Member Reviews

First, I would like to thank NetGalley and Avon Harper for the ARC of this booking exchange for honest feedback.

This book is going to be a solid 1.5 ⭐️ for me. While the premise of the story had so much potential, and when I first started it, I referred to it as "Halloween Town, with curse words." Which I still kind of stand by because the world building in the beginning describing what the town was like, really has you feeling kind of homesick for a place you've never been to. But once the story starts, it's lacking. I ended up DNF'ing at 60% because I had no motivation to keep reading. Most of the reasons why I can't divulge because it would have to include spoilers and I can't do spoilers until the book is out, but I'll do my best below.

I can't stand the FMC or most of her family, especially her mother.
It still needs a lot of editing (which I can get passed if the book is interesting to me, but this wasn't)
The on again off again/will they won't they relationship in this book is very emotionally immature and lacking chemistry
It feels like they tried to force magic into everything, and it didn't really work.

🔸️Pros- The town itself sounds wonderful
🔸️Cons- See above
🔸️Favorite Character- Aphra
🔸️Least Favorite character- So many
🔸️Would I read it again? No
🔸️Would I recommend it? Probably not
🔸️Will I continue the series? I don't know if it will be a series, but I don't think I would if it was

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𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚: ★ ★ ★ ★
𝗥𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘: October 01, 2024

Do you love a cozy read you can devour while sipping on a hot pumpkin spice or hot cocoa 👀…this book is for you. I absolutely love this time of the year when spooky season books start coming out and when I saw Impractical Magic I jumped so fast at the opportunity to read it. This book was so fun and so very cute! I truly love the writing style of our author and this was my first book by them. The backdrop for this couldn’t be better and I loved watching our characters grow and develop throughout the book. I will continue to read more to come out by Emily Grimoire. Definitely a book I’ll be recommending and needs to be on your TBR.

𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗦: Cozy, Small Town, Second Chance, Witches, Grumpy Meets Sunshine, Gilmore Girl Vibes

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I wanted to love this one because I love love love Charmed and Gilmore Girls but the execution just wasn't there. I didn't feel like this family even liked each other at all and the romance felt non-existent. I had been debating DNF-ing but kept thinking it would get better.

It did not help that there was a Donald Trump reference made that really turned me off.

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2.5/5 stars

A quick paced rom-com style book, with. a dash of witchery.

The classic fall vibes are here - autumn leaves and pumpkin spice. While fun, it almost feels too in your face, like the author was trying so hard to invoke those vibes without it being necessary.

The idea of the town that remains hidden because non-witches forget after they leave is a neat idea (and the exact reason why is silly and whimsical in a good way). However, I felt like much of the plot didn't make much sense in the context of the story. Why are is the Melrose family responsible for fixing everyone's magic messes. Why are the three sisters the ones responsible for fixing the magic this time, especially if one of them supposedly can't use magic as well. The family dynamics feel flat, like they were creating drama simply to have something to fill the book.

The writing is dialogue heavy, which can make it hard to follow sometimes, as all the characters seem to have similar ways of talking. It is also packed with pop culture references, which is fine but can sometimes be distracting and I feel will make this story age very quickly (sorry, but we should not be using "muggle" in current rom com books, not with how terrible a person that author is).

A fast, silly read if you are looking to get into the mood.

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This book had all the elements I normally enjoy—witches, magic, a quirky small town, strong family ties, and a sweet love interest. However, despite all of that, I just didn’t love it.

Plot overview: Scarlet returns to her magical hometown after 10 years of running away from both her powers and her family, burdened by guilt from a traumatic event. Her family calls her back because something’s gone wrong with the town's magic, and adventures ensue as they try to solve the mystery of the broken magic.

Despite all the promising elements, I struggled to connect emotionally with the characters or the story. The concept of non-magical people forgetting the town’s existence was interesting; and while the mystery plot added some intrigue, I found myself not fully invested in the outcome.

That being said, the writing was good, and the town had a fun, quirky vibe. Perhaps if I’d picked this up at a different time, I would have enjoyed it more. So if you're in the mood for a light, magical Autumn read and you like the sound of this story, this might be one to consider.

Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book had a lot of potential but it reads like a first draft. It felt like there were so many scenes that would move the story forward but they weren’t fleshed out enough. The book is very cozy so I loved that but at times it feels like the author was writing more to meet a “vibe” than give the reader a full story.

The FMC was also very unlikable. I think there needed to be more backstory about why she felt the way she did about Oak Haven because her attitude about being home read more “bratty” than “regretful about the past”.

I definitely think the author has potential and I would probably read another book by her.

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When Scarlett is summoned back home to the idyllic, enchanted home of New Haven after 10 years, she is forced to confront her feelings about the way she left, while helping her family restore the magic of the town that has mysteriously gone haywire.

I enjoyed the quaint, small town New England Autumn vibes in this one - complete with witches, quirky magic, family drama, and plenty of Gilmore Girls breadcrumbs. I do think the overall message in this one could have used some work though. The casual magical-elitism feud between the witches and magicians that was never really resolved kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe this was set up for a second book, but I didn’t love that the town is so against outsiders or people who don’t use “real magic”. With the entire plot being centered around preserving the magic of the town and keeping it safe from “normal people” who might ruin it’s charm, all of the non-magical residents who are essentially in cozy-prison and can’t leave the town without risking amnesia (but why would anyone want to leave, right?), and everyone in the story continually making Scarlett feel bad for moving away, I just felt like we were headed in a direction thematically that I wasn’t a huge fan of.

I thought the side characters felt a bit one-dimensional at times, specifically Nate’s character. This made the romance fall a bit flat for me. I also found Scarlett to be emotionally immature and self-centered and was not a fan of how she treated Nate or her family.

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While this novel did deliver on the fall vibes, it was just an OK read for me. I didn't really like the main character and the whole plot felt rushed. All the characters and storylines felt underdeveloped and it just felt like the author was trying to to check off boxes of what she felt would sell (Gilmore Girls, Pumpkin Spice Cafe, cozy fall read).

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️💫
Is this book a fall read? Yes.
Does it have Gilmore girl vibes? Sure.
Does it have potential? Yes.
Do I love the cover?Absolutely!
Yet, I did not enjoy this book. It almost felt like the author had a deadline, and therefore, the book was rushed. I did not enjoy the FMC. The writing took some getting used to. With all honesty, this was almost a DNF for me.
I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher and author for the ARC of this book, and the opportunity to provide an honest review.

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I'm very grateful that I was able to receive an ARC of this book. The premise of the book was very intriguing for me (not to mention how beautiful the cover is). Unfortunately, the book read more like a first draft in my opinion. The writing was a bit juvenile and the dialogue felt stiff. I think this book would be much better with a couple more rounds of editing. The plot definitely has potential!

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Thank you Netgalley and Avon Books UK for my ARC copy.

I loved this book I think it's the perfect Autumn read. I really enjoyed watching the relationships grow throughout the book and loved all the witchy vibes. This will 100% be added to the Fall Reads I recommend to people.

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If I could picture the perfect Fall, cozy read to snuggle up with it would be this book. I loved the chaos and the magic and loved following the town in their attempts at fixing the trouble. Maximillian’s character was so clever and had me giggling every time he changed his accent.

Watching Scarlett and Nate figure out their relationship was so enjoyable. You can’t help but fall in love with Nate’s patience while he waits for Scarlett to figure out where ‘home’ was.

I LOVED the ending! It had me frantically turning the pages, and if you read it you will know why! A whole YEAR???!! Sheesh!

I recommend this book absolutely 100% go get it. And then snuggle up next to a fire and enjoy the calamity that lies within these pages!

Thank you NetGalley and Emily Grimoire! I am happy to leave this review that is solely my opinion. <3

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Honestly everything I am wanting in my fall book reading season! The witches, the fall town, the amazing character development. I really felt like as the book went on I connected more and more with the family, and even just the people in the town. I did want to include a couple quotes here that I highlighted while reading that just really made this a five star read just based on the writing:

-"behind a veil of autumn leaves, which made a patchwork quilt of crimson, amber, and evergreen" - I just thought this was the most beautiful way to describe foliage.

