Member Reviews

TV Journalist Hollie has made a living from investigating Bad Medicine and her documentary series sets out to expose dodgy clinics and their owners who prey on the weak and vulnerable.

She's recently been hearing plenty about Ariel Rose and her ice therapy clinic hidden away in the Swiss Alps so when she gets an invite to visit and see for herself she isn't likely to refuse.

Impeccable scene setting and compelling narrative made this an intriguing read from start to finish. The narrative switches between three main characters each of them slowly but surely adding to the level of intrigue.

It was a fast paced, easy read that I flew through. It was intense, well plotted and had a knock out ending. Definitely recommended.

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Reeling from a loss, Hollie is hell bent on exposing wellness guru Ariel Rose in her Bad Medicine docuseries.

Supposedly, the three-day Ice Retreat heals pain by subjecting the body to dangerously low temperatures. However, too many ‘patients’ are taking their lives in the aftermath and another is missing.

In the meantime, flashbacks of a patient called Florence suggest at least one visitor is under duress.

When Hollie is unexpectedly invited to the retreat after another outburst online, she and cameraman Reza take the opportunity to investigate.

Either Hollie is right and there is more to the retreat than meets the eye, putting them in danger, or she’ll continue to unravel out of control.

A game of cat and mouse in the icy wilderness.

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A really dark and forboding story I was hooked right from the beginning and totally invested in uncovering this mystery. Pretty claustrophobic and scary at times with a unique set of characters. Loved it xx

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 The Ice Retreat by Ruth Kelly is an absolute page-turner that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The story expertly blends suspense, mystery, and psychological tension as Hollie Jenson navigates the eerie and treacherous world of a remote wellness retreat. Kelly's vivid descriptions and gripping narrative make the icy setting come alive, adding an extra layer of chill to the unfolding drama. With twists and turns at every corner, this book is perfect for fans of thrillers that keep you guessing until the very end. A must-read!

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I found this to be pretty slow for the first half. Then the second half flew by.
This made me take a while to get invested in this. But once I did I couldn't put it down.

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What a waste of reading time. This book took so long to say so little that I wondered if it would ever end. Luckily, it did, but not before boring me senseless with a lot of 2D characters in a plot that could have been so much better.
Don't waste your time ploughing through it...the ending isn't worth the wait.

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Firstly a big thank you to the publisher for my early access . I read one of Ruth’s previous books on holiday last year so was eager to read this .
Addictive ,compelling and chilling in more ways than the temperature.
Fast paced and unpredictable this will have you hooked to uncover the truth …
Really good atmospheric thriller

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This is tense and chilling. I read it in one go , it’s so entertaining and I was hooked from the first chapter

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From the very first page of "The Ice Retreat," I was thrust into a chilling thriller that kept my heart racing and my mind spinning with anticipation. Ruth Kelly masterfully weaves a tale set against the backdrop of an icy retreat that promises miraculous healing methods under the guise of wellness but hides a darker reality.
The protagonist, Hollie Jenson, is spot on as the host of “Bad Medicine”, a docu-series that exposes questionable medical practices. I found myself resonating with Hollie's scepticism about wellness retreats, especially one that offers a daring ice rebirth treatment. On a mission not only to unravel the truth but also to find a missing boy who attended the retreat, Hollie’s journey led her into an eerie Swiss mountain landscape that set the perfect stage for suspense.
As I followed Hollie into the depths of the retreat, the atmosphere took on a life of its own. The setting—an old observatory converted into a wellness centre—was beautifully sinister, creating a palpable sense of dread. I could almost feel the cold creeping in, not only from the ice but because of the secrets lurking within those walls. Kelly expertly captured that feeling of isolation, making my pulse quicken with every turn of the page.
What I truly appreciated was the multiple perspectives that Kelly employs. Each character brings a unique voice and adds layers to the unfolding mystery. This narrative style kept me guessing throughout — just when I thought I had it figured out, a new twist would emerge, making me question everything I believed. It was a thrilling ride, filled with revelations that had me on the edge of my seat.
And let me tell you, the conclusion was both perplexing and jaw-dropping. I’d be lying if I said I predicted the finale; it completely blindsided me! It was the kind of ending that made you rethink everything leading up to it, and while I found it slightly befuddling at times, it was also incredibly satisfying to piece together the various threads of the story.
Hollie’s scientific background as she confronts the bizarre practices of the retreat resonated deeply with me. Her determination to expose the truth—whether it be a fraud or something more sinister, possibly cult-like—drove the narrative forward, and I couldn't help but root for her every step of the way.
Overall, "The Ice Retreat" captivated me with its eerie ambience, intriguing plot, and well-developed characters. As I raced towards the finish line, my adrenaline surged, and I couldn't help but feel the thrill of the chase alongside Hollie. Ruth Kelly has crafted a compelling thriller that satisfies every craving for a mystery with a rich backdrop and unanticipated twists.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for the ARC

A bone-chilling and tense thriller. Set in the ice mountains of Austria this book takes the isolated setting to a new level. I thought the Netflix documentarist protagonist was a clever way to explore and navigate the novel. There were multiple twists I never saw coming. Suspenseful and thrilling

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Thank you Netgalley for my copy.

