Member Reviews

Adult friendships are hard. Much harder than I ever thought they'd be growing up. This book shows you that; and more.

I had the hardest time connecting with any of the women. I'm sure, based on the storyline, I should've felt this or that, but I didn't. Instead, I felt bored and like I'd just wasted my time.

Everyone messes up. Everyone! But this book was just pointless, imo.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 rounded up to 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Fall Out wasn't my favorite Sophie Ranald book, but it was still pretty good. The beginning of the book was slow and took me a while to get into it but once it got going I found myself wanting to read it more and more.

Five women make up the Girlfriends' Club, but will it end with those same five after a betrayal? Naomi, Kate, Abbie, Rowan & Zara are all very different women who become very good friends. That is until Zara makes the ultimate betrayal that leaves her left out of the monthly Wednesday Girlfriends' Club night out. Zara coming back for a funeral throws a wrench in Naomi's life. Loyalties are questioned and old wounds are opened. Can the women salvage their once unbreakable bonds? Read The Fall Out to find out what seeds Zara plants and the ultimate question of whether or not the Girlfriends' Club will live to see another day.

Thank you to Sophie Ranald, NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC of The Fall Out.

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If you’re looking for a romance book that goes a little bit deeper than fmc falls in love with mmc and they live happily ever after, this might be the one for you.

Sophie Ranald excels at writing romance novels that showcase the importance of self love and growth. In The Fall-Out Naomi’s life is turned upside down by the return of Zara, the ex-girlfriend of her husband and father of her two children. Will her best friends stay at Naomi’s side or will they believe Zara?

This story felt like a breath of fresh air in the genre. While romance is a big part of the book, it also focuses on platonic love. It shows that friendships can be hard, even when you’re an adult, and that choices you’ve made when you were younger might not align with what you want now. Overall, the book was very relatable and raw.

The writing was mature but also easy to read, and honestly, I thought the ending was perfect. I would really recommend this book to anyone, especially when you want a book that highlights internal struggles and personal growth in a natural way.

A major thanks to Storm Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Naomi believed she had her life perfectly balanced—a wonderful husband, adorable twins, and monthly cocktail catch-ups with her three best friends. However, when Zara, the fifth member of their once inseparable Girlfriends’ Club, reappears with shocking secrets, Naomi's life is thrown into turmoil.

Zara’s revelations send ripples through the group, silencing their previously active WhatsApp chat and leaving Naomi at home instead of out enjoying margaritas with her closest friends. As old wounds resurface and loyalties are tested, Naomi is forced to face the cracks in her marriage and the truths about her past.

It took me a while to get into this book, but I expected it to be good, and it didn't disappoint me. After a long time, I read a book about friendship, how it truly affects our lives. Naomi initially seemed like a fragile character in this book, but it was easy to identify with her. Fragile, insecure, somewhat dissatisfied with her life but feeling she should be grateful for what she currently has. On the other hand, there's Zara, no longer part of the Girlfriends Club, who comes across as narcissistic, self-assured, although she displays it in a very negative way.

What I really liked in the book is how it touches on not-so-perfect marriages. The story jumps between past and present for most of the book, making it much easier to follow the present-day events. I was intrigued throughout the book about what went so wrong between all of them. Naomi's character is well-developed, and the character development is commendable. The book is part of a series, but it can be read as a standalone. I'm definitely interested in the other books and will surely read them; I want to know what happened to the rest of the Girlfriends Club before this book. I recommend this book to everyone; it's not the typical romance I'm used to, but it's definitely worth reading and reflecting on our relationships.

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Spoiler alert
Completely conflicted on this. I got it as an arc and it sounded like the perfect summer romance with a little more depth than the traditional beach read.

What I got, was a charmingly British romance with a side of “ok”.

It had romance, family, drama, friends you want to keep and horrible friends with narcissistic character traits. I was confused at how some friends walked away so fast when the lies started coming…. Like what? Whiplash of friendships?

The charm of London (and Paris) always gets me but I think in the end, I’m more upset at the infidelity and weyward friends than anything else.

What I did love was the writing and the banter. Again, charmingly British even if I wanted to tell all the characters to just sod off.

