Member Reviews

Another fantastic book by Dilly Court. The traditional 1800’s village life and traditions is portrayed as Rose and Benedict Rivers become acquainted amid kidnapping, betrayal and love. Thanks to Dilly and her publisher. Thanks also to NetGalley

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Another wonderful read by Dilly Court,the character the setting.A really delightful read that had me smiling from beginning to end.#netgalley #harpersuk

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It’s cold and snowing Rose finds a boy asleep in the nativity display, he is fast asleep with no shoes on, he would die if left where he is. Rose must save the boy and look after him and find out who he is.

Where has he come from and why is he covered in bruises?? So many questions and Rose is keen to find out!

And in the mean time a ship comes to dock in their village, is this linked to the poorly boy?

Great story by Dilly Court, enjoyable family saga with lots going on. Well worth a read!

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I don't usually read romances but I do like historical fiction. This book disappoints on both counts. I'm sure an eighteenth century vicar would not easily accept his young daughter travelling on her own to France and London meeting unknown men. Rose repeatedly ended up in the clutches of men who she new were trying to hurt her. One of the main threads was a court case against Benedict Rivers but this was suddenly resolved in a couple of paragraphs. The problem with Dalby, the 'baddie' ended in a most unbelievable way.
Unfortunately this book wasn't for me but I'm sure many will enjoy it including my teenage granddaughter.

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Another lovely read by Dilly court. The Snow Angel certainly does not disappoint. Following Rose as the main character she finds a young boy very unwell and proceeds to get entangled in the goings on.

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Historical drama featuring two headstrong characters. Felt it could probably be condensed somewhat. Still a good tale.

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This book has it all, intrigue, excitement, heartbreak and love. What more could we ask for!
Starting in Abbotsford with Rose discovering a young boy in amongst the nativity scene in the village. It’s evident by his appearance that he has been bad used so Rose decides to sneak him into the vicarage in order that her mother doesn’t see him, this would remind her of her son Felix who died at this time of year. To make matters worse the boy appears to have lost his memory but Rose is sure by his behaviour that he is very scared so she decides to keep him safe (who from).
There is so much going on in this story that it’s hard to put it down.

I loved the relationship between the sisters and their gentle teasing. My favourite character has to be Jago and his innocence. If only he realised that Rose suffered from the same problem as himself in that they didn’t know who to trust!
I found Rose to be quite naive, probably due to her sheltered upbringing. As for too trusting, I felt annoyed by the time Crouch came on the scene (I was thinking “haven’t you learnt yet”)

That said, it was one of my favourite Dilly books.

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Fabulous read again from the amazing Dilly, could not put this book down got drawn in from the start, loved the characters and the setting, absolutely ten out of ten

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What a gorgeous book! I felt I was reading a Jane Austen but with a more modern twist. It had all the A characteristics one would expect:the 3 unmarried daughters- Marianne, the gentile, sensible one, Rose,the feisty, strong willed, independent one and ,if course,the heroine of our story and Emily, the immature, youngest sister. Then, enter the handsome , misunderstood Rivers and we have our Darcey and if course Tom, the wealthy Doctor, our perfect Bingley with his good lucks and domineering aristocratic Mother, Lady Buckingham. I loved young Jago with his spirit and kindness and all the assorted and so well crafted supporting cast. This is truly Jane Austen for our times with it's romance and adventure. I highly recommend it

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The narrative is rich in historical details, which bring the setting to life and completely immerse you in the era. The secondary characters are a strong point here. Each one with their own story and struggles. This adds a lot to the overall plot.

What sets The Snow Angel apart is its balance between light and dark. Despite the often bleak circumstances Lottie finds herself in, there is an interesting warmth and hope throughout the novel.

If you like historical fiction that tugs at your heartstrings and leaves you with a feeling of hope.

It's the first thing I read by the author and I liked it even though sometimes it became a little tedious at certain moments or with so many characters I found myself quite disoriented!

Thank you HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction for the ARC I read on NetGalley a change from an honest review.

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The Snow Angel by Dilly Court

As snow falls outside Abbotsford vicarage on Christmas Eve, Rose Northwood finds a child lying destitute in the manger of the town's nativity display.
Reminded of her younger brother, who died at Christmastime, she is determined to nurse the young boy back to health.
But the child has lost his memory and can't recall where he came from…

Love this story it has all you could want in a read at this time of the year.
Grab yourself a copy , get a cup of your favourite brew , find a quiet corner , and lose yourself in a fabulous read.

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This has it all. From finding an almost naked child in rags in a manger to kidnapping and being dragged to the altar. There is something very lovely in the details that are described in the book, from the damaged soles of the feet, to the smell and damage of smoke and fire and to the travel on the sea.
The book manages to mix time! With long passages of description of the world the families are living in, to the fear and love they feel and yet it still clips along at a fast pace, packing in adventure, cross channel journeys and malevolence.

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Firstly I would like to thank netgalley and Harper Collins and the brilliant author Dilly court for an early copy of her book to read.

Another terrific read from Dilly,Ive read quite a few of her books,love reading the victorian era.Rose Northwood lives with her family when she stumbles on a sick lad she wants to help him,she takes him home with the help of her sisters he makes a recovery.,he lost his memory someone is after him and his life in danger,Rose helps him.a gripping read.looking forward to reading more of her books.

This book will be reviewed on goodreads and Amazon.

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Another lovely read from Dilly Court, Christmas Eve and Rose finds a child asleep in the churches Nativity cradle, near to death and he looks like he has been beaten and starved. The arrival of a handsome stranger brings lots of adventures to come for Rose.
My thanks as always to NetGalley and publishers Harper Collins Uk Harper Fiction for the early read

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

Another brilliant book by this author

Family saga at its best emotional in places

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