Member Reviews

I loved every single second of this fabulous book. The story is 100% addictive, engrossing me, the characters wonderf and relatable , a highly recommended read

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Returning to the the World of Raybearer, this is a story of self-discovery, Afrofuturism, and romance, set against a richly imagined backdrop of magic, class consciousness, and empowerment.

I absolutely adored the Raybearer duology, so my excitement for this standalone, which directly addresses the aftermath of the events in the duology, was sky-high. Small Sade was a character crafted with beauty and a respectful portrayal of her disabilities. The Crocodile character was also a delight; I felt they complemented each other well, but the Gecko stole my heart!

The narrative weaves a tale of finding one's place in the world, the concept of chosen family, animal companions, the blurred lines between humans and gods, and romance. It's a robust YA fantasy read.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'The Maid and the Crocodile' by Jordan Ifueko.

'The Maid and the Crocodile' is the newest standalone by Jordan Ifueko set in the world of 'Raybearer' and my goodness am I happy to be back in this universe. It's been a while since I read that duology but luckily you don't need any prior knowledge of the series to read this. Ifueko's storytelling always feels to regal and beautiful to me and this was no exception. Masterpiece.

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There are so many excellent aspects to this story and I could talk about it for hours.
In a nutshell, we have:
Disability rep
Found/built family
Speaking up
And all in the world of Raybearer and Redemptor which I was desperate to go back to. Normally when I end a review with 'Please let us go back!' I never expect the author to actually do it. But Jordan did! And we have this gorgeous story now.

While I think having read Raybearer and Redemptor adds to the details and background of this story, you don't have to have read them so it is perfect for fans of the series and new readers.

I loved the different varieties of spirit silt/creatures, grief-gnats, ambition-spores, envy-beetles, egorust, guiltworms, joy-moths. The narrative of Sade telling us the story as we're a part of it, which becomes clear later as to why that is but up until then it just adds to the feel of the story. Sade is telling us her story, rather than just us reading about it or your usual first-person narrative. And throughout were these sprinkles of other fantasy stories that are so beloved.

I think Jordan wrote a timeless book in The Maid and the Crocodile. There are always ants and Giants and the ants have a voice, even when they think they don't. I loved Sade and her heart breaking but triumphant story was exactly what I needed.

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🐊The Maid and The Crocodile🐊

by @jordanifueko !

I really enjoyed this book, the story was so unique and the characters were incredibly well written and individual.
I loved how different cultures were represented within the novel and how the story focused on how someone in a lower social class might really feel about the structure of their society. the relationship between the maid and the crocodile was really interesting and I really enjoyed reading how their own class experiences affected it initially and as it developed!

I really liked as well that even though this novel was set within an existing world that I didn't feel I had to have read the other books in order to understand it. there was subtle points of exposition throughout that let me understand how the world was structured without being overwhelming or confusing. it has intrigued me and ill definitely be adding the other books in the series to my tbr!

thank you to netgalley for giving me this e-arc!

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I’m so glad we got to return to this amazingly crafted world! This is such a heartwarming story and I really loved Sade and The Crocodiles character development.

The narrator for the audiobook was fabby, so highly recommend listening to that.

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This !!!!!!! book !!!!!!

I could ramble about how incredible every little detail of this book is for hours. Theres so much expression in the smallest of things. I have no idea how to put my all admiration for this book into words.

I don’t know where to start so I will start with Clemeh. Clemeh is a gecko, a pawn for powerful people, no one sees Clemeh as more than a use until Small Sade. Small Sade is my favourite protagonist ever. She’s so real, she has pain, and pride, and most of all compassion. This is a story of revolution in many forms, it’s a story of people, power, and love. 🌿 As someone with a somewhat similar disability to Small Sade, this book means the world in so many ways

Read this …

• disability rep
• queer romance
• found family
• Clemeh

This book does take place in the Raybearer world It’s not a must to have already read them !

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A stand-alone book in the Raybearer’s universe, this is the first book by Joardan Ifueko I’ve read and I loved it. A slow growing romance/political fantasy based on the extraordinary aspects of ordinary people. The fantasy realm is based in part on West African history, as well as current US social issues. Captivating heroine and swoon-worthy half Crocodile God love interest...

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As someone who has not yet read the Raybearer series that this book is a spin off for, I can say with certainty I still thoroughly enjoyed it!

The Maid and the Crocodile is a story of finding yourself and building community through the relationships you form in the face of oppression. The journey Small Sade goes on as an MC is so beautiful to watch unfold and her constant dedication to not only her own goals but to elevate those around her warms my heart. She fully understands her place in society and even enjoys the manual labour work she finds herself doing, but it is the systems built around exploiting people like her that make her search for better ways. It speaks to any marginalized community who has felt overpowered by those above you and empowers those to seek for power amongst your fellow man, knowing that your voice as a collective is far more powerful than any one leader can be. Sade is not a leader nor does she want to be and it was so refreshing to read a book where a young woman can forge her own path while also uplifting the people around her and realise that is one of the greatest strengths someone can have.

