Member Reviews

This is a super creepy, incredibly gory psychological mindbender.

Though not my typical choice of genre, I found the writing to be well done and had no trouble following the story. I can see how fans of horror and descriptive gore will enjoy this book.

This was a solid three star read for me until the sex scene which I found to be unnecessary, weird and ultimately gross considering the previous interaction of the characters.

I received the free ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 ⭐

Now what in the world was that 🙃 I don't know if I should be worried that I liked it or excited that I found a great book to read 😂

While most of the stuff that happened was very predictable, I really enjoyed how fast paced this book was and how well written it was.

Some parts made my stomach queasy so would definitely say, don't read it if you don't like strong stuff 🫡

I was a little let down by the ending cause:
1. It was unfortunately predictable what was gonna happen
2. I still have questions about what happens after the ending 😩

But I would definitely recommend the book to people who like their horror with a hint of cannibalism and crazy mixed in 😌

(I received an ARC for free, and am leaving this review voluntarily 🥰)

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This was definitely an interesting read!! It was very quick which was good. But also very disturbing. If you have a weak stomach I don’t suggest reading this. I had points where I felt sick! The author does a good job of explaining details that you can really picture it.
A trucker who had lost his wife and daughter gets caught in a disturbing situation locked in a basement with a young girl fighting for their lives. The police ending is very abrupt tho. So be warned. If you want a graphic lock in a room horror story this is definitely a book for you.

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What did I just read? I’m really not sure, quite frankly. I’ve been reading horror for over thirty years and this was definitely a new level of gore. SPOILER: It’s not “fun” gore either, we’re literally talking about how to butcher human bodies.

I found the beginning of the story to be reasonably enjoyable and believable, but the twist just really didn’t work for me with the small amount of info we got. You almost wonder if the twist is even true because I don’t find the villain to be the most reliable guy. It does not boost the crimes into a justifiable realm anyway.

There seems to be a big focus on morality in this story, but little of it to be found.

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Captivating from the beginning! I literally had to force myself to stop reading in order to resume living in the real world. Definite eye opener! I'm excited to see what's next from this author!

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First a big thanks to the author and NetGalley for the ARC! I just finished reading it and this is my honest opinion.

This is not for the queasy stomachs out there! This debut novel is a well written, gripping, page turner. It’s not often I read a book and find myself thinking about it throughout the day.

While the premise of kidnapped and kept locked in a basement is overdone, this one had a uniqueness about it that made it stand out.

The kidnapper is one disturbing, sadistic dude! As creepy as this sounds, I enjoyed hearing his reasoning for doing his gruesome deeds. He really thought he was doing the right thing.

I was a bit confused with some of the interactions with Hank and Sara, especially at the end.

Not to say it could have used more fluff, but I think a bit more build up and suspense before the kidnapping happened would have been good.

Overall, great read!

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Thanks to Alex Mura & NetGalley for this ARC in exchange of an honest review.

I thought this Author did a phenomenal job writing this book! It was captivating from the beginning, and very suspenseful throughout! It’s a book you do not want to put down! I love the story line, during captivity Hank focusing on what’s important to him, his happy memories as one would need to do for survival! Just Wow, so many twists I did not see coming!

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4.5 ⭐

I did not want to put this book down. I couldn't, I wouldn't.

Things go sideways for, long haul trucker, Hank when he decides to stop at a motel to rest for the night. He ends up being held captive in a cannibals basement. Absolute chaos ensues.

This book grabbed my attention from the beginning and held it all the way through. It was a suspenseful, gory, heart wrenching wild ride. Highly recommend.

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A suspenseful ride, reminiscent of 10 Cloverfield Lane. This was a quick page turner, that had me guessing on how it will end. Very gruesome at points, so maybe one to miss out if it triggers.

Enjoyable read, can see this being on Netflix at some point in the future!


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This horror novel needs to become a horror movie! From the very beginning, I felt like I was right there with the characters, my anxiety as high as theirs. I loved the descriptions, and got to know each character and couldn’t wait to see what would happen! This is a heart stopping story! A 5 star, must read!!! Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this advanced copy.

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This book got off to a promising start. We're introduced to Hank, a trucker on his way to California. He's a likeable enough character and I was immediately pulled into the story, Not long after Hank is locked in the basement, there's a particularly uncomfortable scene that had me physically cringing, and wondering what I was in for as a reader. Then their captor lets them see what's behind the door on the opposite side of the room and the plot stops being interesting. It's gory, and there's cannibalism and I suppose that's all supposed to be shocking, but if you've read a lot of horror novels, there's nothing new or particularly interesting here.

