouldn't actually hurt her... right? As Rowan struggles with insomnia and pregnancy hormones, she isn't so sure what she believes anymore.

I really enjoyed this book; it was a page-turner that kept me guessing! The elements of a hi-tech smart home and a step-mother/daughter relationship put a unique spin on the traditional thriller. The author did a great job of making me question everyone and everything! I was never sure who to trust. I enjoyed reading all of the POVs, surprisingly; another testament to the author's talent. The ending was satisfying, and I didn't feel left with unanswered questions. Teri Terry crafted a very well-written story, and I look forward to reading more from this author!

Thank you to Bookouture, Teri Terry, and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

What to expect:
- unexpected pregnancy
- step-mother/daughter relationship
- lies & secrets
- dogs (no dogs are harmed!)
- religious trauma
- hi-tech smart home
- multi-POV

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this book.

Oh wow!!! I did not see that plot twist coming!!! This was a first for me by this author but will not be my last! Such a good story!

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The Stepdaughter's Lie
by Teri Terry
Pub Date: Jul 29 2024

The Stepdaughter's Lie is definitely a must-read psychological thriller about dark secrets, lies, and deception told from several point of view's. A gripping thriller with many twists and turns that keeps you guessing until the final page!

Synopsis: My life should be perfect. But my stepdaughter wants to destroy it all…. Because Ellie’s always hated me, ever since she realised it was no longer just her and Theo. Now she’s seventeen, beautiful and smart – smart enough to see through me. And if Ellie decided to uncover my secrets, it wouldn’t be just my marriage at stake… it would be my life.

Many thanks to #TheStepdaughtersLie #NetGalley & #Bookouture for providing me with an E-ARC of this book.

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This book has it all. Secrets, lies, paranoia and murder. There are abandonment issues as well as mental and physical abuse. It's shocking and intense and full of twists and surprises. Everything a psychological thriller needs. It's a quick read with short chapters and I kept saying just one more
chapter when putting it down was unavoidable. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the chance to read this fantastic book. I'm happy to recommend it.

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The Stepdaughter's Lie by Teri Terry

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Bookouture and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


My life should be perfect. But my stepdaughter wants to destroy it all…

Standing in my bathroom, the luxurious marble tiles cool under my feet, I stare at the test in my trembling hand. The second line is unmistakable: I’m pregnant.

This is all my husband Theo and I have ever wanted, but I didn’t think it was possible. I should be excited, but all I can think about is telling my stepdaughter.

Because Ellie’s always hated me, ever since she realised it was no longer just her and Theo. Now she’s seventeen, beautiful and smart – smart enough to see through me. And if Ellie decided to uncover my secrets, it wouldn’t be just my marriage at stake… it would be my life.

But I’ve been so careful burying my past. There’s no way she could learn the truth. I know stress isn’t good for the baby, so I force myself to relax.

My Opinion

What a gripping thriller!

When I first picked up this book, my intention was to just read the first few chapters and put the book down, within pages I was hooked and I had read 20% before I realised. Teri Terry has written a real page-turner. Short chapters and alternating perspectives made this such a quick book to read. I found myself wanting to read on to find out what was happening to Rowan. Ellie and her stepmother don’t necessarily see eye-to-eye but can the pair trust each other? With all of the twists and turns, this book will certainly take you on a journey.

This is definitely a must-read psychological thriller, and I am definitely adding Teri Terry to my list of must-read authors. If you are looking for a new thriller to read, then this is one to add to your list.

Rating 4/5

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The Stepdaughter's Lie by Teri Terry

Multi-POVs and twisty domestic thriller which kept me guessing till the end! I enjoyed the relationship between the married couple and the daughter Ellie that from his previous marriage. The author made me hooked to find out more. The secrets behind and their relationship made the plot thicken which were highly addictive! The characters were relatable and I read the book in one day!

I recommend this to the readers who enjoy domestic thriller with twisting plot!

Many thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture and the author for my copy,

Pub date: July 29, 2024

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My second book by Teri Terry and this was so good I couldn’t not give it 5 stars!