I enjoyed this book. I recently finished another of Kelly's books and it was enjoyable so I was pleased to find that this one was just as good, in fact, I enjoyed it more but I always love a cold destination thriller anyway. Gimme Switzerland or Norway in any form and I'm in! Anyway, I liked the idea of this and the way it felt culty from the description, which is another guilty reading pleasure of mine.

Hollie, the FMC annoyed me most of the way through. I wanted to slap her for the way she treated people (particularly love/ lust interests. Also, Martyn was probably supposed to come off as sweet and endearing but really he struck me as insidious, entitled and basically one Google search away from full on inceldom.

Overall, good read. Looking forward to reading more by Kelly.

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The Ice Retreat is an intense, fast paced, chilling (pun intended), and highly entertaining thriller.

I loved the unique premise based on an extreme wellness trend in a frozen and inhospitable area of Austria. The writing was gripping and had me sitting on the edge of my seat, my heart racing. The mountainous wellness ‘lair’ felt almost like another character, and the twists (and more shocking revelations) of the story kept me guessing at who I could trust. I’d highly recommend for fans of psychological thrillers (with an almost sci fi undertone) particularly fans of Lisa Jewell, Ruth Ware or Sarah Pearse.

Thank you Pan Macmillan and NetGalley for a copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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Oh this was fab!

A Netflix documentary star investigates an influencer’s ice retreat which promises a life free from pain, using her innovative ice bath treatment. Several people have gone missing or have taken their own lives since experiencing the retreat.

The book was tense, the central characters not especially likeable but it did add to the drama and I enjoyed the premise.

It was a good atmospheric, pacey read. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Ruth Kelly's The Ice Retreat is a bizarre and far-fetched thriller that worked for me because the originality of its premise made it stand out from the many, many others set in isolated, snowy locations. Hollie is a TV journalist who specialises in exposing dangerous 'wellness' fads. She decides to target a retreat in the Swiss alps that promises to cure chronic pain and trauma through ice bath plunges and intensive therapy. A boy who recently went to the retreat in the hope of curing his fibromyalgia has gone missing, and his mother doesn't believe the retreat's story that he went travelling after being cured. What is really going on up in the mountains? I enjoyed the setting and the two timelines but at first, the retreat felt a little tame - bathing at low temperatures is hardly extreme risk territory. Fortunately, the plot develops past this, and although it's all a bit silly, it's a fun ride. 3.5 stars.

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A highly addictive, could be read in one sitting kinda book. An emotionally unstable investigative journalist for a Netflix docuseries is on the hunt for answers. We are unsure as to why she’s so desperate until quite a way through the book. I wasn’t expecting the little twist at the end. All in all, a highly enjoyably thrilling ride.

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This was my first book by Ruth Kelly but the concept intrigued me. Having read this book, I will be looking up her previous books. It was a real page-turner and I could not stop reading towards the end. I read until way too late into the night. Having been recently to Austria, the author captured the world on top of such a mountain so well. This remoteness, the quiet, the peacefulness paired with the threat of the abyss. At this altitude, there seems to be no end when you look down. The plot was fast-paced and the characters were well developed. If anything I feel the book could have been a bit longer, which is a sign of great writing.
I would love to see this book made into a movie or Netflix mini-series. I would love to see the ice retreat.
There was a great number of twists I did not see coming. I wished the end would have been a bit more developed. I feel I have some questions left. I hope the author considers writing further books with Holly as a main character. Maybe as a prequel?

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What a book I couldn't put it down. Awesome read

Thank you for the opportunity to review

5 stars

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Love a book where the place and the weather are almost like characters. I think it was well written if a little different. But well worth a read and has many threads.

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A fast paced intense thriller that I really enjoyed.
It was interesting and I really loved the whole concept
I enjoyed the setting too
Loved the characters and finding out back stories their secrets and lies.

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This is a well written fast paced book with a great twist at the end.
The premise is really interesting - investigation of a wellness retreat which seems to be linked to deaths and disappearances. The main character Hollie is selfish and obsessed in her pursuit of her story, and the truth turns out to be confusing and weird. This is where it lost me to be honest. The book seemed to want to be too many different things, each good individually but all put together felt too much.

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