-"she suddenly realized that there were no bad feelings here, just complicated ones, and she didn't want the moment to ever end" - BEAUTIFUL

-"This wasn't the overwhelming loss of control, -- this was serene, unafraid - like something that was meant to be. As if every unspoken longing, every stolen glance, every missed opportunity had culminated in this single, perfect moment. As if a missing part of herself had finally clicked into place."

Just the perfect fall read in my opinion. ADD THIS TO YOUR FALL TBR! Thank you to NetGalley & Avon Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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A spell gone awry chases a young witch away from her home where she gives up magic for the mundane.

Her little enchanted town is inhabited by witches. Anyone not magical who enters it forgets it ever existed when they leave. Which also traps the male inhabitants of the town.

When the magic becomes chaotic, Scarlett comes home to face her guilt, her family, and the boy she left behind.

Can she save her town?

A fun cozy read for when you are craving witchy fall.

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This book had a cute concept and would be good for people looking for a cute witchy book. I personally dnf’d this book because I just found the characters hard to relate to and the dialogue was hard to follow. I couldn’t keep track of all of the people being mentioned and a lot of it felt forced. I feel like people who are looking for a cute halloween read will love this, it just wasn’t for me.

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3 ⭐️
****Impractical Magic***

Thanks to NetGalley, Emily Grimoire, and Avon Books UK for providing me with an ARC copy of the book.

This book explores themes of sisterhood, magic, and second chances within a whimsical town where spells initially made life perfect, but now are faltering. As the enchantments begin to unravel, the characters face personal conflicts, including a complicated relationship with an ex-best friend who has changed significantly. The story delves into the nuances of reconnecting with one's roots and identity, set against a backdrop of magical mishaps and a budding romance. While the sisterhood and witch elements were engaging, adding depth and fun, the narrative sometimes felt too light and predictable. The ultimate appeal lies in its charming portrayal of family bonds and the second chance romance, though it might not fully satisfy those seeking a deeper exploration of its themes, I think it is worth picking up and reading!

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I give this book 3 1/2 ⭐️ it wasn’t bad it held my attention but I didn’t count with something’s but other than that I loved the witchy vibes and the town and magic acting up and things that follow it definitely is a fall kind of book

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"Impractical Magic" is a charming cosy autumnal read. Set in the matrilineal magical small town of Oak Haven, New England, the story follows Scarlett Melrose, the screw-up middle child who returns home after a decade to confront her past mistakes and resolve a magical crisis.

Grimoire's enjoyable prose brings the cosy setting to life, The fluffy novel blends family drama, second-chance romance, and a hint of magical mystery, creating an engaging narrative that explores themes of self-discovery, reconciliation, and standing up for yourself. The book almost reminds me of My Big Fat Greek Wedding in the best way.

The book's strengths include its quirky characters, atmospheric writing, and quick world-building. One nitpick: the use of "muggle" for non-magic users feels slightly unoriginal, and could invoke negative feelings for some readers. It's a minor flaw in an otherwise enjoyable read.

Perfect for fans of Gilmore Girls and Practical Magic, this cosy autumn tale offers an ideal blend of magic and small-town charm. It's best enjoyed on a crisp autumn day with a warm blanket and a pumpkin spice latte.

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Such a cute, comfy book. Read in one sitting! Love the cozy magical town vibes alongside facing your fears. Perfect book for the fall season.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for allowing me to read an ARC of Impractical Magic by Emily Grimoire.

After 10 years, Scarlett returns to her hometown of Oak Haven, a truly magical, New England town whose idyllic setting is now under attack as magic begins to fail for reasons unknown. When this lands Scarlett back in the middle of her talented but complicated family, and Nate the boy she once thought was hers, Scarlett can no longer run away from the complications of her past.

The magical Stars Hollow comparisons are there for a reason! The small town New England, pumpkin spice, light a candle and curl up in a blanket in front of a fireplace with a cozy witchy book and a cat curled at your feet vibes are endless. When that is the easy and comfortable mood you are looking for, this book delivers. My biggest challenge with this book was the family, particularly the mother and older sister, I get that families are complicated and Scarlett made some mistakes as well but damn, it was plain and simple unhealthy, and I wish we had seen more of an acknowledgement and growth in that area.

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