Member Reviews

I’m an idiot and requested this forgetting I’d read and reviewed it last time it was on NetGalley! This is what I said:
Grudova’s short stories are only occasionally set in our world, and lean more heavily on vibes than solid plot, meaning that they make very little sense at times but I did enjoy the dark grossness of a lot of them even if I didn’t love them.

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3,25 stars.
First of all, please read the descriptions and reviews before picking up this book. The mentioning of bodily secretions, and the use of the body for delivering the themes in this book may not be for everyone.
The Coiled Serpent is bold and different. This is a collection of bizarre and gruesome, maybe event grotesque short stories.
The level of imaginativeness and how the stories served as subtle or overt critique of societal problems, hence the black humour were my favourite.
Some of the stories are more developed than others. Overall, I enjoyed the surreal, bodily horror and drama.
The author is very talented and I hope she writes more in these genres and about these themes.

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It took me a while to get into this book but ultimately, this one wasn’t for me. I was expecting a different type of horror and while I felt a little unsatisfied, I did enjoy a few stories. The ones that stood out to me were The Poison Garden, The Surrogates, and Hoo Hoo. The body horror took me out of it while reading and I was never truly invested in any of the stories. I would recommend this book but only to very specific people.

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