Member Reviews

Loved this book , a really good one for an easy read on holiday , lots of mystery and twists and turns and things that left you wanting to read more and more , couldn’t leave it down… very really well written book that I really recommend.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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Thank you Joffe Books and NetGalley for an early copy of He’s Gone. My heart ached for Eve on the day of getting wedding rings and John disappeared, sooooo sad. Eve definitely made a very stupid decision early on. It took forever and went on and on to get out of the plot of wondering where John was. Her friends were truly kind to her on the day of her wedding. I really liked that part of the story. But SERIOUSLY THE ENDING!!!!!!! Horrible, truly ruined the book for me.

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This one begins with a romantic day when John and Eve are out choosing their wedding rings, and then he doesn’t follow her onto the train. Her devastation and hysteria, grief, and all-consuming search lays the groundwork for the book.

John and Eve have their own friends whom they had chosen as their wedding attendants, and they are prominent in the plot’s unfolding. They help Eve plan and strategize, and they comfort her and try to help her out of her grief.

But what really happened to John? We don’t find out until almost the very last pages, and it’s really a shocking plot twist. I didn’t have it figured out before the reveal!

I recommend this one for those who love solving mysteries!

Four intriguing stars for this book!

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After picking out wedding rings, Eve gets separated from her fiance while trying to catch the train home. After waiting at the station near their house with no sight of John, she heads home to wait for him. Except John never shows. While the premise of the book was intriguing, the poor editing and run on sentences made it a difficult read.

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Eve and her fiancé, John, spent the day shopping for wedding rings. Afterwards, the couple heads to the trains station to take the tube back home. Only John does not get on the tube. But where did he go? He was right behind Eve and then vanished into thin air. Nobody knows where he went. Eve is confused and terrified, desperate to find answers.

I was slightly disappointed with this one - I was expecting a much faster paced and exciting read. Rather, it was a very average slow-burn. It was also quite predictable, which took away a lot of the suspense. This book is classified as a psychological thriller, but it lacked any sort of thrill. I would definitely classify this book as a drama, instead. I still enjoyed the plot, but I was just looking for a little more. Finally, I did not really care for any of the characters. By the end of the book, I had zero investment in any of the characters.

Thank you Joffe Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was just meh for me. It bills itself as a psychological thriller, but I didn’t feel that much thrill. And that “shocking final twist”? Again…meh. Not that shocking. And frankly, pretty frustrating, too. There is no resolution.

The premise was interesting: Eve’s fiancé, who was right behind her as they got on the Tube from wedding ring shopping, vanishes. We see Eve’s progression as she discovers secrets he’d been keeping and works through the various stages of grief. Each time she starts to accept that he’s really gone, something happens—his watch goes missing, a picture of them disappears—and she begins to hope again.

There is a second narrative voice, that of whoever is messing with Eve, and it is a threatening one. Breadcrumbs are dropped for us to figure out who it is, but it doesn’t seem to answer the question: Where did he go?

Eve has to deal with a lot of guilt as she picks up the pieces and moves on with her life. She’s not always a very good friend. She has problems at her job. She feels guilty when she buys a house with the money they had saved together.

The way the narrative is set—as if she is actually talking to John, telling him all that is happening. It’s an interesting device, always talking to “you”, but I’m not sure I liked it.

Possible Objectionable Material:
Drinking, sex (not described in detail), mind-games, swearing (including the F-word), recovery from trauma.

Who Might Like This Book:
Those who like trying to solve a mystery, especially a missing-person story.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for my opinion.

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The story begins with Eve and John after they have purchased their wedding rings and are ready to take the train back home. They have to run if they are going to make the train and Eve is out of breath when she finally makes it just before the doors close. As she turns around to look at her fiancée she sees that he is still on the platform and acknowledges that she will have to wait at the next tube stop so he can catch up. Train after train goes by with no sight of John. Eve heads home believing that they have somehow missed each other. As the hours slip by, Eve becomes increasingly worried and files a missing persons report. This story was by no means a quick read but the ending will definitely stay with you. I thank Netgalley and Joffe Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Eve's Fiancé John suddenly goes missing, this book is directed towards John about the aftermath. There is just a lot going on throughout the book so you keep guessing or second guessing yourself. And then we get our twist that really takes the book to that next level and you think oh but wait is there more? Yes there was more!

