Member Reviews

This is the second in a series of books set in Skye following three adopted sisters - Thea , Ezzie and Valentina. This book follows the story of Ezzie who is the estate manger for Rothach Hall (a very grand estate which has been renovated by the Larson family from Sweden). Ezzie absolutely loves her job. She has been recently been promoted to manager from assistant and is looking forward to the challenges she will face when the Larsons' bring their children and grandchildren to the hall for a traditional Scottish Christmas. However, when some of the guests decide to arrive three weeks early she has far more to do than she originally expected. Add to this secrets and surprises from her past which can only complicate matters further.
As both her sisters are also dealing with lots unexpected twists and turns she feels she has nobody to talk to and is very much alone. Swamped with work, family issues and everything else help appears from a very unexpected source - someone who she may even have feelings for!
The story made me laugh and cry , the setting is beautiful and the characters complex and interesting. I really hope that there will be a third book to showcase Valentina and allow us to catch up with everyone.

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This is the second book in the Skye sisters trilogy and highly recommend reading the previous one before this one although it could be read as a standalone. In this instalment we return to Rothach hall in the beautiful setting of the isle of Skye for Ezzies story who is the second of the three sisters.

This was a soul searching poignant read which covered loneliness and not feeling like you belong and also adoption and the relationship between the the sisters. . This book is hard to review without giving spoilers and I would just say that you need to read this fabulous captivating series for yourself

Once again this author has captured the beauty of the Isle of Skye and transports the reader there and makes you feel like you are actually there whilst reading with the amazing descriptions. After reading these books it is somewhere I would love to visit.

I am looking forward to the next book in this series for Valentine’s story.

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Having already fallen in love with Skye from the first book in this series, I was not expecting to fall even more deeply and buy into the storytelling so quickly. This time, we are following Esmerelda, or rather Ezzie Wynter, as she navigates her own story. Aside from the storyline, I must highlight Sue’s love of Skye and her genuinely remarkable descriptions of the local area. I could even sense the influence of another author who may have lent some personal knowledge of the Viking connection…
When we last visited, we met Ezzie, Thea, and their elder sister, Valentina. That was Thea’s story, which was the perfect introduction to the Skye Sisters and paved the way for this gorgeous story. Once again, the action takes place at Rothach Hall, as well as the local pub and a couple of cottages. We meet up with Thea and her partner, but the focus is squarely on Ezzie.
I loved getting to know Ezzie and soon discovered that I share many of her traits. Driven to work diligently yet fiercely protective of her family and privacy, she’s protected a secret for the last decade and has not even shared it with Valentina. So, when her boss’s son Mats inadvertently places that secret in jeopardy, a sequence of events that could never have been imagined is put into motion.
I was genuinely on the edge of my seat, trying to imagine how this story would work out. Clearly, Ezzie may risk a fling with Mats, but how could that work out? I should never have doubted Sue’s firm hand on this story’s rudder, as all eventually became evident.
Once again, and I’m sure it will feature in the final book, adoption was at the forefront of the story. All three sisters were adopted and had never been moved to seek out their birth families. This was handled beautifully in the first book, but it soon became apparent that Ezzie was resistant to learning more and would guard herself from any unwelcome exposure. Adoption, and in particular birth families, remains a delicate subject and programmes like Long Lost Family tend to cast a romantic gloss over the less savoury elements. I can only imagine how I would feel in the same situation, and I’m afraid I have no clue.
Mats is a terrific addition to the Larson family, and I even liked that he didn’t always make the right choices. There’s a potential for a romantic lead to be a little too perfect, but Sue got the balance right and showed us that he is human. He was not only human but also displayed a depth and warmth that lent itself to him being ideal for Ezzie. It’s a shame that they didn’t live nearer to each other.
For the avoidance of spoilers, I shall leave it there.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for this ARC.

This is the second book in the Skye Sisters Trilogy about Thea, Ezzie and Valentina. This book focuses on Ezzie, manager of Rothach Hall on the Isle of Skye, living there together with her sister Thea who is head gardener and whose love story we got in the first book, Under a Summer Skye. All three sisters are adopted which comes up quite a bit.

