Member Reviews

I love a witch book and I love a sister book and this is a great combo of both. First fall read from my tbr was this v buzzy book. It really hit the spot for me. Cozy town in distress and three sister witches reunited to save it. What could go wrong?
This is compared to Gilmore Girls not only for the cozy town and cast of characters but for the humor, banter and pop culture references. And there is a tongue in cheek reference in the chapter titled Oy, with the flamingos already. This book truly tickled me! Nate was a perfect book boyfriend and I hope we get more books in this universe. I would love to visit time and time again. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a preview of this magical book. Highly recommended!

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Overall, this is a beautiful story about family, love and friendship and I really did enjoy it. I think it's absolutely perfect for this time of. year. If you are a fan of the Gilmore Girls or Charmed, this one is definitely for you as well. The characters were loveable and were built on as the story went on. It was overall quite fast paced including a slow burn romance - such a cute and cosy read.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was not the type of dialogue that I was expecting. It didn't meet my expectations. Overall the story is good, but the dialogue really did not bring me in. The formatting of the ebook was also not the best which made it more difficult to continue to reading.

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A fun witchy book for fall, I really enjoyed the sister drama and small town setting. There were lots of fun details in the town history (the Earls!) and the Vilmore Girls references were veiled well enough that they felt fun to find and not too obvious. I especially enjoyed the ending that tied it all together.

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I found this book fun and enjoyable. The plot kept me guessing and the romantic tension was just enough. I did not care for the cruel attitude of both the older sister and the mother for most of the book. I found it depressing and distracting from the overall magic of this story.

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Giving it 3.5 but overall 3. I honestly am not sure why it didn’t quite make it but it sort of did at the same time. This might be the book you might have to be ‘in the mood for’.

It technically hs everything I love in a book for fall vibe… I just found myself not really ‘loving’ the characters and how they related with others. It felt kinda ‘clique-ey’ at times but not in a tight knit way. I’m even having somewhat of a hard time putting it out there and I don’t want to give spoilers.

That’s why I feel it’s a mood read. It’s great for a fall weekend or a quick ‘easy’ read. But I wouldn’t expect to ‘fall into’ a deep romance/story. It was a fun fall read, i certainly don’t discourage people from trying it out! I might even give it a second chance later in fall

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Impractical Magic is a super witchy, cozy, wholesome read. I felt like I was stepping away for a while and stepped right into Oak Haven, an enchanting little town that has pumpkins on every stoop and crunchy leaves every step.

We quickly meet Scarlet and Nate, and Scarlet’s sisters and mother. I felt like there were a lot of characters and at times I didn’t fully understand the relationships and dynamics between them and Scarlet.

But I feel like the book was fast paced and very engaging. I really enjoyed the relationship between Nate and Scarlet, and I wish we got to see a little bit more of them actually.

Overall, I think it was an easy fall read, but it didn’t entirely hit the mark for me.

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This tried very, very hard to fit into the light and breezy witchy romance genre. However, as I read, I found myself more and more uncomfortable with how the witches (all female) treat the men and non-witches in their town. It felt like I was reading something set in the deep south during the 1950s and asked to like the racist and abusive white people. (I also wanted the main character to grow a spine and stand up, as an adult, to her family but that's minor compared to the abuse.) About 35% in, I couldn't take it any more and skimmed the end. It did not get better. Others may have different viewpoints, but I just couldn't get past how unlikeable the witches were.

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I was really excited for this cozy fall read set in a charming New England town with witches and magic, but unfortunately, it didn’t fully meet my expectations. While the witchy elements and some of the side characters were enjoyable, the story felt a bit unpolished. There were moments where the writing didn’t quite flow for me, with some parts over-explained and others leaving me a bit confused.

I also found the main character’s decade-long absence from home, and the focus on her high school crush rather than deeper family bonds, a little hard to believe. The mother-daughter dynamic felt a lot like Gilmore Girls, which I love, but for me, it became a bit distracting.

That said, I think with a bit more development and editing, this book could really shine as a cozy autumn read. The premise had great potential, and I wish I could have connected more with the characters and the story. I’m still hopeful others might find the magic here, even though it didn’t quite hit the mark for me.

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This was a really cute book. It's part romance, part cozy mystery. Portal magic, magic gone crazy, small-town fantasy, family drama. There's so much in here and it's just fun. There's a little tension, but not a lot. Perfect for a cozy. On top of that, it gives you all the fall vibes you can want. And it gives you the character growth you're looking for, the healing, and the promise for more. Much enjoyed!

