Member Reviews

The Fall-Out is about a group of of women who met while attending a sporting match being played by their boyfriends. They have since become a tight knit group. We are introduced to the characters through a then and now aspect. I was interested to find out exactly what had happened to cause a rift between two of the members of the group.

As the story unfolded, I was more intrigued to find out what happened.

A story of loyalty, friendship, love and lies.

At times funny, sad and in between.

A nice fun beach read.

Thanks to netgalley and Storm Publishing for the arc.

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Full of dynamic and complex characters, this book is the story of a group of friends navigating a secret from the past. Naomi is the FMC that is abandoned by her close knit group of friends when an old acquaintance shows up to reveal a secret from her past. Naomi must look internally to face her secrets and fix the many issues in her life while hoping she can mend her broken friendships.

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really great quick summer read!!! i haven't read anything from sophie before, but i really enjoyed her writing style. highly recommend!!!

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This was not what i expected at all when i first decided to read this book. Im a silly little "choose a book by its cover" girly, and for some reason, i was expecting a cute romance, nothing more (i do love a romance). But in all of the best ways, this book surprised me. It's a beautiful story about friendship, finding yourself, and choosing to fight for yourself. There is so much depth in this book, with loads of character development and character background, which was well thought out too. I loved the friendship group described, and i really felt for the characters. 5/5 would recommend.

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. This was an engaging and enjoyable exploration of female friendships. Although I haven't read the previous books in this series, I found The Fall Out worked well as a standalone book. Naomi was well written, as were the supporting characters, and I was sympathetic and invested in Naomi's story.

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Following suit with the 3 previous books in the series, Ranald delivers another easy read that builds on the story of Girlfriends' club member, Naomi. The daily grind of motherhood and wife life has taken over for Naomi and she is wondering what else is out there for her. This novel deals with the ups and downs of friendships, romance, and motherhood. With a dash of humour, a touch of loss, and a sprinkle of unbreakable bonds, this is definitely the recipe for a good summer read! Thanks #netgalley and #stormpublishing for the ARC

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After previously reading the love hack I was excited to read this. This is a book about female friendship also the struggles of growing up. This book is funny and sad at times. It also follows a dual timeline of past and present. It was an enjoyable read. Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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The Girlfriend’s Club consists of a group of women brought together by their significant others soccer games - they don’t have as much interest in watching them play when they can get together in a pub and gossip. Over time this turns into deep friendships held together by a monthly meet up. The plot line is quite rom-com with a youthful feel and some borderline high school behavior. There’’s backstabbing, gossip, cold shoulders and conniving. It was a quick and easy read, ideal for a holiday poolside.

Thanks to NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and Sophie Ronald for the eARC.

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This book was a little slow to start but after the first few chapters it had a great pace and kept my interest. I loved that this book really showcased friendship and all the growing pains that come along with it. It was a great representation of what real friendships mean and what it takes to keep them going.

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I’ve never read a book by this author before but I absolutely loved it! Thank you so much for the ARC! I loved this story, it was extremely well written. Will definitely be on the lookout for more books by this author!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Storm publishing for the eARC of The Fall Out.

I absolutely adored The Love Hack, but it took me a few chapters to get into The Fall Out but once I did I couldn't put it down! I got hooked on the storyline with the girlfriends group and what actually happened to cause the 'fall out.'

I will say though I was worried I wouldn't be able to get past the author using the term 'Semen Gutters' to refer to a part of the male body. Personally I don't think it fit the vibe of the book.

I'll rate this 3.5 stars.

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Sophie Ranald’s writing is now a firm favourite of mine. This novel feels a lot more “grown up” writing-wise - she has settled into her style and writes brilliant, rounded characters with real depth. This novel is great for those who really love a character exploration and feels very like modern Marian Keyes.

A quick read, this will keep you on the edge of your seat and guessing until the end. Highly recommended.

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Thank you to netgalley and Storm publishing for an advanced copy of The Fall out. To start with, I'm not sure what genre I would say this book was, it certainly keeps you guessing. In my opinion this book was a bit of a slow burner but that soon alters and you become hooked. A story of five girlfriends and how their friendships have evolved over time. Truth,trust,trauma,love,lies,life and loss just some of the words to express the emotional journey within this story. 3.5* from me.

