Member Reviews

Moving from post-war Ireland to 1960s New York, this is a riveting read. Although it’s tinged with segments of sadness, they provide a necessary shade whereby the luminous aspects of the story and characters shine bright as day.

After a faltering start, Frankie finds her niche in life. She begins to radiate joy, especially when she falls deeply in love with Joe. It’s an intense, turbulent kind of love with a rollercoaster ride of emotions for them both.

Frankie’s career dream comes true and gives her the satisfaction she desires. Even when crushing troubles arrive later on, she isn’t deterred because of her will to succeed and support others.

Decades later, Frankie is in a state of unwanted dependence and need when Damian comes on the scene as a carer to assist her after a fall. Her closest friend, Nor, hires him for the task. The frequent sparring between the two women is gently humorous.

Disgruntled as Frankie feels at first, she soon warms to Damian, who also hails from Cork. She finds herself gradually trusting him with her life story which she relates in bite-sized increments. They become close as her past experiences unfold.

This is an engaging, heartwarming read with relatable, memorable characters. It’s an entertaining story that will keep you turning the pages to see what happens next. I highly recommend it. Grateful thanks to Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley for the eARC.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book, reading about Frankie's life in New York. I wanted to know more about her life, as well as that of Nor's. I liked that Damian was the spider's web holding the story together, but taking a back seat in how this was portrayed.

An excellent novel, I have read all of Graham Norton's books and have enjoyed each one. If you like his others, you will love this.

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I loved this book and could not put it down. I was sad to finish it as I so loved hearing about Frankie’s life, from her beginnings in Ireland to her amazing life story in New York. I didn’t want it to end. Iv read all Grahams books and iv loved every one of them, he manages to take you back in time and each book is a journey through Ireland’s history and its social issues but this one took it even further to America and it did not disappoint, I cannot wait til his next book now, please don’t keep us waiting long Graham as you are a wonderful storyteller. I would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley very much for the chance to read this early copy. Loved loved loved it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I absolutely loved the character of Frankie and was totally absorbed in her story. Told through recollections of her life to her young Irish carer, Frankie, enthrals him and us the reader. Frankie and her carer Damian both originate from Cork in Ireland and bond with each other as he assists her after she has had a nasty fall.

Norton has written his female characters so well; they had an authentic voice and Nor and Frankie were wonderful vibrant characters. I particularly enjoyed all the different settings throughout the book from Cork to New York to Wapping. The art scene of New York was really interesting, and I really wanted to be able to visit Frankie's apartment and eat at 'Pomme'.

Frankie is such a kind and caring person that from an early age was taught to make herself small and prioritise others feeling and ambitions. She had led such an adventurous life, and it was heart-warming to see her get the recognition she finally deserved.

A heart-warming tale of friendship, love, different kinds of family, betrayal, and expectation.

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My favourite Graham Norton book so far - a 5 star read! I finished it last week and the characters have stayed with me. Highly recommend. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC

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This is the first Graham Norton book I have read and I was not disappointed. A lovely feelgood story and the story beautifully builds as the novel unfolds.

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Loved Damian, Frankie and Nor and I loved Frankie's story even though it was sad most of the time but still Frankie got through all the challenges that life threw on her path. A story about hardships, friendship and love that you can't just put down.

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Really enjoyed this easy to read story. Frankie is being nursed by Damian at nights and starts to tell him all about her life. Which started in a small town in Ireland and ended up in New York. First I've read by Graham Norton but won't be the last!

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I could not put this down! We are introduced to Frankie when she is in her 80s as she meets Damien, a carer hired to stay with her overnight for two weeks as she recovers from an injury. A friendship develops between the two and Frankie starts to tell him about her life. From the minute her story begins I was hooked. This is my favourite of Norton’s novels. Frankie is resilient, quietly charming and talented - you root for her throughout the many challenges she faces. I absolutely loved it!

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I don’t know how Graham Norton does it- all his books are magnificent. This one, as his others did too, takes you on a journey back in time. The Irish history, characters and social issues of the time all pull together to make an unforgettable story. Frankie is such an amazing character- the sort who never actually understands their true worth. There were moments of joy and moments of heartache. I have to admit I actually shed a tear over Frankie’s treatment in life. I loved every page and didn’t want the book to end. Fabulous- Thank you Graham Norton and publishers for my pre-release copy - I’m so pleased I didn’t have to wait for this book’s publication- it was too good to have to wait for. ,

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Graham's writing is so comforting. The story itself was fun and easy to follow along, the twists and turns semi predictable, but you have such a great time reading it that none of that matters. It's like sitting down and hearing your friend tell you a story.

