Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Hazel Graves for an advanced copy in exchange for my review!

I loved the premise but this book wasn’t for me at all.

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If you’re looking for a quick, easy read that isn’t too involved, this is perfect.
There’s some romance. Some horror, and a heavy helping of puns.

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This is a hoot. Adele was surprised to inherit a coffee shop and even more surprised that it has a haunted roaster. No more spoilers from me! This is a slow roast romance between two opposites in Adele and Ben as well as a nice it takes a village look at the shop's regulars, including a romance between two of them. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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First off I absolutely loved all the chapter headings. They were so creature and some of the puns had me laughing out loud.

I honestly don't think I've ever read anything quite like this before! The plot was a lot of fun and had a great mix of romance (including one of my favourite tropes grumpy/sunshine!), intrigue and wackiness!

The two main characters bounced off each other really well and I loved their banter. The humour was great and really helped to pace the romantic elements.

It also had a great array of side side characters which really added to the cosiness/found family nature of the coffee shop. I was especially a fan of Ember the cat!

The plot did feel a tad slow to build up the the 'terror' part but once it did it was such an unusual story element. I just wish it had happened a bit sooner so it could have been explored a little more (if it had this probably would have been a 5 star read for me).

Overall I really enjoyed this authors writing style and would definitely be interested in reading more by them in the future.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Hazel Graves for an ebook in exchange for an honest review!

Rating: 3/5 Stars.

This was the most quirky book I’ve ever read! I did really enjoy how different it was and all the puns it had - but it lacked a little for me. I did find myself a little bored throughout. It was cute, though!

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At first glance this seemed like a perfect book for me: coffee and musical theatre puns - say no more! I was really excited once I started reading, but things just kept going downhill. This story doesn't feel like either horror or romance, it's just quirky and punny and that's that. There's no real character development, the "love story" is just insta lust based on how hot Ben looks. And let's not forget that he's a serial killer, but that is all overlooked and forgiven because he is HOT, ah and also Australian.

I kept thinking that the roasting machine is actually possessed and was hoping for some demonic appearance, an evil spirit that Ben keeps at bay or something of the sort. But no, the machine just rumbles, and therefore they must feed it humans. Really, what is the repercussion of choosing not to do that? Have they tried to deny the machine? None of that is mentioned. Also Ben chose who he would kill based on them making a mean comment or ordering a 'wrong' drink. So if someone was having a bad day and said something rude or didn't tip the barista, they deserve to be eaten by the roasting machine? Solid logic. He defends himself by saying that he only killed bad people, but he wasn't out there hunting down rapists, was he.

Adele was also a very annoying and spineless main character. She kept dating a finance bro "just because", and even though she was lusting over Ben, she still kept going out to fancy restaurants with Donny, who was just a huge red flag.

I only finished the book in hopes that the ending would redeem all of this nonsense, but obviously that didn't happen, therefore - the rant.

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À totally quirky light read which I ended up enjoying more than I thought I would especially after a rather slow start. Set in Brooklyn, New York around a coffee shop with, in some cases, a somewhat unconventional eccentric clientele. Good characters and I even warmed to Adele, the main character whom I didn't take to at the start and wanted to shake her naivety. A fun and humorous book with some unexpected twists in the final quarter which, although sinister, were bizarre and quite funny overall especially as it involved the more pretentious characters. Worth a go and perseverance in the first few chapters.

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Adele's journey begins after being unceremoniously booted from her last theatrical gig, leaving her feeling like her Broadway dreams are fading into the distance. Desperate for a fresh start, she seizes the opportunity to take over a quirky little coffee shop that promises both a refuge and a chance to rediscover her passion. However, the road to salvation is anything but smooth, primarily due to her prickly but undeniably attractive waiter, Ben. The chemistry between Adele and Ben is palpable, adding a charming layer of romantic tension to the narrative. Ben's gruff exterior hides a loyalty to the coffee shop that is both endearing and frustrating, making their dynamic one of the highlights of the novel. Graves expertly weaves humor and magic into the story, and the supernatural elements surrounding the old coffee roasting machine injects an extra layer of intrigue. The strange occurrences—flames roaring and inexplicable noises—serve as perfect metaphors for Adele’s own chaotic life, representing her inner struggles and her journey to find her place in the world.
Graves’ writing is particularly engaging, with its witty dialogue and vivid descriptions that bring the Brooklyn coffee shop to life. Whether it’s the sound of the espresso machine whirring or the warmth of freshly baked goods, you can practically smell the coffee and feel the camaraderie of the café’s patrons. The pacing is well-executed, with twists and turns that keep readers guessing while also allowing for tender moments of growth and self-discovery.
Hazel Graves has crafted a delightful story about resilience, the magic of community, and the thrill of unexpected surprises. It’s a heartwarming reminder that sometimes the biggest changes and challenges can come with a side of laughter—and perhaps, a sprinkle of enchantment. Whether you’re a fan of whimsical romances or looking for a cozy mystery with a side of steam, this book is sure to satisfy.

