Member Reviews

Until I started actually reading this, I'd completely forgotten I'd read the previous book including the Ever After agency. It was nice to have Poppy's perspective again within the story and the concept of her infiltrating the same fashion magazine was interesting. It was one of those where the plot line felt a little complicated but it was explained well and done gradually so that it didn't become confusing and you got the idea instead. Generally, an easy and lighthearted read about finding love as you get older and before her time "runs out", as Greta puts it.

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This was a great story with lots of funny characters, and a close work family.
Greta’s boss Angali, decides to enlist the help of a dating agency to give one of her work mates a helping hand in the romance department. The agency’s matchmaker called Poppy, comes on board to pretend to write this article so that Greta thinks it’s a work assignment and that it will become a column in her fledgling online magazine. She couldn’t be further from the truth!!
Oh boy! each date is awkward and she doesn’t want to have another date to carry on getting to know each other!. Meanwhile, when she visits a new coffee shop close to her work building, she meets a man there who she really enjoys talking to, but she thinks they’re friends! She doesn’t see any signs that it’s anything else! All she knows is she really enjoys his company. Her best friend Tiggy, always on hand with advice or to cheer Greta up, is an absolute hoot!! I would love a friend like that!! So confident in her own skin!
If you want to find out what happens to Greta, and if she finds a love interest read this book. You won’t be disappointed!!
Many thanks to Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read this arc copy via Netgalley. My opinion is my own.
#Netgalley, #TheBoldBookClub, #SandyBarkerAuthor.

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I would like to thank netgalley and Boldwood Books for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

This one was a bit back and forth and not as good as the rest of the series, however I'm still looking forward to the next book.

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The third book in the Ever After Agency series is about Greta.

Greta seems to have it all, except for her own family. To help her, Greta's boss engages the Ever After Agency to help Greta find her significant other. Dates ensue. Some are funny. What was agonising though: Greta worrying about everything all the time.

It took quite some time for the story to get started. Due to Greta's constant worrying I couldn't really connect with her. And a romance novel where you aren't caring for the MC is just no fun. Also, Poppy's POV didn't add much to the overall plot, in my opinion.

2.5 Stars

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I like the mix of comedy, romance, and dating in this day and age.

I really enjoyed the characters of this book and and felt that their connection was written to be genuine and not forced, like so many are.

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I had no idea that was part of a series. Probably should have read the previous books. That’s on me. I liked the main character Greta and her love interest. Yet the others were all a bit annoying and intrusive. Examples were that Poppy shouldn’t be involved in matchmaking. And Greta’s boss made things more messy for no reason. The overall story was cute. Interesting parts were in the last 30% of the book. Ending was also pretty cute. Overall, it was a good and cute romance. I enjoyed it but won’t read the other books in the series. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for my review.

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The One That I Want is a rom-com detailing Greta's adventures in dating and writing a column about these events. This book includes both the POV of Greta, the main character, and Poppy, the matchmaker.

At first I didn't understand why Poppy's POV was included, but as the friendship developed between her and Greta, it was valuable to see the perspective of someone else. This POV will be more significant to readers who have read the rest of the Ever After Agency series.

I did think that the dates would be a bigger part of the plot and were what initially attracted me to the book. For this reason, it would have been nice to see read more about those events.

This book is definitely for readers who enjoy a book that is more slow-paced. While the pace and events do pick up in the later half, it did feel slow at times.

I did enjoy reading about Greta and Poppy's friendship and the development of Greta and Ewan's relationship. For readers who enjoyed the rest of the Ever After Agency series, I'm sure this book will also be an entertaining read.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for this ARC!

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This story was so much fun! I loved the cast of characters and the writing makes you feel like you're right there in the mix. Loved it!

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I just loved this book so much! I just couldn’t put it down once I started reading it.. I just loved the story and the characters in this book are just amazing, you have Greta who is the new features editor of an online magazine which goes off the original magazine that she worked for, there is Greta’s boss Anjali who knows that Greta wants love and she knows exactly how to help the Ever After agency. This brings more wonderful characters you have Poppy and George and so many more that I just loved. Then comes along Ewan who is just a lovely man. I forgot to mention Greta’s best friend Tiggy who is just wonderful too.