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Oh, I just adored "Impractical Magic"! It’s one of those stories that feels like a warm hug—perfect for curling up with tea by the fireplace.. The leading lady returns to her small hometown, convinced her past defines her after 10 LONG years. But as any mother would tell you, the past is just a chapter, not the whole story!

You can see the happy ending coming a mile away (and isn’t that comforting?), with a slow-burn romance that feels as cozy as fresh-baked scones. The foreshadowing? Clear as day—but sometimes, knowing it’ll all work out is exactly what we need.

If you love tales where characters discover their worth, and happy endings feel like a warm bed waiting, this book is a must-read. Trust me, darling—this one’s all heart!

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An entertaining fantasy book centering on witchcraft to keep a town safe from the outside influences of the modern world. Set In New England there's plenty of eccentric and quirky things going on which made me smile. Somewhat different to books I normally read, refreshingly so. I did get rather annoyed and frustrated with the main female character, Scarlett who seemed unable to listen to others whilst keeping an enormous chip on her shoulder. Some romance but totally bonkers most of the time time. Light, non serious read to escape with.

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This was a cute holiday read. I enjoyed the relationship between Nate and Scarlet and the dynamics of her family relationships. There were a few parts where I feel like the plot was drawn out and could have been more concise.

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I won’t be reviewing this on other platforms. I loved the autumn setting, the small town and the relationship between the sisters. Unfortunately I just found myself growing bored; the characters were a bit two dimensional, the romance was boring and predictable and it lacked charm. I wanted to love this, I hope it does well but it wasn’t for me. ,

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This was a great cozy fall read. It gave me all of the Halloweentown vibes. This book follows a secret town that you can visit, but you won’t remember that you visited it or be able to find it on a map. In this town, the witches are the only ones with magic. If the men leave the town they have a short amount of time before they, themselves forget about the town. There’s a whole magic versus magicians storyline. The town’s magic source is in jeopardy and the town’s oldest magical family has to race to save it. There was a point towards the end that seemed a little silly, but it’s just a small portion. Overall, this was a cute fall vibes read. Check this one out when it comes out!

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A witchy paranormal romance with great characters. It kept me hooked from start to finish. A great book to read around Halloween time.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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With time slipping away, Scarlett must learn that sometimes the greatest spells really do come with the greatest responsibility – especially when love is involved…

Impractical Magic by Emily Grimoire is a captivating paranormal romance that I devoured in just one day! Who wouldn't want to escape to a magical village of Oak Haven where secrets lurk beneath the surface? This enchanting tale has earned the author a spot on my list of favorite paranormal romance writers.

It is a must-add for fans of romance with a magical twist. The characters are expertly crafted, with Scarlet and Nate’s chemistry being particularly compelling. While the romance is steamy, I appreciated that it didn't overshadow the plot. I'm hoping for a follow-up book to revisit these characters and continue their story.

If you're drawn to paranormal romance with a hint of mystery, add “Impractical Magic” to your reading list – you won't be disappointed!
I requested and received an advance reader copy of this book from Avon Books UK, and Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. Witchy Gilmore Girls was how this book was advertised and I couldn’t pass it up.

I definitely got the Gilmore Girls vibe between FMC Scarlett and her sisters Delilah and Luna. I loved their dynamic and how they each saw and treated magic differently.

The banter between the sisters was great and the completely messed up magic was hilarious and very entertaining. I will say, I was not invested in the story or romance at all but read along for fun because I enjoyed the magic and the sister relationships.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC :)

This is a cute witchy read to help you get in the mood for the fall season. It’s sweet and funny. We’ve got some spells and curses going on here while trying to help her sisters. A little second chance romance! I did find this to be a bit more of an average read for myself. I will say, it does give a good Stars Hollow vibe. ✨

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Thank you to Avon Books UK for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book prior to its release on October 1st 2024.
2 stars. I am a bit conflicted on this one. Loved the vibes overall as a Floridian who is trying to feel "The Fall Vibes" in 90 degree heat, this definitely delivered on that front. Where I personally was left wanting more was on the characters as whole!! They all felt at times a bit trope-y and I would have liked to see MORE!!! Nate for example was sooo down bad and seemed sweet but we were told so little about him as person other than like what he does in the town. The characters felt a bit one dimensional and the main internal conflict for Scarlett felt repetitive and when it was resolved it was like oh- okay... This would have been a solid 3.5-4 stars for me had I had a little more depth to the characters and gotten to see more of the connection on that central romantic relationship other than the "Oh we just should be together and have this pull towards each other." All in all, vibes? Immaculate! Characterization and plot? Meh.

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