Member Reviews

I haven’t read anything by this author before, but I am really happy that I started with this one.

Ava, a wife, mom, and business woman, needs an assistant. Luckily, Grace walks in the door and everything seems to run smoothly. But, who is Grace really? Will things continue to go well?

I love love love psychological thrillers and this one did not disappoint. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC copy on exchange for my honest review.

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This felt like a slow burn but I did like the twist at the end!

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the arc!

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I received a complementary ARC of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the author and the publisher.
Fast paced, whodunnit, which is what I expect from Nicole Trope novels. And they always have a big surprise twist at the end. This book was no different. Grace takes a job working as an assistant for Ava and makes herself indispensable. She has a past she's trying to live with and you keep wondering what she's up to. It's told from Grace and Ava's point of view and it keeps you guessing until the very end.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Assistant - Nicole Trope

Infuriatingly twisty and unpredictable - this thriller was a centred around a great concept.

Perhaps not knowing what the main character’s purpose for being involved in these people’s lives was a plus point, but I could have done without waiting till the last couple of pages to know for certain.

Twisty, pacey and easy to read - a solid 3 from me!

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I was hooked right away, up until the thrilling end! The Assistant is an addictive psychological thriller that took me on a roller coaster, complete with all the thrills!
I can’t wait for book 2 in this exciting new series!

Thank you, Nicole Trope, Bookouture, & netgalley, for my copy! All opinions are my own.

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This was incredibly juicy and thrilling from the get go. We follow Grace as she starts to work as an assistant for Ava. The pacing is great, and the dual POVs from both of the women is really great as you get a feel for both characters perfectly. It's addictive and moorish and left me gasping until the final chapter. Fantastic read, highly recommend

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Ava Green's life is a delicate balancing act, juggling her career and motherhood with precision. Then, Grace appears - an assistant with a perfect resume and an unnerving ability to anticipate Ava's needs.
But what secrets hide behind her polished exterior?
Nicole Trope's domestic suspense weaves a tangled web of lies and half-truths, drawing us in through the perspectives of Ava, Grace, and a mysterious letter writer. As the story unfolds, we're hurtled toward a shocking conclusion that upends everything. The truth slowly reveals itself, exposing Grace's true nature - a master manipulator with a hidden agenda. Trope's writing is a subtle dance of deception, where nothing is quite as it seems.
If you love twists, don't miss this.

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This one was a fantastic read. The perfect amount of mystery and the ending, whoa, completely unexpected. This was a quick read and one I could hardly put down because I just wanted to know what was going to happen next.

Grace has made a mess of her life, and is looking for a bit of a fresh start. Ava desperately needs a new assistant so atleast one part of her life can be better organized. When Ava interviewed Grace, it was easy to determine that she was the one. From there Ava’s life started to get easier, until things started to twist and turn.

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This author never disappoints! Absolutely adored this book. Brilliant from start to finish. A great read. Highly recommend this one.

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The Assistant by Nicole Trope is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps you hooked from start to finish. The story follows a woman who cleverly manipulates her way into a job with a seemingly perfect family, hiding her true intentions. Trope skillfully builds suspense and delivers a series of unexpected twists. While some elements might feel familiar, the story’s intense pace and surprising ending make it a standout read for fans of the genre

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Nicole Trope can always be counted on to write a fabulous psychological thriller with twists and turns and myriad threads which are knitted together! Love her writing style, characters and story development. Great read!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

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This author did it again!!!! I always end up loving her books, she is so so amazing!!!! She has an incredible writing style and her plots are perfect.

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The Assistant by Nicole Trope was engaging and kept me reading from start to finish. I love books like this, suspenseful, but not super deep requiring tons of concentration. It's a light thriller that was totally enjoyable. I cannot wait to read more books by this author.

She knows everything about you… but can you trust her?

I walk in to my interview with Ava Green and carefully hand over my application. It’s all made up, of course, but Ava doesn’t have to know that.

There is so much worry in her blue eyes. Her phone pings with constant messages and a small stain marks her crisp shirt. Breakfast with her two little girls before heading out to this high-flying job every morning can’t be easy.

Ava needs me, I think. More than anything.

The interview goes perfectly, because I have made myself into the perfect assistant. Now I just hope Ava never finds out why I’m really here. Not before she lets me into her home, and I meet her charming husband, and get to babysit her children.