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After a day of wedding ring shopping Eve’s fiancé John goes missing. Eve wants to find him and is convinced he’s still alive even as time goes on. The story focuses on finding John and also Eve trying to deal with his disappearance as her friends are getting engaged and married. The book drug on in the middle but had an exciting ending.

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A bit if a slow burn but once it got going and I got I to it then I flew through it in a day! It's one of those scenarios that utterly fascinating and I loved getting to the bottom of what had happened. Its well written and really to read. The plot kept moving forward and I couldnt guess who was behind it or what had happened until the author very kindly re ealed all lol. I had absolutely no clue where the plot was going and loved the journey the book took me on

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This was a very suspensful read, as soon as I started reading I was hooked right away and didn't want to put it down until I found out what happened.

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Oh WOW! I absolutely loved this book. I was hooked from the first page to the last. The writing was very good and I felt I got to know the characters. I was surprised by the ending. I think this is a debut novel. I will definitely be looking for any future books by this author.

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This was an ok quick read. I wasnt blown away but neither was i hating it. more indifferent really but dont let that put you off. I read in less than a day and enjoyed what i read.

thank you for the opportunity to review

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3.5 stars. This is one of those stories that has a great setup, but when you get to the destination you're kind of disappointed. There were great thriller-y aspects making you, as the reader, apprehensive, on edge, and maybe a wee bit skeered!!! However, I realized that by the end I didn't even care what happened to the missing fiance. There are plenty of suspects and suspicious behaviors. I'm not sure you will be able to narrow down who could be behind all the happenings, at least I wasn't able. When all is said and done I did not care for how things wrapped up.

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Yes I did enjoy this book, it was a great story thanks netgalley for giving me a copy go this interesting story.

My fiancée John was wearing a red tracksuit top and his hair was long and floppy the last time I saw him.
We had an amazing day in London buying our wedding rings and talking about the wedding.
I managed to jump. Onto our Train just in time buf John did not make it but not concerned he will catch the next one or the next one but John was not on any train, by now I was getting very worried and knew the only person to call was my very best friend Jess.
We had been friends for ever and I could tell Jess anything, she was always there to support me but not this time.
Where was John, He’s Gone..

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He’s Gone By Rebecca Collomosse is a debut for this author and she had a great twist at the end that I was not expecting at all. It starts off with Eve and John shopping for wedding rings. Eve makes the train and John doesn’t. Did he disappear? Is he on another train? This kept me glued until the end. Looking forward to her next thriller. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

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You had brought me tea and scrambled eggs in bed, we snuggled together, talking about buying our rings, then about our wedding later next year. Then we had chosen our rings. You held my hand and gazed thoughtfully at the ring I liked best, a smile spreading slowly over your face. Then champagne at Selfridges to celebrate. We talked about the beautiful lilac flowers I had chosen for the wedding, the number of bottles of wine we had bought for the day and if we needed more. I felt flushed, excited, content. We race to get the train home. It screams to a halt and I run towards the open doors. I think you're right behind me - but when I turn around, you're gone.

This story has a slow pace. Why would your fiancé disappear on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your lives. The story is a bit confusing to begin with, but once I got past that, I was hooked, There are parts that are quite predictable, and I did not like any of the characters, but I enjoyed the plot.

Published 11th July 2024

I would like to thank #NetGalley #JoffeBooks and the author #RebeccaCollomosse for my ARC of #HesGone in exchange for an honest review.

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Eve and John are getting on the Tube after buying their wedding rings. In the hustle an bustle, Eve gets on the Tube, but John doesn’t. Eve finally heads home to wait for John. But, he doesn’t come home – the hours turn to days to weeks. But, someone seems to be entering Eve’s flat – moving things, taking things. Could it be John? Or is someone else out to get Eve.

The beginning was good, the middle was slow and the end left me hanging. I mean, it was a good ending, I just wanted some closure.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy. I was engaged throughout this book and invested in Eve's story. I have mixed feelings about the inclusion of paragraphs from the perspective of the perpetrator. Although they were well-written and added to the intrigue, they gave away the identity well before the end. I did feel the climax was rushed, but the final twists were shocking.

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