Member Reviews

Several women are brought together in a cabin to catch a woman killer. Each woman has her own skill and we get to see into their lives. The killer is connecting these killings with the Salem Witch Trails.
Thanks to the publisher Bold Strokes Books and to Netgalley for the ARC.

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A serial killer is on the loose in Salem Massachusetts and the local Sheriff’s office is being aided by the FBI’s best investigators. The combined task force offers us two budding romances that take center stage for most of the novel. Between the romances and the killings the brisk pacing of the story never lets up although it never dips deep into either.
The mystery itself is confined by the limited choices offered by the author. The revelation at the end is anticlimactic because of this.
Undercurrent is underwhelming unfortunately for true mystery buffs.

I received an advance review copy from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley.  I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was a hard book to get through. It was so slow and boring that I had to take frequent breaks throughout.

The book felt so rushed halfway through answering the dialogue was so bad between the characters. I wanted more backstories on each agent. I wanted more about the murders and more on Salem.
I hated the smut/romance aspect. It was not needed at all. Maybe if it was left out then the focus could have been more on the story.

The ending was so bad. Some of the choices the agents made were very questionable. I was very disappointed and not at all what I expected based on the description.

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Something about this book didn’t click for me…the first couple of chapters just rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn’t get in to it. If I had to put my finger on it I would say the introduction of so many main characters at once made it difficult to follow along in the story. I
However I have enjoyed this author in the past so I will continue to read and recommend her books.

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Very enjoyable read. Romance, mystery takes place in Salem, Ma .. The character's are likable and interesting. Would like another book with these characters to get to know Marlene and Darcy better.

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This was an enjoyable mystery/romance which was well written. A lot lighter than the description implies. It wasn't totally to my taste as I prefer my stories without romance but I finished it and enjoyed.

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This was a fast paced, and interesting book to read. The connection between the main characters was quick and strong. Each character had something to contribute to this story and I enjoyed getting to know them all, and I love how the friendships blossomed between all the ladies ,and how everyone was involved with helping to solve a serial killer case. The romance was great, but the murder mystery was what kept me reading. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and family and I look forward to what's next from this author

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And all female, all queer, team of law enforcement coming together to track down a serial killer in Salem connected to the witch trials. This book literally sounded like it was made for me and I was SO excited to get into it!

Overall I enjoyed it, the characters were all great, there was good banter and light moments, the romance was cute, the rep was amazing, and the crime aspects and twists were all enjoyable. I think my biggest let down was really the development within the book.

I'm a sucker for found family and people coming together, and our group had that by the end, but it didn't feel earned. They were all such interesting characters but it felt like we hardly got to know them. We got a cute romance between two leads and I WANTED to care about them but it felt like they didn't even know each other. At 255 pages I think if we had gotten closer to 400 we could have spent that time really exploring each of the six leads, their dynamics together and then the romance too.

As a few other reviews have mentioned I would LOVE for this to be the first in the series and to see Tala and Wilder again on another case in the future.

Realistically this was 3.5 stars, but I did enjoy it so I feel like it deserves to be rounded up instead of down!

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This was funner that the blurb implies. A lighter romantic suspense for people with an an interest in police/FBI procedurals and the Witch Trials.

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This read was interesting as well as surprising and one of those reasons is the number of characters. As interesting as the characters were, it was a challenge at times to keep track of the various characters. There is a serial killer in Salem Harbor, Massachusetts. Agent Tala Marshall is brought in to assist Detective Wilder Mason. Darcy Norse, Maren James, LJ Hooper and Brenda Trobaugh are also brought in. All lesbians which was a pleasant surprise. Salem Witch Trials of 1692 is also a part of the read. FOOD! Sure there was a case to solve but relationship issues and food is also a major part of the story. Not just any type of food but restaurant quality food. Entertaining read, yes.

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In this Sapphic romantic suspense novel a team of female FBI agents, including a profiler, and a local police chief gather together at a cabin to solve a string of murder happening in Salem, Massachusetts and catch a serial killer.
As the story unfolds they also deal with their personal demons. Two of the women share an attraction and strong chemistry with each other. This becomes the main storyline with the serial killer arc being more of a subplot.
I enjoyed the book and liked the characters.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the arc. I leave this review voluntarily

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the eARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is a mystery with romance. This was not for me, but I did finish the book. I enjoyed the mystery but not so much the romance. I makes me sad that there is still so much prejudice in the world. It was fun to see an all female task force. Lots of different personalities. For me this was just ok. I did enjoy reading about Salem, MA. 3 stars

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This is one of those books that you start reading, thinking "I’ll try a couple of chapters just to see what it’s like…" then realise you’re still reading several hours later. The plot involves a six woman task force set up to find a serial killer. This is Salem and the belief is that the killer is linking the modern murders back to the witch trials. The six women live in a 3 bedroom cabin owned by local police chief Wilder Mason.

Credibility is stretched in that the entire task force is female and lesbian, but really it doesn’t matter. This is a fast paced, well written narrative which has several funny bits and a lot of angst. The six women are very different and the way they change and develop and learn to trust each other is nicely handled.

I haven’t read anything else by this author but I’m hoping she writes more crime novels. I’ll certainly be watching out for her next book.