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Although I love watching Graham Norton on television, I wasn’t sure how he would be writing a novel. I needn’t have worried – the story was wonderful – drawing on his knowledge as an Irish man in London. The story is witty, and insightfully told.

When the elderly but very independent Frankie has a fall, her best friend Nor arranges a career for her. Initially the horrified Frankie doesn’t want anything to do with Damien but soon ends up liking Damien, and sharing with him her story. This starts in Ireland, like his, but has a fascinating period in New York, where Frankie finds herself at the heart of bohemian New York life, ending with an escape back to London to live out her days.
Frankie’s story is so interesting and very evocative of that time in New York and the AIDS crisis. The relationships between Frankie and Damien, and Frankie and Nor are well crafted. It kept me invested throughout.

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Damian becomes a home carer for Frankie who has broken her ankle in a fall. He shares the care with Frankie’s other friend Nor, a glamourous rich widow. All three come from the same part of Ireland and so Frankie tells Damian her life story.
Sweeping from the backwaters of Ireland to London to New York and back to London this is a swirl of characters, artist names-dropping, Studio 57 scenery and the AIDS epidemic that will leave the reader fairly breathless.
Graham Norton, you are a sly cookie!
Just as I was starting to grizzle that this time you’ve overegged the gay pudding (at a cursory tally there are about two dozen gay/Lesbian characters in this book), you hook me in and I drop everything desperate to find out what happened to Frankie.
Chapeau, Monsieur Norton!

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I have really enjoyed Graham’s other books and this one did not disappoint. Basically it tells the life story of a young g Irish girls called Frances (Frankie). It charts her life from her death of her parents when she was very young, being adopted by her aunt and uncle and the terrible decisions they made on her behalf. Throughout her life, her one true friend was Norah (Nor) and wherever they seemed to end up, they were always part of each others lives.

Frankie being very trusting, goes to New York with her boss and after a huge misunderstanding her boss left her stranded in New York with about $50 and no way of getting home and Frankie’s life really starts.

Graham Norton has an amazing way of immersing you into his books so you are always wanting more, to know what happens next. He also has a way with creating the best characters and his descriptions leave you feeling like you actually know these characters

In short a funny and also heartbreaking saga of one persons life

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Oh heck, once again I’m in the minority but this book did nothing for me. I didn’t find it interesting or exciting and was glad when I got to the end. I love you Graham Norton but I don’t like your books! Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers but I won’t be recommending this one.

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As usual in my reviews, I will not rehash the publisher's blurb or the plot... instead I recommend that you read this for yourself.

I've read several novels by Graham Norton, and always enjoy his writing style. I was delighted to receive an ARC of this latest novel, and throughly enjoyed it. There are (as usual) some great descriptions of both people and places, and insights into the minds of the characters.

It was a fascinating story - disturbing at times - and I felt truly sorry for "Frankie" at times, particulary in her earlier life and first marriage.

I loved the characterisations - so well written that they leapt off the page and I could imagine the cast in real life, and indeed in a movie or tv series.

I'm looking forward to reading more by Graham Norton.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC. All opinions my own.

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Absolutely loved this book. It is one of the loveliest book I have read in ages.
Fabulous characters that were very believable and most of them likeable. Really enjoyed the style writing.

Damien is sent to care for elderly lady Frankie whilst she recovers from an injury. During Damien’s shifts she tells him her amazing and unexpected life story.
So well and empathetically told.

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What a wonderful story of friendship. Initially the friendship between two young school girls that endures into teenage years and then young adults.
Also the friendship between a lady in her later years and her temporary carer. A bond is forged as they discuss her life and her experiences.
A well written emotive story that will amaze and grip you to compulsively turn the pages.

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This has to be my favourite Graham Norton book yet!
It tells the story of Frankie, a young girl who lost her parents at a very young age and was brought up by her aunt and uncle, married to an older clergyman. It follows her life as she tells the story to her carer. The story spans from her life in West Cork, to New York and finally London. A book that I laughed the cried. A fantastic read with loveable characters!

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. This book reads like the Graham Norton, this made me smile with all the characters and the storyline was good as well.

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