Member Reviews

What a strange story !! I enjoyed it even though it’s not my normal cup of tea. It’s dark and melancholy but entertaining as well

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Sixteen year old Hudson Toussaint-Ray wants to attend a Halloween party in Barret Forest but his father Rex is very reluctant to give his permission. Eventually, Rex changes his mind after all what harm can it do, this is real life not a movie, certainly not Blair Witch. Maybe Rex‘s concerns are to do with the fact that the forest seems alive, perhaps some kind of beast, waiting for who knows what. It certainly has a bad reputation which, of course, teens being teens big up before the party which naturally captures their imagination, increasing their levels of anticipation and maybe Rex’s concerns. Will it be the legendary night the teenagers hope for or something else entirely? Hudson and Rex tell their incredible story alternately, so scuttle over, settle back and best strap yourself in for a bumpy ride.

Barnaby Walter has created something imaginative and different here. Yes, in places there’s a degree of yuck factor and there are scenes that are OTT in a good way but it is also heartbreaking in places and deeply intriguing. There are more dimensions to this than a horror story because there’s a complex domestic situation and Hudson’s unhappiness is clear, especially as it becomes obvious how very different he is from the other teenagers. Viewing the story from two perspectives works really well and creates empathy despite the unravelling of lives.

It’s very well written, all the characters are well portrayed and the story moves at a brisk pace. It becomes scary if not terrifying on occasions and as the plot progresses dread and fear mounts so the tension becomes palpable, the suspense is taut as you’re waiting, waiting, for who knows what to unfold??? It takes a surprising direction and kudos to the author for the references that add some literary weight to the situation. I like the enigmatic end a lot.

Overall, it’s like a horror film you might watch from behind the sofa or peeping between your fingers. As an arachnophobia there’s really only one scene that freaks me out and that’s because it taps into one of my dreads. However, I can firmly say that I love the book and it’s one that will stay with me. A great cover too.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to One More Chapter for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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Horror is not typically a genre I tend to read however I was offered the opportunity to read this one, thought it sounded good and figured, why not? Its always good to expand your reading.

And I am really glad I did. Whilst not my usual type of book, I was immediately sucked in by the first few chapters and, after that, the book did not let me go.

Thoroughly enjoyable, well written and highly recommended.

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Hudson Ray is a typical teenager. At odds with himself and everyone else, he’s prone to the sulks especially when his dad’s new husband tries to be pally with him. Mattias is only a few years older than Hudson, too young to be his stepfather which is what Rex, Hudson’s dad, wishes he could be.

Both adults feel that Hudson is too much under the influence of Kenny, one of the more ‘confident’ lads at school. When Kenny decides to throw an Halloween party in the local forest, with the partygoers camping out overnight, Rex is strongly opposed to the idea. Reluctantly he gives in (of course he does!) and Hudson is given the go ahead to attend. But from the start, Hudson is wishing his dad had put his foot down and forbidden him to go, as all his nightmares (and a few more!) come hurtling towards him!

As a massive fan of the horror genre, the blurb for this book sold it to me.

As far as the plot goes it is pretty much a generic horror read and follows all the usual rules. I did enjoy it and found it any easy read, though comparisons to King, Ward and Wendig as suggested in the promo are far from accurate.

This could almost be a YA book, and perhaps could be adapted to read as such.

Not sure where the ‘Carrie meets The Cabin in the Woods’ idea comes from, as it is not similar to either!

A good read, though the description for the book is misleading and the story should be read on its own merits.


Thank you NetGalley, One More Chapter and Harper Collins UK.

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This is absolutely wonderful - a really dark and disturbing thriller with elements of horror! I found it extremely gripping and suspenseful and the tension builds as Hudson and his teenage friends make plans to spend Halloween night in the woods. It also has a coming of age theme and is told from different viewpoints by Hudson and his father. Hudson has a very interesting dysfunctional family background.
I was a bit apprehensive about reading the "horror" genre, but this is extremely well done and is packed with "horrific" surprises and twists against a backdrop of a plausible coming of age theme.
Brilliant! Barnaby Walter has a fantastic imagination and I hope he writes more of this genre.

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It's Halloween! The perfect setting for a horror story. While the new kid isn't so sure that he wants to go camping that night, he surrenders to peer pressure and goes along. It isn't long before a presence has infiltrated the small community and some people pay with their lives. Be careful with this book, it might change how you see your environment and you will certainly think twice before camping!
#harpercollins #onemorechapter #scuttle #barnabywalter

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