I was given a copy of this book by NetGalley

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A special task force of female FBI agents are assigned to a case in Salem, Ma, to catch a serial killer. They are staying in a remote cabin, allowing them to work closely together and get to know each other pretty well. There is a lot more to this story than just your typical thriller- there is romance, witty banter, and some spice.

If you are interested in the Salem Witch trials, murder mysteries and shows like Criminal Minds, then I recommend reading this! I really liked the character dynamic of the story and the personal growth seen between some of the characters- as well as the romance. This is told between several different POV’s, but I never had any problems keeping up. Overall, I really enjoyed this!

Read if you like:
Murder Mystery
Witty banter
Found family

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

In “Undercurrent,” Patricia Evans masterfully intertwines historical intrigue with a gripping modern-day murder mystery. 

The story begins with a bang as bodies start washing up on the shores of Salem Harbor. The urgency is palpable as Tala, a profiler, alongside local detective Wilder Mason, races against time to decode the clues and stop the killer before they strike again. The pacing is relentless, keeping readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. 

Tala Marshall is a standout protagonist. Her journey from a troubled childhood to becoming the nation’s best profiler is inspiring and heart-wrenching. Her partnership with Wilder Mason adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. Wilder, with his deep-rooted belief in the connection between the murders and the Salem Witch Trials, brings a unique perspective that complements Tala’s analytical approach. 

“Undercurrent” delves into themes of generational trauma, the quest for justice, and the struggle between past and present. The historical references to the Salem Witch Trials serve as a haunting reminder of the past’s influence on the present. 

Evans’ writing is crisp and evocative. She paints vivid pictures of the eerie Salem Harbor and the tense atmosphere within the task force’s remote log cabin. Her ability to blend historical elements with contemporary crime-solving techniques sets this book apart from typical thrillers. 

“Undercurrent” is a compelling read that will appeal to fans of both historical fiction as well as mysteries.

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Another serial killer is on the loose, killing people without leaving a clue. FBI agents, profilers, were quickly called in. Finding the murderer was their job. They all knew how to go about finding home. Luckily all the agents amassed are all lesbians, including one married couple.
Actually a great read if you like mysteries and lots of action. Very, very enjoyable read.
ARC via NetGalley/Bella Books

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I recently finished the book "Undercurrent" and overall, I enjoyed it. However, I wouldn't categorize it as a thriller. The story felt more like a romance involving FBI agents and the local chief of police who were also pursuing a serial killer. The ending did have some thrilling moments, but I was left with many unanswered questions. I was able to guess the identity of the killer early on, although there was a good red herring thrown in. I did like the characters and found each of them to have a great personality. I wish there had been more focus on the character Darcey and her abilities as they piqued my interest. In general, the book left me wanting more, especially in terms of the murder investigation. It felt like there wasn't enough time spent on that aspect. If you're interested in a romance with a secondary serial killer plot, this book might be for you. However, if you're looking for a straightforward serial killer thriller, you might want to pass on this one. Despite my reservations, I would be interested in reading another book featuring these women.

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In a world where things are equal—there might be a task force of all women. In this world, at least we can have it in fiction. I did like the contrasting personalities of the women. It made for fun and humorous interactions amongst them.

And I really was surprised at the resolution to the mystery! No, never give spoilers. It was an interesting plot to try to decipher and I’m glad it took as long as it did.

I think the only thing I found distracting were a few inconsistencies as it went along. Things that would be easy for an editor to identify. I would expect more from this publisher. That said, it was an enjoyable bunch of characters and storyline. Just sayin’.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for providing this book for my review consideration—opinions here are mine and mine alone.

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In Undercurrent by Patricia Evans, an all-female task force of FBI specialists was assembled to work with the Salem chief of police and hunt down a serial killer. I am not overly knowledgeable about police procedures, so I cannot comment on the accuracy, but I did find it mostly believable and interesting. I enjoyed getting to know the characters, who quickly grew to care about one another and formed a solid found-family unit. Each member had their strengths and purpose. Probably the most unbelievable part to me was that the crew was all female and all lesbians. I loved it though. Couplings happened during the intense investigation. There was a nice balance of sweet and spicy. I am familiar with Salem, and I enjoyed reading about a location I have visited. That and the link to the historical witch trials was an immediate sell for me, although I wish the history had a more prominent role in the case. The seriousness of the serial killer theme was lightened by comic relief through witty dialogue and team dynamics. I didn't feel like the stakes were very high even though there was some suspense and a fun twist at the end. Some of the characters could have used a little more development but it is clear where the focus was, and it wasn't a huge issue for me. It was a quick and entertaining read with some endearing characters who are mature in their interactions. I recommend this book and will read more by this author. I am giving this one a 3.75 rounded up.
#graphicviolence #sapphic #policeprocedural #salem #massachusetts #witchtrials #smalltown #maturecharacters #murder #HEA #comicrelief #wittybanter

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I love mysteries. I love thrillers. I love lesbians. So I really wanted to love this book. It’s a task force made up of sapphics trying to catch a serial killer. But I found this story difficult to get into. There’s two different romances occurring and an existing couple. But because this book is so short, in my opinion, we don’t spend enough time with any of the characters for them to feel fully fleshed out or have their arcs fully develop.

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