The romance in this too was incredibly well done. Nothing felt rushed or out of place and Sade really did make our MMC, The Crocodile, work for her affections and truly deserve her. A man like him is not someone who is easy to deal with and Sade dishes out as much of the same energy he gives to her. It is funny. playful and very sincere.

The world here is also incredibly beautiful and I can imagine it is more fleshed out in the original series, so any confusion regarding the world or the lack of understanding the intricacies is on my shoulders entirely and I cannot fault the book for that. Even without that though, the world here is still lush and wonderfully realised, including the politics. This isn't a world changing story but it also doesn't need to be. The small cast and relative slow pacing makes for an intimate story in the tiny corner of a much larger space and it works in the books favour.

All in all I really enjoyed this book and will be checking out Jordan Ifuekos back catalog as well as looking forward to any of her future releases.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!!

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This book is set in the world of the raybearer duology and features one of my favourite characters from redemptor, so obviously I loved it. Please bear in mind this is a standalone so you do not have to have read the series before this (though you absolutely should!)

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I read an eARC of this book so thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley.

An absolutely delightful novel from a wonderful author. I was so excited to revisit the world of Raybearer! The author has clearly stated her inspiration for this novel is Howl’s Moving Cast’e and I think she did an excellent job of paying homage to that book whilst creating an original story. If your familiar with Howl’s Moving Castle you’ll recognise references from that book, but done in a respectful yet original way.

This is such a beautiful, vibrant and charming book about a girl who has faced many challenges and is about to face her greatest one yet as she starts to be stalked by a god! Small Sade uses her powerful voice and sight to clear curses from others. The descriptions of the way different negative emotions manifest for her and how she deals with cleaning them were so creative!

Fans of Raybearer and Redemptor will be delighted to recognise characters from those books but with a brand new main character who is brave, kind and charming.

This author is an auto buy for me! What a wonderful imagination and writing style!

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Jordan Ifueko has done it again! This book is set in the same universe as the books 'Raybearer' and 'Redemptor' but told from the totally unique perspective of Small Sade, a disabled woman trying to survive and make a living as a maid. This is a story of love, family, magic and animals but also inequality and power struggles. One of the things I love about this book is it really tactfully shows how even when wealthy individuals try and improve society as they do not see the perspective of the least in their society it often doesn't meet their needs.

I absolutely devoured this book in two days and loved every second of it. It shows how even how well meaning people can hurt those they love and the consequences of this. Sade is such a great character who grows throughout the story and I loved every second of it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bonnier Books for the ARC!

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as a lover of the raybearer duology, i ate this up. the way that jordan ifueko immerses you in her world is incredible and i loved that this book enabled us to see it from the perspective of commoners, who lack the insane privilege of the characters in the original duology.

this fantasy world is gorgeously infused with west-african folklore/ mythology and truly seeks to enlighten each of your senses; i don’t think i could ever tire of the raybearer universe and would genuinely read ifueko’s shopping lists.

it is a beautiful thing to see characters who are unique in their disadvantages in their fantasy world, yet relatable in their struggles to readers. ifueko explores sade’s injury (and resulting disability) and her vitiligo with such tenderness. the writer portrays so many people’s real world issues through the characters in this novel yet it doesn’t feel as though the narrative is driven down by the theme of struggle; i also love that in the author’s note we are led to further research.

one thing about ifueko is she KNOWS how to write a good found family. i loved how sade interacted with each of the other amenities- a very cute name also - i wish that the inn was a real place because it felt incredibly real to me.

the perspective in which this was written is ingenious, and the reveal of who sade addresses with her story at the end is simply amazing. ifueko transports you into the most beautiful story of struggle and triumph through captivating narration.

~ thank you to NetGalley and Bonnier Books UK for an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review ~

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Whilst I did really enjoy this book, it didn't quite have the action and adventure that I loved from Raybearer and Redemptor. I loved the glimpse into this world several years after the events of the duology, and found Sade to be a very endearing MC

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{AD} I've been in a reading slump for months now but this book had me reading as often as possible over the last 12 hours just to finish it. I'm a huge fan of [book:Raybearer|50158128] and [book:Redemptor|55624056] and THE MAID AND THE CROCODILE is set in the same world. It even features some of the same characters but can also be read as a standalone. I'd definitely recommend reading the duology if you haven't thought as it's incredible.

Sade is such a compelling and powerful protagonist. Her struggles and hopes are those the majority experience rather than the elite minority. Her journey is at the centre of this story, learning to take up space in a world that wants to grind her down. The Crocodile is a very fun character and I loved his playful dynamic with Sade. His journey also explores identity and belonging, but almost in the opposite direction to Sade.

Honestly, I just loved this from beginning to end. The prose was engaging, the characters compelling, and the plot kept me turning the pages. Definitely one to pre-order!

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A warmhearted fantasy set in the mystical world of Oluwan City.

Small Sade, an orphan searching for work with her speckled skin and misshapen feet, has been fending off spirits since the day she was born.

Sade finds work as a maid and Curse-Eater in a swanky inn, altering people's fates by cleaning negative spirits.
Only, Sade also attracts the attention of the Crocodile god known for devouring girls. Now soul-bonded with a god who is not as he seems, Sade must manage her mistress’s heavy expectations and the curse that is turning the Crocodile into a beast.