I really can’t recommend this book enough it was just so heartwarming and tells of what it’s like dating right now it’s a minefield but in this book it’s the people who are there for you and who help you along the way. I just loved this book and would also recommend reading the other two books in the series as well. This might have been my first Sandy Barker book but it won’t be the last one.

I would like to thank Boldwood Books and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book early.

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A gigantic THANK YOU to the author, Sandy Barker, the publisher, Boldwood Books, and NetGalley for giving me the chance to say my honest opinion of this book.

A truly gorgeous book to have an excellent time with! I thoroughly enjoyed (devoured) this book in a day and I'm glad I picked it up. The author's easy writing style, the German references, the innuendos, the DOG! (love ya, Remy). Just wonderful and perfect for a summer read.

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The One That I Want by Sandy Barker is the third instalment in her popular Ever After Agency series but can absolutely be read as a stand alone. Readers who are already familiar with the series will be happy to see many favourite characters return but for new readers the author is careful to integrate enough background into the storytelling to bring them up to date without bogging them down or slowing the pacing of the story she is telling.
Greta Davies is rapidly climbing the career ladder with her new position =as editor of a digital magazine but her love life unfortunately has paid the price for that success. In an attempt to help , her boss and friend secretly hires the Ever After Agency to find the perfect match for Greta without letting her know that she is involved. This is going to be no easy task so a plot to bring agency employee Poppy on board at the magazine as an agony aunt to help with a proposed feature about the London dating scene. Of course this will require Greta to go on several dates but none of them seem to be quite right - could that be because she has already found the man she has been looking for even if she can't see what is right in front of her.
This is a light hearted fun read, a cute closed door romance with some laugh aloud moments, I have to say that I loved the friends to lovers romance between Greta and Ewan, and I liked both characters. What made this book a little less enjoyable than the previous books for me was the unnecessarily convoluted plot about who know the Agency was involved at any given time, It felt quite contrived. That being said overall I enjoyed the book because I was invested in the characters and I was rooting for them to succed and I think that this will be a really fun poolside or beach read for many people.
I read and reviewed an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher, all opinions are my own.

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I was a little confused by this book. It is dual pov of the fmc and the matchmaker working with her (under a messy and somewhat complicated guise). My confusion comes in on the matchmaker’s pov. It didn’t add much to the story. I went out and looked up the author and realized that this is book 3 in a series, so I think that’s the issue. This is not a standalone. That aside, it was ok. Maybe a library rental at best. Maybe I would have enjoyed more if I was up to date on the series.

Thank you Boldwood Books for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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A well meaning boss, a matchmaking agency and an assignment to write about the dating scene in London - what could go wrong?

Third in the Ever After Agency series, THE ONE THAT I WANT by Sandy Barker is a closed door romance full of cute moments, funny quips and lots of endearing supporting characters. It was heartwarming and an interesting premise but fell short of 5 stars

This one felt slower than the other Ever After Agency books and I often felt confused by the huge cast of characters. I really enjoyed the date descriptions and seeing Ewan and Greta's relationship blossom.

Thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the ARC! Opinions are my own

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4,25 💫 | A main character working on a fashion magazine. An assignment to write about the dating scene in London. A matchmaking agency. A well meaning boss making her going on dates but secretly wanting her to find love. What could possibly go wrong?

This book was my first contact with the Ever After Agency series and what a great way to be introduced to this universe! I have to say, the blurb about this book doesn't make it justice: it is much better than what was promised. I will not get into the story or the plot in this review, since I believe that not knowing much about the book made my experience better.

This book is perfect for any girl that grew up watching 2000s romcoms - specially The Devil Wears Prada - and reading chicklit. I am not in my thirties nor in my dream job but I found so relatable that even being accomplished and living her dream life Greta realized that what she wanted the most was to fall in love. I know this topic is very often present in women's fiction, but in this book, Sandy Barker managed to not only make it super fun, but bring a new light into it.

I adored the way the romance grew from a friendship - this made the story lighter and funny. The main character is captivating and supporting characters were super fun. Also, I need to mention this is a closed door book, so bonus points for it!

