Member Reviews

Definitely a 5 star book for me. This is my first experience reading this author and I was very pleased. I thought this was going to be a popcorn thriller but it was so much more. Pure psychological thriller at it's bets.

Rowan is married to Theo. Theo has a daughter Ellie who is not fond of her step mother, Rowan. When Rowan discovers she is pregnant, it makes Ellie even harder to live with. I read this book in 2 sittings and it was a nail biter. So many twists. So much deceit. Crazy. I loved it. It's hard to say much more about it without ruining the whole story. How far will Rowan go to keep her past hidden. How far will Theo go to keep his own past hidden. That is the question. This is a definite must read if thrillers are your thing.

Thank you to Nettttttttgalley and Bookouture for this ARC. I greatly appreciate it. I highly recommend this book.

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I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the editor for sending me an advance copy of this upcoming title. Your hard work and dedication to this project are truly commendable, and I am incredibly honored to have the opportunity to review it before its official release.

The depth and quality of this work are a testament to your meticulous attention to detail and your passion for bringing exceptional stories to life. From the engaging narrative to the well-developed characters, it's clear that a tremendous amount of effort has gone into every aspect of this book.

I am genuinely excited about this title and eager to share my thoughts and insights. Having the chance to read it in advance has been a wonderful experience, and I am confident that readers will be just as captivated by it as I am.

Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity. Your support and trust in my feedback mean a great deal to me. I look forward to continuing to work together and witnessing the success of this fantastic book.

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I didn’t love this, to be honest. I found the characters lacklustre and the plot forced and convoluted. However, I did keep reading until the end, which shows that it was somewhat engaging.

Apologies that this review can’t be more positive, but thanks to the publisher for providing me with access to this ARC in return for an honest review.

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At the heart of the story lies a cast of compelling characters whose intertwined fates illuminate the darker facets of human nature and the enduring power of redemption. Rowan's journey from a former foster child to an expectant mother grappling with past traumas exemplifies the novel's thematic core of resilience and transformation. Ellie's portrayal as a complex, multifaceted antagonist underscores the narrative's exploration of resentment, abandonment, and the quest for belonging in a fractured family dynamic.

The narrative unfolds through multiple perspectives, inviting the reader into the minds of Rowan and Ellie as they navigate a precarious dance of deception and revelation. Through their interactions and inner monologues, the reader gains insight into the characters' motivations, fears, and desires, deepening the emotional resonance of their struggles. Theo's presence as a distant, enigmatic figure adds another layer of complexity to the familial dynamic, highlighting the impact of absentia and emotional distance on the unfolding drama.

In conclusion, the novel's exploration of technological intrigue, familial turmoil, and psychological tension offers a rich tapestry of themes and character dynamics that resonate with readers on a visceral level. Teri Terry's masterful storytelling and nuanced characterizations elevate the narrative beyond a mere domestic drama, transforming it into a compelling examination of human nature, resilience, and the enduring quest for truth and redemption amidst a landscape of hidden truths and fractured loyalties.

Once I started, I couldn't put this book down! Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. This was a thoroughly engaging read. The concept was excellent and while predictable, it was still gripping. The main characters were frustrating, but the character development was done well, resulting in a nail biting and ultimately moving ending.

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This is the first book I have read by this author but I will look out for future books. It was well crafted with believable characters. I would thoroughly recommend and give it 5 stars.

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This book is told from a multiple POV perspective of different age groups - the step daughter Ellie and the "stepmother" Rowan. This was an interesting take, as most novels I've read tend to alternate between characters of similiar ages. The plot intrigued me - particularly as at point of reading I was pregnant (now given birth!) and had suffered previous miscarriages. These topics can be tough to read, and I think the author explored them tastefully; despite being in a hormonal state at point of reading, I was able to happily read a novel that focussed on these potentially sensitive subjects and the anxiety that Rowan experiences as a mother was very relatable.

The plot development was carefully balanced with the reveals of the main character's backstories, and I think people who enjoy reading about family dramas in thrillers, would enjoy this book. Unfortunately for me, I found it a bit slow-paced, although I appreciated the emotional rollarcoaster that drives the story forward. In this sense, I think the rating of the book may vary based on personal preference of types of thriller reads. Whereas for my enjoyment level, I'd rate as a 3, I think for the prose, plot development, and character development, it's an easy 4.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book!

This was unfortunately a DNF @ the 30% mark for me. It took me days to even get that far. I just don’t love the “main character has secret past and hints at it in every chapter” trope. I also found the petty drama and pranks from the step daughter had me rolling my eyes and it just wasn’t creative.

I’m giving this book 3 stars as I think readers who like these tropes will really enjoy this book as a whole.

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"The Stepdaughter’s Lie" by Teri Terry, and I am absolutely *shook*! This book is like a rollercoaster ride that just never stops with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat (or bed, or wherever you love to read 📚).

The plot is super engaging right from the start, and it just keeps getting juicier and juicier. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, BAM! Another twist hits you like a ton of bricks. It's such a delicious domestic thriller that makes you question EVERYTHING, including your own sanity, LOL! 😜

And can we talk about the characters? They are so well-developed and relatable. I felt like I was right there with them, living all the drama. Seriously, Rowan and Ellie had their own unique voice and personality, making it so easy to connect with them.

