Member Reviews

So murder mystery in space is my thing, and this also leaned into humour. The main character is a very mechanized human and when we meet her is on trial for crimes against humanity and about to be shipped off-world to serve a life sentence. After being pulled out of cry0-sleep 27 years later, the rollercoaster takes off. That Christie-esque title pulled me in too and this didn't disappoint. I really liked that Bell was in a totally different place by the end than where she began. The other characters were well done and I found this to be a pretty immersive read even though it was pretty quick. The chapter titles were witty too. I can see how another book would be needed and I would likely read it.

The blurb says this is for fans of Murderbot (of which I am one) but a wise-cracking human is a wise-cracking human no matter how much tech she's added to herself. So, not really that wry wit of Murderbot but still a good laugh to be had here.

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the Advance Reader's Copy.

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This was a really fun murder mystery that really made use of sci-fi elements to expand the available theories. All the clues were right there and yet it was still a bit of a surprise when we found out who the killer was, and which clues were red herrings.. Definitely recommending this one to my booktube friends..

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SHUT THE FRONT DOOR... I could not put this down, this was fun, fast paced and yet still kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I HUNDRED PERCENT recommend this for a fun time

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Okay, so I've been dipping my toes in scifi lately, so I've only read books from a few different authors. I knew going in that this was different from the other books by this author. But as I didn't know this author to begin with I had no idea what that equated to. Anyway, I was entertained by the female lead and her reluctance in solving the murder mystery after being designated investigator by the spaceships computer. And boy, I did not see that plot twist(s) coming.

While reading this book I figured out I shouldn't become a detective because I totally didn't predict who the murder was. And the ending was a great setup for a continuation of our lesbian, dark humored, profanity and innuendo spouting cyborg.

In the beginning it was a really interesting read, when it was a female main character that was spouting profanity and innuendo left and right, but it did get a bit annoying after the midway point. It decreased somewhat at that point so it didn't get to the point where I had to take a break from the book because it got to be too much, but the shine wasn't quite as bright by then. But that's the only negative I have to say about the book.

Definitely a female Deadpool in space. And I'm here for the next one book starring Bell Beauregard!

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I dunno about this novel. The interchanges and inner-dialogue are lengthy and rarely funny. Yeah Bell is OTT in personality and you get pounded with it, page after page. A lesbian cyborg might do for others, but me, not so much.

The aliens are drawn well and the conclusion is open-ended. Not sure I would follow this smart ass down another novel hole with constant inuendo trailing along. Still, faintly entertaining.


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This reminded me of The Stainless Steel Rat with the humour running through the book, add to that a murder mystery in space and you have a recipe for success.

A sci-fi murder mystery that takes you for a fast ride, and always leaves you guessing at who the murderer is. I didn't see the end coming, and without spoiling it, what an ending, definitely didn't see, or feel, that coming.

This is the first book I've read of Mr Little, it won't be the last.

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