Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley and Aunt Lute Books for a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review!

2.4 stars

While I didn't absolutely hate this book, I didn't like it very much either. One major complaint I have is that many of the stories seemed intent on pitting two girls against each other. Like I thought we as a society had moved past the one-dimensional mean girl trope 😭. There were a few stories in the middle that were very short and seemed to be there just to take up space and provide needless shock value. In all, I didn't see many themes explored beyond the surface-level, and it seemed like many of the ambiguous endings were put in simply because there wasn't a clear resolution to the story. In terms of character, I can't fault the book too much because the medium of a short story necessitates somewhat sparse detail. However, most of the protagonists were just kind of annoying and I couldn't get behind their paper-thin motivations. Plot-wise, a majority of the stories had decent progression, but as mentioned earlier, failed to wrap up conclusively (or even just in a way that doesn't feel like a cop-out). The story I liked most was Wishing Well with an honorable mention given to Etta.

- 3/5 stars- it kind of went all over the place and then didn't wrap up super cohesively. Also the stuff about her father like what 😭😭. Theme-wise, I thought it was okay, but plot-wise some of it felt convoluted and aimless.

Urban Wendy
- 3.5/5 stars- Lol that was lowkey kinda fun. A bit short though. With an ambiguous ending.

- 4/5 stars- I liked this one!! It was fun and the main character actually made sense. I liked the plot progression and the ending. It felt like everyone got what's was coming to them.

Family Line
- 2/5 stars- The characters were actually insane lol. Love that for them but it didn't feel realistic. The buildup of tension from the very beginning was good though.

Doll Seed
- 3.5/5 stars- This poor doll 😭😭. I thought this would be scarier than it was but it was really just quite sad.

The Curl
- 3/5 stars- The author did a good job of making both characters at least somewhat sympathetic, like I felt bad for Chelsea. Jessa was kind of whiny and annoying though.

Wishing Well
- 4.5/5 stars- Absolutely my favorite in the whole anthology. The story of Deena made me feel so incredibly sad and then happy and everything wrapped up nicely.

Grinding Disney
- 0/5 stars- What the actual frick. No. Just no.

Slots Hold
- 1/5 stars- I don't get it. What was the point?

The Lineup
- 1/5 stars- Is there supposed to be a meaning atp??? It feels like these tiny paragraphs (because they're not stories, they're just paragraphs) were written to take up space.

Miss Black
- 4/5 stars- Lowkey a vibe. I would be down if it were to happen to me. Or maybe that's just a sign that I read too much wish-fulfillment lol

Invisible Son
- 3/5 stars- This poor kid. I liked the framing device. Although I wish that last *object* was foreshadowed a bit more

Employee Guide
- 3.5/5 stars- It was wholesome. I quite liked this one. The inclusion of the billy goats was a cute touch

And They Will Rise
- 2.5/5 stars- Well it was a story. I suppose I just don't really like stories about super naïve heroines. Like I don't buy her motivations and why she stayed with him for as long as she did.

Cemetery Sisters
- 3/5 stars- It was okay. I didn't hate it but didn't love it. The ending was nice I guess. It's sort of a cop-out though.

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This isn't a full review but based on my access to the first two stories I rate at 4 stars. Will be reading more on full release.

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I’m not sure if it was a damaged file or not but I only got the first two stories and a couple of pages of the third one so unable to give a review on the complete collection. The first story Nussia, I really enjoyed and would’ve given 4 stars. The second story Urban Wendy wasn’t as engaging for me so would’ve given 2 so based on the two stories I did get to read would average out to a 3 but obviously without reading the rest of the book hard to say whether it would be more hits or misses.

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Doll Seed: Stories by Michele Tracy Berger
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 6 August 2024

In this collection, Berger invites readers into a world where the boundaries of reality are pushed and prodded. Each of the fifteen stories is a journey into the unknown, exploring themes of freedom and sacrifice, trust and betrayal, otherness, and the quest for safety.

Enter the world of Marisol, a budding jeweller haunted by a fast-food icon that refuses to fade from memory. Follow the journey of Chevella, a self-aware doll navigating 1950s America, unexpectedly thrust into the heart of the Civil Rights Movement. Experience the life of Lindsay, a young Black girl in 1970s America, whose family's existence takes a surreal twist when she "wins" an extraterrestrial in a national competition. Feel the tension between sisters Chelsea and Jessa as they confront the implications of a mysterious child who disrupts their family dynamic. And witness the pandemonium unleashed when a magical forest becomes host to a meat grinder, triggering unforeseen and extraordinary consequences.

What sets Berger's collection apart is her ability to craft memorable female characters of colour who confront both physical and psychic challenges with grace and resilience. Her prose is infused with exquisite tenderness, drawing readers into worlds where the fantastic and the familiar intertwine seamlessly.

For those who crave imaginative storytelling that pushes boundaries and explores the complexities of identity and existence, Michele Tracy Berger's debut is a beacon. It celebrates diversity, challenges conventions, and promises an unforgettable journey through realms where imagination knows no bounds.

If you're a fan of authors like Octavia Butler, Dean Koontz, or Kelly Link, Michele Tracy Berger's debut short story collection is a must-read. Bursting with creativity and depth, these speculative tales span across genres including sci-fi, contemporary fantasy, weird fiction, horror, and magical realism.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Aunt Lute Books, and the author, Michele Tracy Berger, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Unfortunately I attempted to download this ARC many times and was only given the first 66 pages. Despite this, what I read was wonderful! Very much looking forward to the release so I am able to finish it.

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Absolutely loved this!!

PInter, Beckett and Gabriel Garcia Marquez are super authors bringing us the theatre of the absurd with their short stories and novellas - Berger appears to be a similar sort of master in this collection of short stories.

They are weirdly wonderful and end in a way that leaves you craving more!

So grateful for the opportunity for this ARC and to be able to share my opinion. If you like sci-fi with a hint of horror then give this a read. You won't be disappointed!!

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