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Disturbing. Disgusting. I loved it! Could not put it down! Believable characters. Likable characters. Cultish. Cannibalism. All the triggers. All of em. I will be recommending this one as our book club read for July! Thanks for letting me read!!

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When choosing a hotel, would you ever believe you would end up a prisoner of the hotel owner? Probably no, but that is exactly what happens to Hank a cross country trucker.

This book exceeded my expectations in every way and I have to say I am so surprised this is a debut author! Things I loved: pacing, the haunting spin on the captured/imprisoned angle, size of the chapters, the likeable protagonist, the inside look at the antagonist’s mind and driving factors, the fact that this book teetered on horror rather than thriller, and that twist at the end! I am looking forward to future releases from Alex!

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Wow, what an incredibly terrifying and horrifying tale that is also delicious for fans of the horror genre!
Atmospheric and well written by Alex Mura, this creepy tale is easily read in one sitting. It grabs you by the throat and won’t let go until the final page, leaving you shaken and suitably afraid.
Here’s hoping that there is a follow up as I loved all three main characters, despite one being an absolutely hideous psychopath!
This story is different from others in the genre because the characters act in a way that you don’t need to coax them into action, you know the ones, you shout ‘Do it now’ or ‘What are you thinking’?…the writer is on it!
Highly recommended and thoroughly enjoyed, despite the grisly content.
Not at all for the faint hearted but EVERYTHING for fans of the late Richard Laymon.
More please!

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A short and easy read with a good sense of pace and plenty of blood. Silence In The Basement has some interesting things to say, though there’s little in the way of new provocations or fresh twists on (over)familiar story beats. The prose is simple, never too complicated to impede the flow of the writing, but rarely stylised enough to set the writer’s voice apart either. The book hints at intriguing themes but doesn’t quite have the space to explore them in the depth they deserve—though it’ll be interesting to see where Mura goes with his next story. Perhaps a longer page count would let sink his teeth into the material.

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This was an interesting book, it was a lot more gory and graphic that I thought it would be going into it but it did make me think and wonder what I would do in Hank and Sara's situation. The author did a great job describing what was happening and helping you see the picture for yourself. Although gory horror is not for me the book over all was good. The only part i really didn't care for was the romance between hank and Sara. It was kind of gross and unneeded.

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I don't do well with suspense. I get too jittery. This book made my skin crawl with anxiety and stress! That said, WOWZERS this was a great read!!!
If you're a lover of thriller movies, this is the one for you!!!

This is a first person and single pov.

I never felt I knew where the story was going to turn, kept me on my toes. As the story progressed and began evolve, all the new things that came to light, continued to shock me.

The last few pages (and very much the very last line of the book) was absolutely jaw dropping and I full blown gasped!


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Thank you, Alex Mura and NetGalley, for the ARC. I leave this review voluntarily and happily. Also, thank you publishers for your hard work!

This is a dark and twisted book. Cannibalism, death, and the gore. This book will have you bitting your nails until the very end. It certainly made me hope so much for the main characters and hate the bad guy with my whole being. Of course, I was a little iffy about Hanks and Sara's relationship later on in the book, but perhaps I'm just thinking too much into it. Plus, I'm not entirely so sure on the ending, but I'm not spoiling it. Reading this book it does make me wonder what you would be willing to do to survive such an experience? Would I have done what they had, or would I have died?

Two different people, locked in a basement. They need to escape, but their captor is a horrendous Cannibal who wants to play family. Not only that, he wants them to join him in his lifestyle. What's to happen? Will they escape, will they give in, or will they come out of this unscathed? Read and find out.

Reading this book it certainly has me wondering about things. Like, would I survive something like this? What would I do, and by the gods above, I hope this never happens to me or anyone I know. I'm glad the author reached out to me to read this. It was definitely worth the read.

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I did enjoy and would give 🌟🌟🌟🌟. It had me hooked from the start and wanted to know what was going to happen. I really felt for Hank and Sara and there were quite a few tense moments. Alex was very good In describing the scenes and I could picture what was going on. I would definitely recommend reading it when it’s released 20th July 2024

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange of an honest review.

What a bloody and wild ride!!

I practically devoured the story and finished it within a day. An absolute must-read for book fans who like bloody and gory stories.

I loved the story. However, It loses one star for the "love story"(?) between Hank and Sara. The age difference was completely inappropriate for my taste... The author could have at least adapted saras to hanks age. Why does she have to be SO YOUNG? (18 is still a child in my opinion)

Other than that, I thought everything about the story was great(except the age gap though) and the final ending absolutely killed it!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I really want to read more from this author and I'd love to see how Hank's story continues ;)

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