Member Reviews

One Last Summer is a great beach read! The characters are fun, lovable and it's set at a beach town in North Carolina. Who wouldn't want to spend your summers at the beach? Emerson is a strong, determined, career-minded, college student, but she can't see the forest for the trees. She's the person you want in your corner. Peyton is a surfer girl here to have a good time. She loves the ladies, but she loves surfing more. Then we have Alice, sweet adorable Alice. She is the quiet one who observes from the side, but is loyal and hard working. She has goals and has been knocked down, yet she trudges on. Mix all of them together and you have the perfect mix of drama and a great roller coaster of a beach boardwalk ride. Great story, great characters. I want to slide into a bar stool, order a drink from Alice and watch the shenanigans.

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The story is told from Emerson's point of view, in which she navigates spending the summer with her Aunt and Uncle in a small town away from her family. She is forced to juggle her job at the Sandpiper, her growing feelings for her coworker Alice, her complicated past with Peyton, and her decision about what to do with her future begins to way on her with each passing day.

I found Emerson to be an extremely relatable character, someone who wants to have a break from her regular life, have a little fun, yet is willing to work hard for what she wants and fight for the people that matter in her life. Her struggle was felt as she began to get closer to Alice but also didn’t want to give up her dream of going to Paris for her dream internship. Alice also grew on me too. You could tell she was definitely jealous of Peyton from the start, but was able to be patient and wait for her chance to be with the girl she was meant to be with. Cool, surfer, with an Australian accent, who knows how to cook and mix drinks, I mean, how could you not fall in love with her?!!!

Peyton was an interesting character, I would have loved to have learned more about her backstory and maybe even a future story about her and the girl from the Aquarium. The love triangle was well handled and I’m happy the outcome felt genuine and not forced or overdone with miscommunication. Emerson’s best friend Candice was super cute, hilarious, and supportive, and I just love that she calls her grandparents Me-Maw and Pop Pop. Becky was also an interesting character, didn’t really like her in the beginning, but once you know her story everything starts to make sense. Emerson’s parents and Aunt and Uncle seemed like fun and genuine people and especially accepting of Emerson and Alice.

I liked the ending but…. I wish there were a couple more chapters that went more into Emerson’s internship in Paris and Alice’s business in Australia and family dynamic. Maybe a couple of chapters from Alice’s point of view would have been helpful and would have added more depth to the story. The overall themes of personal growth, career-life balance, falling in love, friendship, and self-discovery/listening to your heart were well written which made this an absolute great summer read!

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Emerson Field only needs to do a last internship before finishing her architecture degree. While waiting to hear where she may be accepted in the fall she is back living at her aunt’s beach house and working the same waitressing job she had last summer. Last year she was fresh off a break up and started a friends with benefits relationship with Peyton, a marine biologist, who works at the local aquarium. Peyton is still around but she finds herself also being drawn to Alice Scott, a bartender at her work.

I remember that feeling of the unknown when finishing university. Does Emerson want to start something new when her dream job would take her to Paris? I appreciate how the author creates a possible love triangle but makes it work with no heartbreak or cheating. I love Alice and wish I got a little more of her family relationship other than she doesn’t want to be part of the family business. She seems more mature and is looking for something more than a fling. I like the laid back atmosphere of beach and surf life.

At just under 250 pages this is a short novel, and some parts felt repetitive. I get that work is a place where Alice and Emerson can interact but there were a lot of scenes set there. And the check ins with the all wise best friend felt formulaic. I think that while I found the entire story very sweet, I didn’t love Emerson. She is a nice person but very self centered, and who isn’t when they are a new adult. So while I’m marking down a little because I didn’t connect to the MC, I’m still rounding up because of the epilogue and the genuine sweetness of the novel. (3.5 Stars)

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i actually believe this will be my last summer if i keep yearn for what book characters have :/ but with that in mind this book was so enjoyable and fun to read while sitting on the beach * i am a setting girl apologies! PLEASE pick up this book full of love laughs and yearning.

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Thank you to Bold Strokes Books, Inc for the ARC! I have been reading a good amount of beach rom-coms back to back but this one didn't stand out in a positive or negative way to me. The MC's motivation seemed very shallow and I didn't get anything besides "Kiss Girls and Go To Paris". While the world was well built, I didn't feel much depth from the characters and their background.

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This was my first Kristin Keppler book and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I felt like she captured the Aussie spirit in Alice and the emerging maturity of Emerson.

