Member Reviews

The Nurse’s Lie is another face-paced thriller by Daniel Hurst. Daniel always knows what his readers enjoy. He will keep you turning the page and get hooked. The story had a captivating opening. I like the characters and their relationship. I finished the book within a day!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for my copy.

Pub date: Aug 1, 2024

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Omg yes, yes, yes! I love Daniel Hurst and this did not disappoint. It had some genius twists and the way the book was plotted out is just perfect. The characters are well written, I was hooked from thebstart and loved every second

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What’s better than one twist?
Two all twisted and spinning at once. This is a great second book in this series. The authors did a great job a summarizing the first book which makes this a book that could be read even without reading the first book. I look forward to reading the next book. Hopefully it come out soon.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.

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I'll consider myself a fan of Daniel Hurst and his writing since I've discovered him. While i did enjoy this book, I can say this was not my favorite of his. And the ending was a bit frustrating for me. However, I'm impatient to read more of Daniel Hurst and will continue to be a fan.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I also devour Hurst’s books and what a wild ride this one is! I was surprised about the cliffhanger, but hopefully he won’t leave us hanging for too long! I read this book quickly as I do with all of his books. I just love his writing style, and he just keeps getting better and better! Darcy, Pippa and parents have a huge mess to tackle! Their antics kept getting worse! But, it was delicious fun! Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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The Nurse’s Lie Daniel Hurst

5 stars
The follow-up book is as good as the first.

I really enjoyed the first book in this series and couldn’t wait to read this one and I wasn’t disappointed.

Darcy has had to make a new life for herself in Florida and is working as a waitress but hates the job, is hopeless at it and the pay is hardly enough for her to survive. So when a handsome customer offers her a job as a carer to his father, who is showing the first signs of dementia, she finds it hard to refuse. It helps that Parker is a very good looking man and Darcy is really attracted to him. However her hopes are dashed when the father, Joe, tells her that Parker has a long-standing girlfriend and a few days into the job suddenly tells Darcy that Parker has some disturbing secrets and that he is worried about Parker’s girlfriend Irene..

The story jumps back to the family that Darcy has had to abandon and, in particular, her sister Pippa who is the only one who knows what she and Darcy are hiding. She is having problems trying to hold down an arduous job, holding together her marriage and looking after her demanding.4 year old when hiding the truth about her and Darcy and what they have done.

The story jumps between the two sisters and everything just get worse for both of them. This book is full of twists and turns and downright shocks. Yet again it ends on a cliff-hanger and yet again I need to know what is going to happen. I am completely intrigued in how this story is going to end and need to read the next book as soon as possible!

I have only just discovered this author and I am really pleased to see he has written lots of previous books which I will be looking out for as I really enjoy his way of writing.

Karen Deborah
Reviewer for Net galley

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Thank you Bookouture for a copy on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Perfect Nurse, Darcy Miller is back!
With thrills and chills, twists and turns.
The continuing adventures of Darcy and the chaos she attracts on her missions.
Darcy is still trying to overcome the obstacles in her life.
Fleeing at the end of the first book, she has settled into a new job while her sister and parents deal with the drama that was going on in all their lives.
But nothing is ever smooth sailing when it comes to Darcy.
There’s more secrets, more dramatics, more tension and more devious baggage.
With the addition of new characters, the deception, sinister and dark all make an appearance.
To get the best from your reading experience, I suggest you read the first book first as you will most likely be slightly confused.
Over the top (in a fabulous way) psychological thrillers are what this popular author is good at, so get to be entertained and delight in the process.
Well Daniel, I’m ready for the next book in the series!

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Pippa’s life used to be simple. By day, she was a dedicated nurse, caring for patients. By evening, she was a loving mom, picking up her son from kindergarten and cooking for her husband. Every moment with her family was precious. But everything changed when she crossed a line—nurses are supposed to save lives, but she helped take one to protect her family.

Now, she’s living a lie, fearing the day someone uncovers her secret. Enter a woman from her past, a former colleague who knows everything. She’s back, and it’s clear she wants revenge. Pippa’s heart races, but she won’t go down without a fight. She’ll do whatever it takes to keep her family safe, even if it means finishing what she started.

