Member Reviews

After reading NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit, I made some changes to my profile dashbaord to better reflect my personality. I finally understand what the publishers are looking for when they allow us readers access to advanced copies. Recommended to anyone who wants to continue improving being a stronger book advocate and a better reviewer in general.

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I really liked this updated version of the book advocate toolkit and believe it will be very helpful to anyone starting out on NetGalley. I found most useful the book review section and liked that you have given an example of this. I will be looking at this for reference when making future reviews.

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Appreciated the tips and tricks, as well as reminders on how best to use NetGalley. I didn't anticipate this being something I'd need to review, but here we are. Always down to learn and appreciate figuring out how to be a better advocate for books I love and enjoy.

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Thank you so much for providing all this super helpful information. I really appreciate the DNF part because I always feel guilty, or have trouble with rating those.

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I’ve been a NetGalley user since 2021 and this serves as a reminder of the best practices with using the site. Great to have this guide which I can go back to from time to time. Thank you, NetGalley and We are Bookish for everything!

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Thank you Netgalley for this helpful toolkit. When I first began my account a few months ago I just jumped right in without knowing these tips and tricks. This brought clarity on the correct way to use this website.

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This handy toolkit is useful for all NetGalley reviewers! It lays out the basics for those new to NetGalley/book reviewing, and provides updated information and/or refreshers for those who have been utilizing NetGalley for awhile. There are some features on the NetGalley shelf app that I didn't know about, and I am very excited to explore them further during my next ARC read! A second toolkit was previewed at the end of this one, and I plan on checking out that one when it's released, as well!

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This is a quick guide that goes over how to make the most out of your NetGalley Account. I found helpful tips and it did not take long at all to read it. I would recommend this to those looking to increase their review skills or those looking to understand how NetGalley works.

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This was extremely helpful! I learnt a few things from it that is definitely going to make reviewing a lot easier. It is going to be really useful for people that are just getting started on NetGalley, and also for existing members!

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Whether you're a NetGalley veteran or new on the scene, the NetGalley's Book Advocate Toolkit is a must- read! It's full of helpful hints and how-to's. I learned some good info!
Thank you, NetGalley, and We Are Bookish for this fantastic guide.

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Very useful for anyone just starting netgalley and some good tips for existing members. Thanks netgalley!

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Extremely helpful info for someone getting started with NetGalley!

Included a couple of points I hadn't considered.

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Netgalleys Book Advocate Toolkit is a detailed and comprehensive guide to using and succeeding on NetGalley.

The toolkit covers everything, from setting up a detailed account that will best sell yourself as a reader to potential publishers, how to function and navigate the website and the processes around requesting.

This toolkit comprehensively models appropriate NetGalley conduct and functions, providing sample ‘About Me’ sections and reviews. I thought the flow chart (on what to do in the case of a DNF) was particularly user friendly.

The toolkit is necessary reading for any user new to NetGalley. Thank you to NetGalley and We Are Bookish for putting it together and giving us all access to read it.

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This revamped guide is a great update full of tips and reminders to help with getting the most out of NetGalley. It breaks out what things to keep updated and include in your profile. How to navigate to the things you are looking for with helpful step by steps with pictures.

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This toolkit gave me more ideas for the new format of review I want to use in my official IG and on netgalley. Thank you netgalley for always thinking and helping us in this journey of loving, consuming and sharing books.

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The updates that NetGalley made to toolkit are fantastic! The kit is more intuitive, with links to more resources, the information is laid out in a way that is easy to follow, and is much more accessible than the last tool kit. I appreciate how the information is laid out, in small, easy to digest bites, Even as a reviewer who has been on Netgalley for a few years, there was information that was still useful to me. Overall this is an even better iteration of an already great reseource!

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This is a very useful resource tool for a NetGalley newbie. Insightful and informative. Love it! I would highly recommend this toolkit to anyone starting out as a Bookstagrammer or digital content creator.

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A very good guide to being successful on Netgalley. I appreciate the straightforward graphics akin to Explain Like I'm Five. It was clear and concise, easy to understand and will help me going forward for sure. Thanks, netgalley!

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This was helpful, thanks for publishing it. Not entirely sure what else to say. Lovely, just lovely. Thanks.

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The NetGalley team has been producing some great content for users lately! This is another tool that I'm flipping through to remind myself of best practices and get ideas for improving my activity here.

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