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This is such a quirky book, I don't think I have ever read anything like it.

I didn't really like the main character that much, I found her quite annoying (she's the type of person that would make you feel absolutely exhausted with just speaking with/hanging out with for twenty minutes). Theatre kid energy (but in a bad way - love me plenty of theatre kids, but not this one).

And this book is very much dating itself. The references (even talking about the COVID pandemic) and slang dated it to the point where this is going to feel like an out-of-date book in a very short period of time. I think you limit the amount of people that will feel like this book is relevant or relatable when doing that. Although, some people might love that and find it funny and millennial.

And it took this book forever to get to the point. I had no idea what this book was supposed to be about for the longest time. It's one of those books where nothing is happening and then the main event happens and then nothing. Some people love that kind of pacing, but I find it difficult to connect or get invested if I don't know what I'm getting invested in.

There is a bit of an unexpected supernatural twist to this book, which was cool.

Overall, I just don't think this book was for me. I can see people enjoying it, it's a short and easy read, nothing that'll make your brain melt trying to understand it. And there's definitely a place for that. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. It just fell flat for me. This cover design is so cute though!

Thank you NetGalley for the e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review! My Goodreads review is up and my TikTok (Zoe_Lipman) review will be up at the end of the month with my monthly wrap-up.

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ARC from Avon Books Uk and netgalley. This is due to be released 12/09/2024.

If you like little shop of horrors then you'll love this!! 😂🤣

Seemed to be a slow burn although a lot was happening along the way. Lots of fun and interesting characters with the odd annoying one thrown in at times. Adele's luck seems to fluctuate but she's resilient and seems to just go with the flow.

I loved the twist at the end. Really light hearted read and I enjoyed reading it. All good fun and a nice feel good ending.

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This was a simple, fun, easy and quick read. The perfect type of book for your holiday, beach, pool kind of read. This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you very much to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.


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Adele is down on her luck, but then inherits a coffee shop. Things seem to be looking up, except a worker from the shop, Ben, is quite the grump and there are some odd things happening in the shop. So, can Ben and Adele come together despite their personality differences, and can they come together to run the coffee shop despite all that is going on?

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the differences between Adele and Ben, it added a fun dimension. And I loved reading about all the secondary characters in this book, which gave the book a lot of variety within the plot. The story focused more on the coffeeshop itself, which I found to be a nice departure from other books.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Musical theatre? Check. Coffee shop setting? Check. Cosy vibes with horror/crime themes? Check. Did I mention the coffee? Double check. With all of the above, this sounded right up my alley! I was not disappointed. 

When Adele vows to give up her Broadway dreams after yet another failed audition, she receives a mysterious phone call from a lawyer about an inheritance from a long lost great aunt. The inheritance? A failing coffee shop in a very strange part of New York, with stipulations that she must run the coffee shop for a year and she must keep on Ben, the barista no matter what. When she meets financier and Harvard business graduate Donny, who wants to wine and dine her whilst giving free business advice, she's clearly got it made right? Customers keep disappearing from the coffee shop, she has one business disaster after another and Ben won't even let her anywhere near her own roaster in the basement...

This was a definite easy read for me and very enjoyable. It takes heavy inspiration (it's essentially a re-imagining) from Little Shop of Horrors but in a coffee shop setting and instead of a killer plant, there's a murderous coffee roaster. Not going to lie, I loved every second of it. There's subtle nods such as musical references and the roaster, with more in your face/sledge hammer like references such as the giant pothos plant named Audrey 3.

It's not greatly horrific or horrifying if you are a typical lover of horror, but it is great fun, especially if you love Little Shop of Horrors and musical theatre. It has a brilliant mish-mash of characters or 'Riff Raff' to quote the name of the coffee shop, the kind you take into your heart as friends whilst reading a book (oh you don't? Just me then...), great autumn, cosy vibes especially if you want something with spooky horror undertones for spooky season. 