Sitting reading this in the warmth of an Australian winters sun I could almost smell the sunscreen and beach, so could easily see how this will be a fantastic northern summers read. The story has interesting characters who you come to care for, through entertaining writing and great dialogue. Although it’s a familiar storyline, Keppler somehow makes it feel fresh, gives you plenty of “feelz’ and keeps you guessing. I highly recommend this sapphic romance and I look forward to read more from this author.

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Ah Alice, you had way more patience than me!

In this story, Emerson finds herself on a working holiday, eagerly awaiting news from a prestigious architecture firm about an internship. While the uncertainty brings a bit of stress, Emerson remains otherwise relaxed and rekindles her connection with local surfer Peyton. Despite not having deep feelings for Peyton, Emerson begins to sense something special with her co-worker, the charismatic Australian surfer Alice.

Alice, who has long harbored feelings for Emerson, sees this as her opportunity to take a chance on love.

Of all the characters, Alice stood out to me as the most endearing. Her loyalty and clarity about her desires made her particularly compelling. On the other hand, Emerson’s somewhat flippant attitude and transient feelings made her less relatable.

The depiction of surfing and Alice’s calm character painted a beautiful and engaging picture, enhancing the overall charm of the book.

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**3.75 Stars**

With the clock ticking down for Em's acceptance into her dream internship (a dream that's already cost Em her long term relationship) she decides to spend the summer with her extended family and take up her old part time job waitressing. She easily picks up her friends with benefit relationship with local player Payton but things get a lot more complicated she starts taking surfing lessons from a certain charming Australian bartender named Alice.

This was really cute! It took a little while for me to get into it and the different parts of the story felt slightly disconnected at first, however, it settled down nicely and made for a really nice beach town romance. This book would make a great little rom-com, pretty low stakes but enough heart to keep the reader caring about our main characters.

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This was my first book by this author and I enjoyed the beach summer read.

Emerson Fields in back in Bird's Neck, North Carolina for the summer after failing to get her dream internship. She picks up the same waitressing job she had before and her casual relationship with Peyton. All is going pretty good minus her stressing about being accepted for the fall internship at Bardot in Paris. She has to get another internship in order to graduate. Her best friend insists she should learn how to surf and she goes to her coworker Alice to learn. Instead she find so much more.

I enjoyed the premise and the buildup from their friendship to more. It was written well with good detail and backstories. I wish it hadn't just been in Emerson's POV as knowing Alice's would have helped the story better in my opinion.

Overall, a good summer book. I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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An excellent beach read! I low angst fun book with excellent strong characters!

Thank you for the opportunity to read it

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Working in North Carolina for the summer, Emerson Fields is trying not to think about the internship she applied for and is waiting to hear from.

Alice Scott, a Australian working with Emerson, ends up teaching her surfing.... and falling for her. But Emerson is ALSO seeing her 'friend with benefits' Peyton.

Didn't really grab me, nor did I really like the heroines much. Was a bit of a slog. Writing was competent, nothing really wrong just didn't engage me.

3 out of 5 stars.

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I loved this book and it's the perfect summer beach read! The dynamic between the characters was relatable and realistic. It's a book that treats self-discovery, chasing dreams, challenges, and love with care and grace. Kristin Keppler captivated me with her writing and I really felt like I got to know the characters as if they were my friends. Highly recommend!

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Title: One Last Summer

Author: Kristin Keppler

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: ★★★★☆
Release Date: 9th July 2024

Kristin Keppler’s "One Last Summer" is a delightful, heartwarming novel that captures the magic of summer, the thrill of new love, and the uncertainty of facing life’s big decisions. Set against the beautiful backdrop of a North Carolina beach town, this story is perfect for anyone looking for a fun and engaging summer read.

Emerson Fields is gearing up for what she hopes will be her last carefree summer before starting her dream internship at Bardot Design Studio in Paris. The catch? Her application hasn’t been accepted yet. With no backup plan, Emerson heads to North Carolina to stay with her aunt and uncle and return to her seasonal waitressing job.
Here, she resumes her no-strings-attached fling with local heartthrob Peyton Reilly.

To distract herself from the stress of waiting for Bardot's response, Emerson decides to learn how to surf and enlists the help of her coworker, Alice Scott. Unexpectedly, she finds herself falling for the charming Aussie surfer. As her casual relationship with Peyton continues, Emerson's feelings for Alice deepen, and she finds herself at a crossroads. Will she pursue her architectural dreams in Paris, continue her fling with Peyton, or follow her heart with Alice?

