Member Reviews

If you are a dog lover, flipping through this colorful photo collection will enchant you! The pictures of various breeds of puppies are beyond adorable. I especially enjoyed the “close-up” shots catching winsome expressions. Other pages featured mother dogs with their pups and action shots of puppies at play. While I envisioned this volume as a coffee table book, apparently it’s advertised as a “mini encyclopedia.” If that is the focus, sadly I think the book falls short. The organization of chapters is quite general and random; and the informational passages are tidbits about puppy characteristics, habits, and needs. Some of the brief print sections reminded me of doggie trivia. In all, it is not a comprehensive choice for detailed information. However, as a picture book or read-along for families with young children, Puppies is bound to please

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Arranged thematically, this book combines adorable imagery with informative captions about puppy development and the unique characteristics of different breeds. It’s heartwarming and sure to make you smile. Children especially will enjoy it.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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The book is filled with adorable photos, but it's very light on information.

As a vet, I liked the fact that they mentioned how long should the puppy stay with the mother and that the whelp should avoid contact with other dogs until it has all vaccines done. I think it would have been a good idea to point out how deadly the viruses are and how costly the treatment is, with low chances of success. Seeing sick puppies is heartbreaking and I feel like people often don't understand how bad the illnesses that can be prevented are.

While everything pointed out in the book was correct, it's not very useful for an adult that wants to get a puppy.
-it doesn't really talk about diet
-it doesn't really talk about the breeds it presents, and many breads are skipped
-it doesn't really talk about training.

I know there are books that focus on training or breeds (or even diet, but for a simple owner, I think that's a bit too much) already and I don't expect every book the have all the information on anything, but I don't see the book's worth for an adult. If you want to get this book for a child instead, I think it would be great. It's filled with cute photos and just a bit of text that would help them understand dogs better.

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I challenge you to flip through this book and try to keep a grin off your face - I bet you will find it impossible. Puppies by Tom Jackson is bumper packed with adorable photographs of puppies. Even if there wasn't a single word in the book, it would still be worth you owning it, just for the aww factor. Luckily for us though, the gorgeous pictures are combined with informative captions as well as interesting context on each breed, their personalities and their skill sets.
This book belongs front and centre of any dog lover's coffee table and I would argue it's got something for every age of reader.
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the chance to review an advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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My daughter (10) and I loved reading this together and many “awww”s were made at the very adorable photos. Written simply enough for children to understand but still including lots of information, my daughter described this as “a great, cute book”.

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

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My kids absolutely ADORED this beautifully done book! The pictures were so cute and the information was so fun to read. The kids have read this book over and over. They loved learning all about puppies. Well done!

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Simple informational book about puppies. I would have liked to see more variety of dog breeds in this books. The author did include some uncommon breeds, but missed opportunities to not repeat a breed. There are 201 Recognized dog breeds by the AKC (American Kennel Club) and so many were missed, including my dog's breed a Japanese Chin that was recognized in 1888. Also, to note that some dogs are more fragile than others, not only as puppies, but as adults. Also, training your dog as a puppy is a great tool.

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