This time it's Christmas and the Swedish Larsson family, owners of Rothach Hall, descend for the festivities. Grete and Erik have three adult children, Mats, Jonas and Maja. Mats and Inger are divorced, and Mats arrives with small children Alvin and Astrid and their nanny Josefin.

Mats develops an interest in Ezzie who first doesn't like him. Ezzie also receives news about her birth parents, and the car accident that played a role in the first book rears its ugly head again. So there's a lot going on and and we learn quite a bit about Swedish Christmas traditions too.

The third book about Valentina is expertly and organically set up. I'm sure you can read each book as a standalone but it's so much better to get the connections in each story because while it focuses on one sister, the other characters are always present too and their stories progress in the background.

This is a cracking read. I absolutely loved the first book and this is even better. Parts of it are predictable but there is so much to hold interest. Also, I've been to Skye and the scenery is just breathtaking. It's like taking a mini holiday in book form! I also like that the author tells us how to pronounce Gaelic words and names. I suppose, if I have to criticise something, it would be the overlong chapters.

This book has it all - a wintery landscape, festive activities, fantastic storytelling with emphasis on family relationships and lots of emotions, a lovely romance and a gorgeous cover. I couldn't put it down and I am so looking forward to the final book in the trilogy, just to meet everybody again. Highly recommended.

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I was thrilled to get book 2 of the Skye sisters trilogy and couldn’t wait to read it! Continuing the sisters stories book 2 was centred around Ezzie , in her new post as manager of Rothach Hall, approaching Christmas time Essie is relishing her new role and additional responsibilities but these get tested in the run up to Christmas!
Family dynamics between the sisters are tested, repercussions from the past rear their ugly heads, truths and soul searching a plenty plus a scattering of love on a background of the idyllic Scottish scenery and a sprinkling of festive snow make for a really soul searching, poignant read that will entrance you from start to finish!
Such a privilege to read more of Thea, Valentine and Ezzies lives as they grow and mature and take all that’s thrown at them in their stride, so looking forward to book 3 to catch up on this uniquely formed sisterhood.
Thank you NetGalley for this early read

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This is the second book in the Skye series, and it’s great to catch up with the characters again though could be read as a standalone book. The setting is Rothach Hall, surrounded by beautiful scenery on the isle of Skye.

Ezzie is manager of the hall, and unexpectedly, the Swedish Larsson family who own the hall, have decided to spend Christmas there. At first there is tension between Mats and Ezzie, they clash as he seems to be taking over. I enjoyed how the story develops, and the special relationship between the three adopted sisters.

All characters are relatable, and various themes weave their way through the main story, giving a more rounded picture. When Ezzie’s past catches up with her she becomes angry and confused. I could empathise with her feelings as she begins to question her past, though she seems overly harsh at times.

This is a light hearted story about family relationships and romance; there is the strong relationship between the three sisters, with hints of humour but also touching on difficult issues. Crisp snowy scenes with young children enjoying times spent with Mats their dad, exploring the countryside and feeding the animals bring extra amusement. A fast paced story which keeps you turning the pages, and I can’t wait for the third book in the series.

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I was so happy to read this after enjoying the first book in this trilogy (Under a summer Skye). This book is about Ezzie who works in Roth’ach Hall with her sister Thea. However we still get to hear about Thea and Dev which I was please about.
I really enjoyed this book and I loved reading more about the Larson family and how in this book they seemed more approachable. I found the adoption storyline very interesting and it really pulled on my heart strings and (no spoilers) some parts had me in tears.
This book is definitely 5 stars and I can’t wait to hear more of Valentina’s story in the third instalment.
Thanks to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and Sue Moorcroft for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review..

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Three and a half stars.

Warning - there may be spoilers for the first book in the series.