I can't wait to read the previous Ever After Agency books - specially Poppy's, since she played such a crucial role in The One That I Want.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the access to this ARC!
I received a complimentary copy of this book and all the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Another cracker continuing the Ever After Agency series by Sandy Barker.
Is it better to find love the organic way, or do we all need a helping hand sometimes?
The One That I Want brings us back to the Ever After Agency with another client for Poppy, one of our wonderful matchmakers, to concentrate on.
Greta is the editor of a new online magazine. She focuses on her work but finds it challenging to add relationships to the mix.
Her boss, Anjali, decides to intervene by employing the services of her friend's agency to help her employee with things through an elaborate ruse of a series of articles about dating.
There are some funny dates, a whole heap of confusion and plenty of 'oooh!' moments.
On paper, Greta is a successful woman with a great job, a supportive family, and good friends. However, as we find out, things aren't always as straightforward as they seem. She doubts herself so much. I just wanted to take her to one side and tell her to believe in her instincts!
Her best friend, Tiggy, was brilliant. Straightforward, loud and hilarious. We all need a Tiggy in our lives!
It's the kind of story I have come to expect from Sandy, with a host of challenges that Poppy faces when trying to match her client while fulfilling her brief.
Since this is book 3 in the series, it was good to revisit a few characters to see how they were getting on, including Poppy and her relationship, but it is easily read as a stand-alone, too. You'll want to return and get the other two after because it's such fun!
Many thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an ARC.

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Spice Rating: 0/5 (closed door)

With a unique concept and an accomplished, independent main character, this book caught my eye. I <i>really</i> wanted to love this book, but it wasn’t my cup of tea. You’d enjoy this if you like closed door romance with more of a focus on the main character than about the actual love interest.

Greta is an accomplished woman who has everything she wants, except for her own family (no husband or kids). Her well intentioned boss and friend secretly sets her up with a matchmaking agency under the guise of a new dating column at Greta’s online magazine. It’s messy, there’s a lot of dates, but the perfect person is closer than she thinks.

* Strangers to friends to lovers
* Closed door romance

There were some cute moments and funny quips; there were definitely good elements! But let me explain why I can’t give it 4 or 5 stars:

The pacing could’ve been quicker, cutting out a lot of the beginning and just getting to the dates and the fun would’ve held my attention better as well as maybe cutting Poppy’s POV. Maybe I wasn’t as interested because I didn’t read the other two in the series, but I felt her POV didn’t add to the story to the point where I wanted to skip those portions.

So much of the beginning is set up and Greta being overly worried about e v e r y t h i n g.

Tiggy was a fun side character, but I felt bad that their friendship seemed sort of one sided with Tiggy always being there to support Greta. Even at the drop of a hat, early in the morning, to show up and immediately go back home. I almost expected there to be a storyline of the friend being upset.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

As other reviewers mentioned, I didn't realize this was a line up in a series. I liked that Greta was an editor and that she had some depth.

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I didn’t realize this was part of a series, though I really appreciate the arc! The book was easy to read and written well!

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I loved this book! It's well-written, enjoyable, and a great read. Sandy Barker did a great job of writing in a way that captured my attention, and made me not want to put it down until I was finished! I would highly recommend it!

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This is not really a review because I didn't finish it. Other readers may find it interesting, and understandably so. Because I enjoyed reading the first book in the series. I didn't read the second book, and this one didn't work for me.


I didn't realize it was part of a series. Poppy and Tristan (from the first book) are here. And the story is told from Poppy's point of view as well. While I liked Poppy and Tristan in the first book, I didn't feel like reading the story from Poppy's pov again.

In the first book, Poppy was looking for a match for Tristan (as a professional) and here, again, she's been ‘assigned’ to secretly find a match for Greta. This thing instantly put me off. It was giving a very similar vibe, and I didn't want to go on the same ride again.

Maybe it's my fault. I didn't read the blurb carefully and just focused on the author's name.

I am writing it here, so that you know. Not posting my review anywhere else.
Thank you for the copy. Sorry, it wasn't for me.

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