Member Reviews


I really loved how this series began, but it unfortunately fell a little flat for me at the end. I struggled with having so many character POVs especially. It felt like the story jumped around too much and it stopped me from getting drawn into the action. I will say these POVs helped with the pacing of the story and made it feel much shorter than its 700+ pages.

It felt a little rushed as the final book in the series, and perhaps could have been plotted better so less elements were introduced in this final installment. However, as a fan of the series, I was glad to see a lot of loose ends tied up.

Overall, I was a little disappointed by this as a finale, but I have still enjoyed the fate and flame series, and would definitely pick them up again in future if the mood struck.

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Was it perfect? No, but I think I loved this series enough to ignore the imperfections.

Like the previous book in the series we get multiple POV’s which means we saw less of Zander and Romy and other couples became the romantic lead. Despite not rereading book 3 before this one i found it relatively easy to recall storylines and characters. There was only really one character I couldn’t remember at all, big thanks to @romancereviewed for helping me out there.

It’s definitely not a small undertaking starting this series, but I think it’s easier than a lot of fantasy series. So if you’re looking for a romantic fantasy to start I’d definitely give this one a go!

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So much anticipation for this final book for this series!
The book is all about tying up the loose ends and taking us through the battles and the war to end it all. My love for these kind of books is normally the world setting and the romance so I knew going into this book it was unlikely to be my favourite of the series but I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting it to be as much of a slog as it was.
I still love the characters and I still love the way Tucker writes so I do think it’s just about my preference for Romantasy / Fantasy less fighting and more loving!
The series ends epically and is a must for everyone who has or wants to read this series it’s definitely worth it…it just wasn’t my favourite and may have been a little longer than I felt it needed.

I received this book as an ARC through NetGalley and provide my honest opinion

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A Dawn of Gods & Fury is the fourth book in the Fate & Flame series from K.A. Tucker. The first book, A Fate of Wrath & Flame, hooked me, guaranteeing I was eager for more of the series. The second book, A Curse of Blood & Stone, sucked me in deeper, ensuring I was desperate for more. The third book, A Queen of Thieves & Chaos, added new elements that had me engaged, leaving me eager in new ways. Thus, it is no surprise that I went into the final book with high hopes.

Unfortunately, A Dawn of Gods & Fury did not wow me in the way the other books did. In fact, if I am being brutally honest, this was a rounded-up rating. It saddens me to admit such a thing, especially with how high my hopes were for this conclusion, but this book did not hit me anywhere near as strongly as the prior book. I went into this final book expecting an intense story filled with action, following on with the powerful ending of the prior book. Sadly, I found the pacing to be extremely slow. There was so much going on, and yet little seemed to happen. With multiple storylines playing out at once, I expected to be hooked on at least one of them, yet this never happened. There were occasional moments for each, yet none kept me invested. It reached the point where I was bored with characters I had once adored, and I failed to feel investment in the new couple that was followed. There were so many elements throughout this, and I expected to be hooked throughout, yet it missed the mark for me. For a conclusion that had so much promise, things were dragged out far too long and then concluded far too easily for me to be satisfied with the way things concluded.

All in all, this conclusion did not work for me the way it clearly worked for many. A part of me was disappointed to the point of considering a two-star rating, but there were moments when I was interested. Sadly, those moments were not enough to turn my feelings into true investment. Due to this, the possibility of spin-offs that were hinted at did not tempt me in the way I imagined they would if they had appeared in the prior books.

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What an amazing end to this series I loved the concept of this story since I started and I really enjoyed it start to finish.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.

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This was a fantastic conclusion to this series and I will be sad to leave this world behind. Our FMC and MMC have been through so much in this series and it was a wild ride with lots of character development along the way.

I have no clue why I don’t hear more hype around this series, it’s not one anyone should miss out on!

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I am so sad to leave this world, at least for now. Romeria and Zander have endured so much, and it was incredible to witness the conclusion of this epic series. K.A. Tucker has taken us on an emotional roller coaster throughout, introducing us to many memorable characters along the way. This book is a fantastic finale—well-paced, filled with intrigue, and brimming with high stakes. It will keep your heart in your throat from start to finish. This is a journey you do not want to miss.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for the ARC

This series is so, so, so good and this installment is no less. I love the world K.A. Tucker has created and I'm always drawn into it immediately. My only complaint is that I can't binge read them because her cliffhangers are awful and I just want more, more, more!

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What a climax to an excellent and thrilling series.

Malachi has arrived with Sofie and a massive Demon army from the nulling. All the realms need to pull together to defeat the fate or the whole world will fall.

A Dawn of God's and Fury has a little bit of everything Spice, war, battles, Mpov, pinning, loss and of course love.

We learn more about two new far away realms and with the multiple points of view we get added depth to the characters and their relationships and motivations.

I was a particular fan of the relationship between Romeria and Jarek, throughout the series including this one. I will say I very much became team Jarek over Zander. I hope there will be more books in the series where we might see this pairing actually happening? ( a girl can dream).

OK OK.. if this is the final book then my biggest peev is... did Elisaf get his Lordship!!! How could she leave us hanging like that!?

Overall an excellent high fantasy series that I will come back to again and again.

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An enchanting conclusion to a mesmerizing fantasy romance series! The author's writing is as spellbinding as ever, seamlessly blending magical worlds, the heartfelt romance with a satisfying conclusion. A must-read for fans of the genre.

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