And now the turn of the middle sister, Ezzie Wynter. As a reminder, the three Wynter sisters were all adopted (separate families) and had a loving childhood until their adoptive parents were killed in a freak accident. Ezzie and her younger sister Thea live and work on Skye for the wealthy Swedish Larson family at Rothach Hall. After the old manager was sacked, Ezzie has stepped up to manage the Hall and has been reading/watching YouTube videos on how to manage an estate (most of which doesn't really apply). As a young woman Ezzie was a bit of a party girl, something which could have had serious consequences when she was involved in an accident. Thea took the blame and has been hounded by it ever since, a secret she and Ezzie have kept from their older sister Valentine.

Ezzie is surprise when Grethe Larson, the matriarch of the family, and her son Mats turn up unexpectedly, with Mats' two small children, several weeks before Christmas and announce that they are staying until the rest of the family join them for the Christmas break.

Mats has a lot to deal with, comforting his children while their mother has left them to spending the holidays yachting around southern Europe with her new boyfriend, looking after his mother and trying to understand why she has come to Skye alone, trying to balance childcare with being the CFO of a global fish export business, and his attraction to Ezzie. Unfortunately, he is also impetuous and eager to solve problems, which means he has trodden on Ezzie's toes more than once by unilaterally making decisions.

But the path of true love never did run smooth and since Mats lives in Sweden and Ezzie lives on Skye can this ever be more than holiday romance?

I enjoyed this, ut I felt it was all too predictable and just a wee bit too safe. I never had any doubts about how it would end, not even a slight concern about things would be resolved.

Prediction. (view spoiler)

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley

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A nice easy read that continues the trilogy. Looking forward to the final installment. Sue Moorecroft is a master.

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Ezzie loves her job at Rothach House especially now she's the manager. Then she dicovers the owners are coming back early from Sweden. Loved the first book and this one just as much. It was good to find out what has happened to the original characters

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Free courtesy of Netgalley

When I read the first book in this trilogy (Under a summer skye), I was gutted I may have to wait a year for the next book, but I was so lucky to have been chosen to review this book as well, and it did not disappoint me in any way.

This book picks up at Christmas time after the last book finished but this time the book is about the middle sister Esmeralda, who has been made manager of Rothach hall, after the previous manager was let go. While Ezzie is quite capable of doing the job, she has been participating in some online management courses, which makes her aloof but capable. When members of the family decide to descend on Rothach Hall for a few months over Christmas instead of a few weeks it throws Ezzie into a bit of a tail spin. With events also going on in her personal life as well it looks like she will lose everything that is dear to her and she feels that she cannot turn to her usual support system of her 2 sisters as they have their own issues to deal with.

I found this book very poignant, as I could relate to Ezzie, in the loneliness she felt and feeling that sometimes there was nobody to turn to, losing a parent is a big thing and she lost both. This book tugged at my heart strings and I was sad and happy whilst reading it. I haven't given too much of the story away as I feel you have to read and enjoy it yourselves.

The characters are real, and there are a few that I didn't like, Characters I didn't like some of the time and some I loved and that was because their characters were well written.

It is no secret that Sue Moorcroft is one of my favourite authors and she never disappoints me, so can you release the final book soon please 🤞🤞🤞 I cannot wait to read Valentina's story

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It's lovely to be back in Skye again with the second part of the trilogy of the three skye sisters. In the last book most of the story was about Thea with the other two sisters in supporting roles. Thea and Ezzie both work in Rothach Hall,Thea as head gardener and Ezzie as the manager.
Expecting a quiet Christmas as the hall is closed to the public the girls are surprised when the owners and all their family are arriving from Sweden to spend Christmas at the hall.
When Ezzie meets the oldest son Mats with his two young children he immediately rubs her up the wrong way and she expects this won't be the last time their paths will cross.
I loved this book. Like the last one it gives us insight to what it feels like to be adopted and not know where you are from or even if you want or need to know.
There are dilemmas and misunderstandings between the three sisters. There is a love interest for one, good news for another and a heartache for the third.
This book is mainly about Ezzie with the other two sisters having their sideline stories. I suspect the third book will be Valentina's story.
I'm trying not to give too much away as I didn't read anything about the story before reading it and I want everything to have the same experience.
Another great read by Sue Moorcroft.

