Member Reviews

I enjoyed this look into the lives of old Hollywood starlets. I thought it started off a little slow, but it picked up. Recommended for readers of historical fiction.

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I was drawn to this story of three young girls who attend a strict convent school in England in the 1920s, and then go on to lead glamorous and largely public lives. When I began this well-written novel, I had not realized it was based on the lives of actresses Vivien Leigh and Maureen O’Sullivan, in addition to a third real person I had not heard of, Sonia, the wife of author George Orwell.

The fictionalized account of their enduring friendship after leaving the harsh convent school and the based-on-fact depictions of their lives, triumphs and disappointments as they attain fame and fortune and struggle with depression and tragedy, resulted in a highly engaging tale.

I was most drawn to the stories of Vivien and Maureen, and following along on their journeys to fame in Hollywood, Broadway and the West End in its sophisticated heyday. It was a fascinating glimpse into the struggles to reach the pinnacles of acting success and fame in the day, coupled with the need to maintain a very appealing and wholesome public persona, all while dealing with infidelity, loss, professional jealousy, alcoholism, mental illness and the very real fear for women of aging out of the profession.

The friendship between the three women in their adult years, although invented, worked well to link these three stories together in a highly enjoyable read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy - all thoughts are my own.

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The premise sounded great but the excution for me it wasn't as great. Very hard to connect with the characters and the storyline in general. I didn't want to return to it and it was putting me in a slump so I decided to DNF.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance copy of this book.

This story is a fictional take on the real lives of Vivien Leigh, Sonia Orwell and Maureen O'Sullivan. I found it interesting at first. It was well written. I had a hard time relating to the characters though. 3 out of 5 ⭐️

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this book was fantastic and has stuck with me, and I am sure will stick with me long after reading this. I loved the stories of the 3 women (loosely based off of real life actresses!!) and how they each had these terrible heartbreaking things happen to them. I did enjoy how they interlapped and the stories came together. I think this book reminded me of The Seven Husbands of EvelynHugo.
Loved it!!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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I really enjoyed this one! It took me longer than I care to admit to work out it was based off of real people, why it didn't click sooner I don't know! I ended up down an old Hollywood rabbit hole.
I loved how the women all ended up intertwining at some points. All 3 of their stories broke my heart and I just wanted to hug each of them. It's a book that will stay with me for a long time.

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I can not stop thinking about how well this book was written! It was beautiful! I am sharing with everyone this story because it would be such a fun book club. I loved it!

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I didn’t love this one as I didn’t like or connect with any of the main characters. It was an interesting time piece but I wasn’t excited to return to it when I sat down and picked up my Kindle. I wasn’t compelled by any of the women’s stories or ties to each other.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an early release in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This is based on the true story of two actors and a writer , Vivien Leigh, Maureen O'Sullivan and Sonia Orwell. The three were all at the same convent school in the early twentieth century and each went on to become famous.
The book travels through their lives at breakneck speed and it's a diverting tale of the 'Golden Age' of cinema. Its an entertaining book, although did feel slightly superficial at times. The historical detail is well written and the book felt fun, if not earth shattering.

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This book takes us through the Golden age of 1920 cinema, teeling the story of three women..

Maureen a movie star. Sonia was the aspiring writer who became George Orwell’s wife, and Vivien who starred as Cleopatra.

What a group of women.. they changed history, became legendary and survived in an era what was predominantly a mans world,

There tragedies and triumps are laid bare and this well written and researched book is a joy to read.

I loved it

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I happen to enjoy books that take us through the ages, I happen to like books that take our characters through their life, and this book was no exception

I was completely riveted into these three women’s stories from little girls all the way up

I totally recommend this book!

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Absolutely love this fictional take on some of the most legendary women of Hollywoods Golden Age! Perfect for books clubs.

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