If you're a fan of thrillers that keep you guessing and love a good domestic drama, then "The Stepdaughter’s Lie" is an absolute must-read. Trust me, you won't be able to put it down!

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Is Ellie the brattiest, most annoying character ever? Yes.

Did she make me want to rage? Also YES!

Did I enjoy this book? .....Yes.

These types of books are always hard to rate. The characters are terrible people, and the main character refuses to accept the most logical conclusion. But that's the entire point! I found myself rage-reading.

Rage aside, I appreciated how the author portrayed pregnancy. It's chaotic, and there's a feeling that you have no agency.

Thanks for the advance review copy. I enjoyed it.

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It was an incredibly intense book that kept me on the edge the whole time. When it comes to mysteries and thrillers, I prefer to go in blind without any prior description. The writing and characters were really well done, and I finished the book in just one day. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who loves suspense. In all seriousness, it's a must-read.

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I had a love/hate relationship with the characters of this book. It got to the point where I despised the antagonist so much, I had to put the book down. The author did a great job of making me dislike her. The protagonist was easy to like, and I found myself rooting for her in every chapter. The story is fast paced and a quick read - easy enough to get through in one afternoon.

Rowan is finally pregnant, and the news should delight her husband, but he’s been distant lately. Her step daughter to no surprise, is not thrilled with the news. Ellie’s never liked Rowan, and now she’ll be competing for her dad’s attention with not just Rowan, but the new baby too. Rowan knows how much trouble Ellie really is and she’ll do anything to keep her unborn baby safe. But does she have to watch out for Ellie or from the past she ran away from?

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This is an excellent fast-paced thriller, with fascinating characters and an unusual storyline. I really sympathised with both Rowan and Ellie’s journeys, and the ensuing family conflict. To a degree, I worked out the back story and twist, but it didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the book. I particularly liked the role of ‘Vera’ the Alexa-type home automation. I thoroughly recommend this book and look forward to reading more of Teri Terry’s novels in the future.

Thank you to the author, Bookouture and Netgalley for my advance copy.

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Very interesting mystery with great relationship development, especially as the story progressed towards the end. However, the reveal was predictable at least from the middle of the story and I was hoping for the house security system that occupied such a large part of the story to have more significance.

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This was seriously GOOD! Teri is a new author to me and I can’t wait to read more! An intelligent novel that weaves secrets and lies throughout, I really didn’t know which way it was going to go! Absolutely loved it!

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Omg this was amazing I had never read anything from this author before so really didn’t k ow what to expect but WOWi loved it. It was such a thrilling read with excellently written characters. It was definitely a psychological thriller which I found hard to guess how it was going to end. The story is told from both perspectives which helps build up the suspense throughout. I can’t wait to recommend this excellent book and I will be reading more from this amazing author. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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What a brilliant fast paced thriller read full of twists and turns with well described characters.

I was on the edge of my seat throughout, just loved it and what an ending it was, just great. Definitely a new author for me to follow now and this was another of my best reads this year

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this brilliant ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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Holy cow…this book sounded so good, and I was lucky to be invited on the book tour for it! I thought this was going to be a decent popcorn thriller. Turns out, I was wrong - it was actually an original and deep psychological thriller.

Rowan is our protagonist. She’s 42 years old, a former foster child turned career woman, and a stepmother. She’s married to fifty-year-old Theo, who works in the technology sector and has a seventeen-year-old daughter named Ellie from his first marriage. Ellie’s biological mother walked out on them soon after the birth, and was never seen again.

Ellie is a VERY bright girl, perhaps too smart for her own good. She is also very calculating, manipulative and angry - normal teenage girl angry, but also angry at her mother for leaving her, and angry she now has a stepmother who she can’t stand. This anger comes out in “pranks” she plays with her father’s invention: Vera.

Vera is like Alexa, but fully integrated into the home. It can make your house a smart home and more with just one program. Ellie has easily figured out how to hack into the system her father built, and has fun locking Rowan out of the house, turning on and off lights, playing music, etc. Rowan is worried; what if Ellie’s bad behavior intensifies? Then something happens that takes her worry to panic - she is pregnant, and she’s terrified of how Ellie will react to the news.

There is SO MUCH MORE to this story, but you’ll want to go into this not knowing much but the synopsis. Rowan is a slightly unreliable character, as her pregnancy (and her past) gives her severe insomnia and anxiety, but I thought all of the characters were written well, except for Theo - I wish we could have heard more of what was happening in his head, but that’s my only minor complaint about this book. Otherwise, it was fresh, unique and the ending was both shocking and heartwarming. 4.5 stars, rounded up!

(Thank you to Bookouture for the ARC and including me in this book tour. The Stepdaughter’s Lie is slated to be released on July 29, 2024.)

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Teri Terry has successfully painted a complex psychological plot that gives the reader the emotionally and psychologically charged storyline with strong and well expressed characters. Closely connected thoughts about mystery, espionage, and family conflict make the show engaging and quite unique which will surely grab your attention. In my view, this book is very interesting and when you read it, you find yourself turning the pages wanting to know what is going to happen next.

Thank you to Bookouture, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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This book wasn't really my cup of tea. It was interesting, but not enough to truly hold my attention. I didn't dislike it, I just had a hard time connecting with it. I'm sure there will be other readers that love it, though! It just wasn't for me.

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