When Rowan met Theo, they both fell in love fast, they had a whirlwind romance and married quickly. This is Theo’s second marriage, Naomi, his first wife, is still classed as a missing person however Theo seems certain that Naomi has committed suicide after suffering with postnatal depression, disappearing when their daughter, Ellie was only a few weeks old. Ever since Rowan met Ellie at aged 12, they haven’t got on and despite 5 years of marriage to Theo and Rowan trying her hardest to bond with Ellie, Ellie still hates her and now she is a 17 year old, she doesn’t hide this fact from either her dad or Rowan herself. Theo and Ellie’s house is a SMART house, using a prototype similar to Amazon’s Alexa, that Theo’s company has been developing, however this one is called Vera- named after Theo’s late mother. Ellie enjoys hacking the system and pulling pranks on Rowan such as changing the system to call Rowan, “wicked stepmother”. When Rowan and Theo’s wish to have a child of their own becomes true, Ellie is even more put out that she will have a little stepsister or stepbrother. Rowan leaves work to concentrate on her health whilst being pregnant and this means she is spending more time in the home and having more pranks pulled on her by Ellie. However, Rowan isn’t who she seems and has a secret past that she must protect and keep secret at all costs, especially now she is pregnant! Her two worlds collide, the past and the present, and it seems Rowan’s past just won’t stay hidden. As Rowans pregnancy passes the pranks in and around the house escalate and she starts to question her own sanity, plus with her soon to be a mother herself she wants to learn more about Naomi and why she might have disappeared, leaving Ellie when she was so small, but someone doesn’t want her digging around in the past and is determined to make her stop, whatever the cost. Will Rowan manage to keep herself and her unborn baby safe or will she end up being silenced forever?!

Wow this was one heck of a ride, and I loved every minute of it!! I was already hooked by the prologue, what a beginning! I really enjoyed hearing the story from both Rowan and Ellie however I disliked Theo from the very first page! At the start I thought Ellie was being a right little bitch and felt really sorry for Rowan, however I did grow to understand Ellie and start to understand the reasons behind her bad behaviour. When I found out about the past Rowan was desperately trying to hide, I felt even more sorry for her. I was very intrigued to read about VERA and having a SMART house, and I do think that the world is very much heading towards that sort of a system in households in the future, I am not sure whether I would like it or not. I did have one character pegged from the very start and so I was very excited when they showed their hand and proved me right, I will say that the guess I made definitely didn’t ruin the story for me though! I was thrilled I got it right (I do admit though, this may have been because I am a psychological thriller fan and have read a fair few rather than the twist being too obvious).

This book was so deserving of 5 stars, I really was having trouble putting it down and was reading every spare moment I had. I highly recommend it to any fans of psychological thrillers; trust me you won’t be disappointed. I can’t wait for Teri Terrys next book.

Thank you to NetGalley, Teri Terry and Bookouture for my advanced reading copy. Out now.

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This was an excellent domestic suspense thriller that I found difficult to put down once I’d started it.. The story is told from several points of view and I was engrossed in each one. There was a great cast of characters, some of who I warmed to quickly and others I disliked. Of course in my usual way I was fully sure that I knew what was coming but not everything is as it seems, especially in great thriller like this one.
As I was reading this book it gave me a slightly claustrophobic feeling at times which shows how good the author is with her descriptions of various things. If you like a domestic thriller with plenty of twists and turns then you need to read this one.

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My Review: I must admit that I read this in one sitting, stopping for food and potty breaks, whilst enjoying the Sunday summer sun and evening breeze.
I believe this is my first book by Teri Terry and was engaged in the story from it’s first pages. It’s told from 2 main perspectives and a minor(ish) perspective. Rowan the lead, her stepdaughter Ellie and a distant but prominent memory called Grace.
Ellie hates her stepmother and does everything she can to sabotage her dads marriage, she is literally the worst stepdaughter imaginable. Even 5 years after they married, the news of a new baby doesn’t help. Theo appears to be a wonderful husband, excited by the prospect of a new baby, accepting of his daughter’s dislike towards her stepmother.
This book induced trauma with incredible twists, I was bewildered, intrigued and totally hooked. Not all that glitters is gold. We have prenups, secrets, lies and deception and the outcome is quite something.
Fabulously thrilling, with trigger warnings surrounding abortion, religious trauma and adoption.