Because I have plans for Ava. She just has to trust me…

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3.5 stars rounded down!
my bookclub podcast is doing an episode on this book soon, thank you Bookouture team and Netgalley for copies!
This was such an easy quick read. Idk if I personally would describe it as a psychological thriller, because it wasn't too intense, but there were plenty of twist and turns. I'd recommend this book to someone who really wants to start getting into the thriller genre.

Characters: I really loved that there weren't too many characters and they were all very memorable and had their own unique traits. I didn't really feel too compassionate for any of them (Ava a bit), which I think makes for a good thriller.

Plot: Loved the story line/ plot, I just wanted a little more suspense! I think there could have been more of a thriller aspect, as it felt very predictable to me. Except for the epilogue, I loved the ending!

Writing: I liked Nicole’s writing style and felt it was super easy to read and follow. Will definitely read more by her.

Really enjoyed this read and excited for more by Nicole Trope.

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I adore Nicole Trope, being an autobuy author for me. She's great at twists and keeping the story moving.

Unfortunately I didn't absolutely love this one. I guessed the twists and honestly they weren't even that exciting.

I still enjoyed the quick read, but definitely not my favorite of hers. I'd still recommend!

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What a fantastic book, hooked from the beginning. The twist were amazing and not predictable. The ending just wow. 100% recommend

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Ava and Finn are married with two young daughters. Ava has a high-powered and very busy job and is also saddled with keeping the house and most of the care giving for the girls. Finn is a talented artist with his studio in their upstairs loft. With one girl in school and one in pre-school, Finn is at home to care for them. Problem is, he tends to get sidetracked and also doesn’t help with the housework, laundry, food shopping or cooking. All of this falls on Ava when she gets home. Since Finn has stopped taking commissions, he just paints what he feels like saying that when he gets enough things done, he will have a showing. this means he is not earning any money and it’s all on Ava’s shoulders.

Since Ava is so busy at work, she decides to hire an assistant. She interviewed several people but when she interviews Grace, she is quite taken with her intelligence and can-do attitude so she hires her. From the first day, Grace begins to get things back on track and Ava is so relieved. When Grace says she needs to stay in a hotel for a week as her apartment needs to be fumigated, Ava offers her the use of the apartment they have over the garage. No problem. It’s just for a week, right? While there, Grace proves she can be efficient at home too.

Grace is hiding a secret about her past and although she doesn’t need to work, she just wants to get in with Ava because she has a plan for the woman.

I was truly glued to reading this book. The entire plot is really good with lots of characters adding to the constant uncertainty of numerous things going on. I was really surprised by the ending but also found it heart-warming. A terrific story here. Don’t miss it!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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As a Kiwi living overseas, it’s always fun to read a book set in NZ or Aus. This twisty thriller is set in Sydney and was a lot of fun to read. I found it really interesting who was and wasn’t in danger, and the reason why. It made it unique among many books of the same genre.

Ava is a mum who is stretched to her limit balancing a high powered corporate job and parenting her two young children. She hires an assistant, Grace, who is seemingly perfect. But things are not always as they seem.

One of the things that really stood out to me is how much I related to Ava. As a working mum of young children (although with a much more supportive husband), I often feel at my limit trying to juggle home and work. It made me really understand her and the decisions she made

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

I found this book quite challenging to get through. Unfortunately, I didn't connect with the main characters, and I often found myself confused about the plot. While the story had moments of intrigue, it lacked the suspense I was hoping for. I did manage to anticipate the final twist about three-quarters of the way through, but ultimately, it felt underwhelming.

Overall, this book didn’t quite meet my expectations.

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BOOKWORMS REVIEW: I think I've read most of Nicole's books at this stage,and she always delivers. Ava Green a high flying business woman is on track for a promotion as company CEO. She has 2 kids and life is crazy. She finally realises she needs an assistant to stop things falling through the cracks. Enter Grace. Her assistant in shining armour who ticks all the boxes and is raring to go...but only because Grace made sure of it. And of course Grace has ulterior motives which she hopes never come to the fore. Lots of little twists to keep you turning the page,in true Nicole Trope style. One for your list! With thanks to Nicole, Bookouture and NetGalley for an arc to read and review.

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