Member Reviews

I really like Miranda Rijks! I have read several of her books. That being said, I’m sad to say that this book is not one of her best.

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- Eva’s husband, Samuel, doesn’t come one night. Eventually, he sends her a text telling her that he’s leaving her for someone else.
- Eva is devastated. They have two kids, and she’s trying to hold it together. Suddenly, she receives a picture of Samuel with a knife against his neck. Eva is given a series of demands to guarantee Samuel’s safety.

- Two POV’s (the wife and the lover).
- It was an interesting set up, and I enjoyed it.
- A little over the top in some ways, but I liked a lot of the twists and turns.
- Well written.

TL;DR: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️interesting set up. plotted well + good build up + well written. a bit over top. enjoyable. liked the twists.

Thanks to Inkubator Books and Netgalley for this digital ARC in exchanges for an honest review. This book will be published on July 14, 2024.

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From the premise and the initial beginning of the book, I did think this was going to be a bit of a weird read, and it was in a way. However, it was also strangely gripping and unnerving and I read this very quickly as I was so immersed. We follow Eva on her desperate quest to find her husband Samuel who has seemingly been kidnapped. As the kidnapper's demands grow weirder, will Eva comply or go against them?
This was quite a shocking read and whilst I would say the main twist is obvious, Rijks then throws in a complete curveball that had me in complete shock and completely changed the plot direction, which of course made for electrifying reading.
Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for an advance copy.

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A slow burn suspense novel that keeps the intrigue and mystery coming! Although I felt it started of rather slowly, it definitely picked up the pace and kept me reading!

With dual timelines it was interesting to see the plot development. It had me guessing what had happened that night but for the majority of the book I was wrong. While I did figure out what had happened before the end of the book, there were still enough twists in the last few chapters that it was still a very enjoyable read!

I liked the comparisons between the main storyline and the history of the house. It was a clever way to show history, and mystery, repeating itself!

Definitely an interesting, but easy, read!

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This was a stunning thriller leaving me thinking about it long after I finished it! Full of twists and turns, the intelligent plot draws you in subtely then drags you along with it. Just fantastic in every way!

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Wow! This is the first thriller in a long time that shocked, surprised, and gripped me from start to finish. When the first mind-boggling twist occurred I thought I knew exactly where the plot was heading. I couldn't have been more stunned and pleasantly surprised by all the twisty wickedness. Bravo Miranda! I never in a million years could have predicted what happened in this addictive, original, and extremely entertaining thriller. Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator Books for my copy.

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This book kept me on my toes!! Fast paced and twists that leave you dizzy. This story literally has it all. First book I have read by this author but won't be the last.

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This author is my favourite so when I seen this I could not wait to read it. It was such a captivating thriller which hooked me from start to finish I could not put it down. It was like usual full of twists and turns it was such a wild read I didn’t know who to trust. It was fast paced thriller which had me on the edge of my seat until the very end and wow what an ending it was really didn’t expect it. I absolutely loved the writing style and how well developed the characters were written. I will definitely be recommending this excellent thriller to everyone. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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This book gets a solid 4.5 stars.
I read the entire book in one sitting, it was that good.

I loved this story. It was so well written and the characters were really interesting.

So many books tend to ramble quite a bit but this author has a way of telling a story without excess information that really isn’t necessary. The story is told from two viewpoints, each as engaging as the other. I can honestly say I wasn’t bored nor did I find my mind wandering. I just sat there, reading and not being able to put the book down. I just had to find out where it was all going. When the big reveals came, I gasped out loud. I love it when that happens. To me, that means “this book is good!”

To top it all off, the ending was really satisfying.

I would absolutely recommend this book, I don’t think you will be disappointed.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 ⭐

Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator books for this ARC.

This is my first book by Miranda Rijks.

I enjoyed this book, it was captivating from the beginning. It was well written and I didn't see the final twist coming at all! I was so shocked!

It was in first person and multiple POV which is my favourite writing style.

Only negative was some of the chapters were too long. My personal preference is books with short chapters.

Overall, this was a great read and i look forward to trying her other books.

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Miranda Rijks is one of my favourite authors and this new book certainly didn’t disappoint. I loved it!
It’s fast paced, with a unique and intriguing plot, and the twists just kept coming. It’s definitely worthy of 5 stars!

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I have read many of this author's books, and I have to say Every Breath You Take is my favorite thus far. There are so many excellent twists and turns and it was so well written. I thought I knew what was going to happen, but I was way off the mark. Great job to the author !!

Eva and Samuel are married with 2 children. Eva thinks their marriage is solid until Samuel doesn't come home from a night out with the guys. She is frantic thinking something awful has happened to him until she receives a text from him saying their marriage is over, he has found someone new. Soon after, Eva begins receiving instructions to complete a bucket list in order to keep Samuel alive. These requests are so absurd, her friends think she is losing her grip on reality. Her life is in turmoil. Her children are confused. Yet Eva still holds onto hope for Samuel.