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I had a bit of trouble getting into this book, but after the first 3 chapters I got hooked.
It's a mix between a light adult romance and a thriller. It tells the story of a group of friends who mourn the loss of one of their friends, a lost friend comes back for the funeral and brings alot of drama.
There is some back and forward between the past and the present and this was very well written, I didn't get lost and it added to the story. I also love that the writer brings a lot of relatable subjects and situations, which made me connect more with the characters. Didn't love the FMC, too whiney for me.

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I hadn’t come across this author before so was quite intrigued and unsure what to expect.

This book focuses on friendship throughout and all the trials and tribulations that come with it.

It had humour and drama throughout and the story was inoffensive, but also a bit bland for me. It was written well though and I would give the authors other books a go.

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One of my favorite authors was reading an ARC and recommended this book so I was excited to get my own eARC. Based on the cover I expected it to be lighter, but it was kind of dark. The FMC was whiny at times but whole these are the things that came to mind, I couldn't put this book down, I was completely intrigued the entire time, And I was totally rooting for FMC at the end.
A group of friends gather to mourn the loss of one of their closest friends and one former member of the friend group shows up at the funeral. From there the group unravels around lies, half truths, manipulation and secrets the second friend brings back with her.

Told in current looks and flashbacks to when they first met and pivotal moments along their friendship, this story had some underlying psychological thriller vibes, a little dark mystery, while disguised as a light entertainment book.


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The members of The Girlfriends Club have been there for one another through many of lifes ups and downs. The friends gather to celebrate the life of a friend and it’s during this reunion that a former member, Zara, shows up stirring up drama from the past that Naomi thought was settled. Naomi has what many would say is the “perfect” life. Handsome husband, twin children, and friendships she cannot live without. Once Zara comes back into the picture, the revelations and secrets start to wedge apart the friend group leaving Naomi questioning her friendships, marriage, and the reality of the life she has made.

I enjoyed the “found family” that forms The Girlfriend Club—even after some of the relationships end. The friendships in this group provided support, laughter, and guidance to each of the members; however, once Zara is reintroduced to the group that foundation of friendship quickly falls apart. The lack of communication that occurs between the adults, who are supposed to be best friends, is disheartening. Nevertheless, when looking at Zara’s personality and her background, you can see why she behaves the way, why her strategy is successful in creating a wedge, and how she can find people’s insecurities and use them to her advantage. Yet, it left me questioning how “good” of friends could this group have been if they could be manipulated so easily without communicating to one another? Naomi’s perspective on the events is frustrating and sometimes feels a bit delusional. The ability to ask for forgiveness and take ownership for your wrongdoings is important. I did appreciate her confronting her husband on the secrets and examining what she truly wanted out of life. This felt like a good step towards healing.

The topic of addiction, guilt, and codependency is well written. I did struggle at times to stay invested in the characters. I’m not sure if it was the timeline switches or perhaps, I need to reread when I am in a different place. Additionally, I did not realize it was the 4th book in the series. Reading the previous books could have helped with my level of engagement and investment with the characters and perhaps a better understanding of the dynamics. Overall, I would recommend it as a quick read for those who enjoy a bit of drama in their lives.

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I struggled with this book, as a gentleman of a certain age I normally like to relate to the male main character, but I had reservations around him (nothing to do with the fact that he had muscles where I don't, of course) . I obviously also don't relate to the type of friendship that a group of women can have, but was fascinated by the interactions between them over the years. It was interesting , though, seeing the truth in what had happened gradually coming to light by the means of flashbacks. So although this isn't necessarily the type of book that I enjoy most it is a worthwhile read.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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Okay so I’m a bit conflicted on how to rate this one… my two main genres are romance and thriller, and I just read The Love Hack and found it to be a sweet romance, so based off of the blurb, I assumed we’d be going the same route. Yet, this reminded me more of a crazy psycho ex-girlfriend thriller, and I kept expecting someone to be kidnapped or shot. Now, I did realize afterwards that this book is the end of a series, so maybe if I had read the other books first the tone would have made more initial sense to me. So if you’re picking up this book as a cutesy romance, you will probably be disappointed… HOWEVER, if you pick this up as general fiction, or enjoy waiting for the other shoe to drop, then this will be great for you!

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fatphobia? jokes about eating disorders? in 2024? nah.

this was a fast read and it was quite entertaining, but all these women were terrible friends to each other, and for what? for a man? for a master manipulator?

thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review

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