Told in the second person to a ‘You’, this makes the narrative mirror the story teller-like quality as a folk tale full of warning and moral.
The second person narrative never confused or detracted from the plot, and actually added to it, especially when you find out who ‘You’ is if you hadn’t guessed it already.

I had lived in between names, changing shape like mashed fufu in a pot, forced to fit whatever crevice they jammed me in.

Sade is a strong character, and despite being a nobody, a commoner, a cleaner, she takes pride in what she does and enjoys being around those of her class and carrying out tasks others would deem as menial.

This is a powerful story about choosing your future, making yourself be heard, and staying resilient.
Definitely read the author’s note afterwards - not only was it fascinating, it also added a lot of personal context to the story!

“I am beginning to think," I said, "that standing tall is less useful than standing together…. What if there is nothing wrong with being an ant?" I wondered aloud. What if together, we could be stronger than any giant?"

You don’t have to have read the Raybearer duology to understand this book, but it would add to your knowledge, depth, and history of the world as this is set ten years after.
It’s a treat for readers who want to know what happened after the duology and what changes were made and where our characters ended up.

Thank you to Hot Key Books for providing me with an arc!

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Jordan Ifueko has done it again. The Raybearer duology are some of my favourite books and it was such a treat to return to Aritsar and get to know new characters, and see a new perspective of that world.

Sade is an absolutely delightful MC - I adored her stubbornness and the arc she went through. I loved how she learnt to move away from making herself small, from blaming herself for the way she had been treated when it was society at fault. I loved how she didn't do things the way the Crocodile wanted, didn't incite some grand rebellion, but began working in a way that would actually better those around her (the Amenities - who I also adore) in a more immediate way, began to sow the seeds of helping others like her learn more skills and be respected in their professions. Because after all, someone needs to clean and there ought be nothing demeaning about such a role, it is just as (if not more) necessary that the work of the wealthy.

I think this book was incredibly competent at weaving in this criticism of class systems and the flaws within them. I found one of the best parts the arc that the Crocodile/Zuri went through in learning that changing things from a high position, leading some rebellion, believing you know best is not much more helpful that staying a King. There is no solidarity like lived experience, or listening to those with the lived experience. Zuri needed to (going with Sade's idea) become an ant both to actually learn, but also to shed his curse (and I think the way that worked out was so good, I didn't clock the solution early but when Sade worked it out it made so much sense and just worked).

This was also just great with disability - it was so nice to read a fantasy book where the MC uses a cane and how the impact of that was acknowledged by the book with the stairs of the multi-storey buildings and the way others treated her when she was looking for work. I loved how, by the end, Zuri came in and installed an elevator and shower for Sade - I loved how, as much as that came with his apology, it was not some expectant bribe, that he was ready to leave again if that's what she wanted. Just, Sade and Zuri are so good for one another. (Oh, and it was also really cool to have a MC with vitiligo, and how the way that impacted Sade's life through the views of others, like those in the village she lived in with Mamasade, was explored - as well as how, in contrast, Zuri saw her as a girl with worlds on her skin).

All in all, this was yet another incredible book from Jordan Ifueko and I cannot wait to read more from her.

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I adored everything about this from the plot to the characters to the phenomenal world building. I can't recommend this enough!

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Hands down - this book is most definitely going to be amongst my best reads of this year.

I read Raybearer during a really bad period of my life, and Ifueko's fantastic worldbuilding, vivid characters, and beautiful writing casted a small but bright light into my world. When I saw that Ifueko was writing a companion novel, to say I was ecstatic would be an understatement.

This book wasn't just what I hoped; it was so much more than that.

Sade is such an fantastic lead. So different than Tarisai, but that's a good thing. She's melded her mindset to be smaller, lesser than the nobles she serves because that is what they believe. And yet, she still has so much fire in her, her anger pointed towards the injustice in her society, at the privileged who confine her under her boot and at the god who constantly tries to tell her she's not. I just wanted to give this girl a hug the whole book - she deserved the whole world, and though I won't spoiler if she does, let's just say I'm so happy where the story ends for her.

Even with Sade, the side characters are just as colorful and full to the brim with personality. I loved her relationship with the Crocodile, which was filled with sweet moments as well as lots of banter (i.e., Sade berating him for being useless. It's great). There's numerous other characters, too, who have their moments to shine, including some characters from Raybearer (Sade often refers to a 'you' throughout the story, and I didn't figure out til the reveal that it was actually referring to a specific character. I genuinely didn't it coming, but it was such a delightful surprise that I don't wanna say it here, even with the spoilers tag.)

Speaking of which, I think I can confirm you don't have to have read the first series to understand and love this story. It's been a while since I read those books, so I remembered worldbuilding and story details easily whenever they were brought up in the story, but I still believe they still hold up so well without knowing that. Ifueko's writing is that strong, her world so fleshed out it could stand on its own. It's a feat not easily made, and I cannot help but admire Ifueko endlessly for that.

All in all, read this book. It's incredible, Sade is amazing, and I need people to give it the love and attention it deserves.

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