Member Reviews

2.5⭐️ rounded up. I was hooked by the “Gilmore girls meets Charmed” description of Impractical Magic, but it just fell short for me. I got the small town vibe of GG and of course the magic from Charmed, but the storylines and relationships felt immature and there were so many odd usages of question marks that it became distracting. Overall not for me but someone else might love it!

Thank you to Net Galley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Would be better suited for Wattpad than a published book. I get what the author was going for with the fall New England, witchy vibes, but she spent too much time describing the decor and not enough time fleshing out the characters or the plot. I'm also not convinced AI didn't play a role in the writing, the dialogue especially felt choppy and unnatural.

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This was such a cute read, it really did give pumpkin spice cafe vibes and in LIVING for it!

A super cute and great book to kick of the spooky season

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/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Impractical Magic
Author: Emily Grimoire

The spooky season reads continue! Thank you so much Netgalley and Avon for this ARC! This was a super cute, and cozy romance read. Scarlett had been summoned by her sisters to help her mother’s cursed inn. As soon as she walks in to her old home, she runs into her ex boyfriend Nate who is now the family’s handy man. You need to go in to this book expecting what it is.. fluffy and cute witchy romance read. I thought the second chance / childhood friends to lovers romance was super cute. The spells and curses was perfect to get me in the mood for spooky season. No word on this being a series yet but I think it would be a great one. 🧙. This book will release on 10/1!

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Impractical Magic
By Emily Grimoire
2.5 ⭐️

This one was a hard one to get through. I love a good witchy romance especially when its a whimsical small town romance but the line between too much and just enough is a fine one. I felt like this book tried a little too hard and came off as very trooper. I wasn’t a fan of the writing or dialogue either. I did enjoy some of the vibes of Oak Haven but it just didn’t work for me. I think if I had been able to connect with Scarlett more then I would have had a much better reading experience.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for this gifted arc!

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I wanted to like this book but could not get into it. The premise sounded so good but the writing and the dialogue were very elementary and not well written.

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ARC Review
3 Stars
Some of it was cute, some of it was just so cringey and poorly written that I struggled to get through it. I think these cozy fall reads are blowing up right now, but I've found very few that have substance as a real romance

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I really enjoyed this book. It has a very fall cozy vibe to it and was the perfect read for September.

Scarlett has been gone for 10 years when she is asked to return to help figure out why magic has gone awry in their small town. I enjoyed the relationship between the sisters, although I believe a little too much emphasis was put on the fact that Scarlett had been gone for ten years, I also enjoyed the explanations of the different types of

With a little bit of romance and mystery this book is a feel good, easy read. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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Man, I was hoping to really love this. But it just fell kind of flat for me. I was bored and literally finished only because I didn’t want to be a quitter.

Maybe someone else will love this more- while I wouldn’t recommend it I wouldn’t discourage someone from reading it either.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this arc for my honest review.

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Thank you to AvonBooksUK and NetGalley for an E-ARC of impractical magic in exchange for an honest review . It definitely gave off fall vibes with it the witchy and small town vibes. I never really fell in love with the FMC the pacing felt weird at times. Overall if you want a light witchy, fall read you may really enjoy it! Overall for me it was a 2.75

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this arc! This really had me in a spooky mood and was a fun quick read.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Avon UK, and to the author for letting me read this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This book was full of magic, familial reconciliation, and cozy autumn energy. It was a great book to get me in the fall mood!

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Impractical Magic is a cozy autumn read, perfect for romance lovers who prefer minimal spice in their romance books. The banter was extremely entertaining, and the characters are easy to fall in love with. It was a little slow to start but I'm glad I stuck with it because it ended up being super cute!

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This is what drew me into this book. I have to attempt it sounded like a dream come true. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. There were some not great things in this book. Sadly, those outcomes led me to why this was just an "okay" read.

This was a cozy read -- it held itself to that standard. The fall vibes were vibing. Added note, it was a very quick read at that. I liked the witch lore that was added to some of the characters.

The FMC was very unlikable to the point that I would have DNF this book if I was not reviewing it. The ending is not the best.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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not for me unfortunately! i felt the story lacked depth and heart. characters need to be fleshed out more and given more plot

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This was definitely a cute and cozy read.

I absolutely felt the practical magic/gilmore girls vibes. Also a little bit of Halloween town haha

I think this is the perfect cozy magical fall read to pick up


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This book had several things going for it: takes place in a New England small town in the fall, witches, magic, cozy vibes & world building, low level mystery, plus an adorable cover. I was sold! Unfortunately I didn’t love it as much as I hoped.

One of the main complaints I have about this book is the amount of time the MC had been away from home. She hadn’t spoken to or seen her family or friends in 10 years - and immediately her sisters wanted to talk about her high school crush and if they’ll maybe get together now?! I’m sorry, but ladies. Get it together. It’s been a whole decade - why would we start there? I wanted more sisterly bonding and romance later. Also, the reason for the long absence was due to a miscommunication that could have been cleared up quickly. I could have bought into this if it had been a year or few instead of 10.

Another note - this is coming from a Gilmore Girls lover - the Emily/Lorelei dynamic the MC and her mother had was a little much. So toxic and hard to read. There was also a whole chapter that felt like a GG cut and paste moment. Don’t get me wrong - I didn’t mind this chapter, but it definitely shattered the illusion of the story/town for me. Also - when did muggle become a common word for non-magic folk? This was new to me and also took me out of the story (I could be behind the times on this though). I feel this book could have been strengthened if it was allowed to grow beyond its inspirations (mostly GG) and become its own.

Overall, this was a cozy, fall, quick read. I liked the witch lore that was touched on, as well as some of the side characters. I believe with a bit more editing this could have been a book I’d want to reread in future autumns and could have lead to sequels or companion books about the other covens mentioned (maybe it still will!). I may check out future work by this author in the hopes that they allow their own story to shine through.

Thanks to NetGalley for this advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Scarlett comes home after 10 years of leaving, no visiting & no contact with her family & her life at home, what happened for her to leave & not return? Until now when her older sister calls for her to come home with urgency…

This books FMC ( Scarlett ) infuriated me a little, her attitude towards everything was just very ‘ jokey’ and she never took anything serious, was very childish😄
And after the big 19 years that she didn’t see her sisters I expected them to have more bonding time together but instead they jumped straight into her high school crush and the drama from the past like none of them had grown up.

There was a lot of similarities to Gilmore Girls such as the towns selectman resembling in my brain to Taylor Doose from GG and a moment like the ‘OY poodles 🫣

Overall it was a cosy vibe quick read which is what I needed! I feel like it could have been a little longer with some more detail and a little more seriousness coming from the FMC but it was a very cosy, autumn witchy book!

Thank you to NetGalley for this advanced readers copy I thoroughly enjoyed, this has kicked me into the autumnal spirit 🍂

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This is definitely a fall read but unfortunately it was not the book for me.

It was too slow and then felt rushed at the end.

I wish there were more magic, in deed and romance.

Ultimately, yes it gives the fall vibes and it’s cute but it missed so much and just did not hit the mark for me. I struggle bussed through this book.

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Thank you so much for letting me read this ahead of time! Sadly, it just didn’t hit the mark for me. The characters, especially the fmc, were so immature. These weren’t 28+ year olds. They read as 14 year olds, if that. I didn’t like the insta love between Scarlett and Nate either. Everything happened too quickly and didn’t flow very nicely. The story in the whole was very cheesy. And who were the “bosses”? And how did she survive for a whole year in that cage?! I have too many questions still. Just not my cup of tea.

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