Member Reviews

Thank you for this advanced reader copy. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and devoured it in 3 sittings!

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I hoped this would be a cozy horror story, and it was but was also predictable and slow paced. I ended up skimming the majority of the story once I figured out the plot, but for less voracious readers or younger readers, this might be more enjoyable.

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3 stars

This book can be best described as a cosy mystery with millennial humour at is core and sprinkled with musical theatre references. This is not anything ground breaking, but it was nice, I enjoyed it as a easy/casual read in between heavier books. Some of the side characters are great and I enjoyed the found family aspect of the story. Did it get a bit silly and totally predictable throughout? yes. But its a nice read if you want something light, but with a touch of paranormal horror and light romance. This book is not graphic or intense, everything very much happens off page. This pacing can b a little slow at times and some of the humour is a bit 'cringy' but I think that comes down to taste!

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This was so unique and so much fun. Obviously from the cover, I was expecting all the references from different films and shows and it done really well. This book was a little out of my comfort zone because of how quirky it was, but wow it was so worth it. It was great for spooky season!

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A great premise, I just wish it was executed better, as it fell really flat to me. The characters were not likeable and there was no development.

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A cozy and refreshing read for the autumn! As a musical theatre lover i really enjoyed the references. Overall the book lacked character development a bf fell flat at some points. Good for a quick cozy read but lacked depth.

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Oh I’m so gutted I didn’t like this. I thought the premise was great but the delivery just wasn’t there. It was a bit all over and tbh it just fell flat for me. I didn’t care about the characters, the romance was nothing to write home about and the fmc was irritating

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free ARC in exchange for a review.

Do you like Little Shop of Horrors? Do you wish it took place in a coffee shop? Do you also wish no characters had any consequences for their actions? This is for you.

I have read a lot of idiotic, dense main characters in my day. Adele may take the cake. If you found an urn with dog footprints on it and grey powder inside... would you assume it was a pepper grinder? Would you leave your apartment in Brooklyn unlocked while you went out and hope for the best? If a greasy banker that you didn't like asked you out and gave you terrible business ideas, would you date him for more than half this book? No I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't. What about if your employee revealed <spoiler> he's been killing people whose coffee orders he doesn't like and feeding them to a roaster, then using that roast to serve coffee to hundreds of unsuspecting people including you? Would you forgive him, hide it, and date him? <spoiler>

You can't have your main characters be murderers and cannibals and also expect me to think they're good people. If you want to go the dark Sweeney route, go for it! It's fun to root for villains. But you can't have it both ways. Especially when even Sweeney Todd killed pedos and child abusers mostly, not soccer moms.

Every one in this book except the very amusing health inspector is a terrible person in a really unfun way. There are no consequences, nothing spooky, and nothing interesting. Adele inherits coffee shop. Ben is hot. Roaster eats people. Ben and Adele get away with everything. That's the entire book. It's 300 pages long, and for what??

There's a cat in it. That's nice. And that's it. It's not autumnal, it's not atmospheric, I would say it's not even dark or paranormal really.

Two stars only for the cat.

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The blurb for this sounded really good, so I was disappointed when I started reading and it was all over the place. Also the FMC came off as annoying which I don’t think they meant for her to be. It was a little hard to follow and chaotic. I ended up stopping at 30% when I realized I didn’t really care about the characters or what was going to happen.

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First of all, I love The Little Coffee Shop of Terror's cover, it immediately drew me in. I've been looking for more books that fall in the cozy mystery/light horror genre. That may be a genre I just made up, but it's what I've been in the mood for lately. The Little Coffee Shop of Terrors by Hazel Graves definitely fit that bill.

As the blurb will tell you, Adele inherits Riffraff coffee shop, a cozy, eccentric local place previously run by her aunt. Slowly, she starts to notice weird occurrences taking place and starts snooping in the one spot the existing employee, Ben, has told her she can't go in. I will admit, there was a point in the novel where I was getting angry at the main character for her naivety. De facto dating a property developer bro, every time she second guessed his advice and almost saw the light, only to defer to him again... I almost wanted to throw my kindle at the wall. I enjoyed who Adele became later in the book without his influence.

Overall, there's a nice mix of horror and mystery, while not being overly gory or excessive. Sometimes I'm in the mood for that, but lately the world's been a little dark and I have been reading more of this kind of book. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a cozy read.

Please be advised I received an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Little Coffee Shop of Terrors follows Adele, struggling to make it on Broadway and living in a kitchen of her flat share. Thanks to a recently deceased distant relative, she’s inherited a coffee shop in Brooklyn and things are finally looking up, until they aren’t!

I found the pacing of the story quite slow to begin with and it mostly begins to pick up more than half way through. It is almost a spoof of Little Shop of Horrors and is full of puns, quirky characters and is obviously musical theatre HEAVY.

Unfortunately it left me feeling underwhelmed but it’s fun and a bit absurd but if you love musical theatre and the TINIEST hint of romance you’ll enjoy it. It’s a silly little read and worth it for a Halloween fun story.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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This story feels like Little Shop of Horror, which I love, but unfortunately did not work for me. The narrative did not flow and the characters just were not likeable. It's a good thing it was a quick read or I problem would have DNF'd it.

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I had such high hopes for this book but it just didn't hit for me at all. It was slow and I didn't care about the characters or the story. The romance was flat. If this hadn't been an arc I would have DNF. 😞
Thank you to Netgalley, Avon Books UK and Hazel Graves for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Started reading this and found it hard work. The story didn't flow for me, I found the main protagonist weak and annoying. I kept persisting with it & finished, but it just wasn't for me.

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Such a fun quick read! I expect great things from here on from hazel graves! Fun fall read. I thank NetGalley and the publisher for allowing an honest review in exchange for reading an advanced copy! This is out now!

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I love the idea of a modern retelling of the little shop of horrors but the execution wasn’t great. I loved Ember the cat and I did love parts of the story but I never felt satisfied with the development. It is a very spoof like and would be a good comedy sitcom but I feel like it could have been even better and developed further. Sometimes the writing would jump and I would be confused about what was happening or what they were talking about so ended up skim reading parts. But I loved the puns, the cat Ember and the idea of the long lost relative. The ideas are all there, I just felt that it left me underwhelmed. I loved the musical theatre references and that this was very much Audrey and Seymour reimagined but wish that it was more developed

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Spoiler alert. It's Sweeney Todd meets Little Shop of Horrors. But coffee instead of meat pies. I figured the title was too on the nose to be a copy-paste situation. Alas. The whole thing is cringy. Nope.

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This was a cosy and quirky read.
It definitely gave me little shop of horror vibes throughout.
It was a little slow burn in places, but it definitely made me laugh out loud in parts too.
I enjoyed the romance entwined in the story
Overall really enjoyed it

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This was such a fun spooky read and perfect to get you into the season! I love musicals so I feel like this was a very me vibe! Down on her luck Adele inherits a cafe and she needs help to make it more successful! This was just so much fun and I flew through it!

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A cute and fun read perfect for spooky season! The musical aspect of it is not usually my thing but it worked well for this book. I found myself enjoying the characters and the whole vibe of the book!

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