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The Stepdaughter-s Lie is a page turning psychological thriller that will keep you up all night.

Rowan is the stepmother of Ellie. Ellie couldn't really stand Rowan and is determined to expose whatever secrets that Rowan seemed to be hiding. Rowan who is pregnant with Theo's child didn't want anyone to find a secret about herself that she has buried long time ago.

This is actually an easy read and I couldn't really put this book down as I want to know what is going to happen in the end. The story is told in the POVs of both Ellie and Rowan so as a reader you know that both the characters are unreliable which makes the story more intriguing. The writing is really great and there were some twists and turns along the way. The ending was completely unexpected and a shocking ending.

If you are looking for a thriller that is a page turner, then check out The Stepdaughter's Lie. Overall it's worth 4.5 stars.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC. The review is based on my honest opinion.

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This is an unputdownable read! I got really sucked into the story of Rowan, her husband, Theo and Theo’s daughter, Ellie. I did wonder though that if Rowan was running from her past, why on earth would she change her name to ‘Rowan’ - something not common and likely to stand out! Anyway, the story kept me reading and I didn’t quite guess the ending. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really enjoyed this book especially with the twists that kept me hooked, great pace and tension throughout.

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Title: The Stepdaughter's Lie
Author: Teri Terry
Genre: Thriller, Domestic Suspense
Story :- The Stepdaughter's Lie by Teri Terry is a gripping thriller that explores the intricate dynamics of a newly blended family, set against the backdrop of a smart house with a mind of its own. Rowan, a woman in her late thirties to early forties, has recently married Theo, a man in his fifties, who has a seventeen-year-old daughter, Ellie, from his previous marriage. As Rowan navigates her new role in the family, she finds herself in a tense and unsettling situation, unsure about the man she married and increasingly wary of his manipulative daughter. Rowan's life takes a drastic turn when she discovers she is pregnant. Her husband, Theo, is not excited about the news, and Ellie vehemently opposes the idea, seeing it as a threat to her position in the family. As tensions rise, Rowan begins to experience haunting reminders of her traumatic past, fueling her anxiety and fear.Ellie, the manipulative teen, exerts control over the household, using the advanced technology of the smart house to her advantage. The house, equipped with sophisticated features, becomes a tool for Ellie’s manipulation, adding a unique and intriguing layer to the story.As Rowan delves deeper into the family’s secrets, she uncovers disturbing truths about Theo’s first wife, Naomi, and the true nature of the people she is living with. The characters are multi-dimensional, each harboring their own secrets and motivations, making them all the more compelling and enigmatic.Rowan’s journey is one of survival and protection, as she seeks to shield herself and her unborn child from the dangers lurking within the house. The closer she gets to the truth, the more perilous her situation becomes, leading to a gripping and suspenseful narrative.
Likes and Dislikes :-
Likes :- 1 Character Development:
a) Rowan: A relatable and resilient protagonist, Rowan’s struggle to protect herself and her baby amidst the chaos is compelling. Her traumatic past adds depth to her character, making her journey all the more poignant.
b) Ellie: A complex and manipulative antagonist, Ellie’s control over the smart house and her sinister motives create a chilling dynamic. Her interactions with Rowan are tense and unpredictable.
c) Theo: Theo’s enigmatic nature and hidden secrets add an additional layer of suspense. His true intentions and past remain shrouded in mystery, keeping readers guessing.
2 It's intricate plotting style.
Dislikes :-
1 Some readers might find certain plot twists predictable or feel that the pacing slows in parts. However, these are minor issues that do not significantly detract from the overall enjoyment of the book.
My Rating:- 4.8/5

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