Member Reviews

First of all I would like to thank netgalley and the publishers at Harper North for providing me with an ARC.

What can I say about Kindling without giving too much away? I loved the diverse characters, whether they were neurodivergent, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, disabled; Bonnie Woods (also I love the pen name as it is just so fitting for this novel) did her best to be inclusive without being patronising.

There is a small amount of angst towards the end, at which point I was so attached to these characters that it honestly hurt my heart; luckily this is resolved before the end of the novel- As the internet says, I was "kicking my feet and giggling" .

The level of spice fluctuates throughout the novel, some scenes had me biting my lip- the cove and the chopping block ifykyk ;) but I wouldn't say any of it overpowered the plot.

As a plus sized woman who struggles with body dysmorphia it was refreshing to read about a plus sized woman who is desired, at no point could you read Kindling and say "oh well I see Harper as a size 10" we have many occasions where Fraser enjoys her curves, and honestly it is SO important for readers to be able to see themselves reflected in a character.

I honestly could say so much about this novel and how I adored it and the messages within but I think I will let readers experience it for themselves.

This has all the cosy autumnal and spicy vibes, so go grab your favourite seasonal beverage and curl up with Kindling.

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Well it's fair to say that I absolutely adored this.

The chemistry between Harper and Fraser just sizzled off the page and I was rooting for them from their very first awkward encounter.

A glorious setting and wonderful community/family feel. I liked the practicality of Fraser and his creations too.

Definitely one to warm your heart as the nights start to draw in. Yes to a plus size MC and bisexual too- this needs to be more in books too.

An absolute delight to read.

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I absolutely loved this book and it's gonna be a must-read for the upcoming autumn season!

Harper and Fraser are both extremely relatable, loveable main characters, and their connection was so effortless and believable. Their scenes together were funny and steamy, full of love and lust that I didn't want to put down. They have such a genuine romance and they bounce off one another perfectly. Her sunshine personality with his grumpiness, while he's actually such a caring, softie beneath all his hardness. Bonnie has a way of writing romance that is so utterly realistic, I feel the emotions so effortlessly, as well as their own inner dilemmas.

I really loved the setting of this, the small town in Scotland was perfect for this autumnal, cosy novel. I loved getting to explore it with Harper and how everyone was a little family. Speaking of family, Fraser's family really made this book so much fuller and gave us some great moments. I loved his sisters and their kids, and it was lovely to see how well they got on with Harper. One of my favourite aspects of this was how it reflected real life, showing queer characters, mentioning bad break ups and single moms, having our FMC be plus size and proudly so, while also mentioning those past feelings of not feeling good enough in a bigger body. As a queer fat person myself, it touched my heart, and I know it'll do the same for others in similar situations as the characters in this book!

I really liked the writing subplot with Harper, as a writer myself, I too would love to tuck myself away into a little Scottish cabin and write my fantasy stories forever. I think Bonnie dealt with Harper's career issues really well and I loved the message it sent to all those in creative industries. I also really loved seeing Fraser and his little growing business, and how it was Harper who really gave him the push needed to see how brilliant he is. The cross between the life plots and the romance was done really well, and I think the third act was a good representation of that.

I'm going to miss these characters and this town, and I cannot wait for everyone else to finally get their hands on this! Definitely going to be getting myself a physical copy, and I thank Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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New favourite autumnal romance? You bet!

From the very beginning of this, I was loving the main character. The references to Manchester and the North were brilliant and something that I loved seeing in a romance book.

But more than anything, the ROMANCE. The sexual tension was pouring from the pages, and this woodcutter is definitely one of the grumpiest I’ve read. Grumpy x Sunshine and forced proximity = an absolute winner in the romance world.

Loved the dynamic and the development of the characters and the plot, it actually seemed realistic compared to others I have read.

A easy, cosy autumnal read with lots of spice to keep you warm.

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How can I possibly put into words how much I utterly adored this book?

When Harper, a sunshine ray of a city girl literally falls at grumpy Scottish lumberjack, Fraser's, feet, we immediately know that her presence alone is going to melt the ice of anyone's heart, including Frasers.

After a smile-inducing meeting, Kindling plays out like the perfect Hallmark movie, with less cheese and more spice (waves blush away!) A gorgeous, autumnal romance that readers are going to be swept up in and cancelling plans to sit by the fire and enjoy.

I also loved the inclusion of a bisexuality female character in a straight appearing romance, I loved that and that our girl Harper is a curvy lass who isn't afraid to hold her ground, we LOVE THAT!

I smiled and swooned all through Kindling, thanks Bonnie for the taste of autumnal romance and for leaving me satisfied and needing ALL the autumnal romance!

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If you're looking for an autumnal read with incredible scenery and charming side characters, this book is a perfect pick. Harper and Fraser's story is a sweet, heartwarming tale that captivates as these caring individuals fall in love. The humor throughout keeps the reader laughing, and the characters are so lovable. The casual representation of bisexual characters, adds refreshing diversity often missing in romance novels.

The story, set in a quaint village with a wooden cabin and fairy statues, begins with a disastrous start for Harper. Her misfortune leads to a kind offer from Fraser to stay in his cabin, setting the stage for a delightful romance. Harper becomes involved in village life, reading to preschoolers, making friends, and painting. Despite Harper's self-doubt and Fraser's overly kind nature, their slow-burning romance is endearing. This steamy, slow-burn romance with themes of close proximity and enemies to lovers is highly recommended for a cozy escape.

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This is a real cute romance, complete with wooden cabin and fairy statues! A disasterous start to a retreat to find herself, Harper ends up cold, wet and crying. After a rant against Air b and b, she finds Fraser kindly offering her, his cabin. From that point on, the book is all cuteness itself. Harper is needed in the village and helps out reading stories to the pre schoolers, becoming a good friend and even doing a bit of painting. Harper is all self doubt and Fraser is just too kind for his own good. This is a slowish romance where I knew that Harper would be called back to her old life in Manchester and that there would need to be a real gesture to keep her in the woods with the fairies. The slowness was quite lovely, and the romance was too. A kind read.

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If you are looking for an Autumnal read with some incredible scenery and side characters, then this is definitely the one to pick up! Harper and Frasers story was just the sweetest. I loved watching these two amazing caring characters fall in love over the course of the book.

I found myself laughing so much throughout this book, I loved the level of humour in it and the characters were just all so lovable. One thing I have been loving finding in books recently is when there are more casual representation of Bisexual characters, and getting to see them be completely themselves even if they are in a couple that appears to be straight as Harper and Fraser do. I absolutely adored the inclusion of other identities and sexualities in this book as there are definitely not enough of them in a lot of romance books!

Thank you so much to the author and the publisher for sending me an eArc of this book.

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Slow to start but an okay steamy romance, close proximity, enemies to lovers. I would recommend if you are on holiday and need to escape.

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