Not quite the suspense ride I expected. The story of Pippa trying to dodge consequences while digging herself deeper into trouble felt a bit mild and trimmed. Despite that, I really enjoy this series. It’s authentic and has a solid plot line. The ending felt abrupt, but hopefully, that means more installments are coming soon!

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review this ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley, author Daniel Hurst and Bookouture for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

I was a little hesitant to read this one as I found the first one to be rather slow and not very ‘thriller’. While this second book was way more fast paced it didn’t have enough thrill for a 5 star but it was a solid 4 star read in my opinion.

The author did a great job of continuing where we left off with Darcy, Pippa and their parents and the storyline was well done.

I feel this author has so much potential for that wow factor in his books if he would just focus on the one aspect. I feel that there are so many almost mini book ideas in each of his books that could actually have the potential to be a whole other book. For example I feel so much more could have been done with the Joe/Parker/Darcy sections as a book on their own while this one could have gone deeper into the Darcy/Pippa events from the first book.

I’d absolutely recommend this book and will continue to read others by this author.


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This is the first book I have read by Daniel Hurst and I loved it. I am now going to have to read the perfect nurse and then reread this. It's gripping and impossible to put down. The ending leaves you hanging so can't wait for the next book.

Thank you Daniel Hurst, Bookouture and Netgalley for letting me read this ARC.

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The Nurses lie By Daniel Hurst is the continuation from the ‘The Perfect nurse’. Darcy is now living and hiding Florida. Away from her family and the only way that she can remember them is a notebook that she hides in her flat that her who they are and a P. O. Box address. She has been told by her sister Pippa, never to turn the TV on and watch the news. Although she suffers from Amnesia, she sometimes gets flashbacks whilst she is asleep but, she puts that down to nightmares. Darcy takes a job when she meets Parker. Who asks her to look after his dad joe that has dementia. Although she is apprehensive at first, she thinks that is great idea she has something in common. But when she meets Joe, she realises that it is harder than she thought. Joe warns her that his son is not as he claims to be, and he is hiding something in the basement!
Whereas sister Pippa’s marriage is falling apart and hopes that her sister is living a great life. But trouble comes knocking on the door when the Police arrive looking for her sister.
This is another fast-paced addictive read that I really enjoyed from the author. Full of secrets and lies and his trademark twists. I couldn’t get enough and the cliffhanger at the end will keep me guessing until the next one arrives. 5 stars from me.

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The Nurse's Lie
by Daniel Hurst
Pub Date: August 1, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
From the number one bestselling author of The Doctor’s Wife, this intense, nail-biting psychological thriller will have you gasping in shock! Perfect for fans of T.M. Logan, Freida McFadden and John Marrs.
I read the first book in this series and really liked it. I could not pass up this second in the series by Hurst just as I couldn’t pass up all the books in The Doctor’s Wife series. I call them popcorn thrillers and I couldn’t resist…I just had to find out what happens next for Darcy and Pippa.

This one raises the question, how far would you go to save your sibling, your child, …. not necessarily their life, but their risk of being locked away in a penitentiary for life.

Written in the same style as the first one, this story was really over the top and presents a dilemma for me. Can I cure my addiction or do I have to read the next one to find out what happens after this cliffhanger ending?

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Good sequel to The Perfect Nurse.

This book does end of a small cliffhanger, so keep that in mind when you're reading this. Not sure when the next one will be out, but I look forward to seeing things wrapped up.