If this sounds like your bag of chips, definitely pick it up! I give it a solid 4/5 stars. Thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for the eARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley for sending an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I had high hopes for this one; grumpy x sunshine and camp horror vibes? Very fun.

It was so different to what I would normally read and I did enjoy it, however I feel like how the ending was resolved and explained away was a little too convenient and predictable and a little bit cliche, which was disappointing.

I kind of wanted more of the creepy aspect and for the MMC to have more of a villain arc. I also feel like the enormity of the weirdness going on wasn’t fully addressed by the FMC - she just kind of accepted it and moved on with the story with very little consequence or emotional upheaval?

The creepy but cosy coffee shop setting and the found family trope made this a really comfy read that I found to be well-written and easy to read, however I probably wouldn’t jump to recommend this to someone - unless they were super into musical theatre (which I am not).

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Struggling Broadway performer, Adele inherits a coffee shop from her eccentric aunt . Barista Ben. and boyfriend Donny help her try to make the café a going concern. A sudden twist in the plot changes everything. A wonderful, enthralling story with laugh out loud moments.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins Publishing UK for allowing me to read this ARC.

This was a fun read! A book about a musical theater actress inheriting a coffee shop alongside its grumpy worker. It was heavy on the musical theater references and proudly millennial which made it an enjoyable read.

The reason for three stars is, while this is a joyful fun read, the main character can be a bit grating. I found myself loving the secondary characters the most. The pacing seemed off with things not happening but then everything happened all at once. The twists were very predictable.

Regardless this was a fun read and I enjoyed it!

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A quirky premise that is part supernatural, part eccentric but ultimately entertaining. It did lack slightly in pace as it was obvious what we were waiting to happen, it just seemed forever to get to that point but ultimately I was invested in this book. Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and the author for the chance to review.

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The Little Coffee Shop of Terrors follows Adele, a down-on-her-luck musical performer who inherits a coffee shop and apartment from her mysterious Great-Aunt. This is just the chance she needs to start anew, but running the cafe poses its own set of unique challenges.

I thought that the concept of the book was so unique and fun. I love the trend of cosy, funny books about running coffee shops (and not just because I always read in Cafes). The light-hearted humour and elements of mystery in the book work really well. The cast of characters are also full of life and personality. Each of the patrons of Riffraff cafe make the story feel real and compelling.

Unfortunately though, I found that the humour wasn’t to my taste. It might be because of all of the musical theatre references, but I often found myself not understanding what the narrator was quoting. She repeatedly mentions musicals she’s auditioned for, performed in and loved; for someone who has very limited musical knowledge it was a bit hard to follow.

I also got a bit frustrated by the juvenile humour and actions of a character who is supposed to be over thirty. Within the first few chapters alone she steals clothes from her roommate, throws away said clothes because she got crumbs on them, tries to hitch a ride from a stranger in a taxi and answers the phone in the most ridiculous way (she sarcastically claims to be called ‘Seymour Butts’ which is a joke I can only accept from a twelve-year-old).

But whilst the writing didn’t really make me laugh, I can still see other people loving the out-of-pocket humour and ridiculous situations the main character gets herself into. The mystery was also suspenseful and I truly liked characters like Ben (the charming barista). If the cafe were real, I could see myself visiting it and trying to figure out what the noises in the basement were caused by.

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Absolutely fabulous, a weirdly cosy and quirky romantic comedy with some supernatural horror elements. Most definitely redolent of Little Shop Of Horrors, if not inspired by, right down to the musical theatre element.
I enjoyed this so much, it was the perfect blend and the romance was nicely done, especially the secondary romance between Frank and Reba (my favourite characters, they really did steal the show)
Definite recommend, and just look at that cover!

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This was a complete page turner!
I am thankful to have gotten the eARC for free from Netgalley and Avon Books UL so I can leave my voluntary review.

As a theatre lover this book was right up my alley! Since it’s a spin off on Little Shop of Horrors it’s not like anything is a surprise if you know the story but I loved the sub plots to see how it would unfold and how the author would translate the content.

It was really cute and I ended up setting other tasks aside to read it and finished it in the one day. I loved the references to other shows as well as other tropes that are common in the theatre world.

It’s a great book for spooky season as it has a coziness to it as well.. oh and a hot Australian.

It comes out soon on Sept 12 2024!

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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