Member Reviews

Oh WOW! I absolutely loved this book. I was hooked from the first page to the last. The writing was very good and I felt I got to know the characters. I was surprised by the ending. I think this is a debut novel. I will definitely be looking for any future books by this author.

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This was an ok quick read. I wasnt blown away but neither was i hating it. more indifferent really but dont let that put you off. I read in less than a day and enjoyed what i read.

thank you for the opportunity to review

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3.5 stars. This is one of those stories that has a great setup, but when you get to the destination you're kind of disappointed. There were great thriller-y aspects making you, as the reader, apprehensive, on edge, and maybe a wee bit skeered!!! However, I realized that by the end I didn't even care what happened to the missing fiance. There are plenty of suspects and suspicious behaviors. I'm not sure you will be able to narrow down who could be behind all the happenings, at least I wasn't able. When all is said and done I did not care for how things wrapped up.

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Yes I did enjoy this book, it was a great story thanks netgalley for giving me a copy go this interesting story.

My fiancée John was wearing a red tracksuit top and his hair was long and floppy the last time I saw him.
We had an amazing day in London buying our wedding rings and talking about the wedding.
I managed to jump. Onto our Train just in time buf John did not make it but not concerned he will catch the next one or the next one but John was not on any train, by now I was getting very worried and knew the only person to call was my very best friend Jess.
We had been friends for ever and I could tell Jess anything, she was always there to support me but not this time.
Where was John, He’s Gone..

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He’s Gone By Rebecca Collomosse is a debut for this author and she had a great twist at the end that I was not expecting at all. It starts off with Eve and John shopping for wedding rings. Eve makes the train and John doesn’t. Did he disappear? Is he on another train? This kept me glued until the end. Looking forward to her next thriller. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

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You had brought me tea and scrambled eggs in bed, we snuggled together, talking about buying our rings, then about our wedding later next year. Then we had chosen our rings. You held my hand and gazed thoughtfully at the ring I liked best, a smile spreading slowly over your face. Then champagne at Selfridges to celebrate. We talked about the beautiful lilac flowers I had chosen for the wedding, the number of bottles of wine we had bought for the day and if we needed more. I felt flushed, excited, content. We race to get the train home. It screams to a halt and I run towards the open doors. I think you're right behind me - but when I turn around, you're gone.

This story has a slow pace. Why would your fiancé disappear on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your lives. The story is a bit confusing to begin with, but once I got past that, I was hooked, There are parts that are quite predictable, and I did not like any of the characters, but I enjoyed the plot.

Published 11th July 2024

I would like to thank #NetGalley #JoffeBooks and the author #RebeccaCollomosse for my ARC of #HesGone in exchange for an honest review.

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Eve and John are getting on the Tube after buying their wedding rings. In the hustle an bustle, Eve gets on the Tube, but John doesn’t. Eve finally heads home to wait for John. But, he doesn’t come home – the hours turn to days to weeks. But, someone seems to be entering Eve’s flat – moving things, taking things. Could it be John? Or is someone else out to get Eve.

The beginning was good, the middle was slow and the end left me hanging. I mean, it was a good ending, I just wanted some closure.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy. I was engaged throughout this book and invested in Eve's story. I have mixed feelings about the inclusion of paragraphs from the perspective of the perpetrator. Although they were well-written and added to the intrigue, they gave away the identity well before the end. I did feel the climax was rushed, but the final twists were shocking.

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I stayed up all night during a week day at the expense of my sleep. That’s how addictive this book was to me. I liked the fact that it got straight to the point. No long prelude to the “main event”. Based on the book’s description we all know that the fiancé will disappear. So I very much appreciate getting to the point. From then on, the suspense never let up. I was literally sitting on the edge of my chair. As someone who reads many thrillers and many books per month, I am not easy to please but this book hit all the spots.

The end did not disappoint me! Well done. So many books have a built up that leads to a mediocre ending. This took me by surprise. The author took risk and it paid off. I would not have appreciated as much if it was different.

I can definitely see this becoming a best seller. I can’t wait to see what else the author will write or has written.

Well done!

Thank you Netgallay for a free copy in exchange of an honest review..

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This was a slow burner thriller which built up suspense throughout. I really enjoyed the writing style and how the story just flowed throughout. It was a thriller full of twists and turns with an ending I really wasn’t expecting. Overall I really enjoyed this thriller and will definitely be recommending it to anyone who loves a good mystery thriller book. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
It was an exciting day- they had picked out their rings in anticipation for their wedding. They race for the train- she makes it - but where is he?
So many feelings- where is he? Has he left her? Is he alive? What happened to him? And when she starts receiving letters and things are moved around in the apartment she wonders if it is him or who is doing this? And when she thinks her life is finally coming together things take a sinister turn!

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I'll be honest, the way this book started was really confusing to keep up with. Broken into different perspectives and tenses left me second guessing what I had just read.

BUT! Once I got the hang of the style, I couldn't put the book down. Definitely not how I expected the story to turn out and was left shocked by the end.

Highly recommend !
And thank you to NetGalley for this copy.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The premise of the book sounded so good. And it had decent reviews so I was intrigued. It stopped about 20% of the way through. I honestly didn’t care about John or if he came back or not. I like when a book starts off with a bang. But you have to have at least SOME character development. We really don’t get to know him as a character until the final chapter. Eve is so naggy. I would’ve left her too! The twist was obvious to me. I skimmed through half of the book just to find out what happens. There’s a lot of repetition and I’m not a fan of the writing style. This author just isn’t for me.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 11th July. What an addictive and jaw dropper of a book it kept me on the edge of my seat right up until the last page and definitely drew me in.

There was many twists and turns that kept me hooked I couldn’t put it down! What an ending I wasn’t expecting that mind- blowing twist. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars! 😊

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Eve and John have just bought their wedding rings. It should be a day to continue to celebrate their love. She boards the train and turns to see John didn’t make it before the doors close. He has gone missing. The police feel he just left and don’t show much interest in the case. Family and friends rally round Eve to support her. Eve finds John has hidden some things from her. Strange things begin happening to Eve. Who is doing it? Could it be John? A surprise ending.

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A slow start to this novel but once I got going it was good. It shifts tenses and viewpoints which took me a minute to figure out the flow of the narrative but as I said - it turns into quite a thriller.

When Eve and John buy her wedding ring their life is one of the utmost joys - champagne, flower and the works.
While on the subway Eve gets out and when she looks behind her Joe has disappeared completely. He isn't returning and Eve must figure it out.

The end is shocking and the book is good.

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Eve and John are shopping for rings and it should be the happiest of times, but her dreams are shattered when John goes missing. This is a predictable, slow burn mystery. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy.

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Eve and John are shopping for rings and it should be the happiest of times, but her dreams are shattered when John goes missing. This is a predictable, slow burn mystery. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy.

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An enjoyable read. Great characters and well written.
An easy read with thrilling moments rather than a thriller.
The ending was a shocker!!
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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A good well written book that held my interest throughout this thriller read. The characters were well described with a good surprise ending.

Thank you to Netgalley and Joffe Books for this ARC.

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