The theme I took away from this book: How far are you willing to go to protect the ones you love?
Told from Darcy and Pippa's perspectives, we pick up where The Perfect Nurse left off. Darcy has left town to try and start over, while Pippa is left dealing with the trauma of what the two sisters did together. Her marriage is falling apart, her relationship with her parents is strained because she will not tell them why Darcy suddenly left town, all while trying to forget that she helped Darcy kill someone. Things were ok, until Eden randomly shows back up, threatening to go to the police about what happened on that fateful night three months ago.
Meanwhile, Darcy is now living in Florida, with no memories of what happened three months ago. All she has is a notebook that her sister gave her explaining who her family is and two warnings: Never watch the news, and never come back home. She meets a man named Parker who is desperate for some help around his apartment with his father, Joe, who has dementia. We get some deja vu moments as this feels eerily similar to the start of The Perfect Nurse: Darcy is a home health nurse helping out Adrien (who we find out is Darcy's father) care for his wife who has dementia, Scarlett (who is Darcy's mother). Joe gives some vague warnings to Darcy about Parker (again, this feels similar to the Adrien and Scarlett situation. If you've read the first book, you know what I'm talking about.). Is Parker who he really says he is? What is he hiding?
We do get some summaries of what happened in the first book a few chapters in, but from Pippa's perspective. It's a nice reminder of the events to get us back up to speed. And there are lots of elements that happen in both books: Darcy sneaking around outside of houses, the houses being in wealthy neighborhoods, an attraction to dangerous men. But overall a great book. The ending ties up one loose end, but there's another huge one still open, and I assume there will be another book in this series to reach the conclusion of these events. I look forward to reading it.

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I have had much successful with Daniel Hurst’s books in the past but this one was a DNF for me. I could not get past the murders at the beginning of the book coupled with amnesia on the part of the one of the main characters. Perhaps this was a case of “right book, wrong time” so I will give it another try at a later date. I thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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In what seems a matter of days since Book 1 Daniel Hurst is back with Book 2 and it follows immediately on from where we left Darcy and Pippa and with dual POV narrative we find out exactly what they have been doing…..

Of course both are in chaos with things spiralling and things only get worse as the story unfolds….with a particularly chilling basement side story

Some nasty characters although as with all of the authors books there is a dilemma for the reader as to wether we approve or disapprove of the main characters actions,often these actions are a do now, worry later scenario and are acted upon in quick changing circumstances, always with a price to pay, for someone

It’s a fast read and as with all his books it is brilliantly written and every chapter ends with a cliffhanger

Bring on the next book ( probably in a fortnight 🤣🤣 )

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I enjoyed both sisters' perspectives and seeing what each one was going through. I liked how the story continued from book 1 and there seems like there will be a third book from where it left off. I did feel that some parts were completely implausible with character decisions, but it is still a great book.

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WOW, this is a truly addictive psychological thriller that I could not put down!!

The Nurse's Lie is the prequel to The Perfect Nurse by Daniel Hurst and it follows on from the first book. We follow Darcy who is still suffering from amnesia after a car accident years ago that took her long term memory. She relocates to Florida and a handsome man hires her to look after his elderly Dad who has the beginning on dementia, Darcy tries to start again but thing start to go strange. She is warned by her employers dad about his son but is this warning a side affect of his dementia or is she actually in danger? Meanwhile Darcy's sister Pippa has been growing apart from her husband and family as she helped Darcy dispose of the body that Darcy has had to run from. Things go from bad to worse for Pippa and her family when someone from Darcy's past resurfaces and threatens to throw everything into the air and drags the whole family into it.

I absolutely tore through this book in a day and I was on the edge of my seat throughout! It is completely addictive and fast-paced and written well. Dual POV flips you from Pippa's dilemma to Darcy's dilemma! And this book ends on a cliffhanger and I am already desperate to read on and find out what is going to happen!!!

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This 2nd book of a series picks up right where The Perfect Nurse left off. Where is Darcy now? How is she coping after being forced to flee from the only home she's ever known? Surely she's safe now?. . . right?

I enjoyed the drama - family disputes, murder, fleeing, secrets. So many secrets! It was very fast-paced from the beginning.
The ending left me with numerous questions that I can only hope will be answered with a 3rd book to come.

Thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture, and Daniel Hurst for this ARC and the chance to give my honest feedback.

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I love Daniel Hurst's books. This one didn't disappoint

I was hooked from the beginning

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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I struggled to identify with the protagonists in this story and I think it made it hard for me to fully engage. I also hated the ethics questions in school where you had to decide between an ethical choice that would place a loved one in jeopardize or an unethical choice to save a loved one.

You might like this psychological thriller if you are willing to delve into those hard questions. This story doesn’t hold punches and definitely has some characters that are truly terrible people.

Kudos to the author for the hospital scene. I always wonder why other authors don’t turn off monitors…

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