4.5 stars for writing and witty banter
2.5 for the subjects (again, a me thing)

3.5 stars total

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Naomi lives in a world of which she constantly perceived herself as not enough. She was not enough of a good mother to Toby or Meredith nor a good wife to Patch. She truly lost sight of who she was. It was only with the Girlfriends Club that she was just Naomi with no other title necessary. When she thought Andy's death would bring them all closer, the friendships seemed to drift apart. Her, Rowan, Abbie and Kate unfortunately went down the rabbit hole with Zara and the lies she willingly told in order to tear them apart. It was amazing how sociopathic Zara was in the most extreme sense in order to gain sympathy from others and cultivate friendships. Yes, her and Patch were together, but at some point in time, she needed to grow up and celebrate her "friends" love. I was glad to see how Naomi finally recognized her own self worth and what she needs to make herself happy. In doing so, her life grew exponentially and was on the path she deserved to be on. No self worth should take a backseat.

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Story of 5 girlfriends who met on the sidelines at one of their boyfriends’ games. They form a quick bond with each other and keep in touch into their adult lives. This book tells alternates between what is currently happening in the women’s’ lives and what happened in the years prior. Currently Naomi and Patch are married with two children. In the past, Patch was involved with Zara…which makes things a little interesting moving forward. I did enjoy really this book, but it fell a little flat for me. I do like the author though so would definitely read another by her. Thanks to NetGalley & the Publisher for this ARC for my honest review. #booksbyashleynicole

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Thank you for my early copy of my "The fall-out" It was a good book I enjoyed the storyline and the character

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This book had it all, such good humour and great characters. These 2 factors made it so easy and enjoyable to read.

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The Fall-Out is an enjoyable and ultimately uplifting story of friendship, love and second chances. When an old friend resurfaces with a shocking secret, it sends shockwaves through a once inseparable group of girlfriends, testing the bonds of their friendship. While the story had me laughing and crying along with these relatable characters as they navigated life's messiest moments, I didn't fully connect with the writing style. However, the plot still pulled me in with plenty of unexpected revelations. Overall, a heartfelt read that celebrates the unbreakable bonds between friends.

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This book was great! The characters were complex and interesting! The plot was well written and compelling, and the story was interesting.

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Well I guess I have a huge backlog of books to read now!! Where has Sophie Ranald been all my reading life? Lol! This was my second book from this author and I really enjoyed it! It was fast paced, well written and had such a real element to it that I could easily relate. The characters were likeable and you could really put yourself in their shoes. Add this one to your summer reading list for sure!

Thank you to Netgalley and Storm publishing for the eARC of this book.

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I read this book as a standalone not having read the previous books in the series and I was totally OK with that.
I don't want to put in any spoilers but basically the story is about a group of girls who met whilst watching their boyfriends playing football and realizing that a warm bar with cocktails had more appeal.
It grows into a deep friendship for Naomi ( the story id written from Naomi's point of view), Rowan, Kate, Abbie and on the periphery, Zara.
This story is written over two timelines, when they were all single and later in their lives.
Naomi, now married to Patch and with toddler twins is finding it difficult being a mother to twins and running the house while Patch works away but the girls still looked forward to their monthly get togethers where they drank their cocktails, ate pork scratchings and amid much laughter, discussed their lives in no holds barred detail.
After the death of one of their much loved male friends the dynamics of the group appeared to change, it wasn't helped by the reappearance of Zara, Patch's ex.
This is a well written story about how deep friendships can be but also how fragile, it is a story of trust, betrayal, deceit and lies, lies that can dig deep into the soul, lies that can hurt beyond belief............lies that are believable.
Can the girls ever fight their way through this trauma, will they ever trust again.
I really enjoyed this book, thank you Storm publishing and Net Gallery for this ARC, my review is totally voluntary.

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This is a story about a group of 5 girlfriends that met and bonded on the sidelines of their boyfriends football game. The story is told in the present, and the past. In present time, they have planned the funeral for their dear friend, Andy. However, Zara has been absent for years from the friend group, and shows up unexpectedly at the funeral. Ghosts of the past are visited and truths revealed.

I liked that the focus of this story was about relationships between women over time. We come to see their sacrifices, struggle, insecurities and dreams. This is especially apparent in Naomi who is trying to discover who she is beyond wife and mom. (She gave up her career to be a stay at home mom with her children). I feel that Naomi's character grew in strength and resolve as the story progressed. However, this was done while she was experiencing deception, and betrayal from some of the friends group.

