Member Reviews

This is a very readable book with content. There are some Stateside references, however, the principles are valid worldwide. Well worth sharing this with your kids as the basis of a discussion about life and money.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an early copy of this book.

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This is one of the best self help books, that should be in the hands of every growing minds. This book enlightens the kids with all the essential financial information to help them achieve financial literacy. Greg Junge took great effort in simplifying the complex things and given in a way for the kids to understand easily. This book breaks the agenda that financial things are boring! yes I couldn't keep this book down until i finish this. And this is not only a book for teenagers but every parent must also read this in order to make their children achieve financial freedom. This book gives several strategies to save money which the children must learn at young age. Also there are some exercises that the children can do after every chapter, this helps to improve their understanding and recall what they have learnt. The author has made sure that this is not a book to read and forget but to implement in the long run. Finally this book emphasizes the importance of financial literacy at young age.

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Having kids I am always looking for books to help prepare my husband and I as parents to help prepare the kids for how to financially be wise. I loved the way this book was laid out and the information it gave. Well done, highly recommend.

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