What I Loved:

1. Compelling Love Triangle: The dynamic between Emerson, Peyton, and Alice is wonderfully complex and engaging. The contrast between her casual fling with Peyton and her deeper connection with Alice adds a delightful tension to the story.
2. Surfing and Summer Vibes: The vibrant beach setting and Emerson’s surfing lessons bring an irresistible summer vibe to the story. The descriptions of the ocean, the thrill of catching waves, and the laid-back beach town life make for an immersive and relaxing read.
3. Relatable Protagonist: Emerson’s journey is relatable for anyone who has faced uncertainty about their future. Her struggles with career aspirations, romantic relationships, and personal growth are portrayed with authenticity and heart.
4. LGBTQ+ Representation: The budding romance between Emerson and Alice is handled with sensitivity and care. Their relationship is sweet, genuine, and a refreshing take on love and self-discovery.

Alice’s Aussie charm and her role as a surf instructor bring a fun and unique twist to the story. Her laid-back attitude and infectious love for the ocean add a refreshing dynamic to Emerson’s summer.

"One Last Summer" is a fun, heartfelt, and captivating read that perfectly captures the essence of a transformative summer. Kristin Keppler’s engaging writing style and well-drawn characters make this novel a joy to read. While Emerson’s path is filled with challenges and choices, her journey of self-discovery, love, and career aspirations is both relatable and inspiring.

The novel’s blend of summer romance, personal growth, and the thrill of chasing dreams makes it an ideal beach read. So, grab your sunglasses, find a cozy spot by the water, and dive into Emerson’s unforgettable last summer. You’ll be rooting for her at every turn, and you might just fall in love with the charming beach town and its colourful inhabitants along the way.

Thank you to The Publisher Bold Strokes Books, Inc. | BSB genre. ,The Author Kristin Keppler & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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One last Summer is a perfect summer read. 🌊

I enjoyed this book a lot, the characters and romance were so realistic.

Soon as I picked this book up I could not put down I’ve not read a book like this before and really enjoyed it. I finished one last summer in a couple of days because of how much I enjoyed it.

The way Keppler writes her characters are so realistic, so relatable and real.

I really enjoyed this book and I recommend it to everyone who is looking for a summer read because it’s the perfect summer romance ☀️

*Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for providing me this Arc in return for an honest review*

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Definitely enjoyed the summer romance! It made me want to be at the beach with my lover and so nostalgic for summertime! I fell in love with Alice as Emerson did! It was sweet and a bit spicy and a fun and light read.

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I really enjoyed this summer romance - it had great characters, a great setting and a bit of a more realistic spin on dating and relationships than a lot of books out there.

Emerson is spending what she hopes is her last summer in a North Carolina beach town. Not that she doesn't like it there, it's just that she is one internship away from graduating and starting her career as an architect. Her life-long dream has been to move to Paris and intern at the Bardot school but they rejected her summer application and she still hasn't heard back from them on a fall position either, which has made her a bit anxious. When she arrives back in town, she picks back up her casual relationship with Peyton, who she likes but feels like something is missing with and doesn't see a future with. Despite her fling with Peyton, she finds herself falling for Alice, her manager at the local restaurant she works at. Surfing lessons bring them closer together and she realizes what she was missing with Peyton as she falls for Alice. I loved Alice as a character - she was sweet, shy, funny and Australian!

I found the dynamic between the three women to be realistic but not trashy. There was mutual respect and genuine feelings all around, and like real life sometimes it just takes time to sort through those feelings. They do here, there is no cheating or scandal, and it makes for a bit of a fresh perspective on dating.

There is the underlying storyline of whether Emerson will get in to Bardot, would she even want to move to Paris if it means leaving Alice and the ever-present lack of communication - all of that comes to a head but the story still has it's happily ever after.

Definitely recommend this book - it was a fun and engaging read, and I recommend reading when you want a taste of the summer.

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Yay, a summer book! I loved it from start to finish. Don’t skip over this book. It’s a must read. Pick it up on publication day.

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This store is about Emerson’s journey to hopefully her dream job in Paris. Will this be her last Summer with her aunt and uncle? Wat girl will she end up with romantically? Sorry not my kind of book.

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This book was such a joy! I finished in just a few hours. Keppler has a way of writing characters like no other. They were so real and familiar it felt as if I knew them personally. I loved the setting and found this to be the perfect summer read.

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