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Another superb sequel.**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

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A brilliant story based at Rothach Hall in the Isle of Skye, written beautifully by Sue Moorcroft who describes the settings so well in this novel you will imagine yourself there and lose yourself in this book.

This is the second novel in the Sky Sisters trilogy, but can be read as a stand alone book. This novel concentrates more on Ezzie and her relationships, Ezzie is the manager at Rothach hall and the Swedish family who own the hall are all coming home for Christmas!

A romantic uplifting novel set in the most gorgeous setting at the most wonderful time of the year, everything you could want in a book!!!

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This is book two in the Isle of Skye series from Sue Moorcroft.

Ezzie Wynter and her two sisters were adopted from being babies, They had a lovley life with there new parents,They all have differant birth parents and Ezzie never needed to no who her birth parents were.
Until one day a stranger appears were Ezzie and Theo work at Rothach hall on the Isle of Skye.
Ezzie runs the halls staff and Theo is a gardener at the hall.

The Larrsen family own the hall and come and stay during holidays as they live in sweden.
They return over christmas and Ezzie becomes close to Mats the son and his children until his ex wife turns up unexpectidly

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What a wonderful follow up visit to the beautiful Isle of Skye and the people who live there. Christmas brings both sadness and joy to the Isle and the past arrives with a bang for Ezz. Beautiful scenery and stories within a story that will tug at your heart strings. This will make a wonderful seasonal read. I loved it from start to finish.

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I really enjoyed this book - light and heartwarming. We follow the fortunes of Essie, Thea and Valentina and their lives on the Isle of Skye.

Ezzie has her challenges as manager of Rothach Hall with the owners and their family arriving early for Christmas and secrets from her past coming to the fore. She has to come to grips with her adoption and her feelings of being abandoned and never quite fitting in.

Thea and Dev have more positive events to look forward to and Valentina has to decide whether or not to fight for her marriage and how to cope with her sisters keeping secrets from her.

A positive story which can be enjoyed on its own.

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I absolutely love this series of books, the stories follow the sisters Ezzie, Thea and Valentina. The story is based around Ezzie and Thea and their lives on the Isle of Skye. It’s hard to review without giving a spoiler, so let’s give a little taster. Ezzie has a shock within weeks of her new job as manager of Rothach Hall, more shocks are in-store for Ezzie giving her lots to think about.
Thea and Dev have their surprises but happy ones and with lots of exciting times ahead !
Valentina has challenges but is excited to be buying a bolt hole on the Island.
Sounds interesting? Yes it is and with more descriptions of the most beautiful island it agains gives you push to visit that place .

My thanks as always to NetGalley and Publisher Avon Books UK and Author Sue Moorcroft for the chance of the early read.

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A Skye Full Of Stars is a festive novel by Sue Moorcraft.
I have read some of Sue's previous books and A Skye Full Of Stars certainly didn't disappoint. This is the perfect book to curl up with over the festive season. The story was easy to follow and had a great cast of characters. The pace was just right also. Overall a brilliant novel that I would recommend to other readers. I look forward to reading more by the author.
💝 Thank you to netgalley, the author and publisher for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Back to the island of Skye with Ezzys story.
Ezzy’s peaceful Christmas is about to become hectic as the Larson family are arriving to Rothach Hall en masse for a Scottish Christmas leaving her feeling overwhelmed with the amount she has to do.
Mats the eldest son turns up first with his two children and nanny and Ezzy thinks he’s self absorbed and spoilt wanting everything his way. They clash at every opportunity .
But Mats is there for here when her past comes creeping back to haunt her and also some relatives come calling throwing her into a tailspin. But they love so far apart him in Sweden and her on Skye how can that possibly work?
Loved this book and can’t wait for the next instalment well written and heartwarming.

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