Get ready for the floor to fall out from under you with this book. It was just that good. Thank you to Netgalley and Inkubator Publishing for the ARC. I greatly appreciate it and highly recommend this book. 5 stars.

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"Every Breath You Take" was a very enjoyable read with a gripping and fast-paced plot filled with plenty of twists. The dual perspectives of the wife and the lover added a compelling layer of suspense, keeping me guessing until the surprising end. Given the challenging circumstances, the main character's sensible decisions set this book apart, although I found the friends' lack of support a bit disappointing. However, these minor flaws didn't detract from the overall experience. I read it in just a day and a half, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking an fun and easy read.

It does have an LGBT theme if that's something you want to avoid. It didn't bother me, but sometimes I know people like a heads-up.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this ARC.

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This psychological thriller was about a wife who is given a bucket list of crazy tasks to do when her husband is kidnapped, so that he will be returned to their family safely. This was such a wild ride, I thought I had this figured out multiple times, but the twists just kept coming and my jaw was on the floor! This is the first book I've read by this author, and I am now definitely a fan of her writing.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this ARC of Every Breath You Take, in exchange for an honest review.

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I have been reading this author for a while now but I have to say, the twists in Every Breath You Take got me good! I thought I knew exactly how it would all play out and I was so very wrong… well played Miranda , well played.

This is a fast paced mystery that I just could not put down. I read it in 2 sitting, needing to know what on earth would happen next. Eva thought everything as going well in her life and marriage, until her husband doesn’t come home after a night out with the boys. Next thing she knows she gets a text to say that he has met someone else and is leaving her. This is just the beginning of the drama. She is soon doing things she thought she never would, making everyone around her, including the police, believe that she is having a breakdown.

Get ready for a wild and crazy ride with this one . So good!!

Thank you to the author and Inkubator. books for my advanced copy to read. Publishes on July 14th.

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Thanks to NetGalley, I was able to read an advance copy of this thriller. Twisty and engaging, it was a fun ride of a book, perfect for a light summer read. While I thought the author captured the emotional roller coaster of the main character well, especially the paranoia, I was disappointed in some of the other character choices, especially her friend circle. It's the kind of book you don't want to think to much about so that some plot holes and inconsistencies don't matter. Just go for the ride.

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Eva and Samuel are a regular happy family. This all comes undone when Samuel doesn't come home after meeting a friend for a drink, he sends a text saying he has met someone else.....

Soon Eva is receiving messages from a kidnapper with instructions to complete a "bucket list", without contacting the Police, otherwise Samuel will die. The requests become more and more unhinged, and Eva starts to look like she is losing the plot, and her friends become more and more concerned.

Well written from two POV's - the wife, and the lover, the book unfolds to be a great thriller and my suspicions about the kidnapper were way off. Miranda really nails a twist and this was full of them. There was the inclusion of a back story, which I found really added to the story as a whole.

Fast paced, exciting and suspenseful - another great read.

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If you like quick reads with a lot of shock value this is the book for you.

The book alternates between Eva’s point of view and the kidnappers point of view. There are a lot of twists and turns in the book. The ending is great.
It is hard to watch Eva be gas lit by her friends and the kidnappers insane demands. I think that’s why I gave it a 3.5 because I hate seeing the gaslighting in books especially to moms.

Overall, a quick and good read. The ending won’t disappoint.

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Every Breath You Take by M. Rijks is a mystery of its finest. Full of twists and turns that had me guessing til the last page. And the end, my oh my, I never had THAT expected.
Eva is a 40 year old with the perfect life it seems. When her husband doesn't come home from work her life is about to be never the same.
A suspenseful twisty mystery,unputdownable, hanging on the edge of my seat while bingereading the book - I just had to know what happens to story and characters. My fav read in 24, I recommend the book that deserves all the stars.

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Thank you netgalley, Inkubator Books and Miranda Rijks for the eArc of Every Breath You Take.

This is my first Miranda Rijks books and I'll be seeking her books out again in the future! This is a twisty psychological tale of Eva, whose husband disappears one night after a boys night out. Desperate to find out what's happening, she gets in contact with the police to report him missing. He eventually gets in touch with a text, saying that he's left her for someone else! Eva is devastated and tries to get on with her life but then receives a picture of her husband with a knife to his neck, telling her to complete a bucket list or he will die. She can't tell the police, so what will she do?

After reading the synopsis, I was interested and thought Id have the plot susses. Nope! This book is full of twists and intrigue. The pacing of the book is medium throughout and well paced with two POV. Miranda's and an unknown voice of the capture. They becomes apparent who they are in the second half of the book. and it becomes a great cat and mouse plot and I loved the ending. I really bonded with Miranda, often pausing and feeling what she would have gone through during the book.

Both POV, Miranda has built up their character's very well, getting a sense of who they really are. The characters surrounding Miranda, her friends and her children are well built and felt like a true friendship circle.

A 4.25 book rounded to 4 stars for Amazon/Goodreads/ LinkedIn

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