The character of Zara was written perfectly as a vile, manipulative, narcissistic woman! She stirs up a lot of drama and anger upon her return! However, I felt that the drama of the past got repetitive and a little over the top.

I did not get the connection of Naomi to Patch (her now husband- who used to be Zara's boyfriend). And he was ALL take and no give!

The lack of communication in the friends group bothered me. These were women that have been friends for 11 years, and suddenly they ghost a member of the group because they decide to believe the contrived story of the one person they all know lies? That seemed a bit far-fetched. It also reminded me of middle school!

I did love the decision Naomi made for herself, and cheered her on!

Overall, this was a quick read and i liked a majority of it. This is the 4th (?) in a series, so maybe reading the others would help me understand all the dynamics. However, this can be read as a stand alone. I might try the others.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. This is my honest, voluntary review.

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I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

The Fall-Out by Sophie Ranald is a dual-timeline first person-POV contemporary about friendship and a marriage that isn’t as steady as everyone thought. Naomi and Patch are married, have twin four year olds, and everything seems to be going OK despite a bit of a rough spot. At least, it was until Patch’s ex-girlfriend and Naomi’s former friend, Zara, comes back into town for a funeral.

What I liked was how Naomi’s friendship with the Girlfriends Club really took center stage and how her marriage and the fall-out because of Zara was also connected to the Club. It’s always nice to see stories focused on female friendships and their layers, particularly in groups. Naomi relies on her friends to give her some sense of balance as she raises two kids and the loss of their routine is acutely felt. The others in the group struggle with Zara coming back and how to reconcile Zara’s needs with Naomi’s.

Another thing I liked was how messy the relationships are. Patch and Naomi’s relationship didn’t have the easiest path and it was built on them being attracted to each other while Patch was in a long-term, long-distance relationship with Zara despite both trying to hold off on acting on their feelings. Zara is known for telling stories and spreading lies but she still very much wants Patch in her life and to keep her friend group. Naomi struggles with being a mother and how her and Patch’s relationship has changed since they had children, even if she tells herself often that she still wants to be with him.

I would recommend this to fans of contemporary fiction that deal with messy relationships and readers looking for a novel exploring a love triangle where no one comes out looking perfect.

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I’m not sure what I expected with this book, but it put me on a roller coaster! There is lies, talking behind backs, etc. While some of the drama in the friend group felt trivial, it does reflect how a lot of real life friendships can crumble (and the 5 can go to 4).

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As much as it pains me to do so, I had to stop reading this book at 20%. It's not that the book isn't good - Sophie Renald is always a master of her craft. However, it wasn't what I expected. I was hoping for a light and fun romance, but the direction the story was taking didn't align with that. I realize now that I should have read the blurb before diving in.

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A likeable page turner ultimately telling the story of a group of friends and what happens when it is put under pressure through loss.

It all feels quite trivial and felt a bit like being back in high school with lots of unnecessary talking behind people's backs, bitchiness etc.

Despite that I actually really enjoyed this book more than I expected to!

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Wow, what a rollercoaster of a read set around the dynamics of five friends!

Naomi is the main character, and meets up monthly with three of her friends, as they all fell out with the fifth member Zara a little while ago. But then a friend dies and Zara reappears at the funeral, meeting up with the rest of the 'gang' again, and really putting the cat amongst the pigeons for a variety of reasons.

To be honest I'm not entirely sure I'd trust any of the group, although they were all friends, some closer than others. Zara though was a different kettle of fish, you most definitely couldn't trust her and her stories, which slowly come out over the course of the book.

It felt a bit like being back in primary school when children fall out over ridiculous things, but are friends again in a week's time, and it did feel slightly uncomfortable in parts because it was a bit unfair. I mean if they were that close then they really should have discussed things and got through all the stirring from Zara.

In the end it was all sorted out, but only after a lot of aggravation and awkwardness. Parts did shock me a bit as I wasn't expecting some things to go the way they did, but I could understand it.

All in all a really good page turner that you had to finish to find out what happened in the end!

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I enjoyed the friendship group of Naomi and the other women (except Zara of course, who was perfectly written to be eminently hate-able!) and the relationship between Naomi and Patch.
The story plays well into the strengths and weaknesses of a friendship group and the lies and whispers that can wreck things so easily.
I would have liked Naomi to have a little more backbone but I suppose that would have shortened the tale somewhat as she would not be mired in inadequacy and jealousy if she had tackled things head on to start with!

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